Soal PTS Gasal 2022 - B.Ingg Kls 9d, E, F - Agung

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Terakreditasi : A (Unggul)
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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX (Sembilan) D,E,F
Waktu : ..… September 2021
Nama lengkap : …………………………………
Kelas : …………………………………
Choose the best answer!
1. Situation :
Fadhli is going to participate in the story telling competition.
Hikmah shows her hope that Fadhli will get a prize.
Fadhli : “Hikmah, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.”
Hikmah : “………I hope you will win the
A. Thank you very much
B. I hope so
C. I’m sorry
D. Sure, Good luck
2. Situation :
Fitra has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend.
He will present it to her on her birthday. Dara praises the picture and she’s
sure that Tinta will like it.
Dara : “Fitra, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Fitra : “……………”
A. Wish me luck
B. Happy birthday
C. Good luck
D. Thanks. I hope so too
3. The following are the expression of hope, except ….
A. I hope your father will be okay soon
B. I have to go to airport
C. Let’s hope we will pass the National Examination
D. I hope you will success
4. You hear that your classmate, Andi, got an accident and his arm was injured when he rode his bicycle
What would you say to express your hope about Andi’s condition?
A. I hope he gets well soon
B. He should not ride bicycle carelessly
C. Good Job!
D. I have to visit him in the hospital
5. Elki : “Happy birthday to you, Mail. May God bless you”.
Ismail : ……
Elki : “You’re welcome.”
A. I’m sorry
B. Well done!
C. I hope so
D. Thanks
6. Alya : “ Do you know where is Gibril?”
Nisa : ”I heard he went to Semarang. His uncle held a wedding party.
Alya : ”… He has promised to company me watching movie tomorrow.”
A. Thank you
B. Congratulation
C. I agree with you
D. I hope he will go home soon
7. Haris : ”What do you think about tangled movie?”
Sinta : ”I think it is a good movie. Although it is animation, but it contain many moral values.”
Haris : ”…. I think this movie isn’t fit for us, isn’t for children.
A. Do you agree?
B. Sure
C. I completely agree
D. I don’t think so
8. If we want to show our agreement, we can say…
A. I don’t think so
B. I’m with you
C. good job!
D. Thank you
9. Rina : “…… If we play badminton this afternoon?”
Rini :”Yes, I agree. We can ask Nuri and Wahyu to play badminton.”
Rina :”That’s a good idea, so we can play it in double.
A.I hope everything is okay
B.You are right
C. What do you think?
D. May I congratulate you on?
10. If we want to ask someone not to tell something, we say….
A. Tell it to others
B. Don’t tell to anyone else
C. Please tell to anothers
D. You should tell it to others

This text is for questions number 11-13

Indra : ”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my brother, Ismail, in his school, but at the same time I
have a promise to accompany Heri to buy a new jacket. What do you suggest? I am confused.”
Fajar : ”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I think
that is the good solution for you.”
Indra : ”That’s good suggestion, thanks.”
11. Who asks Indra to pick Ismail in his school
A. Heri
B. Fajar
C. Fajar’s father
D. Indra’s father
12. Fajar says”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I think
that is the good solution for you.” It means that he ….
A. ask a suggestion
B. give a suggestion
C. accept a suggestion
D. reject a suggestion
13. Does Indra accept Fajar’s suggestion?
A. Yes, he is
B. No, He is not
C. Yes, he does
D. No, he doesn’t

14. Endro : “Do you agree if we go to night festival tonight, Gus?”

Agus : ”….. I want to play some games there.”
Endro : ”I’ll pick you at seven pm.”
Agus : O.K.
A. That’s a good idea
B. Do you agree?
C. No, I disagree
D. Sorry, I have another opinion
15. Beni : “Remember that Dayu got diarrhea because she did not wash the fruit before she ate it.”
Luna : “So, you should always wash your fruit before you eat it ….. you will not get diarrhea.”
A. so that
B. but
C. because
D. before
16. They …… wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual wear at anyplace and at any time during the school hours.
A. must
B. in order to
C. must not
D. so that
17. Here are the expressions of prohibition, except ….
A. Don’t use dictionary.
B. Don’t be pessimist.
C. Do it yourself
D. Don’t cry
18. To respond the expression of prohibition, we can say …
A. thanks
B. so that
C. alright
D. in order to
19. Ani : “Where is Andi, Don? ….. I will borrow some money from him.
Doni : ”Sorry, I don’t know where he is.”
A. I had to go to canteen
B. I have to meet him
C. What do you suggest?
D. What your plan?
20. We …. Have a driving license when we drive/ride a vehicle.
A. must
B. had to
C. have to
D. mustn’t

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