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Weekly Student Contracts:
Helping Children Manage Their Time............................. 2

Unit 1 Week 1, My Family and Me .............................................3

Week 2, Families Get Together ......................................4
Week 3, Families Change ...............................................5
Unit 2 Week 1, Learning About Friends .....................................6
Week 2, What is a Friend ................................................7
Week 3, Getting Along ....................................................8
Unit 3 Week 1, Getting Around Town ........................................9
Week 2, Traveling Far and Near! ..................................10
Week 3, Wheels All Around ..........................................11
Unit 4 Week 1, Where Food Comes From...............................12
Week 2, What’s For Dinner? .........................................13
Week 3, Food Traditions ...............................................14
Unit 5 Week 1, Animals We Know ...........................................15
Week 2, How Animals Change and Grow .....................16
Week 3, Animal Homes.................................................17
Unit 6 Week 1, Our Neighborhood .........................................18
Week 2, People and Places ..........................................19
Week 3, Neighborhood Workers ...................................20
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Unit 7 Week 1, Kinds of Weather ............................................21

Week 2, Seasons ..........................................................22
Week 3, How Weather Affects Us .................................23
Unit 8 Week 1, How Trees Grow .............................................24
Week 2, Seeds and Plants ............................................25
Week 3, What’s in My Garden.......................................26
Unit 9 Week 1, Interesting Insects ..........................................27
Week 2, The Amazing Ocean .......................................28
Week 3, Animals Now and Then ...................................29
Unit 10 Week 1, Show What You Know ....................................30
Week 2, Art All Around ..................................................31
Week 3, Let’s Count Down ............................................32
Weekly Student Contracts

Helping Children Manage Their Time Name Date

Weekly Student Contracts help children My To-Do List

✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
manage their independent work time. Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with Mm and Make a family chart
match letters
A Student Contract is supplied for each week
Writing Science
of instruction in Treasures. The contract lists Write Mm Draw and label
family foods
independent activities provided in the program
Reading Technology
that support priority skills for the week. The Pick and read a book Buggles and Beezy

activities listed include:

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Independent Practice
• workstation activities
• self-selected independent reading activities
• practice readers and activities Contracts Unit 1 • Week 1 • My Family and Me 3

• technology activities
• practice book activities

How to Use the Student Contract

• Under Independent Practice, write down the activity book or practice
book pages for the week.
• At the beginning of each week, distribute a contract to each child.
• Discuss with children each activity listed on the contract. Review
how to complete the activities in each workstation.

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• Identify activities and practice book pages that you expect children
to complete by the end of the week. Explain any practice book
pages to children as needed.
• As children complete each assigned activity, ask them to check off
the completed task on the contract and store their work in a folder.
• Check the work in the folder at the end of each week. The folder can
also be sent home for review.

2 Contracts
Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with Mm and Make a family chart
match letters

Writing Science

Write Mm Draw and label

family foods

Reading Technology

Pick and read a book Buggles and Beezy

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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 1 • Week 1 • My Family and Me 3

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Play with Mm, Aa Interview a friend
and make sentences

Writing Science

Write sentences and Sort spice word

captions cards

Reading Technology

Pick and read a Buggles and Beezy

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Independent Practice

4 Unit 1 • Week 2 • Families Get Together Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Use Mm and Aa Write Past and
Present sentences

Writing Science

Write names and Sequence how we

sentences grow and change

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 1 • Week 3 • Families Change 5

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with s, m, a Make and write
about a friends mural

Writing Science

Work with Ss Make a sounds list

Reading Technology

Read with a group Buggles and Beezy

or to a buddy

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Independent Practice

6 Unit 2 • Week 1 • Learning About Friends Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with p, s, a Make and write
about a puppet

Writing Science

Write Pp, Ss, Aa, Mm Write phone


Reading Technology

Read and share Buggles and Beezy

books about friends
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 2 • Week 2 • What Is a Friend? 7

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Say and make words Draw and write
with s, p, m, a about feelings

Writing Science

Write sentences Mix, name, and

label colors

Reading Technology

Pick a book and add Buggles and Beezy

to it
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Independent Practice

8 Unit 2 • Week 3 • Getting Along Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Sort using m, p, t, s Make a travel chart

Writing Science

Write sentences Record your findings

and labels about magnets

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 3 • Week 1 • Getting Around Town 9

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Make sentences Compare and list
and words ways to travel

Writing Science

Write Ii and Make clay boats and

sentences record findings

Reading Technology

Read with a group Buggles and Beezy

or to a buddy
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

10 Unit 3 • Week 2 • Traveling Far and Near Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with Ii, Tt Sort ways to travel

Writing Science

Make traffic signs Measure and record

and use go, see data

Reading Technology

Share stories with a Buggles and Beezy

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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 3 • Week 3 • Wheels All Around 11

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Make words Make signs

Writing Science

Write Nn and Draw and write

sentences about food

Reading Technology

Pick a book and add Buggles and Beezy

to it

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Independent Practice

12 Unit 4 • Week 1 • Where Food Comes From Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Sort and use food Write about a
words favorite meal

Writing Science

Write Cc Make and sequence

sweet potato shapes

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 4 • Week 2 • What’s for Dinner? 13

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Read letter sounds Make and write
and make words about a food mural

Writing Science

Write food ABC cards Write a recipe

and labels

Reading Technology

Read with a group or Buggles and Beezy

to a buddy
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Independent Practice

14 Unit 4 • Week 3 • Food Traditions Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Match letters to Make a pet chart

Writing Science

Write Oo Sort and write about

how animals move

Reading Technology

Share stories with Buggles and Beezy

a partner
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 5 • Week 1 • Animals We Know 15

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with o, f, c Sort and classify

Writing Science

Write Ff and Label stages of

sentences animal growth

Reading Technology

Share and tell stories Buggles and Beezy

about animals
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Independent Practice

16 Unit 5 • Week 2 • How Animals Change and Grow Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Use word endings Draw and write
about animal homes

Writing Science

Write Oo, we, play Make and label a

bird nest model

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 5 • Week 3 • Animal Homes 17

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Match sounds and Make a neighborhood
make words guidebook

Writing Science

Write Hh and Classify and

sentences categorize tools

Reading Technology

Read with a group Buggles and Beezy

or to a buddy
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

18 Unit 6 • Week 1 • Our Neighborhood Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with d, r, h Make and label a
model neighborhood

Writing Science

Label a map and Reuse and write

write for, you about objects

Reading Technology

Retell a story Buggles and Beezy

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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 6 • Week 2 • People and Places 19

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with h, d, r Make neighborhood
worker puzzles

Writing Science

Write a card and list Draw and write

words in room about seasons

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

write about it
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Independent Practice

20 Unit 6 • Week 3 • Neighborhood Workers Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Put words in order Sort weather wear

Writing Science

Write about weather Record findings

and use this, do about water

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 7 • Week 1 • Kinds of Weather 21

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Make e words and Draw and write
sentences about weather jobs

Writing Science

Write Bb and Ll Make and label a

and riddles texture collage

Reading Technology

Read with a group Buggles and Beezy

or to a buddy
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

22 Unit 7 • Week 2 • Seasons Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Write e, b, l and make Take a seasons
words survey

Writing Science

Write an invitation Explore how people

and a sentence keep warm

Reading Technology

Share stories with a Buggles and Beezy

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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 7 • Week 3 • How Weather Affects Us 23

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Write -ick words and Make a poster
what, and, said, little

Writing Science

Write about trees Observe and

and use little compare leaves

Reading Technology

Read a book and add Buggles and Beezy

to it
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Independent Practice

24 Unit 8 • Week 1 • How Trees Grow Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Use position and -un Take a job survey

Writing Science

Write sentences Sequence the growth

and Uu of a plant

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 8 • Week 2 • Seeds and Plants 25

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Build sentences and Make a garden map
sort words

Writing Science

Write about things Draw and label a

that grow plant diagram

Reading Technology

Read with a group Buggles and Beezy

or to a buddy
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Independent Practice

26 Unit 8 • Week 3 • What’s in My Garden Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Sort letter sounds Match insects to
and use said workers

Writing Science

Write about bugs Model insect body


Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share with a partner
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 9 • Week 1 • Interesting Insects 27

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Work with g, w, v Make and label a
world map

Writing Science

Write a caption and Write about ocean

use Xx creatures

Reading Technology

Read and write about Buggles and Beezy

a book
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

28 Unit 9 • Week 2 • The Amazing Ocean Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Play word bingo and Make and label clay
use -ox, -ix fossils

Writing Science

Write about Sequence size of

dinosaurs “dinosaur eggs”

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share responses
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 9 • Week 3 • Animals Now and Then 29

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Use rhyming and Complete I am
qu- words sentences

Writing Science

Write a postcard and Sort and list items

a sentence into categories

Reading Technology

Read with a group Buggles and Beezy

or to a buddy
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Independent Practice

30 Unit 10 • Week 1 • Show What You Know Contracts

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Identify sound words Create and label art
and use y, z

Writing Science

Write color words Mix colors and

and Yy, Zz record findings

Reading Technology

Read a book and Buggles and Beezy

share with a partner
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Independent Practice

Contracts Unit 10 • Week 2 • Art All Around 31

Name Date

My To-Do List
✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete.
Phonics⁄ History⁄
Word Study Social Science
Use number words Make a Save Water
and write sentences poster

Writing Science

Write a counting Make and label a

book and sentences pond mural

Reading Technology

Read and write about Buggles and Beezy

a book
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Independent Practice

32 Unit 10 • Week 3 • Let’s Count Down! Contracts

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