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What is virtual communication?

It is taking, working and sharing through technology.Such as video
calls,emails,messaging apps and social media
How virtual communication started via virtual medium?
1.Virtual communication started early back during the 1970s and 1980s

2.In 1960s United States government invented ARPANET to send and receive

3.In 1990s cellular phones evolved and increased, led to the communication
through SMS.
Why virtual communication necessary?
Global Reach: Helps to connect with anyone,anywhere

Remote Collaboration: Helps to work with team around globe

Cost and time efficiency:It reduces the cost of travel and saving of time

Collaboration and teamwork:It makes easy for teams to collaborate and share
Etiquettes to be maintained
Etiquette is an established rules and principles that dictates appropriate behaviour
and conduct during the mode of communication.

It is a set guidelines to ensure effective and productive communication while

maintaining professionalism and courtesy in virtual space.
Key elements for virtual communication
1.Proper Time management: Be punctual for meetings and responses.

2.Minimize Interruptions: Avoid background noise and distractions and keeping microphones muted when
not speaking.
3.Be polite and respectful: Use a courteous tone.

4.Be Concise:Get to the point quickly, but provide enough information for clarity.

5.Respect Privacy:Ensuring not to share sensitive information without permission.

6.Respond Promptly:Reply to a message within a reasonable time frame

7.communicate Clearly:Use concise language and ensure appropriate volume.

8.Use clear Subject lines:Help recipients understand the purpose of the message
Contents to be maintained
1. Being Straightforward and having the right is just as important here as with
in-person communication
2. the presentation or the texted content must be kept short and concise.
3. The introduction must be strong and interesting.
4. Th content should be professional enough.
5. Maintaining proper eye contact is important.
6. Avoiding emotional writing over the emails which in turn reduces
7. Preparedness on the agenda.
Digital Body language
1.maintaining proper eye contact

2.Active participation and engagement.

3.Non-verbal Communication should be involved.

4.Hand Gestures

5.Facial Expressions

6.Warm Greetings
Speaking and Listening skills

Speaking Skills: Listening Skills:

Clarity Active Listening

Conciseness Feedback

Emphasis Clarification

Volume No Interruptions

Engagement Summarize
Key points to be remembered

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