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Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147

DOI 10.1007/s11010-013-1905-2

The action of p-synephrine on hepatic carbohydrate metabolism

and respiration occurs via both Ca2+-mobilization and cAMP
Andrea Luiza de Oliveira • Jurandir Fernando Comar •

Anacharis Babeto de Sá-Nakanishi •

Rosane Marina Peralta • Adelar Bracht

Received: 21 September 2013 / Accepted: 15 November 2013 / Published online: 28 November 2013
 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Citrus aurantium extracts, which contain large Keywords Adrenergic signaling  Liver
amounts of p-synephrine, are widely used for weight loss metabolism  Liver hemodynamics  Weight loss
purposes and as appetite suppressants. In the liver, C. aur-
antium (bitter orange) extracts affect hemodynamics, car-
bohydrate metabolism, and oxygen uptake. The purpose of Introduction
the present work was to quantify the action of p-synephrine
and also to obtain indications about its mechanism of action, Citrus aurantium is a plant that belongs to the Rutaceae
a task that would be difcult to accomplish with C. auran- family. The leaves, the peel, and the edible part of the fruits
tium extracts due to their rather complex composition. The of C. aurantium contain elevated amounts of alkaloids. The
experimental system was the isolated perfused rat liver. p- fruit of the plant, also known as bitter orange, has been used
Synephrine signicantly stimulated glycogenolysis, gly- for preparing extracts sold worldwide in the form of phyto-
colysis, gluconeogenesis, and oxygen uptake. The com- products to promote weight loss [1]. One of the main active
pound also increased the portal perfusion pressure and the components in C. aurantium extracts [2], p-synephrine
redox state of the cytosolic NAD?/NADH couple. A Ca2?- (Fig. 1), also known simply as synephrine or oxedrine, has
dependency for both the hemodynamic and the metabolic been used worldwide in the treatment of hypotensive states
effects of p-synephrine was found. p-Synephrine stimulated and as an ocular decongestant [3]. Formed by a pathway
both cAMP overow and the initial Ca2? release from the involving tyramine and N-methyltyramine [4], p-synephrine
cellular stores previously labeled with 45Ca2?. The meta- is structurally similar to ephedrine and epinephrine, and
bolic and hemodynamic actions of p-synephrine were widely distributed among plants, bacteria, invertebrates, and
strongly inhibited by a-adrenergic antagonists and moder- vertebrates. In humans, p-synephrine is found only in the
ately affected by b-adrenergic antagonists. The results allow adrenal gland and can be considered a trace bioamine [2].
to conclude that p-synephrine presents important metabolic In line with the proposed weight loss activity of the C.
and hemodynamic effects in the liver. These effects can be aurantium extracts, it has been found that p-synephrine has
considered as both catabolic (glycogenolysis) and anabolic lipolytic activity in both human and rat adipocytes [1]. This
(gluconeogenesis), they are mediated by both a- and b- activity of p-synephrine is stronger in rat than in human
adrenergic signaling, require the simultaneous participation adipocytes. Considering that p-synephrine is the main
of both Ca2? and cAMP, and could be contributing to the alkaloid in C. aurantium extracts, the possible lipid-
overall stimulation of metabolism that usually occurs during mobilizing effect of this extract in humans has been
weight loss periods. attributed to this amine [1]. A lipolytic effect that is
probably elicited by p-synephrine has also been noted in a
study using Citrus unshu extracts, popularly known as
A. L. de Oliveira  J. F. Comar  A. B. de Sá-Nakanishi  Satsuma mandarin [5].
R. M. Peralta  A. Bracht (&) Regarding the mechanism of action of p-synephrine,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Maringá, Avenida
Colombo 5790, Maringá 87020900, Brazil
studies have reported the activity of this compound on
e-mail: specic receptors. It has been reported, for example, that p-

136 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147

the signaling cascades leading to the hemodynamic and

metabolic effects of p-synephrine.

Materials and methods

Fig. 1 Chemical structure of p-synephrine
The liver perfusion apparatus was built in the workshops of
synephrine binds to serotoninergic receptors [6]. Likewise, the University of Maringá. p-Synephrine, adrenergic
an action of p-synephrine via adrenergic receptors has been antagonists, enzymes, and coenzymes used in the enzy-
well-documented [7–9]. Acute oral administration of ele- matic assays were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co.
vated doses of a C. aurantium extract or p-synephrine (St. Louis, MO, USA). 45Ca2? (1.7 mCi mmol-1) and the
produced reversible toxic effects, probably due to unspe- biodegradable counting scintillant solution (BCSÒ) were
cic adrenergic stimulation [3]. In addition, it is also purchased from Amersham Life Science (Buckingham-
known that extracts of C. aurantium containing p-syneph- shire, UK). All other chemicals were from the best avail-
rine, can produce effects on the cardiovascular system able grade.
through adrenergic stimulation [10].
Besides the lipolytic effects of p-synephrine, there are Animals
also reports about an inuence of this compound on car-
bohydrate metabolism. It has been shown, for example, that Male Wistar rats, weighing 200–280 g, were used in all
p-synephrine increases glucose consumption and lactic experiments. Animals were fed ad libitum with a standard
acid production in cultured skeletal muscle cells. These laboratory diet (NuvilabÒ, Colombo, Brazil) and main-
effects have been attributed to stimulation of adrenergic tained on a regulated light–dark cycle. In accordance with
receptors [11]. A clinical trial has revealed that in addition the requirements of the experimental protocols, fed rats as
to the effects on blood pressure and exercise tolerance, the well as 18 h fasted rats were used. For the surgical pro-
ingestion of a dietetic supplement containing p-synephrine cedure, the rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal
increases blood glucose postexercise. This effect is sig- injection of sodium pentobarbital (50 mg kg-1). The cri-
nicant, but it is difcult to attribute it solely to p-sy- terion of anesthesia was the lack of body or limb movement
nephrine, since the referred supplements also contained in response to a standardized tail clamping stimulus. All
caffeine in its composition [12]. In a recent work, it was experiments were done in accordance with the world-wide
shown that C. aurantium extracts containing p-synephrine accepted ethical guidelines for animal experimentation.
in the range up to 190 lM increased glycogen catabolism,
oxygen uptake, and perfusion pressure in the isolated per- Liver perfusion
fused rat liver, and inhibited gluconeogenesis [13]. The
effects on glycogen catabolism and perfusion pressure were Hemoglobin-free, nonrecirculating perfusion was per-
sensitive to several adrenergic antagonists. In the same formed [14, 15]. After cannulation of the portal and cava
work, preliminary experiments with pure p-synephrine at a veins, the liver was positioned in a plexiglass chamber. The
concentration of 200 lM reproduced most but not all of the constant perfusate ow was provided by a peristaltic pump
effects of the C. aurantium extract. The latter contains (Minipuls 3, Gilson, France) and adjusted between 30 and
many substances which could be contributing to its overall 33 mL min-1, depending on the liver weight. The perfu-
effect. Consequently, at this stage of the investigations, it sion uid was Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4)
seems more appropriate to use puried compounds for containing 25 mg % bovine-serum albumin, saturated with
characterizing further the effects of the active principles of a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5) by means of
C. aurantium. This characterization comprises the con- a membrane oxygenator with simultaneous temperature
centration dependences of the effects and also their sensi- adjustment (37 °C). The composition of the Krebs/Hense-
tivity to various hormone antagonists and their possible leit-bicarbonate buffer is the following: 115 mM NaCl,
dependence on co-factors such as calcium ions and cAMP. 25 mM NaHCO3, 5.8 mM KCl, 1.2 mM Na2SO4,
This was exactly the purpose of the present work, in which 1.18 mM MgCl2, 1.2 mM NaH2PO4, and 2.5 mM CaCl2.
the effects of p-synephrine on catabolic and anabolic routes The perfusion uid enters the liver via the portal vein
of carbohydrate metabolism in the rat liver were quantied. cannula and leaves the organ through the cava vein can-
Experiments were also done with the purpose of obtaining nula. Samples of the efuent perfusion uid were collected
information about the participation of Ca2? and cAMP in and analyzed for their metabolite contents. p-Synephrine

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147 137

was added to the perfusion uid at the desired concentra- substrate-free medium, livers from fed rats survive at the
tions (up to 500 lM). expense of the oxidation of endogenous fatty acids (major
route) and glycolysis from endogenous glycogen (minor
Analytical route). Under these conditions, the livers release glucose,
lactate, and pyruvate as a result of glycogen catabolism
In the efuent perfusion uid, the following compounds [14]. Figure 2a illustrates the responses of perfused rat
were assayed by means of standard enzymatic procedures: livers to the infusion of p-synephrine at the concentration
glucose, lactate and pyruvate [16]. The oxygen concentra- of 200 lM. It also illustrates a typical experimental pro-
tion in the outowing perfusate was monitored continuously tocol, which was used for all other drug concentrations.
continuously, employing a Teon-shielded platinum elec- After a preperfusion period of 10 min, 200 lM p-syneph-
trode adequately positioned in a plexiglass chamber at the rine was infused during 20 min. This was followed by
exit of the perfusate [14]. Metabolic rates were calculated additional 10 min of drug-free perfusion. Four parameters
from input–output differences and the total ow rates, and were measured: glucose release, lactate, and pyruvate
were referred to the wet weight of the liver. production and oxygen consumption. As can be noticed in
The portal perfusion pressure was monitored by means Fig. 2a, all parameters were stable before the initiation of
of a pressure transducer (Hugo Sachs Elektronic-Harvard p-synephrine infusion. After the onset of the infusion,
Apparatus GmbH, March-Hugstetten, Germany). The sen- however, oxygen uptake increased and remained so during
sor was positioned near the entry of the portal vein, and the the entire infusion period. It was signicantly stimulated
transducer was connected to a recorder [17]. The pressure with an increment of 0.54 ± 0.10 lmol min-1 g-1 above
changes were computed from the recorder tracings and the basal rates (p = 0.04, n = 3). Glucose output was
expressed as millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). rapidly stimulated with an increase of 120 % above the
Quantication of 45Ca present in perfusate samples was basal level and remained stable during the whole time of
done by liquid scintillation counting. A commercial scin- drug infusion. Lactate production was also stimulated, but
tillation liquid formed by an aqueous biodegradable the effect was not stable. After a peak increment of 72 %,
emulsion (BCSÒ, Biodegradable Counting Scintillant, the stimulation decreased progressively, but it was still
Amersham) was used. Measurement of adenosine 2,5 signicant at the end of the p-synephrine infusion period.
cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) in perfusate samples was Pyruvate production was diminished with a maximal
done by an ELISA commercial kit (cAMP EIA kit from decrease of 32 % just after initiation of the p-synephrine
EnzoÒ Life Sciences). infusion. Removal of p-synephrine from the perfusion uid
at 30 min perfusion time caused rapid responses that are
indicative of reversibility.
Statistical analysis and calculations
Experiments as those illustrated by Fig. 2a were repe-
ated with p-synephrine 10, 25, 50, 100, and 500 lM in
The error parameters presented in the graphs are standard
order to investigate the concentration dependence of the
errors of the means. Statistical analysis was performed with
effects. The mean results are shown in Fig. 2b and repre-
the GraphPad Prism SoftwareÒ (version 5.0; Graph Pad
sent the nal values of each parameter at the end of the
Software, San Diego, CA, USA). The Student’s t test was
drug infusion period (25–30 min perfusion time in Fig. 2a).
applied, and the 5 % level (p \ 0.05) was adopted
All variables were represented against the portal p-sy-
as a criterion of signicance. Numerical interpolation
nephrine concentration in Fig. 2b. The effects of p-sy-
(Stineman’s interpolation formula) was done using formula
nephrine on glucose output and oxygen uptake increased in
in the Scientist Program from MicroMathÒ (Saint Louis,
the range up to 100 lM, and remained approximately the
same until 500 lM. Half-maximal stimulation of glucose
output and oxygen uptake can be expected at p-synephrine
concentrations of 26.1 and 8.95 lM, respectively, as
Results revealed by numerical interpolation. Stimulation of lactate
production was also saturable with the half-maximal effect
Effects of p-synephrine on glycogen catabolism, at the concentration of 63.3 lM. Pyruvate production was
glycolysis and oxygen uptake stimulated at low concentrations, but stimulation turned
into inhibition at high concentrations. This fact and the
The rst experiments were planned to evaluate the effects lactate production stimulation leaded to increased lactate to
of p-synephrine on carbohydrate catabolism and oxygen pyruvate ratios, from 4 (basal) to 10.5 at the p-synephrine
uptake in the liver of fed rats. When perfused with concentrations of 200 and 500 lM.

138 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147

Lactate or pyruvateoutput (µmol min g )

Pyruvate output (µmol min -1 g -1)
0.5 2.0


Lactate output (µmol min g )
-1 -1

0 0.4
2.8 2.5

Oxygen uptake(µmol min -1 g-1 )

Oxygen uptake (µmol min-1 g-1)

0 2.0
4.5 Pyruvate 1.9
Glucose output (µmol min g )



Glucose output (µmol min-1 g -1)


2.8 1.7
2.4 1.5
2.5 Lactate
1.5 1.6

p-Synephrine(200 µM)
1.2 Glucose
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 100 200 300 400 500
Perfusion time (minutes)
p-Synephrine concentration (µM)

Fig. 2 Changes in glycogen catabolism and oxygen uptake caused by b Concentration dependence of the effects of p-synephrine. For each
p-synephrine. Livers of fed rats were perfused as described in concentration the metabolic rates found at the end of the infusion
‘‘Materials and methods’’ section. Samples of the efuent perfusate period (30 min perfusion time) were computed and represented
were taken for measuring glucose, lactate, and pyruvate. Oxygen in against the concentration; for zero p-synephrine concentration the
the efuent perfusion uid was monitored polarographically. a Time basal rates (10 min perfusion time) were represented. Data are
courses of the effects caused by 200 lM p-synephrine. means ± mean standard errors of 3–4 liver perfusion experiments

Effects of p-synephrine on gluconeogenesis p = 0.0005). Glucose production was rapidly stimulated and
and associated variables remained stable during the whole time of drug infusion (from
0.69 ± 0.01 to 0.96 ± 0.08 lmol min-1 g-1, n = 3,
Experiments were additionally done with livers from 18 h p = 0.03). The pyruvate production was clearly reduced
fasted rats with the intention of evaluating the effects of (-26 % at the end of the infusion). The effects were revers-
p-synephrine on gluconeogenesis (Fig. 3a). For this pur- ible, i. e., there was a clear tendency of returning to the basal
pose, 2 mM lactate was used as a gluconeogenic substrate. values after cessation of the p-synephrine infusion.
After the stabilization of oxygen consumption, lactate was The effects of p-synephrine under glucogenic conditions
infused during 30 min followed by an additional period of were further investigated for their concentration depen-
20 min in which 2 mM lactate plus 50 lM p-synephrine were dence. The mean results are shown in Fig. 3b. Oxygen
infused, as illustrated by Fig. 3a. The following parameters uptake was stimulated more strongly at low concentrations
were measured: oxygen uptake and glucose and pyruvate and maximal stimulation occurred at the concentration of
productions. The infusion of 2 mM lactate caused immediate 50 lM. Half-maximal stimulation, on the other hand, can
increases in all parameters. At 30 min of perfusion time, they be expected at the concentration of 8.8 lM. Stimulation
had already reached new steady-states. The infusion of clearly declined at the concentrations between 100 and
50 lM p-synephrine immediately elevated oxygen uptake, 500 lM. Gluconeogenesis stimulation also presented a
which remained so during the whole drug infusion time (from maximum at 50 lM and declined thereafter. The concen-
2.59 ± 0.05 to 3.29 ± 0.04 lmol min-1 g-1, n = 3; tration for half-maximal stimulation was 4.1 lM. Pyruvate

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147 139

Pyruvate production (µmol min -1 g-1)

Pyruvate production (µmol min-1 g-1 )



Pyruvate 4.0
Glucose 0.3

Glucose production (µmol min -1 g-1)

0.2 1.2

Oxygen uptake (µmol min g )

-1 -1
0.2 3.6

0 3.4
Pyruvate 3.2

3.4 Oxygen 3.0

Glucose production (µmol min-1 g-1)

Oxygen uptakte (µmol min-1 g-1)

Glucose 2.8
3.0 0 1.1


2.2 Synephrine 0.8

(50 µM)
1.8 Lactate (2 mM)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 100 200 300 400 500
Perfusion time (minutes) p-Synephrine concentration (µM)

Fig. 3 Changes in lactate gluconeogenesis and associated parameters p-synephrine the metabolic rates found at the end of its infusion
caused by p-synephrine. Livers from 18-h fasted rats were perfused as period (60 min perfusion time) were computed and represented
described in ‘‘Materials and methods’’ section. Samples of the efuent against the concentration; for zero p-synephrine concentration the
perfusate were taken for measuring glucose and pyruvate. Oxygen in rates in the presence of 2 mM lactate (40 min perfusion time) were
the efuent perfusion uid was monitored polarographically. a Time represented. Data represent the means ± mean standard errors of 3–4
courses of the effects caused by 50 lM p-synephrine. b Concentration liver perfusion experiments
dependence of the effects of p-synephrine. For each concentration of

production, nally, was inhibited with a half-maximal well as the basal rate of oxygen consumption. The effect of
effect at the concentration of 25.1 lM. 10 lM p-synephrine on the perfusion pressure was small
(0.49 ± 0.03 mmHg), but the effect of 25 lM was similar to
Effects of p-synephrine on hemodynamics and oxygen that found with 200 lM (4.80 ± 0.03 mmHg). There is,
consumption thus, a very sharp transition in the perfusion pressure
dependence on the p-synephrine concentration.
Experiments were done to verify if p-synephrine is active on
the liver hemodynamics, because this kind of action is typical Inuence of calcium on the actions of p-synephrine
for compounds that act as adrenergic agents [18]. In these and induction of 45Ca2? efux
experiments, p-synephrine was infused at a concentration of
200 lM during 20 min. Figure 4 shows that both perfusion Considering that the hemodynamic effects are essentially
pressure and oxygen consumption were stable before the p- due to muscle contraction or distention, both calcium-
synephrine infusion. Upon p-synephrine infusion, the portal dependent phenomena, a set of experiments was done to
perfusion pressure raised rapidly in parallel with the oxygen test a possible calcium dependence. The results of these
consumption rate and attained a maximum after 2 min experiments are shown in Fig. 5. Initially, the liver was
infusion. After this time, the perfusion pressure declined and perfused with a calcium-free perfusion uid. The infusion
tended to stabilize at a level that was 5.33 ± 0.55 mmHg of 200 lM p-synephrine in the absence of Ca2? produced
(n = 3) or 221 % above the basal level (before p-synephrine an increase in oxygen consumption that was approximately
infusion). The effect was reversible, i.e., cessation of the p- half that found in the presence of calcium, and a very small
synephrine infusion restored the basal perfusion pressure as increment in perfusion pressure. Glucose release was

140 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147

2.5 release. The latter was observed for several Ca2?-dependent

Oxygen consumption (µmol min-1 g-1)

agents and it is said to reect the initial mobilization of Ca2?
2.3 from the cellular stores [19, 20]. Figure 6b–d show the results
that were obtained when p-synephrine was infused in the
presence of three antagonists, namely prazosin (mainly
a1-antagonist), yohimbine (mainly a2-antagonist but also
a1-antagonist), and propranolol (non specic b-antagonist)
12.0 Portal pressure
[22–24]. None of these antagonists had any signicant effect
Perfusion portal pressure (mm Hg)

on the rate of 45Ca2? release prior to the infusion of
p-synephrine. When p-synephrine was introduced in the pre-
8.0 sence of these antagonists at the same time and concentration
as in the experiment shown in Fig. 6a (no antagonists), it
failed to produce any increment in the release of 45Ca2?.

Effects of p-synephrine on cAMP overow


Synephrine (200 µM)

0.0 The overow of cAMP in the perfused rat liver is a well
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
known phenomenon when glucagon is infused [25]. The
Perfusion time (minutes) experiments shown in Fig. 7 were done in order to verify if
a similar phenomenon occurs when p-synephrine is intro-
Fig. 4 Actions of p-synephrine on oxygen uptake and portal duced into the perfusion uid. Under basal conditions (zero
perfusion pressure. Livers from fed rats were perfused as described
in ‘‘Materials and methods’’ section. Oxygen in the efuent perfusion time in Fig. 7), the release of cAMP by the liver was very
uid was monitored polarographically. The perfusion pressure was low. It increased immediately, however, after the intro-
monitored by means of a pressure transducer. Data represent the duction of p-synephrine and remained elevated during the
means ± mean standard errors of three liver perfusion experiments whole infusion period. When p-synephrine was infused in
the presence of the adrenergic antagonists prazosin,
stimulated to a lesser extent when compared to the stimu- yohimbine, and propranolol, the overow of cAMP was
lation in the presence of Ca2?, the same applying to lactate strongly diminished. The least effective was prazosin, but
production. Pyruvate, production, suffered an initial stim- even with this antagonist stimulation was kept to minimal
ulation rather than inhibition. The subsequent introduc- levels. Propranolol completely eliminated cAMP release.
tion of Ca2? did not produce signicant alterations in
lactate or pyruvate production. However, it caused an Effects of adrenergic antagonists on the actions of
additional peak increment in glucose release and an addi- p-synephrine
tional stable increment in oxygen consumption (from
0.20 ± 0.06 lmol-1 min-1 in the absence of Ca2? to Considering the actions of the adrenergic antagonists on both
0.47 ± 0.06 lmol-1 min-1 in the presence of Ca2?, Ca2? and cAMP overow induced by p-synephrine, it is of
p = 0.04, n = 3). Furthermore, it produced a strong tran- interest to investigate if the metabolic and hemodynamic
sient increase in perfusion pressure, which subsequently effects of this agent are equally affected by the same
stabilized at values that were approximately 70 % antagonists. The results obtained in experiments using the
(3.77 ± 0.44 mmHg, n = 5) of the response found in those a-antagonists yohimbine and prazosin are shown in Fig. 8.
experiments in which Ca2? was present from the beginning The effects of 100 lM yohimbine alone (Fig. 8a), which was
(Fig. 4). infused before p-synephrine, were not important except
Agents acting via Ca2?-dependent mechanisms also pro- perhaps for a small stimulation of lactate production. When
mote transient net Ca2? efux from the liver cells [19–21]. To p-synephrine was infused in the presence of 100 lM
determine if the same occurs with p-synephrine, experiments yohimbine no changes in glucose release, oxygen uptake and
were performed in which the intracellular calcium pools of the perfusion pressure were found (compare Figs. 8a and 2a).
liver cells were labeled with 45Ca2? using recirculating per- Yohimbine, thus, completely abolished the actions of p-sy-
fusion. After labeling, the perfusion was continued with a nephrine on these variables. Pyruvate production, on the
Ca2?-free medium in the nonrecirculating mode, and the other hand, was still inhibited by p-synephrine and lactate
Ca2? efux was monitored. The mean results of all exper- production suffered some increment. The latter, however,
iments are shown in Fig. 6. Figure 6a reveals that the intro- was much smaller than that one found in the absence of
duction of p-synephrine during a short period of time (2 min) yohimbine (compare Figs. 2a and 8a). The action of 10 lM
produced a substantial, but transient, increment in 45Ca2? prazosin, which is illustrated by Fig. 8b, was similar to that

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147 141

Fig. 5 The inuence of calcium 0.3 Pyruvate

on the effects of p-synephrine. Lactate

Pyruvate production (µmol min-1 g-1)

Livers from fed rats were Glucose
perfused as described in
‘‘Materials and methods’’
section. The perfusion was 0.2 Portal pressure
initiated with Ca2?-free

Lactate production (µmol min-1 g-1)

medium. The introduction of
p-synephrine and Ca2? occurred
at 10 and 30 min perfusion
time, respectively. Samples of 0.1
the efuent perfusate were
collected for measuring glucose, 1.5
lactate, and pyruvate. The
perfusion pressure was
monitored by means of a 1.0
pressure transducer. Oxygen
consumption was monitored
polarographically. Data
Glucose production (µmol min-1 g-1)

points ± mean standard errors
are from 5 liver perfusion


Oxygen consumption (µmol min-1 g-1)



Perfusion portalpressure (mm Hg)



6.0 1.5


CaCl 2 (2.5 mM)


Synephrine (200 µM)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Perfusion time (minutes)

of yohimbine. Prazosin alone was without effect on the Figure 9 shows the results obtained when p-synephrine
variables measured except for small increments in pyruvate was infused in the presence of b-adrenergic antagonists.
and lactate production. With respect to the effects of p-sy- The inuence of 50 lM propranolol, a non specic
nephrine on glucose release and perfusion pressure, they b-adrenergic antagonist, is shown in Fig. 9a. Propranolol
were practically abolished by prazosin. A very small stim- alone caused an increase in oxygen uptake, but the other
ulation of oxygen uptake was still found. The inhibition of parameters were not affected. The introduction of 200 lM
pyruvate production by p-synephrine, on the other hand, was p-synephrine produced a further stable increase in oxygen
not substantially modied by prazosin. uptake, which was smaller, however, than that found in the

142 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147

A 12 B
6 S

Ca2+ in the venous perfusate (cpm/mL · 10 -2 )

Ca2+ in the venous perfusate (cpm/mL · 10 -2 )

0 Prazosin
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Time after restoring once-through perfusion (minutes) Time after restoring once-through perfusion (minutes)
12 C D
10 10

8 8
6 S 6


4 4

2 2

0 Yohimbine Propranolol
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time after restoring once-through perfusion (minutes) Time after restoring once-through perfusion (minutes)

Fig. 6 45Ca2? net efux caused by p-synephrine and the inuence of bicarbonate buffer, and perfusion was continued in the open mode.
adrenergic antagonists. Livers from fed rats were perfused initially in Samples (500 lL) for the measurement of radioactivity were
an open system with Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4) collected in 15–60-sec intervals. p-Synephrine (50 lM) was infused
containing 2.5 mM CaCl2, as described in ‘‘Materials and methods’’ during 2 min as indicated by the bar labeled as ‘‘S’’. In the
section. At approximately 20 min after the surgical procedure, experiments shown in b–d, prazosin (10 lM), yohimbine (100 lM),
[45Ca]CaCl2 was added to 100 mL of the perfusion uid and propranolol (50 lM), respectively, were infused prior to the
(0.5 lCi mL-1) and the system was switched to the recirculating introduction of p-synephrine, as indicated. The radioactivity in the
mode. Recirculation was continued for 40 min. After this time, the samples was plotted against the time after restoration of the
perfusion uid was switched to Ca2?-free Krebs/Henseleit- nonrecirculating perfusion

absence of the antagonist (Fig. 2a). The perfusion pressure production, and glucose release as well as the inhibition of
was also increased by p-synephrine, but to a lesser extent pyruvate production were still almost fully evident. The
when compared to the increase observed in the absence of increment of the portal perfusion pressure, however, was
propranolol (see Fig. 4). Glucose release and lactate pro- signicantly reduced (-60 %) (compare Figs. 9b, 4).
duction, however, were only transiently stimulated and to Additional experiments with livers from fasted rats (not
extents that were much smaller than those found in the shown) revealed that prazosin and yohimbine abolished the
absence of propranolol. Pyruvate production, nally, was stimulatory effects of 200 lM p-synephrine on glucose
no longer inhibited by p-synephrine. It should be recalled production (gluconeogenesis), oxygen uptake, and portal
that inhibition of pyruvate production by p-synephrine was perfusion pressure, as well as the inhibition caused by
not affected by either prazosin or yohimbine. Figure 9b p-synephrine on pyruvate production. Propranolol was less
shows the results obtained with SR59230A a b3 specic effective on the stimulatory effects of p-synephrine on
antagonist [26]. This experimental approach is justied by gluconeogenesis.
the fact that b3-adrenergic receptors are said to be involved
in lipolysis activation [8], and because oxygen uptake in
the substrate-free perfused liver is likely to represent Discussion
mainly oxidation of fatty acids derived from lipolysis [27].
Figure 9b reveals that 10 lM SR59230A alone had no The results of this work conrm that p-synephrine, the
actions on the parameters measured in the present work. main adrenergic amine in the C. aurantium extracts, is
Furthermore, the b3-antagonist showed little or no inu- highly active on liver metabolism and hemodynamics. The
ence on the modications normally caused by 200 lM compound signicantly stimulated glycogenolysis, glycol-
p-synephrine: the stimulations of oxygen uptake, lactate ysis (lactate plus pyruvate production), gluconeogenesis,

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147 143

16 suggests that further increments in the extract concentration

are likely to produce stronger stimulations. It can be thus
concluded from this comparison that the stimulatory effect of
cAMP release (pmol min −1 g−1)

12 the C. aurantium extract on glycogenolysis can be only

partly explained by its p-synephrine content and that the
extract possibly contains other active agents that can equally
⎯ ⎯ Synephrine alone
⎯ ⎯ Synephrine + prazosin
produce this kind of stimulation. In this respect it is worthy to
⎯ ⎯ Synephrine + yohimbine mention octopamine, an amine whose concentration in the C.
⎯ ⎯ Synephrine + propranolol aurantium extract is signicant [31]. Oxygen uptake stimu-
4 lation in livers from fed rats was a saturable function of both
the p-synephrine concentration as found in the present work
but it was also a saturable function of the C. aurantium
0 extract concentration [13]. Actually, even the concentrations
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 for half-maximal stimulation are similar in terms of the nal
Time after starting synephrine infusion
p-synephrine concentrations, namely 8.95 lM in the present
work and *8 lM in the experiments with the C. aurantium
Fig. 7 cAMP overow caused by p-synephrine and the inuence of extract [13]. A more notable difference between the C.
adrenergic antagonists. Livers from fed rats were perfused in an open aurantium extract and pure p-synephrine concerns the
system with Krebs/Henseleit-bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4), as
described in ‘‘Materials and methods’’ section. After stabilization of
actions of both preparations on gluconeogenesis. Pure p-
oxygen uptake, 100 lM p-synephrine was infused during 18 min in synephrine was stimulatory in the range up to 500 lM even
the absence (control) or in the presence of the antagonists prazosin though the stimulation of gluconeogenesis decreased at
(10 lM), yohimbine (100 lM), or propranolol (50 lM). The infusion concentrations above 100 lM. The C. aurantium extract was
of the antagonists was initiated 5 min prior to the infusion of p-
synephrine. Samples were collected for quantifying cAMP in the
clearly inhibitory for gluconeogenesis at high concentrations
perfusion uid by means of an ELISA procedure. Results are the and at low concentrations stimulation was not signicant
means ± mean standard errors of 3–5 liver perfusion experiments for [13]. Here again the conclusion is allowed that the extract
each condition contains additional compounds that exert an inhibitory
action on gluconeogenesis thus effectively counteracting the
stimulatory action of p-synephrine.
and oxygen uptake. The compound also increased the The action of synephrine on pyruvate production
portal perfusion pressure and the redox state of the cyto- deserves a few additional comments. In the fed state, in
solic NAD?/NADH couple, the latter indicated by the which pyruvate results from glycolysis, stimulation
increased lactate to pyruvate ratios [14]. Pyruvate pro- occurred at low concentrations (up to 100 lM), but inhi-
duction from exogenous lactate under gluconeogenic con- bition was found at the higher concentrations. Pyruvate is
ditions was inhibited. It is noteworthy to mention that the the minor component of the lactate dehydrogenase redox
effects found in the present study were also reported for equilibrium, and since the sum of lactate ? pyruvate pro-
other adrenergic agents such as epinephrine and norepi- duction (glycolysis) was still presenting stimulation, the
nephrine [19, 28–30]. diminished pyruvate production was most likely reecting
Stimulation of glycogenolysis, glycolysis, and oxygen the increased NADH/NAD? ratio [14] at high p-synephrine
uptake were also observed in the perfused liver when an concentrations. This inhibitory effect was not affected by
aqueous extract of C. aurantium was infused [13], and it is of a-adrenergic antagonists (prazosin and yohimbine), but it
interest to compare concentration dependences obtained was sensitive to the b-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. It
with p-synephrine alone (this work) with those found using is thus possible that the effect results from b-adrenergic
the C. aurantium extract in terms of its p-synephrine content. signaling. Under gluconeogenic conditions, on the other
In the present work, p-synephrine alone increased glucose hand, pyruvate production was inhibited by p-synephrine
output from glycogenolysis in a saturable manner, the half- even at low concentrations. Two factors could have con-
maximal effect occurring at a concentration around tributed: the increased NADH/NAD? redox potential and,
26.1 lM. When the C. aurantium extract, was used a linear more important, the increased rates of glucose production.
relationship, was found in the range up to 400 mg L-1 which The latter can only occur if the pyruvate carboxylation
corresponds to a p-synephrine concentration of 190 lM [13]. reaction is increased, a phenomenon that should also result
Stimulation of glycogenolysis at this extract concentration in a decreased release of pyruvate due to its lower cellular
was approximately 35 % above the maximal stimulation concentrations.
found in the present work with p-synephrine alone and the Metabolic and hemodynamic effects of p-synephrine
absence of saturation for concentrations up to 400 mg L-1 probably occur through the stimulation of adrenergic

144 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147


Pyruvate output (µmol min -1 g -1 )

Pyruvate output (µmol min-1 g -1)


Lactate output (µmol min-1 g -1)

0.2 2.5

Lactate output (µmol min-1 g -1)

0.1 0.1
1.5 2.0

0.0 0
Pyruvate 1.5
Lactate 4.0

Glucose output (µmol min-1 g -1 )

Glucose output (µmol min-1 g -1)

Glucose 0.5 3.5
3.5 Pyruvate
Oxygen 1.0
3.0 Pressure 3.0

Oxygen uptake (µmol min-1 g -1)

2.5 2.5 2.5 Oxygen
Pressure 0.5
2.0 2.0

Oxygen uptake (µmol min -1 g -1)

1.5 2.5
1.0 2.1
0.5 2.3
1.9 0.5
12 1.7
Perfusion pressure (mm Hg)
Perfusion pressure (mm Hg)

10 1.9
1.5 10
8 1.7
6 1.5
2 2 p-Synephrine(200 µM)
p-Synephrine (200 µM)
0 0 Prazosin(10 µM)
Yohimbine (100 µM)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Perfusion time (minutes) Perfusion time (minutes)
Fig. 8 Inuence of the a-adrenergic antagonists yohimbine (a) and Samples were taken for the measurement of glucose, lactate, and
prazosin (b) on the metabolic and hemodynamic effects of p-syneph- pyruvate. Oxygen was monitored polarographically. The portal
rine in livers from fed rats. Livers were perfused as described in perfusion pressure was monitored simultaneously by means of a
‘‘Materials and methods’’ section. The infusions of yohimbine and pressure transducer. Data represent the means ± mean standard errors
prazosin were started 10 min prior to the p-synephrine infusion. of three liver perfusion experiments

receptors present in the liver and are at least partly Ca2?- This could be the reason why the perfusion pressure was
and cAMP-dependent. The sensitivity of the effects of the only effect of p-synephrine that was signicantly
p-synephrine to 10 lM prazosin is highly indicative of the affected by the antagonist SR59230A, but this is a matter
participation of a1-adrenergic receptors [32]. The same can deserving further investigations. The Ca2?-dependence, on
be said about the sensitivity to 100 lM yohimbine because the other hand, can also be regarded as evidence in favor of
at this concentration the latter compound, usually regarded a participation of a1-adrenergic receptors, since it is well
as a a2-antagonist, also binds to a1-adrenergic receptors known that these receptors act basically by pathways that
[32]. The participation of b-adrenergic receptors could be presuppose a series of Ca2? movements that culminate in
less important, as can be judged, in principle at least, from Ca2?-dependent activations. An analogous conclusion
the fact that propranolol was less effective in inhibiting the concerning the participation of b-adrenergic signaling can
action of p-synephrine than the a-adrenergic antagonists. be drawn from the observation that p-synephrine stimulates
The specic participation of the b3-adrenergic receptor on cAMP overow. However, it seems also apparent that
the metabolic effects is unlikely as indicated by the cAMP and Ca2? signaling in the case of p-synephrine
observation that they were practically insensitive to the present a pronounced degree of interdependence. This is
antagonist SR59230A [33]. Actually, the presence of the suggested by the fact that blocking of the a-adrenergic
b3-receptors in the liver is controversial. Possibly, they signaling by prazosin and yohimbine almost completely
exist mainly or even only in the vascular system [34, 35]. inhibited the effects of p-synephrine on cAMP overow.

Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147 145

Glucose output (µmol min-1 g-1) Pyruvate output (µmol min-1 g-1)

Perfusion pressure (mm Hg) Glucose output (µmol min-1 g-1 ) Pyruvate output (µmol min-1 g -1)
2.5 Pyruvate

Lactate output (µmol min-1 g-1)

0.3 Glucose
0.2 Oxygen
2.0 Pressure 2.5

Lactate output (µmol min -1g -1)

0.1 2.0
1.5 0.1
0 1.5
1.0 0
3.5 Pyruvate
Lactate 3.5
3.0 Glucose 0.5
Oxygen 3.0
2.5 Pressure
2.5 0.0
2.5 2.0

Oxygen uptake (µmol min -1 g -1)

1.5 2.5

Oxygen uptake (µmol min-1 g-1 )

1.0 2.3
1.0 2.3
2.1 0.5
12 2.1
Perfusion pressure (mm Hg)

10 1.9 1.9
8 1.7
1.7 8
6 1.5
4 4

2 p-Synephrine(200 µM) 2 p-Synephrine (200 µM)

0 Propranolol (50 µM) SR 59230A (10 µM)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Perfusion time (minutes) Perfusion time (minutes)

Fig. 9 Inuence of the b-adrenergic antagonists propranolol (a) and continued until the end of the experiments. Samples were taken for
SR59230A (b) on the metabolic and hemodynamic effects of the measurement of glucose, lactate, and pyruvate. Oxygen was
p-synephrine in livers from fed rats. Livers were perfused as monitored polarographically. The portal perfusion pressure was
described in ‘‘Materials and methods’’ section. The infusion of monitored by means of a pressure transducer. Data represent the
propranolol was started 10 min and that of SR59230A 5 min prior to means ± mean standard errors of four liver perfusion experiments
the p-synephrine infusion. The infusion of both antagonists was

Furthermore, if cAMP and Ca2? signaling were occurring strongly to a-adrenoceptor subtypes as well as to
independently, the summation of the metabolic responses b-adrenoceptors when compared to other adrenergic
in the presence of prazosin (or yohimbine) and propranolol amines [36]. Consistently, p-synephrine was less active on
should correspond to the metabolic responses in the glycogenolysis than epinephrine and norepinephrine in the
absence of antagonists. Also, in the case of independent a- liver. When these agonists were used in the liver, strong
and b-adrenergic effects, propranolol should not affect the stimulation of glycogenolysis was observed at concentra-
action of p-synephrine on 45Ca2? release. All these tions up to 10 lM [19, 28–30]. These stimulations were
observations are difcult to interpret in terms of the cross- comparable to the maximal ones found with p-synephrine
talk events between the cAMP and Ca2? signaling path- whose half-maximal action occurred at the concentration of
ways in which glucagon, for example, affects Ca2? mobi- 26.1 lM. It seems, thus, that p-synephrine is less active
lization in the liver [21]. To our knowledge, there is no than epinephrine and norepinephrine in the liver.
parallel in the literature for the observation that the In conclusion, the results of this work support the
a-adrenergic antagonists (prazosin and yohimbine) were proposition that p-synephrine presents important metabolic
able to prevent the p-synephrine-induced increase in cAMP and hemodynamic effects in the liver. These effects can be
release by the liver. This is a point to be elucidated by considered as both catabolic (glycogenolysis) and anabolic
additional experimental work. (gluconeogenesis), are mediated by both a- and b-adren-
A recent review about the receptor-binding properties of ergic signaling, require the simultaneous participation of
p-synephrine emphasizes that this compound binds less both Ca2? and cAMP, and could be contributing to the

146 Mol Cell Biochem (2014) 388:135–147

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