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1cm =10mm
1cm =0.3937in
1inch =2.54cm
1ft =30.48cm
1ft =12in
1ft. =.3048m
1m =3.28ft
1m =100cm
1m =.55fathoms
1m =39.97in
1km =1000m
1km =.6214mi
1nm =6076ft
1nm =1.852km (1852m)
1nm =1.152mi
1mile =5280ft
1mile =1609.344m (1.609km)
1mile =0.869nm
1shackle =15fathoms, 90ft, 27.4m
1fathom =6ft
1cable =6shackles
1cable =0.1nm
1 deg =60'
1 deg =60nm

1knot =0.514mps
1knot =1nm/hr
1knot =1.15mph
1knot. =1.852kmph

1tsp =5mL
1tbsp =15mL
1fl oz =30mL
1cup =0.24L
1pint =0.47L
1liter =1000mL
1liter. =.001m3
1gal =3.8L
1galloon =128 fluid ounces
1ft3 =0.028m3
1 cubic meter = 1000000 grams
(Note: mL-Milliliter)
(Note: fl oz-fluid ounce)

1oz =28g
1g. =0.067 tbsp
1lb =0.45kg
1kg =1000g
1kg =2.2pounds(lbs)
1tons =1000kg
1ton =2000lbs

1atm =1.013x105Pa
1atm =1.013bar
1atm =750mmHg
1Pa. =1N/m2
(Note: atm-one standard atmosphere)
(Note: Pa-pascal)
(Note: mmHg-manometric unit of pressure)

1N =9.8kg
1N =1kg m/s2
1N =0.2248lb
1N =105dyne
(Note: N-newton)

1 degree celsius =33.8 degrees fahrenheit
1 degree farenheight =17.2 degree celcius

1hp =746watts

1day =24hrs
1hr =60mins
1min =60secs

▶️Time to Arc
1 day = 360° = 24 hours
15° = 1 hour
1° = 4 minutes
15' = 1 minute
1' = 4 seconds

▶️Additional Conversion
15° of Longitude =1hr

▶️constant Values
gravity =9.8 m/s2
pi =3.14
Fw density =1.000 g/m3
Sw density =1.025 g/m3
Bw density =1.015 g/m3

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