FALL2011 Newsletter

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|a|| 2011

5t. Mary's ar|sh Nows|ottor

|other |owrenoe ummer
|ssuo 31
5t. Mary's ar|sh 5taff
|athor Lawronco L. Hummor, astor
Adm|n|strat|vo Ass|stant - Joan D'Anton|
5ocrotary - og wha|on
Mus|c D|roctor - Do|ma ou|oau
Coord|nator of o||g|ous Lducat|on - Kat|o Boosch
Ma|ntonanco - J|m Br|dgos
|n the 3o|oto Sozette on ^ug. 7 1B66 the to||ow|ng entry wos touno, reterr|ng to the oonstruot|on ot
3t. Mory's Lhuroh. 've unoerstono the ohuroh |s to be on eo|t|oe ot mogn|t|oent proport|ons, ono one wh|oh
w||| be on ornoment to our o|reooy beout|tu| o|ty. |n thot some newspoper on 0otober 29, 1B67 we reoo.
'1he br|o| wor| ot 3t. Mory's Lhuroh |s oomp|eteo, ono the sheoth|ng ot the root hos been put on, wh|oh w|||
be oovereo w|th s|ote, ono |t |s |ntenoeo to hove serv|oes he|o there by Lhr|stmos. |t w||| probob|y be os t|ne o
ohuroh bu||o|ng os there |s |n 0h|o.

1oooy, 143 yeors |oter the some oon be so|o ot our beout|tu| ohuroh. |t |s os t|ne o ohuroh bu||o|ng os
there |s |n 0h|o. owever, she's grown t|reo ono she neeos our he|p. er br|o|wor| hos te|t the yeors ono the
mortor thot ,o|ns her |s |n ser|ous neeo ot repo|r. er |ns|oe mo|eup hos begun to pee| ono neeos
rep|ooement. er booros ore sogg|ng ono neeo ottent|on. er ||ghts ore o|m ono neeo to be rep|ooeo. ^s one
oroh|teot noteo some yeors ogo, '1h|s p|ooe hos |ots ot ||ghts, but very ||tt|e ||ght.

ve hove |nher|teo th|s ohuroh, wh|oh wos bu||t our|ng the oepress|on, wh|oh to||oweo the L|v|| vor. |t |s
now our turn ono our t|me to oo someth|ng greot tor generot|ons to oome.

1he s|ote root |s os o|o os the ohuroh bu||o|ng [1B67]. 3|otes ore powoery ono no||s ore rust|ng owoy.
1he s|otes beoome pro,eot||es eooh t|me we hove o storm ono the potent|o| ||ob|||ty shou|o onyone be h|t by
t|y|ng s|ote |s soory.

1he br|o|s ono mortor ore |n o oesperote stote ono must be ottenoeo to soon. 1he North ono 3outh
entronoes to the ohuroh oro|n heot |n w|nter ono ooo| |n summer. |t |s neoessory to seoure those entronoes
ono proteot them trom the e|ements. ve o|so neeo o oontess|ono| bu||t ono |nsto||eo.

1he |ns|oe ot the ohuroh hos not been po|nteo or the e|eotr|o w|r|ng been seen to |n oges ono woter
oomoge trom outs|oe |s now otteot|ng the p|oster ono po|nt |ns|oe. 1hey must be repo|reo. 1he present
||ght|ng |s s|mp|y |nooequote. ^ooess to the sonotuory must be mooe ovo||ob|e tor those whose mob|||ty |s

0ther bu||o|ngs orouno the oompus w||| o|so be ottenoeo to |n th|s moss|ve pro,eot os we rush qu|o||y
tor the 150
onn|versory ot our be|oveo ohuroh bu||o|ng. 3t. Mory's wos estob||sheo os o por|sh |n 1B37 wh|oh
meons next yeor w||| be the 175
onn|versory os o por|sh.

Now ours |s the oho||enge to seoure the tuture tor our oesoenoonts ot 3t. Mory's.

|r. ummer

'|repore ye the woy ot the |oro! 1hus r|ngs the ^ovent theme eooh yeor os we ont|o|pote the oom|ng
ot the |oro. ||turg|oo||y, we th|n| |n terms ot ony ooy now. |root|oo||y however, the |oro soys to |eep o|ert ono
stoy busy. 1he ||rst 3unooy ot ^ovent Sospe| soys 'he |eoves h|s servonts |n ohorge, eooh w|th h|s own wor|,
ono oroers the gote|eeper to be on the wotoh. 3|noe we oon't expeot the |oro to return ony t|me soon |t |s
our respons|b|||ty to |eep the house we hove |nher|teo |n oroer. ve ore obout to unoerto|e o mo,or pro,eot
thot w||| |nvo|ve o|| ot us ono requ|re soor|t|oe on us o||. | stote the oose tor th|s |n whot to||ows.
|oge 2 3t. Mory's |or|sh News|etter
LU|L |cN0v^1|0N ||0JcL1
by M||e o||er
You may have heard that the Parish is beginning a 'Church Renovation Project. Actually this process started
10 years ago with a detailed analysis oI our campus. At that time, you may remember, our Buildings and
Grounds committee analyzed all oI the buildings and systems on our campus. We made a list oI 'HAVE
TO`s and 'WANT TO`s. We also determined what needed to be done to 'button up the buildings Ior
energy savings and protection Irom the elements. All oI those projects were completed within the Iirst couple
oI years. The committee also generated a list oI things that would need to be done over the course oI the next
10 years. A Iew oI those have been accomplished. However, the majority oI items have not, and it was
determined by the Finance Oversight Council (FOC), Iormerly the Administration Committee, that a
complete renovation project would be more Ieasible Ior several reasons:
xSeveral oI the projects are interconnected and would cost more to be completed as standalone projects
xCompletion oI some projects would require redoing completed projects, iI done separately
xOne capital campaign would work better than several little ones

You may remember that last year we enlisted the services oI Freytag and Associates to review our work, add
suggestions, develop a timeline, and present estimates Ior the project. That study has been completed and John
Freytag has presented the FOC with a very detailed packet oI inIormation.

Over the next 2 months we will be assembling a renovation committee, reviewing the inIormation Irom
Freytag and Associates, and eventually presenting the project to the parish. II you have an interest in serving
on the renovation committee, please contact me, or Joan D`Antoni.

There will be several opportunities Ior parishioner input and discussion as we proceed. This is an exciting
time as we prepare Ior the 175
anniversary oI our parish and the 150
birthday oI our church building!

|^M||Y |||c L0MM|11cc |c|0|1
by |oren |eeth
The Family LiIe Committee welcomes autumn with CoIIee and Donuts. They are scheduled every third Sunday
oI the month through April. Please mark you calendars and plan on stopping by. It is a great way to meet other
parishioners and spend a Iew minutes with Iamily and Iriends. The Family LiIe Center will be open aIter the
scheduled mass times- Plan on joining us.

The Mother/Daughter Luncheon will be held on January 28, 2012. Please mark your calendars and plan on
attending a wonderIul day with the women oI the parish.

II you would like to get involved with the social committee please contact Karen Leeth at 775-6020 or by email
at leethIamilyroadrunner.com. We are always looking to grow our committee.
3t. Mory's |or|sh News|etter
|oge 3
Notes trom the |ott
by |e|mo |ou|eou
Our musical prayer will experience some changes this year with the advent oI the 3
Edition oI
the Roman Missal. We will Iirst tackle the congregational chant settings: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and
Agnus Die Irom the missal. The good news is that we already know how to sing the Agnus Die.
Because oI the Gregorian style, with its non-metered pulse, I believe that the beauty oI it is Iully
experienced in the original languages. Because the translations are easily understood, we will sing the
Kyrie in Greek, the Sanctus and Agnus Dei in Latin. We will chant the Gloria (in English) Irom the
Christmas season until Lent.

The General Instructions oI the 3
Edition call Ior the singing oI Antiphons during the Mass.
These antiphons are: The Entrance Antiphon with Psalm verses, The OIIertory Antiphon, The
Communion Antiphon or Psalm 34. Currently we sing an opening hymn, a hymn at the Presentation
oI the GiIts and a communion hymn during these liturgical processions. AIter examining the musical
settings Ior these antiphons, I have selected a collection oI Entrance Antiphons Ior our use. The texts
oI the entrance antiphons Iollow the lectionary cycle and the psalm texts are set to Iamiliar hymn
tunes. For example, Psalm 105 is sung to the tune oI Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.
The collection is titled, Introit Hymns for the Church Year. We will begin singing Irom that book on
the Ieast oI the Baptism oI the Lord in January. One nice Ieature oI this book is that the music is
written in SATB Iorm. II anyone in the congregation is an alto, tenor or bass, they can sing the hymn
in their natural vocal range.

We will continue to sing a hymn during the Presentation oI the GiIts. On special occasions the
choir may sing a piece or perhaps an instrumental piece may be played. The Communion Antiphon
begins when the celebrant receives communion. We will continue to sing a hymn, or sometimes a
psalm, at this time. In other words, the communion music will begin beIore the congregational
procession starts. Even though the mass is oIIicially over with the dismissal rite (Iinal blessing and
response), we will continue our local custom oI singing a recessional hymn.

Mass settings can be heard on our parish website.

Choir membership is open to anyone who can remotely carry a tune in a bucket. We are
working on a new English mass setting Ior the Easter season, Christmas music and selections Ior
conIirmation. As soon as I Iigure out the computer program, we will have pew cards Ior our custom-
made English Mass setting. Rehearsals are held in the Church on Wednesday evenings Irom 7-9 PM.
Usually we Iinish slightly early. II you would like to sing with us during the 11 AM Mass, please join
us Ior Sunday rehearsal at 10 AM. Students (grade 2 and up) are welcome to sing with us in the loIt.

II you have any questions about any oI the musical changes, Ieel Iree to chat with me at any
time. II you would like to join our little group oI singers, please call me at 773-2678. We would love
to KHDU Irom you!

|oge 4
3t. Mory's |or|sh News|etter
|c||S|0U3 c|UL^1|0N |c|0|1
by |ot|e Boesoh
3t. v|noent oe |ou| 3oo|ety News
by |othy 3entt 8 |ove |onn|ng
$GXOW)DLWK: An Advent Bible study on the 'Biblical Walk Through the Mass will be
oIIered every Tuesday beginning, Nov. 8, 2011 Irom 12noon- 1pm and in the evening 6: 30-
7:30pm in the parish oIIice. A light lunch/supper will be provided. Contact Katie Boesch
772-2061/701-5167, bring your bibles.

%RRN&OXE will meet on November 16 Irom 6-8pm in the parish oIIice to discuss Scott
Hahn`s book. ' $)DWKHU:KR.HHSV+LV3URPLVHV. All are welcome to join us. January
and February`s selection will be '-HVXVRI 1D]DUHWK by Pope Benedict XVI.

)LUVW5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ: Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011 at 11am in the church. A small
reception to Iollowing in the Family LiIe Center.
)LUVW(XFKDULVW: Parent meeting on Sunday, January 8, 2012 in the parish
oIIice.12 noon
&RQILUPDWLRQ: Parent and student meeting on Sunday, January 22. 2012 in the
Family LiIe Center..12 noon.

Who do we help? Recently a grandmother came in who had to take responsibility Ior her three grandchildren ages
9, 11, and 18 months. The Iather was not in the picture and the mother had gotten into drugs. The lady was living
on less than $600 a month and $200 in Iood stamps. She was not receiving any support Ior the children. She had
received a disconnect notice Ior her water. The bill was $65. II it were disconnected it would cost her $50 to
have it reconnected. Our normal assistance Ior a utility bill is $40 to $50. We require the client to come up with
any balance. OIten they are able to do that with help either Irom Iamily, Iriends or some other organization.
Depending on the situation we may require a client to come back to the oIIice the next time it is open to show they
have paid the balance. In this case we paid $40 toward the bill as she indicated she could obtain the $25 balance.
We did not require her to return to the oIIice since she needed no more hassle in her liIe and we believed that she
would obtain the balance. She needed assistance with clothing Ior herselI and the children. We reIerred her to the
ThriIt Shop which provides clothing Iree to our clients and the Children`s Clothing Bank which provides Iree
clothing Ior children.
St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank you Ior your continued support. In a typical month, we serve 140 Iamilies,
spending $3500.00 on necessities such as Iood, utilities, rent, medicine, gasoline and clothing. We serve not only
the poor oI our community but struggling parishioners. St. Vincent de Paul keeps the inIormation private.
Parishioners can call Kathy SenII at 772-4896, which is also listed on the Iront oI the bulletin under Social
A team Irom the Diocesan St. Vincent de Paul and St. Michael`s in Worthington conduced an excellent joint
training along with St. Peter`s conIerence. With 3 other conIerences in attendance, we were able to share ideas.
Envelopes in the back oI the church can be used Ior Christmas, memorials, birthdays, or any other special occasion.
|oge 5
3t. Mory's |or|sh News|etter
B|shop ||oget 3ohoo| News
by B|3 |r|no|po| |ouro Lorooron
This year, to shake things up a bit and make Ior a more interesting Christmas program, Bishop
Flaget is planning a 'Traditions oI the Season Dinner Program Ior December 13th.
This year, our evening will begin with a traditional holiday meal served by our junior high students
at 6PM. At 7PM, we will clear the meal away and begin our program where all students will perIorm with
their classes. PerIormances will include traditional songs oI the Advent and Christmas season as well as an
educational portion about common traditions and their origins.
In addition, students are learning about proper manners in music and library. Students are learning
the proper way to set a table, to behave at a Iormal meal, and other great manners that sometimes get
overlooked. We are doing this as a part oI our yearlong theme, 'Preach the Gospel without ceasing, and
when necessary, use words. We want our students to realize that it is in our actions that we show Christ`s
love, not just by our words.
In order to properly plan Ior the meal, we will be selling tickets ahead oI time. Tickets will be $6
and can be purchased Irom the school oIIice.
It is not required to purchase the meal to see the program. Families who do not wish to eat may
come at 7PM and we will have the bleachers available Ior seating. However, iI you are able, it will be a
great meal and a great chance Ior the Iamily dinner atmosphere prior to the show. Once the show starts, we
will ask that all audience members remain seated until the program is over.
WeIcome fo our newesf members of fhe Chrisfion communify fhrough 8opfism:
DeIonee Jo Dud;inski, doughfer of DonieI & Morio Dud;inski, Emmo Morgoref
WhoIen, doughfer of Meghon WhoIen, Lyric McIinIey 0roves, son of Pichord
0roves, Thomos Moffhew LoeffIer, son of Tom & Shonnon LoeffIer, ModiIynn
Pose Snider, doughfer of Moffhew & Jomie Snider, Emmo Cofherine & Soroh
McIen;ie Sfork, doughfers of John & Pebecco Sfork
WeIcome porishioners who hove regisfered since Morch I, Z0II: Chrisfopher &
MicheIIe WikIe, Mork, Ponjoni, Ievin & Shone Afwood, 8rion, Mory, Jonofhon &
Moffhew Pufnom, Moffhew, Jomi & ModiIynn Snider, Pichord & Lyric 0roves,
Mormo 0roy, Jeff, Moncy & Honnoh Compfon, 0Ien & Pofricio Moore, John,
8ecky, Emmo & Soroh Sfork, Lynn & Moffhew Pobinson, Hunfer Schucker, OIivio
& Corfer Pobinson.
|oge 6
3t. Mory's |or|sh News|etter
5aturday, Dcccmbcr 24
- 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Thcrc wI!! bc nn 5:00 p.m. Mass Dcccmbcr 24

5unday, Dcccmbcr 25
- 10:00 a.m. nn!y

5aturday, Dcccmbcr 31
- 5:00 p.m.
5unday, January 1st - 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Fathcr Hummcr and thc 5taff nf 5t. Mary's wIsh ynu a
B!csscd ChrIstmas and Happy Ncw Ycar!
ThanksgIvIng Day Mass -- Nnvcmbcr 24 at 9:00 am
Immacu!atc CnnccptInn VIgI! Mass -- Dcccmbcr 7 at 5:00 pm
Immacu!atc CnnccptInn Mass -- Dcccmbcr 8 at 10 am at BF5
Pcnancc 5crvIcc -- Dcccmbcr 15 at 7:00 pm at 5t. Pctcr's

NO1L5 |OM 1HL O|||CL
CON1|BU1|ON LNvLLOL5 -- ar|sh|onors may bog|n to p|ck up tho|r 2012 contr|but|on onvo|opos |n tho
back of church bog|nn|ng tho f|rst 5unday of Advont. Lnvo|opo boxos w||| bo arrangod numor|ca||y. 1horo w|||
bo an a|phabot|ca| ||st of par|sh|onors ava||ab|o so you may |ocato your fam||y's contr|but|on onvo|opos. |f you
aro not curront|y roco|v|ng contr|but|on onvo|opos and wou|d ||ko to, p|oaso ca|| tho off|co at 772-201.

2011 contr|but|on rocords w||| bo ma||od on|y to thoso par|sh|onors who roquost thom. |oaso wa|t to ca||
tho off|co bog|nn|ng |n oar|y January for th|s roquost.

5poak|ng of contr|but|on onvo|opos . . . |t |s |mportant to wr|to tho amount you contr|buto on tho outs|do of
your onvo|opo oach wook. 1h|s w||| onsuro that wo can corroct|y rocord your monotary g|ft to 5t. Mary's.

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