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Tanda Tangan
Orang Tua Nama : ........................................ Nilai ...................
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Ttd Guru
Hari/Tanggal :
(......................) Waktu : 60 Menit (........................)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the option!

Read the text to answer question no 1-5
Cow is four-feeted mammals. It has two horn, two small eyes and two ears. Cow is
herbivorous animal that eats grass. It produces milk and meat. In the past decade, people
use cow to plow the rice field.
1. Animal described in the text above is ....
a. fish b. dolphin c. cow d. chicken
2. Cow has ... feet.
a. one b. two c. three d. four
3. Cow eats ....
a. grass b. carrot c. vegetables d. fruits
4. We can get ... from the cow.
a. grass and milk b. milk and meat c. meat and fruits d. grass and fruit
5. People use cow to ....
a. plow the rice filed b. make money c. save the rice field d. make garden
6. How long do we spend time to brush our teeth?
a. 3 minutes b. 4 minutes c. 5 minutes d. 6 minutes
7. We need to go to ... take care of our teeth.
a. farmer b. mechanic c. police d. dentist
8. we have to use a brush with ... bristles to brush our teeth
a. soft b. hard c. wet d. dry
9. What is the main respiratory organ for human?
a. trachea b. stomach c. lungs d. eyes
10. These are movement organs for animals, except ...
a. feet b. wings c. lungs d. fins
11. This animal moves using skin ....
a. catterpillar b. cow c. bird d. fish
12. For forest conservation we have to do ....
a. ilegal logging b. global warming c. reforestation d. pollution
13. Riding bicycle can reduce ....
a. air pollution b. water pollution c. soil pollution d. forest pollution
14. This animal can moves using wings, except ....
a. bird b. bee c. mosquito d. chicken
15. What causes toothache?
a. eating too much cakes and candies c. eating too much spicy foods
b. drinking too much cold drinks d. drinking too much water
16. This is the kind of stomachache ....
a. diarhea b. hypotension c. hypertension d. earache
17. Listening to loud music can cause ....
a. stomachache b. tootache c. cough d. earache
18. The following is junk food ....
a. fruits b. vegetables c. french fries d. meat
19. The following is junk food, except ....
a. pizza b. burger c. fruits d. spagethi
20. To keep our body fit and healthy, we have to drink a lot of ....
a. Coffee b. water c. tea d. ice
II. Fill the blank with the correct answer!
Write T (True) or F (False) for these statements below!
Statemens True/False
21. A fish swims using its fin
22. A crocodile walks using its skin
23. A bird flies using its feet
24. A chicken walks using its feet
25. Smoking has bad effecct for our health
26. We have to drink a lot of water to keep our body fit
27. If we eat too much spicy food we will get headache
28. If we eat too much sweet food we will get earache
29. If we drink too much ice we will get cold
30. Fever make our body temperature become hot

31. Complete the table!

Healthy Foods Junk Foods

32. Give checklist (√) for these activities and the effect on our environment!
Activity Good Bad
Ilegall logging
Factory’s smoke
Turn on lamp on the daylight

33. Fill in the blank with have to / has to!

a. You ... drink a lot of water.
b. My mother ... cook healthy food every day.
c. I ... brush my teeth twice a day.
d. They ... go to school by bicycle.

34. Mention human respiratory system’s organs!

35. Mention 5 animals that moves using their feet!

III. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentence! (Susunlah kata acak berikut
menjadi kalimat yang benar!
36. I – spicy – like – food
37. teeth – your – Brush – after – eating
38. lizard – A – creeps up – feet – using - its
39. eating – Stop – food – junk
40. can – air pollution - reduces - Cycling

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