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Presented to
The faculty of
Iligan Computer Institute
Iligan City

In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject



APRIL 2024


Background of the Study

When children spend a significant portion of their time playing video games, they may

have less time available for face-to-face interactions with family and friends. This can lead to

social isolation as they withdraw from real-world social situations in favor of online or virtual

interactions within the gaming community. When students spend a significant portion of their

time playing video games, they may have less time available for face-to-face interactions with

family and friends. This can lead to social isolation as they withdraw from real-world social

situations in favor of online or virtual interactions within the gaming community.

Studies have found that playing video games, especially those that are social and

collaborative, can lead to more pro-social behaviors (behavior that is positive, helpful, and aimed

toward social acceptance and friendship) among children.

“The higher the addiction to computer games, the less the social skills” said Eshrat

Zamani, et al. This statement means that excessive gaming can lead to certain social

consequences. It`s important to understand that the impact can vary significantly from one

individual to another.

The purpose of this study is to look at the correlational between internet gaming and

social skill development. The purpose of the study is to determine how extent online gaming has

an impact on social skills development. The study examines variables that influence the

relationship, such as the length of time spent playing online games, and the types of games

played. The ultimate objective is to warn parents and educators with information that will enable
them to create efficient learning and development support programs and better understand the

relationship between online gaming influences students' social skills development.

This study will be conducted at the beginning of second semester and will be finished at

the end of the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to ascertain whether there is a relationship between social skill

development and online gaming that may have an impact on students' social development


Research Questions;

1. How does an online gamer manage to socialize with other students?

2. How does playing online games affect the social gathering of the family of the


3. How does playing online games affect the social interaction, both face-to-face and

online of the students?

Scope and Delimitation

The study's focus is on how internet gaming affects students at ICI as they build their

social abilities. This study's focus is on the social connections between online gaming and the

growth of social skills in ICI students. The study will especially look at the effect of social skills

development in ICI students as well as communication, leadership, politeness, and

comprehension of humor when playing online games. The relationship between online gaming

and social development is the main topic of this study. And a face-to-face survey of ICI students

regarding a case study. Researchers are searching for a manageable sum of data, adequate to
address the research topics and achieve data saturation, would be provided by forty (40)

respondents, due to availability of the respondents and lack of time of the researchers, twenty

(20) of whom are in grade 11, and twenty (20) of whom are in grade 12. Equivalent for forty

(40) respondents.

Significance of the Study

The Student gamers. They will understand that playing video games too much would negatively

impact their social development.

The Teachers. They will be able to assist the parent in guiding their youngster toward their

desired outcome in online gaming.

The Parents. Through this study, they will be aware of their children's behavior. And how

excessive online gaming can impair their children’s social relationship.

The Administration. Through this study, they can analyze the importance of the school

environment that can help the students enhance their social skills development.

The Future Researchers. This study will aid future academics in their understanding of the

mechanisms underlying how online games affect students' social skills. They may use it as a

future reference for more investigations and it would aid in having a better analysis.


In today's age of technology, online gaming has become a popular form of entertainment

and a means of social interaction for many people, including students. However, there has been a

lot of speculation about the effects of online gaming on the social skills of students. In this

research report, we will take a closer look at this relationship. This chapter examines some of the

numerous works completed by scholars and researchers which are directly related to this study.

Related Literature

Zamani, Kheradmand, et al. (2010) stated that playing online games affects students'

social skills and notes that the more time students spend playing games, the worse off their social

skills are. "The people who are addicted to video games have lesser social skills”.

Moreover, according to Fishman, (2023) it discusses how many students met online

rather than in person because they will have more time playing online games, which is especially

true for people who have difficulty spending time with others in person, such as those with major

depressive disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

Additionally, Vlachopoulos & Makri (2017) conclude that online gaming can influence

the social behavior and psychological well-being of students, as well as their academic

performance and study skills. Online gaming can enhance communication, cooperation,

leadership, problem-solving, empathy, and self-esteem, but it can also lead to addiction,

aggression, isolation, cyberbullying, and privacy Issue.

Lastly, according Zheng et al (2021) when used in conjunction with in-person talk, a

serious game may increase social skills. It also has the potential effects of the length of playtime,

intervention, and follow-up on social skills, as well as the effectiveness of using games to

educate social skill development.

In conclusion, online gaming negatively impacts students' social skills, with addiction to

video games leading to lesser social abilities. It is particularly detrimental for those with mental

health issues like depression, autism, and social anxiety. Online gaming can enhance

communication, cooperation, leadership, problem-solving, empathy, and self-esteem, but it can

also lead to addiction, aggression, isolation, cyberbullying, and privacy issues. The effectiveness

of using games to educate social skill development depends on factors like playtime,

intervention, and follow-up.

Related Study

According to Bender (2016) this study discusses the connection between online gaming

among students and the social anxiety of a person and whether there is an increase in social

anxiety symptoms and a decrease in interpersonal skills.

However, according to Son, et al. (2021) this study discusses the mutual connection

between the online friendship network and internet game disorder and also the contribution of

online gaming to the changes in the internet game disorder level.

Additionally, according to Mun a, Lee (2022) this study examining the mediating effects

of social skill deficits and loneliness in adolescent’s online gaming addiction may play a role in

this relationship.
Meanwhile, according to Kowert (2013) this study discusses that online gamers lack

certain social skills and are more likely to exhibit certain psychosocial temperaments than

inactive players or non-game players; Concepts of online video game participation and social

competence are changing and it is difficult to generalize about them.

Besides, according to Finke (2015) this investigation discovered that playing computer

games decidedly affected kids with ASD, adding to the advancement of abilities in numerous

areas, including interactive abilities, fine coordinated movements, language abilities, perusing,

composing, and decisive reasoning.

While based on the study of Dumrique & Castillo (2017) this research shows that online

games can still have a positive impact on students and help them gain friends. They still have

their friends personally and are able to socialize effectively.

Uz & Cagiltay (2015) claims that online games encourage group interaction and lead to

new forms of social interaction by giving opportunities to create meaningful relationships with

other players.

To sum up all the studies, it explores the relationship between online gaming among

students and social anxiety, focusing on the impact of online friendship networks and internet

game disorder. It also explores the mediating effects of social skill deficits and loneliness on

adolescent gaming addiction. The research reveals that online gaming can enhance abilities in

interactive, coordinated movements, language, reading, writing, and decisive reasoning. Despite

this, it also suggests that online games can positively impact students' social interactions and

group interactions.
Theoretical Framework

Albert Bandura developed Social Learning Theory in 1986. Social learning theory

proposes that learning occurs through observation, imitation, and social interaction. Individuals

learn by watching others, interacting with them, and experiencing the consequences of their own

and others' behaviors. He proposed that individuals have beliefs and expectations that influence

their actions and can think about the links between their behavior and its consequences.

Social learning theory offers a valuable lens to explore the connection between online

gaming and social skill development. This theory highlights learning through observing and

interacting with others. In the context of online games, players can watch and emulate social

behaviors like communication and teamwork, incorporating them into their gameplay.

Witnessing positive outcomes of social interactions, like cooperation leading to victory, can

further motivate players to adopt these behaviors. Online games also provide a space for social

interaction, allowing players to practice and refine their social skills in a virtual environment.

Conceptual Framework

(Independent Variable) (Dependent Variable) (Output)

Online Gaming Social Skill Development - Find out if there is a
relationship between online
gaming and social skills
- Implementing educational
programs that promote
positive gaming habits and
social interaction and
fostering open
communication between
parents, educators, and
gamers to understand and
address any potential
concerns or benefits.
Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study
The schematic diagram of the study is shown in Figure 1. The independent variable in

this is online gaming, which is a specific activity with widely varying social dynamics, content,

and interaction opportunities. Different types of online games may provide distinct social

environments, such as multiplayer games requiring teamwork or communication with other

players, virtual worlds where users can interact and collaborate, or competitive environments in

which players engage in strategic interactions. While online gaming is the independent variable

because it represents the outcome that researchers want to see or measure as a result of changes

in the independent variable (online gaming). Social skills include communication, nonverbal

cues, empathy, cooperation, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Using this conceptual

framework, the researchers can examine the relationships between the independent variable

(online gaming) and the dependent variable (social skills development) of the ICI students.

Definition of Terms

Correlation. A research design that investigates relationship between two variables without the

researcher controlling or manipulating any of them.

Generation. A body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an


Online Gaming. The playing of a video game over the internet, usually with friends.

Scatter plot. It shows the relationship between two variables measured for the same individuals.

Social Skills Development. Being aware of emotions and the communication pattern and using

them effectively in different situation with people.

Student Gamers. A student who plays games and especially video games.
Technology. The use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, and for solving problems.



This chapter describes the research techniques that should be used by the researcher when
carrying out the study, including the research design, study population, development of the

research instrument, data analysis and data collection techniques.

Research Design

A correlational study seeks to ascertain relationships between two or more variables.

(Tan 2014). By analyzing the relationship between the two variables, the researcher aims to

explore the patterns in the population of interest. Correlational design offers a suitable method

for investigating the relationship between online gaming and social skill development simply

because the researchers are looking to see if there is a relationship between the two variables of

The Relationship Between Online Gaming and Social Skills Development of Students in ICI

Data Collection Technique

The survey questionnaire technique allows the researchers to gather data from the

respondents and expand the documentary information needed. As the survey techniques will be

use to collect data from the respondents, the researchers employed open-ended research

questionnaires to administer the survey. That contains the information to be answered by the

respondents. By using the survey techniques, the researchers can find a particular response from

the respondents. As the researchers will conduct the face-to-face survey at the Iligan Computer

Institute (ICI). As the researchers set up the survey environment, the researchers will make sure

that the respondents' information will be confidential aside from the responses of the respondents

will provide.

Research Instrument

This research tool attempts to find out the relationship between online gaming and social

skills development in the student of ICI (Iligan Computer Institute) branch in Iligan.
Face to face survey will be use to gather the data for this investigation. The researchers

will provide a 40 printed survey questionnaires and 70 printed about personal info if they are a

suitable respondents or they are match at the research’s criteria.


Purposive or judgemental sampling will be used in conducting research. Purposive or

judgemental sampling is a type of non-probability sampling method technique where the

researcher selects only those subjects that satisfy the objectives of the study based on the

researcher’s conviction. It is a sampling technique where the researcher relies on his discretion to

choose participants from the study population (Obilor, Esezi Isaac, 2023). This method is well-

suited for this study due to its capability to selectively target specific traits or characteristics

within the gaming population. By focusing on particular demographics, researchers can pinpoint

participants who best represent these criteria, ensuring a more precise and relevant sample.

The selection criteria will be;

1. Are you interested in participating this study?

2. Are you an online gamer?

3. Are you an ICI student?

Those who respond with a “No” are excluded from the sample and those who responds with a

“Yes” can proceed answering the research questionnaires.

In the case of this study, Analyzing the Relationship Between Online Games and Social

Skills Development of Students in ICI (Iligan Computer Institute) students. The respondents

should have first-hand experience of learning while currently playing online games. The

selection was based on the respondents' accessibility and convenience. The informants were
chosen because they could offer insightful answers to the research questions about the

Relationship Between Online Games and Social Skills Development. A manageable sum of data,

adequate to address the research topics and achieve data saturation, would be forty (40)

respondents, due to availability of the respondents and lack of time of the researchers, twenty

(20) of whom are in grade 11, and twenty (20) of whom are in grade 12. Equivalent for forty (40)


Data Analysis

Pearson Correlation Coefficient, which is frequently used to examine the data for this

study. Finding out whether there is a relationship between variables, as well as its strength and

direction, are the main goals of correlation analysis.

In gathering the data via in-person surveys, the researchers dove deep into it to fully

comprehend the responses of the respondents. This method entails analyzing the degree of

correlation between two variables as the direction of the relationship between online gaming and

the development of social skills using a correlational approach to data. By identifying relevant

sentences, phrases, or words connected to the research themes, the researchers produced their

initial codes at this step.

The researchers looked at the topics in greater detail at this point. In order to understand

the underlying meanings and implications of the respondents' experiences, the researchers

investigated the relationship between online gaming and the development of social skills.
Ethical Consideration

As responsible researchers, several ethical considerations were implemented throughout

the study to ensure the rights and well-being of the participants. The following ethical

considerations were addressed:

1. Letters of Permission and Invitation: Prior to conducting the study, appropriate letters of

permission were obtained from the relevant authorities at Iligan Computer Institute. These letters

stated the purpose and nature of the study and sought permission to conduct research within the

institution. Additionally, letters of invitation were sent to potential participants, explaining the

study's objectives, procedures, and the voluntary nature of their participation. The invitation

letters were accompanied by informed consent forms.

2. Informed Consent and Voluntary Participation: Participants were provided with informed

consent forms that outlined the purpose of the study, the procedures involved, and the rights and

expectations of the participants. It was explicitly stated that participation in the study was

voluntary, and individuals had the right to withdraw from the study at any point without facing

any consequences or having to provide a reason for their withdrawal. Participants were informed

that their decision to participate or withdraw would not affect their academic standing or

relationships within the institution.

3. Minimal Risk Statement: The study was deemed to be of minimal risk to the participants.

It was communicated to the participants that the probability and magnitude of harm or

discomfort anticipated in the research would not exceed what is typically encountered in daily

life or routine physical or psychological examinations. Participants were assured that their well-

being and safety were of utmost importance throughout the study.

4. Confidentiality and Anonymity: A strict protocol was followed to maintain the

confidentiality and anonymity of the participants. All collected data were anonymize.

Participants were assured that their responses and personal information would be kept strictly

confidential, and no identifying information would be disclosed during or after the study. Only

the researchers involved in data analysis had access to the raw data, and any published or

reported findings would be presented in a way that does not allow identification of individual


5. Withdrawal Option: Participants were explicitly informed of their right to withdraw from

the study at any time without being asked to provide a reason. It was emphasized that withdrawal

would have no negative consequences, and their decision to participate or withdraw would be

respected without question. By adhering to these ethical considerations, the study aimed to

protect the rights, autonomy, and well-being of the respondents, ensuring their informed consent

and confidentiality while minimizing any potential risks or discomfort associated with their

involvement in the research.



This chapter discuss the data analysis and findings from the questionnaires completed by

ICI student’s Iligan City branch and aims to seek weather there is a relationship between Online

Gaming and Social Skills Development.

For simpler analysis and understanding, the researchers employed a scatter plot on the

perfect negative Pearson correlation. The volume of respondents who provided common

answers will be displayed in linear charts; the data has been converted into a Pearson correlation

coefficient to improve the scale's presentation.

Figure 2. Scatter Plot Diagram

The straight diagonal line drawn through the center of the data points represents the

number of respondents, while the dots represent the number of questions on the research
questionnaires. Scatter plots give a visual portrayal of the correlation, or a perfect negative

connection, between online gaming and social skills development.

As the correlation is -1, it indicates that there is no relationship between online gaming

and the social skills development of students at ICI. As the value is in the negative range, it

shows that the variables are perfect negatively correlated and both will go in the opposite

direction, as the figure above shows a strong negative relationship.

Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of Statement of the Problem #1 How does an online gamer

manage to socialize with other students?

The H, which represents question number 8 (I play online games to socialize with my

co-students) as the total number of respondents who strongly agree and agree, is 30 (x), and the

total number of respondents who strongly disagree and disagree for number 8 is 10 (y), so it

implies that the H is between 10 and 30, which is shown in the diagram above. Therefore, the

respondents managed to socialize with other students while playing online games because many

online games have builds or clans, which are groups of players who team up regularly.
Figure 4. Schematic Diagram of Statement of the Problem #2 How does playing online games

affect the social gathering of the family of the students?

The A, which represents question number 1(I missed important social or family activities

because I was playing online games.) as the total number of respondents who strongly agree and

agree, is 15 (x), and the total number of respondents who strongly disagree and disagree is 25

(y), so it implies that the A is between 15 and 25, which is shown in the diagram above.

Therefore, the result shows that families can bond over playing these games together, creating a

shared experience and fostering communication.

Figure 4. Schematic Diagram of Statement of the Problem #3 How does playing online games

affect my social interaction, both face-to-face and online?

The G, which represents question number 7 (I have no problems in social interaction

both face-to-face and online.)as the total number of respondents who strongly agree and agree,

is 33 (x), and the total number of respondents who strongly disagree and disagree for question

number 1 is 7 (y), so it implies that the G is between 33 and 7, which is shown in the diagram in

figure 2 above. Therefore, if the respondents managed their gaming time very well, online

gaming didn't have a significant impact on their face-to-face social life.



The purpose of this study is to analyze the relation between online gaming and social

skills development of students in ICI.

Summary of the Findings

The study looked into whether there is a relationship between online gaming and social

skills development in students of ICI using correlational approach. Data were gather using

various tool such as Face to face survey was used to gathered the data on this investigation. The

researchers had provided 40 printed survey questionnaires and 70 printed about personal

information that prove that they are suitable to be a respondent in this study.

This study revealed that there is no significant relationship between online gaming and

social skills development. Since the data that the researchers gathered shows no relationship

between the two variables. As the result shows strong negative correlation, explain that students

can play online games but online games can’t affect the social skills development of the

respondents. This includes communication, leadership, and networking.


When children spend a significant portion of their time playing video games, they may

have less time available for face-to-face interactions with family and friends. This can lead to

social isolation as they withdraw from real-world social situations in favor of online or virtual

interactions within the gaming community.

To sum up, the goal of the study was implemented and followed to. The questions posed

by the researchers were supported by the data gathered. With the assistance of the respondents
and participants, the research was accomplished successfully. As they gratefully shared their

experiences, the participants gave the researchers permission to conduct the study.

In today’s generation, where technology is already advanced, young people like to play

online games to meet new people and satisfy their boredom, which is good for them. Online

gaming becomes a bad influence when the player starts to lock themselves up just because they

want to play, and it will be really bad if playing online games can affect their well-being,

specifically their social skills development. The researchers hoped that through this study, the

student gamer would gain some knowledge and manage their time while playing online games.


The researchers suggest the school, to ensure the well-being of the students, implement

educational programs so that the student gamers will gain some knowledge of the effects of their

habits, promote positive gaming habits and social interaction, and foster open communication

between parents, educators, and gamers to understand and address any potential concerns or

benefit. And for the future researchers, the researchers suggest to use the causal analysis in their

research design.

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