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I. Multiple Choice
Read the statements below and choose the letter of the correct answer.

____1. A mixture of small pieces of food combined with a dressing, also referred to as the
“king of the dishes”.
a. salad b. dessert c. sandwich

____2. A food or drink that stimulates the appetite and is usually served before a meal.
a. dessert b. main dish c. appetizer

____3. A sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal.

a. dessert b. main dish c. appetizer

____4. These add a bright touch of color and texture for added appeal.
a. dressing b. garnish c. sauces

____5. These are pretty common delicacies which involve fruits instead of vegetables.
a. vegetable salad b. dessert salad c. fruit salad

1. Salad ingredients are arranged on

plate rather than being mixed together
are called a) Fruit salad c)
Composed salad b) Bound salad d)
vegetable salad
2. Salads made of mixtures ingredients
that are held together usually with a
thick dressing like
mayonnaise are called a) Green salads
c) Composed salad b) Bound salads d)
Vegetable salad
3. Salad that can be served as full meal
because it contains substantial portion of
meat, poultry,
seafoods, fruits and vegetables are
called a) Dessert salad c) main course
salad b) Appetizer salad d)
Accompaniment salad
4. Which of the following guidelines is
not included in making vegetable salad?
a) Marinated or soaked
in seasoned liquid b) Thoroughly
drained and chilled before using c)
Cooked to a firm, crisp texture and
color d) Cooked until completely tender
but not overcooked
5. Which of the following is not a factor
to consider in salad preparation? a)
Arrangement of food b)
Quality of ingredients c) Proper food
combinations d) Contrast and harmony
of colors
6. Which of the following
considerations is essential in choosing
ingredients for high quality salads? a)
Texture and color c) freshness and
variety b) Quality and quantity d)
crispiness and taste
7. Which of the following procedures
for quantity green salad production is
the last step to do? a)
Refrigerated until serving b) Prepare all
ingredients c) Add dressing before
serving d) Arrange salad plates
on worktable
s 8. It is called composed salad because
a.) The components are arranged on the
plate rather than being
mixed together b.) Usually served as
main courses or fruit courses rather than
side dishes. c.) It is a
mixture of foods that are held together
with a dressing. d.) It is made by
arranging two or more elements
attractively on a plate.
9. Which of the following guidelines is
NOT included in making vegetable
salad? a) Cooked to a firm,
crisp texture and good color b) Cooked
until completely tender but not
overcooked c) Thoroughly
drained and chilled before using d)
Marinated or soaked in a seasoned
10. Why do we have to drain the
ingredients of salad well? a) Salad will
be messy c) appetizing b) Salad
will be nutritious d) fresh
11. Why do we need to consider the
important factors in preparing salad? a.
Contrast in color for your
garnishing can accentuate the
appearance of the salad. b. Salad is as
good as the quality of its
ingredients, so you have to use
ingredients that are fresh, ripe and in
season. c. Taste of the food that
you are using as a base should be
identifiable when you taste the salad. d.
To evaluate the favor and
12. is used to hold ingredients for
mixing and for tossing. a) Knives c)
salad spinner b) Mixing bowl d)
cutting board
____6. It is also known as green salads or tossed salads.
a. vegetable salad b. garden salad c. coleslaw

____7. It gives the definition of the salad’s placement on the plate or platter. It is used as the
backdrop for the other ingredients.
a. base b. body c. dressing

____8. It is used to enhance the flavor, tossed with the body of the salad or served on
the side.
a. base b. body c. dressing

____9. It is the main ingredient of the salad; this should be the focal point of
the presentation as it is set on top of the base.
a. base b. body c. dressing

____10. It is also known as French dressing.

a. vinaigrette b. mayonnaise c. emulsified dressing

____11. It is a cold sauce that is an emulsion of oil and vinegar stabilized with egg yolk and
a. vinaigrette b. mayonnaise c. emulsified dressing

____12. An ingredient for making dressing where it was made from fermented barley juice,
wine, or apple cider.
a. mustard b. vinegar c. oils

____13. It is used to ensure that cooked food is held at a safe temperature until served.
a. food processor b. reach-in refrigerator c. thermometer

____15. It is a separate two-compartment sink which is recommended to clean and prepare

fresh products.
a. worktable b. preparation sink c. cutting board

____16. What type of dish that is made up of more slices of bread with nutritious filling
between them?
a. salad b. dessert c. sandwich

____17. These are the single slice of bread with attractively arranged fillings on top with the
a. salad b. dessert c. sandwich

____18. Two slices of bread or two halves of the roll which have a spread applied and are
filled with a cold filling.
____19. It acts as a barrier between the fillings and the bread.
____20. It provides the body of the sandwich and most of the flavor.
____21. A sandwich where the casing is buttered on the outside top and bottom and then
placed on the griddle or in a pan to brown on both the sides.
____22. These are two pieces of bread encasing some type of filling which has been dipped
into an egg mixture and then deep fried or pan fried till golden brown.
____23. An alternate color of slices of bread is preferable for this type of sandwich.
____24. These are small, fancy closed sandwiches often have their crusts removed, and are
usually cut into various shapes. These sandwiches are sometimes used as appetizers.
____25. These easy-to-eat sandwiches that are made with soft, flat breads that are folded,
or wrapped, around the fillings.
____26. This is not really a sandwich but small pieces of toast or biscuits or puff pastry
sheets buttered and topped with meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables.
____27. The most commonly used bread for sandwiches.
____28. These are very thin, flat breads that are used for sandwich wraps, burritos, and
____29. A spread that adds a smooth, rich flavor to a sandwich. It has more essential fatty
acids and vitamins than margarine.
____30. It is a permanent suspension of egg yolks, oil, and vinegar or lemon juice. It is used as
a spread on many different types of sandwiches.


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