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ĐỀ 3

Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced

1. A. fabulous B. popular/ˈpɑːpjələr/ C. regular/ˈreɡjələr/ D. culture/ˈkʌltʃər/
2. A. official/əˈfɪʃl/ B. process/ˈprɑːses/ C. facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ D. simplicity
Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose main stress position is placed differently
3.A. cosmopolitan B.communication C.multicultural /ˌmʌlti D. metropolitan /ˌmetrə
/ˌkɑːzməˈpɑːlɪtən/ /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/ ˈkʌltʃərəl/ ˈpɑːlɪtən/
4.A.cognitive B.empathise C.embarrassed /ɪm D. adulthood
/ˈkɑːɡnətɪv/ /ˈempəθaɪz/ ˈbærəst/ /ˈædʌlthʊd/
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
5. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectation from their parents and
A. stress B. nervousness C. emotion D. relaxation
6. When being interviewed, you should focus on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.
A. pay no attention to B. be interested in
C. be related D. express interested in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
7. She was looking through a magazine as she waited in the doctor’s office.
A. checking B. reading C. receiving D. publishing
8. They are going to bring out a guidebook to different beauty spots in Vietnam.
A. spread B. enjoy C. publish D. read
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each of the
9. At the hotel, you can choose between bed and breakfast, and ______.
A. blackboard B. full board C. checkout D. checkin
10. The towers of the My Son sanctuary are the most significant ____________ of My Son
A. structures B. arrangements C. apartments D. plans
11. A good night’s sleep will improve your………………….
A. concentrated B. concentration C. concentrating D. concentrate
12. She has ____________ for a long time so it’s fair if she gets an A for her final exam.
A. cost an arm and a leg B. burnt the midnight oil
C. put herself in my shoes D. broken the bank
13. Nam: Would you like to participate in this “Preserving the past” project? Lan: _________ .
A. Wow, I can’t imagine that. B. Sure.
C. I wish I could go back to that time. D. How cool!
14. Janet: “Do you like going to the cinema this evening?” Susan: “_____________”
A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid B. You are welcome.
C. That would be great. D. I feel very bored.
15. __________ they moved to the city ten years ago, they still remember living in a small town.
A. While B. Although C. In order that D. Whereas
16. When I visit the company _______ I used to work, I become very emotional.
A. which B. whose C. who D. where
17. After I _____ about Pham Tuan, I read articles about him.
A. has learnt B. learnt C. had learnt D. learn
18. He decided not ____ the fake watch and waited until he had more money.
A. buying B. buy C. to buy D. bought
19. When he was young, he was crazy _______ space
A. about B. of C. for D. with
20. She was ___________ a magazine as she waited in the doctor’s office.
A. looking through B. looking after C. looking forward to D. looking into
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
21. The woman and the flowers which he painted were so vivid
A. The woman B. which C. so vivid D. Painted
22. On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, and dogs which were playing in the park.
A. on. B. a lot of. C. in. D. which.
Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best
It is now generally (23) _____ that stress is a major cause of heart disease, and contributes to many
other illnesses. Stress is increased by factors such as worry, overwork and lack of exercise or
(24)______ . It is just as important from a psychological point of view to relax as it is to take physical
exercise. Relaxing does not necessarily mean just lazing about and (25) ______ nothing. The benefits
of a weekend away or the diversion of sporting activities are considerable. If you are suffering from
high stress levels, or wish to wind down after a trying day, it is generally advisable to have a change
of scene. Although there are some individuals (26)_______ thrive on stress, for most of us, it can lead
(27) ______ exhaustion, mood swings and even severe depression.
23.A. recognizes B. recognized C. recognize D. recognizing
24.A. relaxant B. relax C. relaxation D. relaxative
25.A. doing B. do C. did D. to do
26. A. whom. B. who C. whose D. which
27. A. to B. in C. up D. down
Read the following passage and make the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
The Changing Role of Women in Filipino Society
When many people think of women in Asian culture, they think of a male dominated society where
women don’t have as many rights as their male counterparts. However, the Filipino are different.
Filipino women have always enjoyed greater equality than women in other nations in Southeast Asia.
For starters, Filipino women today serve as heads in the family arrangement, handling the money,
acting as religious mentors and even arranging marriages for their sons and daughters. This is a sharp
contrast to women being subjugated to their husbands.
This does not mean that they have equality everywhere. In the workplace, Filipino women are paid
less and more often hired for lower positions even if they are qualified to earn more money. On the
home front, women carry a heavy burden in the homes in order to support them financially while men
can keep their money and are not obligated to the family.
Thankfully, strides are being made to equalize this perception of inequality. Human Resources
Managements are seeing to it that a lot more women hold high ranking positions in large and small
organizations. More women are holding managerial positions in banks, government, and
multinational companies.
Even though they have had a female president, involvement in politics is not considered women’s
business, and many women still hold to the tradition that a woman cannot take a higher position than
her husband. Part of this mindset is due to the effect of colonization on Filipino women.
Like women in many parts of the world, Filipino women have had to fight for their proper place in
their society. They have worked hard to extend themselves beyond the confines of their homes and
show that they have the strength and power to control business and politics.
28. All of the following are true about Filipino women today EXCEPT that
A. they enjoy more equality than others in Southeast Asia.
B. they have an important role in politics.
C. they arrange marriages for their sons and daughters.
D. they help their children with religious matters.

29. The inequality at home is that……………..
A. women earn money to support themselves.
B. women serve as the head of the family.
C. both women and men work but men keep the money.
D. men earn more to support the family and keep the money.
30. Women don’t enjoy equality at work because
A. they carry a heavy burden in the homes. B. they are always hired for lower positions.
C. they don’t have enough qualifications. D. they are paid less for the same jobs as men.
31. Due to the effect of colonization on Filipino women, they
A. hold a lower position than her husband’s. B. hole the position of a President.
C. hold high ranking in business. D. hold managerial positions in multinational companies.
32. In order to have equality in every sector in society, women have to……..
A. vote a female president. B. fight for their proper place.
C. work hard in the family. D. control business and politics.
Mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the given
33. Although the weather was bad, the farmers kept on working in the fields.
A. In spite of the bad weather, but the farmers kept on working in the fields.
B. Despite the weather was bad, the farmers kept on working in the fields.
C. In spite of the bad weather, the farmers kept on working in the fields.
D. Because of the bad weather, the farmers kept on working in the fields.
34. Mary said: “What will you do this evening, John?”
A. Mary asked John what would he do that evening.
B. Mary asked John what John did that evening.
C. Mary wanted to know what she and John would do that evening.
D. Mary wanted to know what John would do that evening.
35. Nobody is as kind-hearted as your mother.
A. Your mother is less kind-hearted than anyone.
B. Your mother is more kind-hearted than anyone.
C. Your mother is more kind-heart than anyone.
D. Your mother is more kind-hearted than someone.
36. Unless you go to Hue festival, you won’t know why we like the oriental night show.
A. If you go to Hue festival, you won’t know why we like the oriental night show.
B. If you like the oriental night show, you won’t go to Hue festival.
C. If you go to Hue festival, you will know why we like the oriental night show.
D. If you don’t go to Hue festival, you will know why we like the oriental night show.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is BEST written from the
37. If/ Kate/ not work/ too much, he/ not be/ usually tired/ now.
A. If Kate didn’t work too much, he wouldn’t be usually tired now.
B. If Kate doesn’t work too much, he wouldn’t be usually tired now.
C. If Kate worked too much, he wouldn’t be usually tired now.
D. If Kate didn’t work too much, he will be usually tired now.
38. He/ suggest/ visit/ Moc Chau/ learn/ Thai and H’mong people.
A. He suggested visiting Moc Chau to learning about Thai and H’mong people.
B. He suggested to visit Moc Chau to learn about Thai and H’mong people.
C. He suggested visiting Moc Chau to learn about Thai and H’mong people.
D. He suggested to visiting Moc Chau to learn about Thai and H’mong people.
39. My uncle/ use/ ride/ his bicycle/ the countryside/ the weekend.
A. My uncle used to ride his bicycle to the countryside at the weekend.
B. My uncle used to riding his bicycle to the countryside at the weekend.

C. My uncle uses to ride his bicycle to the countryside on the weekend.
D. My uncle uses to riding his bicycle to the countryside at the weekend.
40. I/ wish/ my sister/ improve/ her English speaking.
A. I wish my sister can improve her English speaking.
B. I wish my sister improved her English speaking.
C. I wish my sister has improved her English speaking.
D. I wish my sister will improve her English speaking.
ĐỀ 4
Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
1. A. cancer/ˈkænsər/ B. lacquer /ˈlækər/ C. concentrate D. decision /dɪˈsɪʒn/
2. A. reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ B. forbidden /fərˈbɪdn/ C. conflict/ˈkɑːnflɪkt/ D. determine /dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/
Mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose main stress position is placed differently
3. A. supportive /sə B. souvenir /ˈsuːvənɪr/ C. assignment /ə D. emotion /ɪˈməʊʃn/
ˈpɔːrtɪv/ ˈsaɪnmənt/
4. A. calendar B. literature /ˈlɪtrətʃər/, C. religious /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ D. situate /ˈsɪtʃueɪt/
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
5. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money.
A. authentic B. forger C. faulty D. original
6. The music is what makes the movie so memorable.
A. eventful B. incredible C. forgettable D. remarkable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
7. I’ll take the new job whose salary is fantastic.
A. reasonable B. acceptable C. pretty high D. wonderful
8. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against SARS-CoV-2.
A. improvement B. expectation C. wonder D. treatment
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to complete each of the
9. In the past several weeks, I have had the _________to interact with a few large extended families.
A. situation B. opportunity C. ceremony D. event
10. Children feel _____ to go into the world with the support from their parents.
A. depressed B. reluctant C. confident D. sociable
11. In spite of his __________, he refused all the delicious food served on the table.
A. hungry B. hungrily C. hungriness D. hunger
12. Things are affordable here. We can have a lovely time without _____________.
A. breaking the bank B. losing the bank C. my cup of tea D. right up my street
13. Bob: “Let me help you with the box.” Dean: “___________”
A. Yes. That’s very kind of you. B. I’m sorry. I’m busy now.
C. What can I do for you? D. No. You must not touch it.
14. Minh: “How about making posters on coronavirus disease and hanging them round our school?”
Lan: “______________”
A. Go away! B. Great! Let’s do that. C. Don’t litter. D. I am so busy.
15. I met the Gills, I had been gardening for nearly ten years.
A. Before B. Although C. After D. As soon as
16. The girls and flowers he painted were vivid.
A. which B. that C. whom D. who
17. Traditional games as an effective but simple educational method for centuries.
A. had used B. were used C. have been used D. have used
18. They didn’t stop until 11.30 pm when there was a power cut.

A. singing and dance B. to sing and dance
C. to sing and dancing D. singing and dancing
19. These factors contribute making city life more difficult for its residents.
A. to B. with C. on D. in
20. Those workers are in difficulty because wage increases can not ___________ inflation.
A. put up with B. keep up with C. get over D. bring out
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
21. English is the first language in many countries outside United Kingdom.
A. first B. outside C. many D. United Kingdom
22. Don’t put too much garlic in the salad; two bunches are enough.
A. much B. put C. enough D. bunches
Read the following passage and mark letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best
Coronavirus germs live in people’s throats and mouths. When someone (23) ____ has the
coronavirus coughs or sneezes or breathes out, the germs come (24) _____ their mouth in tiny drops
of water.
Though you can’t see the germs, you can sometimes see these tiny drops. In cold weather, they make
a cloud of steam! So if someone else (25)_______ breathes in the air with the coronavirus germs in it,
they would probably get the illness.
It’s easy (26) _____ the coronavirus germs from inside your body on your hands when you touch
your nose or your mouth. If the person with the coronavirus germs on their hands (27) ______ a door,
the invisible germs can live on the handle for hours. When someone else opens the door, they get the
germs on their hands, too. And if they touch their nose or mouth, the germs can get into their body.So
you can also catch the coronavirus by touching things that someone with the virus has already
23.A. who B. which C. what D. whom
24.A. into B. out of C. to D. because of
25. A. accidentally B. accidental C. accident D. accidence
26.A. got B. getting C. get D. to get
27.A. used B. use C. uses D. will use
Read the following passage and make the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
Men have played a significant role in American society as the main breadwinner, and protector of the
family. But the traditional role of men has slowly been transferred to women. Society is changing
with women going to college, and gaining jobs. It may even happen in several years’ time when
women are given sole earning responsibility in American society as the main breadwinner of the
family. That is due in part to women gained working privileges equal to men in the 1970s.
Up until the 1970s, men were traditional family breadwinner, while women stayed at home, raised
the kids, made dinner every night, cleaned the house, and ran all of the errands. Men went to work
every day, making enough money to buy a nice home, buy a new car every so often.
Once women were afforded the opportunity to work in the same jobs men once held, men’s more
traditional foothold in the workplace was loosened. Women were given bigger jobs with more
responsibility, but women take jobs with major responsibly with less pay than men.
The role of men in American society is changing with more women going to college, and obtaining
careers, men are playing more untraditional roles at home.
Women are still giving birth to the kids, but are going to work to earn money to pay the bills, while
men are staying home raising the kids, running errands, cleaning, and making dinner. Young
children, boys as well as girls, are being raised with dad at home taking care of the kids.
Millions of families are also raising their young with mom and dad sharing all of the responsibilities.
Today’s role of men in American society is more of a shared role, with a more undefined role.
28. The traditional role of men was__________

A. the main breadwinner of the family. B. the foothold in the family.
C. raising the children when they were at home. D. the supporter of women.
29. Women used to stay at home doing housework because__________
A. men brought bread home every day. B. men offered a good life to the whole family.
C. men went to work every day. D. men gained equal working privileges.
30. At work, women take__________
A. the job of delivering bread. B. all the jobs once held by men.
C. the same job as men but with less pay. D. the jobs for college graduates.
31. The shared role of men nowadays is__________
A. going to work, and doing housework. B. the same as their traditional role.
C. cleaning the house, and raising the kids. D. sharing responsibilities with women at work.
32. The word “foothold” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________
A. a hole in a rock to support your feet. B. a strong position at work.
C. achievements at work. D. supporting when climbing.
Mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the given
33. If you don’t follow the guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected by Covid-19.
A. Unless you follow the guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may not be affected by Covid-
B.Unless you followed the guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected by Covid-
C. Unless you follow the guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected by Covid-19.
D. Unless you don’t follow the guidelines from The Ministry of Health, you may be affected by
34. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door?" said John.
A. John made us put a better lock on the door.
B. John asked why not putting a better lock on the door.
C. John suggested to put a better lock on the door.
D. John suggested putting a better lock on the door.
35. He feels sorry that he can’t come to his brother’s wedding.
A. He wishes that he could come to his brother’s wedding.
B. He wishes that he can come to his brother’s wedding.
C. He wishes that he can’t come to his brother’s wedding.
D. He wishes that he couldn’t come to his brother’s wedding.
36. Billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong founded Vinfast Automobile Company in 2017.
A. Vinfast Automobile Company was founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
B. Vinfast Automobile Company is founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
C. Vinfast Automobile Company were founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
D. Vinfast Automobile Company has been founded by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong in 2017.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is BEST written from the
37. He / study / than / I do
A. He studies as good than I do B. He studied better than I do
C. He studies better than I do D. He studies as well than I do
38. Andy/ wish/ he/ can/ speak English/ good/ as a native speaker.
A. Andy wishes he can speak English as well as a native speaker.
B. Andy wish he could speak English as well as a native speaker.
C. Andy wishes he could spoke English as well as a native speaker.
D. Andy wishes he could speak English as well as a native speaker.
39. He / too/ young / go / school alone.
A. He is too young for him to go to school alone. B. He is too young going to school alone

C. He is too young to go to school alone. D. He is too young to goes to school alone.
40.The man/ you/ see/ yesterday/ be/ my secretary
A. The man who you see yesterday is my secretary.
B. The man whom you saw yesterday is my secretary.
C. The man whom you see yesterday is my secretary.
D. The man which you saw yesterday is my secretary

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