Major Royal Jelly Proteins Influence The Neurobiological Regulation of The Division of Labor Among Honey Bee Workers

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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

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Major royal jelly proteins influence the neurobiological regulation of the

division of labor among honey bee workers
Yu Fang a, Mao Feng a, Chuan Ma a, Olav Rueppell b, Jianke Li a, *
Institute of Apicultural Research/Key Laboratory of Pollinating Insect Biology, Ministry of Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G2L3, Canada


Keywords: Age-based division of labor among workers is a fundamental life-history trait of many social insects, including
Task choice the Western honey bee, Apis mellifera L. Extensive studies of the causation of the most pronounced transition from
Royal jelly protein performing tasks in the nest to outside foraging indicate hormonal regulation of complex physiological changes.
However, the proximate neurobiological mechanisms that cause the behavioral repertoire to change are still not
Neurological regulation
understood and require novel approaches to be fully characterized. Thus, we established the first comprehensive
monoclonal antibody microarray in honey bees with 16,320 antibodies to directly identify proteins in the brain
that regulate the transition to foraging. Major royal jelly protein (MRJP) 1 and MRJP3 were identified as po­
tential protein effectors and further investigated. A series of experimental manipulations of the workers'
behavioral transition led to changes in MRJP1 and MRJP3 quantities in accordance with their presumed func­
tional role. Injection of MRJPs into the brain resulted in increased task-reversal from foraging to nursing and
decreased task-progression from nursing to foraging, while the latter was increased by injection with MRJP
antibodies. Finally, down-regulation of MRJP1 and MRJP3 expression via RNAi injection into the brain increased
the transition from in-hive nursing to outside foraging, confirming a causal role of these two proteins in the
proximate regulation of behavior and life-history of honey bee workers. Interaction partners of MRJP1 and
MRJP3 in the honey bee brain included other regulators of honey bee behavior and life history. Thus, our
transformative methodological advancement of proteome analysis in honey bees reveals novel regulators of
honey bee behavior, extends our understanding of the functional pleiotropy of MRJPs, and supports a general
nutrition-based model of the regulation of the age-based division of labor in honey bees.

1. Introduction colony life-history [4–6]. The causation of this complex transition has
been extensively studied across different levels of biological organiza­
Social groups gain much of their competitive advantage over solitary tion [7–11].
competitors because their members can efficiently divide labor by Intrinsic and extrinsic influences determine the age at which the
specializing in particular tasks [1,2]. In addition to the most funda­ transition from in-hive tasks to foraging occurs: Specifically, the tran­
mental division between reproductives and non-reproductive workers, sition to foraging is influenced by brood and brood pheromone [12],
further specialization among workers characterizes most social insect queen mandibular pheromone [13], and foragers and their pheromone
societies, including the colonies of the Western honeybee (Apis mellifera [9,14]. Various forms of stress at the individual and colony levels can
L.). Honeybee workers go through an age-based division of labor with a accelerate the transition to foraging [10,15,16]. Major endocrine regu­
pronounced transition from performing various in-hive tasks to outside lators, including insulin-like signaling, juvenile hormone, and vitello­
foraging [3]. When young, workers perform various behaviors inside the genin, play a central role in translating the external influences into the
hive but one major task is nursing, providing food and other care for the concerted physiological changes of transitioning from nursing to
brood, which develops inside wax cells and is completely dependent on foraging [6,8,17], and foragers revert only under exceptional circum­
the nursing. Foraging is equally essential and the worker transition from stances back to nursing [5]. Pronounced genotypic differences exist in
nursing to foraging has profound consequences for individual and the age of this transition among honey bee populations [18,19] and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Li).
Received 8 October 2022; Received in revised form 13 November 2022; Accepted 14 November 2022
Available online 20 November 2022
0141-8130/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

genetic studies indicate multiple influential loci [20], as well as large- 2.1.1. Establishment of mAb library and microarray for honey bees
scale shifts in the brain transcriptome [10] that accompany significant To generate an in-depth antibody library, mAbs were produced
neuronal reorganization during the transition [21]. At the proteomic through the immunization of mice according to standard protocols [34].
level, several differences between nurses and foragers have also been Representative samples of multiple developmental stages (embryos on
identified that correlate with the alternative behavioral states [22–24]. day 3, larvae on day 6, pupae on day 12, and a blend of adult worker
Among other tasks, the in-hive nurses feed the growing brood with a brains) were selected as antigen sources to increase the coverage of the
complex, proteinaceous secretion that contains several major royal jelly library. The frozen honeybee samples were pooled together and then
proteins (MRJPs) [25]. In addition to their primary function as brood ground into a fine powder with liquid nitrogen in the presence of 2 %
food, MRJPs may also have other functions in honey bee life-history, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone. All chemicals were purchased from Sigma-
including influences on behavior [26–28]. Brood feeding entails a Aldrich (St. Louis., MO., USA) unless otherwise specified. Five vol­
physiological cost for nurses by depleting internal nutrients, including umes of ice-cold extraction buffer [pH 8.0, ingredients: 200 mM Tris-
the egg-yolk protein vitellogenin [29]. This storage protein also has HCl, 200 mM NaCl, 50 mM sodium ascorbate, 5 mM Na4EDTA, 10 %
pleiotropic signaling effects and its depletion leads to an increase in glycerol, 1 % NP-40, 1 % Triton X-100, 1 % Tween-20, 0.25 % sodium
juvenile hormone and presumably an interaction with insulin-like metabisulfite, protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche, Basel, Switzerland), 2
signaling to cause the onset of foraging [7,8]. Downstream mecha­ mM PMSF] were added to lyse the samples. Samples were gently
nisms that underlie the transition from nursing to foraging in the brain agitated at 4 ◦ C for 2 h. The resulting solutions were centrifuged at
include protein kinase G and biogenic amine changes [30,31] and 15000g for 30 min to recover the supernatant.
neuronal growth [32]. However, the causal links between these findings The extracted proteins in the supernatant were mixed with complete
remain to be elucidated and it is unclear whether nutritional influences Freund's adjuvant to serve as antigens. BALB/c mice were immunized 4
can also act directly on the brain to influence the onset of foraging in times at 14-day intervals with the antigen mixture. Mice spleen cells
honey bee workers. Thus, we developed the first monoclonal antibody were isolated and fused with the P3X63Ag8.653 cell line to generate
(mAb) array for the honeybee and used it to initiate an in-depth study of hybridoma cells. Using polyethylene glycol as an adjuvant, hybridoma
the brain proteome changes that influence the complex behavioral cells were screened by ELISA to ensure that all selected clones were able
transition from in-hive nurse bees to outside foragers. Our novel to detect an antigen at a concentration of <1 × 10− 8 M. Selected clones
approach suggests a regulatory role of MRJPs in the division of labor in were cultured for expansion, and antibodies were commercially har­
honey bees, which we causally confirmed in extensive follow-up ex­ vested using standard protocols (Abmart Ltd., Shanghai, China). Each
periments. These findings confirm the utility of the mAb array, shed antibody was printed with 10 nl of a 1 μg/μl solution per spot on the
novel light on the regulation of age polyethism in honey bees, and surface of microscope slides coated with nitrocellulose (FAST chip,
extend the functional pleiotropy of MRJPs. Capitalbio, Beijing, China; Arrayjet Ltd., Roslin, UK) at 4 ◦ C and stored at
− 80 ◦ C before use. Before incubation, the antibody microarray slides
2. Materials and methods were washed and then blocked with 10 % BSA overnight at 4 ◦ C.

All experiments were conducted with honeybees (Apis mellifera lig­ 2.1.2. Brain proteome comparison
ustica) raised at the Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy To compare the brain proteome between nurses and foragers, pro­
of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. After the construction of the teins were extracted from pooled, frozen brains of 50 nurses and 50
first comprehensive monoclonal antibody (mAb) array for honeybees foragers per biological replicate. Three biological replicates were
(Experiment 1), we used this new tool to compare the proteome of nurse analyzed per trial, and the experiment included three independent trials.
and forager brains in a series of observational and manipulative exper­ After initial technical replicates indicated high reproducibility, no
iments (Experiments 1–3). Based on the result that major royal jelly further technical replicates were performed.
proteins (MRJPs) show the biggest differences among the successfully The diluted protein solution (1 μg/μl) was labeled with NHS-biotin
identified and validated proteins, we proceeded to characterize their (Molecular Probes, Carlsbad, CA, USA). The labeling efficiency was
spatial expression in the brain (Experiment 2) and their protein inter­ verified by Western Blotting (WB; see below). The labeled protein
action partners (Experiment 4). To investigate the causal involvement of samples were further diluted to a final concentration of 0.1 μg/μl with
MRJP1 and MRJP3, we manipulated the levels of these proteins via TBS in the presence of 0.1 % Tween-20 (TBS + 0.1 % T20) and 10 %
brain injections of RNAi, antibodies, or the MRJPs themselves and BSA. This dilution was used to incubate the microarrays at room tem­
observed the resulting changes in the transition from nursing to foraging perature for 60 min. After three subsequent washes, the antigen-
or its reversal (Experiments 5, 6). conjugated microarray chips were incubated with Cy3-labeled Strepta­
vidin (1:5000) at room temperature for 60 min. After four additional
washes in TBS + 0.5 % T20 and two final rinses in ddH2O, the slides
2.1. Experiment 1: nurse – forager comparison using monoclonal were centrifuged to remove the remaining buffer and dried. Slides were
antibodies (mAbs) array scanned by Genepix (Axon Instruments, Union City, CA, USA) and the
Cy3 fluorescence signals were detected at 570 nm.
Newly emerged workers were obtained from brood frames of several To assess the differential abundance of proteins, Cy3 fluorescence
colonies that were transferred prior to emergence into an incubator intensity was quantified by GenePix 6.0 software (Axon Instruments,
(34 ◦ C and 80 % relative humidity). Within 24 h, emerged workers were Union City, CA, USA) and further analyzed with the limma package
labeled with a paint dot on their thorax and returned to respective hives. ( Raw data were normalized through back­
From each cohort (= replicate), 80 nurses were collected from brood ground correction and quantile normalization using the “Background
frames while performing brood care, defined as poking their heads into Correct” and the “Normalize Between Arrays” modules, respectively. A
cells containing young larvae for at least 10 s. Correspondingly, 80 fold-change cutoff of 1.5 and a p-value cutoff of 0.05 were applied to
foragers were sampled at the hive entrances when returning with pollen identify differences.
loads. All sampled bees were immediately anesthetized at 4 ◦ C, followed
by brain dissection according to previously described methods [33]. It 2.1.3. Protein isolation via immunoprecipitation
was noteworthy that the gland tissues coupled with the brain should not To isolate and subsequently identify the candidates with the most
be completely stripped out. The isolated brains were immediately significant differences between nurses and foragers, the mAbs corre­
soaked in protease inhibitor (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) solution and sponding to the top 500 array spots were used for immunoprecipitation
stored at − 80 ◦ C until further use. (IP) experiments: For each mAb, 1 mg of extracted total protein from

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

pooled honey bee worker heads was prepared with protein G resin for 4 performed to distinguish the specific proteins following established
h at 4 ◦ C (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). After centrifugation, the su­ protocols [37]. In brief, 100 μg of proteins extracted from the nurse
pernatant was incubated with cyanogen bromide-conjugated antibody brain were loaded on an IPG strip (NL, pH 3–10, GE Healthcare) and the
at 4 ◦ C overnight. The IP complex was collected after centrifugation, conditions for the first dimension of electrophoresis were applied: 30 V
redissolved in 0.2 M glycine solution (pH 2.5), and analyzed by LC-MS/ for 12 h, 500 V for 1 h, 1000 V for 1 h, 8000 V for 8 h, and 500 V for 4 h.
MS for identification (see below). Additional samples were separated by The 2nd dimension of the electrophoresis was performed as a standard
SDS-PAGE followed by WB analysis (see below) to confirm the affinity of 10 % SDS-PAGE. The gels were transferred onto PVDF membranes for
the precipitated protein to the corresponding mAb. WB analysis (analogous to the analysis of one-dimensional gels
described above). Preparative gels were run in parallel with 1 mg of
2.1.4. Protein identification with LC-MS/MS proteins loaded on the IPG strip. After silver-staining the targeted pro­
The eluted protein complexes were subjected to trypsin digestion. tein spots were cut from the preparative gel for further MS identification
The trypsin-digested proteins were analyzed by an EASY-nLC 1000 (as described above).
system (ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) coupled with a Q-
Exactive HF mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen, Ger­ 2.2. Experiment 2: candidate protein comparisons among experimental
many). Acetonitrile with linear gradients from 2 % to 40 % was used for nurse and forager cohorts
the chromatograph separation over 60 min. Tandem mass spectra were
processed by PEAKS Studio (version 8.5, Bioinformatics Solutions Inc., To obtain nurses and foragers of different physiological states, two
Waterloo, Canada). PEAKS DB was used to search the NCBI Apis mellifera normal colonies that had been maintained next to each other for at least
database (downloaded April 2020, containing 23,478 entries), coupled seven days under standard conditions were subjected to the following
with the common Repository of Adventitious Proteins database (cRAP, manipulation: During the day, while foraging activity was observed, the
downloaded from The Global Proteome Machine Organization, April queen was removed from one of the colonies with one frame of honey,
2020). The search parameters were: parent ion tolerance, 15 ppm; one frame of pollen, and two empty frames to establish a new colony.
fragment tolerance, 0.05 Da; enzyme, trypsin; maximum missed cleav­ This old colony (OC) was left in a hive in the original location to collect
ages, 2; maximum variable PTM per peptide, 3; fixed modification, returning foragers, while the remainder of the two colonies, including
carbamidomethyl (C, +57.02 Da); and variable modification, oxidation the brood, queen, and all non-foraging bees, were combined into a new
(M, +15.99 Da). A protein was identified only if it contained at least one colony (NC) and transferred to a new location.
unique peptide with at least two spectra (false discovery rate (FDR) ≤ After new brood emerged in the OC, some of the foragers were forced
1.0 %) in a fusion-decoy database search, a more conservative FDR to revert to nursing [38], while the absence of foragers in the NC forced
estimation than that of the target decoy approach [35]. The PEAKS Q young bees to prematurely start foraging [14]. As soon as these behav­
module was used for quantitative analyses of peptide and protein iors were observed after the manipulation, reverted nurses and control
abundance. Feature detection and alignment were performed with al­ foragers were collected from the OC and precocious foragers and control
gorithms of expectation-maximization and high-performance retention nurses were collected from the NC. Foragers were identified as returning
time, respectively. Normalization to compute sample ratios was per­ to the hive entrance with visible pollen and nurses were identified by
formed by dividing each value by the total ion current (TIC) and displaying nursing (head in brood cell for at least 10 s) on brood comb.
multiplying by the TIC of the reference sample. Based on the m/z shift Samples from these four groups were either used to quantify the
distribution, RT shift distribution, and ratio quality, the mass error levels of 42 protein candidates that were determined in the first exper­
tolerance, retention time range, and feature quality were set, respec­ iment via SDS-PAGE (see Results) or to further characterize the spatial
tively. Protein abundances in all samples were determined from the distribution of MRJP1 and MRJP3 in worker's brains via immune-
three most abundant precursor ion peak intensities of the trypsin- histochemical in-situ staining, following a previously established pro­
digested peptides. Proteins among different samples were regarded as tocol [39]. Honeybee brains were dissected and immediately transferred
significantly different in abundance levels only when they exhibited a into a cold acetone/methanol solution before they were fixed in 6.7 mM
fold-change of >1.5 and a p-value of <0.05. PBS containing 4 % paraformaldehyde. The tissue was dehydrated in a
50 %–100 % ethanol series before fixation in xylene, then embedding in
2.1.5. Western blotting for confirming protein identity and quantitative paraplast (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). Mounted tissues were cut into 5 μm
protein differences sections, and the slides were rehydrated in ethanol in a decreasing series
To confirm the identity of the proteins identified by IP and LC-MS/ from 100 % to 50 %. Subsequently, the slides were washed 3 times with
MS, Western blotting (WB) was performed according to standard pro­ 0.01 M PBS and transferred to 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution for 10
tocols [36]. Additionally, WB also served the purpose to confirm dif­ min incubation in the dark. Afterward, the slides were transferred to a 5
ferences in target protein quantities between nurse and forager brains, % BSA solution for 20 min to block nonspecific binding. Primary anti­
as well as quantify protein levels in other experimental groups (see bodies (mouse anti-bee MRJP1/MRJP3, Abmart Co., Shanghai) were
below). Briefly, equal amounts of proteins from select samples were used in concentrations of 1:500 in BSA to incubate the slices overnight at
separated on SDS poly-acrylamide 12.5 % gels and transferred electro­ 4 ◦ C. Thereafter, the slices were washed 3 times for 5 min in PBS, then
phoretically onto polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes at 42 V at transferred to anti-rabbit IgG (diluted 1:50 in BSA) with Cy5 and incu­
room temperature (RT) for 2 h. The efficiency of transferring was bated for 1 h at RT. The washed slices were incubated with DAPI (4′ , 6-
checking for the presence of prestained low molecular weight marker diamidino-2-phenylindole) for 5 min at RT in the dark. Finally, the slices
bands on the membranes. Then the membranes were blocked with 5 % were washed 3 times for 5 min in PBS and covered with a drop of
skim milk at room temperature for 1 h, followed by incubation with Fluoromount-GTM for fluorescence quenching. The localization of
primary antibodies and HRP-anti-mouse IgG antibodies. The immune MRJP1 and MRJP3 were examined and photographed under inverted
reactive bands were visualized by an enhanced chemiluminescence microscopy (Olympus Corp., Tokyo, Japan) using an excitatory wave­
system (Biouniquer, China) and exposed to X-ray film. Signal intensities length of 405 nm. The target intensities were processed using ImageJ
were quantified by ImageJ and normalized to the corresponding tubulin software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.)
2.3. Experiment 3: MRJP responses to manipulation of worker ontogeny
2.1.6. 2D SDS-PAGE for differentiation of MRJPs
Due to the similar molecular masses of major royal jelly proteins To further investigate the correlation of MRJP1 and MRJP3 with the
(MRJPs) and their isoforms, 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis was transition from in-hive nursing to foraging, we manipulated the rate of

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

worker ontogeny by either treating workers with the pheromone ethyl were injected with a custom-made glass injection needle (50 μm inner
oleate (EO) to retard the transition to foraging [9] or with 8-Br-cGMP to diameter) into the median ocellus (puncture depth 1 mm) with one of
accelerate this transition [40]. In short, a total of 6000 newly emerged the following treatments (1 μl per bee): 500 ng MRJP1 antibody (AP04)
bees with age-specific color labels were added into 6 parallel colonies (3 or 500 ng MRJP3 antibody (AP01) at 10–12 days after emergence (group
EO-treated and 3 control): each colony contained two open brood 1), 500 ng MRJP1 or MRJP3 15–17 days after emergence (group 2), or
frames, three capped brood frames, two frames with small amounts of 500 ng MRJP1 and MRJP3 in foragers that were 18–20 days old (group
food, and a corresponding number of workers with one queen. After two 3). In group 3, also a 100 ng treatment was included to study the dose-
weeks (15–17 days after eclosion of the focal cohorts), treatment col­ dependence of reversal from foraging to nursing tasks. Furthermore,
onies were fed with 50 % syrup containing 2.1 mg of EO per gram of 500 ng BSA or PBS injections, and a “no injection” treatment were tested
sugar, while control hives were fed with 50 % syrup. Normal-aged for­ as controls in these groups (only BSA/PBS control data are shown). Each
agers were removed from treatment colonies while foraging 18–20 days group overall contained 1500 individually paint-marking workers
after emergence. Labeled in-hive workers were collected from EO- among all treatments, which were evenly distributed into 3 colonies. For
treated hives when the control hive no longer contained any labeled five days following the treatments, we recorded the foraging activity of
individuals. Altogether about 300 bees with delayed caste switches were tagged bees by monitoring the hive entrances, recording and collecting
harvested. all bees that were observed returning to the hive with visible pollen load
In a similar set-up, six colonies were treated with 500 μM of 8-Br- on their hind legs. Nurses were identified when they were observed
cGMP in 50 % sugar syrup 7–10 days after the emergence of focal co­ poking their heads into cells containing young larvae for at least 10 s.
horts to activate the foraging gene [30,41] and thus promote the tran­
sition to foraging, the control hives were fed with 50 % untreated sugar 2.6. Experiment 6: RNAi-mediated knockdown of MRJPs
syrup. One to five days later, workers with accelerated ontogeny from
treated colonies and control workers from untreated colonies were To silence mrjp1 and mrjp3 gene expression, three siRNAs were
identified by conducting proboscis extension reflex (PER) tests. The PER synthesized (BGI, China) for each gene (for sequences see Table S1) and
testing followed previously described protocols [42], using 50 % sucrose mixed in equal amounts. Honeybee workers between ten and twelve
solution. Positive PER responses in workers from treated colonies were days of age were collected upon exhibiting nursing behavior. In three
interpreted as individuals with a likely accelerated behavioral ontogeny independent replicates, 260, 330, and 100 honeybees were injected with
and negative responses from untreated colonies were considered non- siRNAs against mrjp1, and 210, 100, and 80 were injected with siRNAs
accelerated controls. These individuals were collected for brain dissec­ against mrjp3. In each case, tagged workers were injected at 10–12 days
tions and subsequent determination of MRJP quantities via WB as of age with 1 μl of PBS, containing 500 ng/μl of total siRNA or no siRNA
described above. as control, into the brain through the median ocellus. For each group, 50
honeybees injected with 1 μl of PBS and 50 non-injected honeybees from
2.4. Experiment 4: co-immunoprecipitation to identify MRJP partners the same cohort were used as controls. The focal individuals were
returned to their native hive, and their foraging behavior was monitored
A total of 9 μg/μl of total proteins extracted from honeybee brains as for five days after injection as described above. The number of honey­
described above were used for co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) experi­ bees that switched from nurses to foragers was recorded daily.
ments, performed with the Pierce Co-IP Kit (Thermo Scientific) ac­ At the end of the experiment, MRJP1 and MRJP3 levels were quan­
cording to the manufacturer's recommendations. Briefly, antibodies of tified in untreated nurse (n = 30) and forager bees (n = 30), as well as
MRJP1 and MRJP3 were each independently incubated with the resin RNAi-treated bees that remained nurses (n = 30) and that transitioned to
matrix to bond covalently. Then 1 mg total brain protein (homogenate in foraging (n = 30) by WB after collection and brain dissection as
500 μl PBS) was purified by centrifugation at 20,000 g for 30 min and described above.
incubated overnight with the antibody-coupled resin at 4 ◦ C. Subse­
quently, the resin beads were magnetically removed from the solution 2.6.1. Quantitative real-time PCR
and the proteins bound to the MRJP1 or MRJP3 antibody were eluted in To examine the effect of RNA interference on mRNA levels of MRJP1,
an elution buffer. The eluted proteins were neutralized and then iden­ the total RNA of 30 RNAi-injected nurses that converted to foraging and
tified by MS as described above. 30 that remained nurses after RNAi injection, as well as of 20 unma­
nipulated nurses and 20 unmanipulated foragers was extracted (TRLzol
2.5. Experiment 5: in-vivo injection of MRJPs and corresponding mAbs reagent, Invitrogen, CA) and quantified by NanoDrop ND1000 spectro­
photometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Wilmington, DE, USA). Corre­
To study the causal role of MRJPs, the behavioral consequences of spondingly for MRJP3, we processed 30 converted and 30 unconverted
experimentally increasing or decreasing the abundance of MRJP1 and nurses after RNAi treatment, as well as 20 control nurses and 20 control
MRJP3 were studied. Worker bees were injected either with MRJP1, foragers. PrimeScript RT reagent kit, RR037 (Takara Bio, Kyoto, Japan)
MRJP3, or the respective antibodies, following an established brain in­ was used to generate cDNA as per the manufacturer's recommendations
jection protocol [43]. Firstly, the proteins of MRJP1 (monomer) and (500 ng total RNA was used per cDNA reaction). The primer sequences
MRJP3 were isolated and purified. In brief, 100 mg RJ was dissolved in used to amplify the MRJP1 and MRJP3 targets are listed in Supple­
phosphate buffer (pH 8.0). The suspension was centrifuged for 20 min at mental Table S2. The PCR amplification and data retrieval was con­
4 ◦ C, and the supernatant was filtered with a 0.45 μm membrane filter. ducted on iQ5 Multicolor Real-Time PCR Detection System (Bio-Rad,
The filtrate was added to 1 mL 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), then concen­ Hercules, CA). Each PCR was performed in a 20 μl reaction: 95 ◦ C for 30
trated and desalted by cellulose membrane (Ultracel-50, Amicon Ultra- s, followed by 40 cycles of 95 ◦ C for 5 s and 58 ◦ C for 30 s, with the melt
0.5, Millipore, USA.). The concentrated solution was purified by Q curve tracking from 55 to 95 ◦ C. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy­
Sepharose column (GE Healthcare) chromatography and eluted by a drogenase (GAPDH) was selected as a reference gene, and the differ­
linear gradient of NaCl from 0 to 1.0 M. The elution was separated by ences in gene expression were calculated by the 2− △△Ct method [44].
SDS-PAGE, and the bands containing MRJPs were collected and purified An error probability p < 0.05 was considered a statistically significant
further on a Superdex 75 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) that was difference in gene expression by one-way ANOVA (SPSS version 18.0,
equilibrated with a buffer containing 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL).
150 mM NaCl. The eluted peak was collected and concentrated for
subsequent injection experiments. Once the proteins for injection were
ready, worker bees were anesthetized on ice for 10 mins. Then, they

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

3. Results 3.2. Validation of MRJP differences between nurse and forager states

3.1. Brain protein differences between nurse and forager bees To further examine the relationship between the abundance of
MRJP1 and MRJP3 and the behavioral state of workers, demographic
To facilitate proteomic studies in the honeybee (Apis mellifera), a manipulations in experiment 2 were used to generate precocious for­
comprehensive monoclonal antibody (mAb) library was generated from agers and nurses that reverted from foraging activities to be compared to
a wide spectrum of samples involving different organs and tissues from regular nurses and foragers for brain MRJP levels. Consistently, MRJP1
different developmental stages. The resulting 16,320 mAbs were printed and MRJP3 were more abundant in nurses than in foragers (Fig. 3). In
on microarrays that could then be used to directly assess quantitative the additional experiment 3, colony-level feeding of ethyl oleate, known
differences between the brain proteome of nurse and forager bees by to delay the transition from nursing to foraging [9], increased the
hybridization. Approximately 10 % of the mAbs spots (1622) displayed abundance of MRJP1 and MRJP3 in worker brains (Fig. 3). Corre­
significantly different signal intensities (Fig. 1; Table S3). The proteins spondingly, colony-level feeding of 8-Br-cGMP, which induces foraging
bound to the 500 array spots with the greatest differences were identi­ [30], was associated with a decrease in MRJP1 and MRJP3 (Fig. 3).
fied by IP and MS, resulting in 83 unique, successfully identified proteins To exclude the possibility that measured protein differences were
(Table S4). due to contamination with glandular tissues, the distinctive expression
Among the identified proteins, 40 were validated by WB results patterns of MRJP1 and MRJP3 were further confirmed by immunohis­
(Fig. 2; Table S5). Among the most different proteins (fold change >5), tochemical staining of mushroom body and antennal lobe sections of
several were highly abundant, which were identified as MRJPs. Four brains from control nurses and foragers, as well as precocious foragers
antibodies recognizing MRJPs were identified by IP and MS analysis and and reverted nurses (Fig. 4). MRJPs were consistently and significantly
to differentiate among the similar MRJPs, two-dimensional gel electro­ (p < 0.05) more abundant in both brain regions of the workers in the
phoresis and WB analyses were performed (Fig. S1A). In total, 32 mAb- nursing state compared to the foraging state.
recognized spots were labeled and sliced from the gel and 18 spots were In-vivo manipulations of MRJPs indicate their causal role in the
successfully identified by MS (Table S6). The majority of spots revealed behavioral transition from nursing to foraging.
that the antibody “AP04” recognized different MRJP1 and MRJP2 iso­ The causal involvement of MRJPs in regulating the nurse-to-forager
forms (Fig. S1B) while “AP03” recognized MRJP1 isoforms and MRJP4 transition was tested by investigating the behavioral effect of in-vivo
(Fig. S1C), and “AP01” was specific for MRJP3 isoforms (Fig. S1D). brain injections of MRJP1 (monomer), MRJP3, or their respective an­
Despite “AP03” binding MRJP1 and MRJP4 isoforms, we interpreted tibodies. The workers injected with purified MRJP1 (monomer), and
this antibody as an indicator of MRJP1 because MRJP4 was over ten MRJP3 transitioned less to foraging (Fig. 5A), while injection of the anti-
times less abundant than MRJP1, which is also true for other tissues MRJP1 and anti-MRJP3 caused a significantly higher percentage of bees
[45,46]. The specificity of “AP01” and “AP04” was further confirmed by to transition to foraging (Fig. 5B). Correspondingly, brain injection of
WB analysis with purified MRJP3 and MRJP1, respectively (Fig. S1E). MRJP1 (monomer) and MRJP3 caused a higher proportion of foragers to
revert to nursing behavior (Fig. 5C).
In-vivo manipulations of mrjp1 and mrjp3 gene expression in the

Fig. 1. Quantitative protein differences between

nurse and forager bee brains discovered by mono­
clonal antibody array. The overall comparison results
between brains of nurses and foragers revealed 1622
of 16,320 mAbs signals as different (blue dots up-
regulated in nurses, red dots up-regulated in for­
agers). This does not correspond to the number of
unique proteins because different antibodies can
recognize the same protein. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

Fig. 2. Validation of quantitative brain protein differences between behavioral states of honey bee workers. Western blot analyses compared the abundance of 40
candidate proteins identified by our mAbs array experiments among normal nurses and foragers and precocious foragers and reversed nurses (induced by de­
mographic manipulations). Behavioral states were identified by direct observation. Actin and tubulin were used for normalization. Major royal jelly proteins
exhibited the most consistent and strong abundance differences among the nursing and foraging states.

honeybee brain confirms the role of MRJPs in regulating the behavioral nurses that transitioned to foragers and those that did not transition
state of workers. (Fig. 6B). However, the experimental down-regulation of either gene
To further validate the causal role of MRJPs in the behavioral tran­ was weaker than the natural differences observed between nurses and
sition of honeybee workers from nursing to foraging, the mrjp1 and foragers. The resulting protein level of MRJP1 and MRJP3 in these four
mrjp3 genes were down-regulated with an RNAi-based approach by groups were quantified by western blot analysis, exhibiting parallel re­
injecting a mixture of small inhibitory RNAs into nurse bees and sults with significantly higher levels in nurses that did not transition to
observing their subsequent transition to foraging. As predicted, a foragers than nurses that did transition (Fig. 6C, D). The abundance of
significantly higher proportion of mrjp-injected nurses transitioned to MRJP1 and MRJP3 in behavior-switched workers exhibited a similar
foraging than nurses of a negative or a PBS-injected control (Fig. 6A). level to regular foragers, while the unswitched bees expressed almost an
Down-regulation of mrjp1 and mrjp3 was confirmed by qPCR. The identical pattern to control nurse bees (Fig. 6D).
injected bees displayed much lower expression levels than unmanipu­
lated nurses, with an additional significant difference between injected

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

Fig. 3. Further association of specific MRJPs in the brain with behavioral state of honey bee workers. (A) Representative western blot of MRJP1 (AP04 and AP03)
and MRJP3 (AP01) in brains of regular nurses, nurses from a single-cohort colony, precocious foragers from a single cohort colony, regular foragers and old foragers,
and nurses that reverted from foraging behavior, as well as ethyl oleate (EO) treated and 8-Br-cGMP treated workers with corresponding control groups. (B)
Quantitative comparison of the western blot signals among the same groups. Signals were quantified with ImageJ and normalized by the signal of actin. Values
represent means ± SD, n = 3.

3.3. Identification of proteins that interact with MRJPs simultaneously interrogate a large part of the honey bee proteome.
However, we do not know how many unique proteins our array in­
To identify how MRJPs relate to other known mechanisms to exert terrogates. Our study of 500 specific array spots that exhibited the
their influence on the behavioral transition from nursing to foraging, the greatest differences between nurse and forager brains resulted only in 83
proteins that interact with MRJP1 and MRJP3 were selected by co-IP unique protein identification, and only half of those could be verified by
and identified and quantified by LC-MS/MS. Over 100 proteins were Western blots. These results are due to a combination of factors: Some
identified overall, and 19 proteins interacted with both MRJP1 and antibodies recognized the same protein, and other proteins could not be
MRJP3 (Table 1). Among them, hexamerin 110 (Hex) and vitellogenin unambiguously identified by mass spectrometry. Nevertheless, this
were the major interactive proteins with MRJPs in the brains of nurses. novel tool represents a major advance in extending the functional pro­
Moreover, other MRJPs, such as MRJP2, MRJP4, and MRJP7, were also teomics tools in honey bees, and antibody solutions can be made
identified as interactors with MRJP1 and MRJP3 (Table 1). available upon request.
MRJPs are the main components of brood food that nurse bees feed
4. Discussion to developing larvae [52], 51]. MRJPs are quantitatively important for
the nutrition of developing larvae, and their production is crucial to the
The complex social regulation of the division of labor among honey nursing task of workers, which produce MRJPs in their hypopharyngeal
bee workers, particularly the pronounced transition between the in-hive glands in a task-dependent manner [28]. Our results indicate that two of
and forager life-history stages, has been extensively studied at the mo­ the nine functional MRJPs [54] (MRJP1 and MRJP3) exert an additional
lecular, organismal, and societal levels, revealing hormonal, phero­ regulatory function, influencing the behavioral specialization of workers
monal, and nutritional regulation [8,9,47,48]. Numerous correlates of into nurses or foragers. Thus, the same proteins that are important in the
this transition have also been characterized at the transcriptomic, epi­ performance of nursing are also regulating the nursing stage. Such
genomic, and proteomic levels [5,10,23]. Our studies identify the recruitment of effector proteins to signaling functions has evolved in a
pleiotropic effects of MRJPs as a novel, proximate link between nutri­ variety of contexts [55], including honey bees [6]. MRJP1 and MRJP3
tional and hormonal signaling in the causation of the onset of worker are major components of brood food, representing 31 % and 26 % of the
foraging, based on the interrogation of the first monoclonal antibody RJ proteins, respectively [54,55]. Other functions have been described
(mAb) array for honey bees. Subsequently, we strengthen the argument for both proteins, including antibacterial activity [58] of MRJP1 and
for a functional role of MRJPs in the life-history regulation of honey bee immune elicitor-binding [59] of MRJP3, and they are expressed in tis­
workers via a series of experiments that manipulate the transition be­ sues outside the hypopharyngeal glands [25]. Specifically, both proteins
tween in-hive bees and foragers and demonstrate a causal role by are also known to be expressed in the brain [60], which we confirm in
downregulating MRJPs via RNAi, which causes the predicted increase in this study.
foraging. These results show the utility of the mAb array as a novel tool Regarding to the molecular structure of MRJP1, the monomer and
for advanced proteomic study and are a major advance in our under­ oligomer are usually existed together [61], and the latter one is pre­
standing of one of the most complex and best-studied life-history dominant form due to its heat resistance and long storage stability in
transitions. physiological conditions [62–65]. Furthermore, the MRJP oligomer
Due to the considerable development efforts for comprehensive mAb contains 24-methylenecholesterol molecules, which act as a hormone
arrays, this technique has been used mostly in human disease prote­ regulator for promoting the growth of honeybee larvae [66]. Moreover,
omics [49]. However, mAb arrays have several advantages over mass- monomer MRJP1 may play a crucial role in prolonging longevity of
spectrometry-based proteomics, including better sensitivity, resolu­ queens. Importantly, only monomer MRJP1 is crucial in determination
tion, accuracy, dynamic range, and reproducibility [50]. We have of the caste fate [67] due to the aggregated MRJP1 in RJ that reduces the
collaborated with Abmart Ltd. to generate the first mAb array for honey digestion and utilization of nutrition in honeybee larvae [68]. This is in
bees, the most important managed pollinator and an important scientific line with the present's findings that monomer MRJP1 play key roles in
model with a long tradition of “-omics” approaches [51]. Overall, regulation of honeybee labor transition.
16,320 mAbs were developed and printed onto arrays to be able to Our studies show that MRJP1 and MRJP3 levels in the brain

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

Fig. 4. MRJP localization in the honeybee brain. Immunohistochemistry staining of MRJP1 with mAb AP04 (A) and MRJP3 with AP01 (B) in the mushroom body
and antennal lobe of nurse, forager, reversed nurse, and old forager shows that these MRJPs are present in two functionally important brain regions.

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

Fig. 5. Direct manipulation of MRJPs in the brain affects the behavioral state of workers. (A) The proportion of honeybees that delayed switching from nursing to
foraging after injection with MRJP1 (monomer) and MJRP3 proteins is significantly increased relative to control-injected workers. The shown proportions are low
because they were calculated based on the total number of manipulated individuals, many of which died as a consequence of experimental treatment (B) The
proportion of honeybees that switched from nurse to forager state after injection with monoclonal antibodies against MRJP1 and MRJP3 was increased relative to the
PBS-injected control group. (C) The proportion of workers that reverted from forager to nurse state after injection with either MRJP1 (monomer) or MRJP3 was
increased relative to bees from a BSA-injected control group. The behavioral state of all groups was determined during five days after injection. The different letters
above each bar indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.01).

correlated with the behavioral state of honey bee workers, confirming significant expansion in arborization when honey bee workers transition
previous discoveries [60,61]. The results of a series of experimental to foraging [32]. The Kenyon cells are intrinsic neurons of the mush­
manipulations to accelerate the transition from nursing to foraging, to room bodies involved in associative learning and memory, specifically
delay this transition, or to revert this transition strengthens the argu­ expressing MRJP1 [71], although its neurobiological function has not
ment that the levels of both proteins are closely linked to behavioral been clarified. MRJP3 and MRJP1 may serve as a reserve for amino acids
state: Regardless of whether behavioral manipulations were performed in the brain during the ontogenetic and behavioral development from
demographically or pharmacologically, nursing was always associated nurse to forager [69] and also has the ability to aggregate RNA and could
with increased levels of MRJP1 and MRJP3 while foraging was always mediate high-order ribonucleoprotein (RNP) assemblies [59], which
related to low levels. These quantitative protein differences in the brain have in turn be associated with synaptic plasticity in Drosophila [72].
were confirmed by immunohistochemical staining, excluding the pos­ Thus, declining MRJPs may affect the neuronal changes to adapt to the
sibility that the brain samples with closely associated glandular tissue different challenges of foraging and nursing in several ways.
could explain the observed differences. Specifically, MRJP1 and MRJP3 The causal effects of MRJP1 and MRJP3 on the behavioral state of
levels in the functionally important antennal lobes and mushroom honey bee workers are demonstrated by the direct manipulation of these
bodies reflected the overall quantitative brain differences between proteins in the brain that influenced worker behavior as predicted: In
nurses and foragers. Both of these brain regions have been implicated in separate experiments, injection of MRJPs increased the proportion of
the behavioral specialization of nurses and foragers [70]. The mushroom nurses that did not transition to foraging and increased the proportion of
bodies are involved in many higher-order functions and it experiences a foragers that reverted to foraging. In contrast, the injection of MRJP

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

Fig. 6. RNAi-mediated knock-down of major royal jelly genes accelerates the transition from nurse to forager. (A) The proportion of nurses that switched to foraging
after injection with a mixture of siRNAs for either mrjp1 (left) or mrjp3 (right) was significantly higher than in unmanipulated or PBS-injected control groups. (B) RT-
qPCR analysis of mrjp1 and mrjp3 expression in siRNA-injected nurses that either remained in the nursing stage (“unconverted”) or transitioned to foraging
(“converted”) showed significantly lower mrjp expression in converted individuals. Gene expression in unmanipulated nurse and forager bees showed more pro­
nounced differences in the same direction. (C) Protein levels in the four groups (unmanipulated nurses and foragers, and converted and unconverted siRNA-injected
nurses were measured by western blot analysis and (D) showed corresponding differences, albeit not as pronounced. The experiment was repeated with three
biological replicates. Values represent means ± SD, n = 3.

Table 1
MRJPs interactants identified by co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry.
Accession No. Description Gene name Anti-MRJP1 Anti-MRJP3 Cellular localizationa

Nurse Forage Ratio Nurse Forage Ratio

O18330 Major royal jelly protein 1 MRJP1 90 4 22.5 87 6 14.5 EC

O77061 Major royal jelly protein 2 MRJP2 41 NA 55 4 13.8 EC
Q17061 Major royal jelly protein 4 MRJP4 548 14 39.1 29 1 29.0 EC
A0A088AU27 Major royal jelly protein 3 MRJP3 35 NA 29 NA EC
D3Y5T0 Major royal jelly protein 7 MRJP7 50 2 25 1360 122 11.1 EC
A0A088A1A1 Hexamerin 110 Hex110 396 1 396 396 3 132 EC
Q868N5 Vitellogenin Vg 17 NA 11 NA EC
A0A088ADL8 Vitellogenin Vg 299 33 9.1 171 29 5.9 EC
A0A088AS56 Apolipophorins apolpp 344 118 2.9 240 108 2.2 EC
Q5BLY4 Icarapin 12 4 3 18 2 9 EC
A0A088ASG4 Molybdenum cofactor synthesis protein cinnamon 92 39 2.4 15 7 2.1 Cyt
A0A088ALS8 Glycogen debranching enzyme 86 21 4.1 85 9 9.4 Cyt
H9K5X4 Dehydrogenase/ reductase SDR family member 19 8 2.4 19 8 2.4 Cyt
A0A088ACJ2 Dynactin subunit 2 dcnt2 26 12 2.2 27 13 2.1 CS
A0A088A9R3 Non-specific lipid-transfer protein 24 9 2.7 17 8 2.1 Cyt; Mt.; PO
A0A088AC74 40S ribosomal protein S18 28 8 3.5 23 10 2.3 Cyt; Rib
A0A088ADQ6 40S ribosomal protein S14 13 4 3.3 11 5 2.2 Cyt, Rib
A0A088ARI3 Nicotinate phosphoribosyl transferase 14 6 2.3 14 4 3.5 Cyt
A0A088A4N3 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit H eIF3h 11 5 2.2 14 4 3.5 Cyt
EC = Extracellular, CS = Centrosome, Cyt = Cytoplasm, Mt. = Mitochondria, PO = Peroxisome, Rib = Ribosome.

Y. Fang et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 848–860

antibodies to decrease the quantity of active MRJPs increase the pro­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
portion of nurses that transitioned to foraging. Likewise, the down­
regulation of MRJP expression by injecting dsRNA into the brain led to YF and J-K L conceived and designed the experiments; YF and MF
lower MRJP1 and MRJP3 protein levels and more workers transitioning performed the experiments; YF and CM analyzed the data; YF, J-K L, and
from nursing to foraging than PBS-injected or unmanipulated control OR drafted and revised the manuscript.
groups. While the opposite genetic manipulation to increase MRJP
expression was hampered by the practical difficulties of gene engi­
neering of honey bees, these experiments together strongly support a Declaration of competing interest
causal role of MRJP1 and MRJP3 in regulating honey bee division of
labor. The authors declare no competing interests.
The mechanisms of MRJP function during the transition from
nursing to foraging are likely different from the proposed link of MRJP1 Data availability
to epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) signaling in the fat body
during larval development [73]. During larval development, royal jelly Data will be made available on request.
consumption causes the simultaneous upregulation of juvenile hormone
(JH) and vitellogenin (Vg) [73], in contrast to the mutually repressive Acknowledgments
relation between JH and Vg that is well-established in the transition
from nursing to foraging [7]. At the end of the nursing stage, Vg titers We thank Boris Baer (Department of Entomology, University of
decline, presumably as a direct result of brood feeding when Vg is used California, Riverside) for his valuable comments on this study. This work
as a precursor for MRJPs [48,74]. The decline is accompanied by was supported by the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation
increased insulin-like signaling (ILS) and JH production from the Program (CAAS-ASTIP-2015-IAR), Modern Agro-Industry Technology
corpora allata [8,17]. The directional causality between declining nu­ Research System (CARS-44) in China, the National Project for Upgrad­
trients, MRJPs, Vg, JH, and ILS is unclear and could involve several ing Overall Bee-Product Quality of the Beekeeping Industry of China, the
additional mediators of gene expression [75]. However, our study of Alberta Beekeepers Commission, and the University of Alberta.
proteins interacting with MRJPs indicates direct interactions at the
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