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Academic and Social Motivational Influences in Grade 12 Students of Manuel

T. Sia National High School

A Quantiitative Research Presented to the Faculty of

Manuel T. Sia National High School
Danlog, Pilar, Sorsogon

In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the subject

Moneda, Ivan

March 2024



Motivation is vital in an individual's academic accomplishment since it is

defined as the person's attempt to complete a task, committing the necessary

effort, and sustaining it (Celikoz, 2009). Learners' motivation is shown in their

selection of academic assignments, the amount of time and effort they put into

each activity, and their tenacity in academic studies. Students can also overcome

problems in the learning process if they are motivated (Peklaj & Levpuscek, 2006).

The activation of goal-oriented behaviour is referred to as motivation. Motivation is

classified as either intrinsic or extrinsic. The phrase is typically used to humans,

although it may conceivably be applied to the reasons of animal behaviour as well.

The topic of this essay is human motivation. According to many interpretations,

motivation might be anchored in the basic urge to reduce physical discomfort and

increase pleasure. It involves particular demands such as eating and relaxing or

be linked to less obvious motives such as altruism, selfishness, and morality or

avoiding mortality. Motivation should not be mistaken with either volition or

optimism from a conceptual standpoint (Arellano, 1998; Bakar, 2016). Motivation is

connected to, but not the same as, emotion. When someone is overjoyed to fulfil a

need or want, the idea of motivation is compelling.

The individual will engage in or be drawn to acts that are seen to have the

potential to fulfil this need or desire (Tan et al., 2003). In the dynamic landscape of

education, understanding the intricate web of factors that drive student motivation
is paramount for fostering academic success and holistic development. Motivation

serves as the engine propelling students towards their educational goals,

influencing not only their academic performance but also their social interactions

and overall well-being. Among the myriad influences shaping student motivation,

academic and social factors stand out as prominent determinants in the landscape

of secondary education.

Philippine universities showed that beyond students’ valuing of education

for the professional competence it builds, students value education as a means of

fulfilling filial and familial responsibilities. The findings that parents and family are a

main source of motivation and that positive relationships with peers and teachers

are major facilitators of learning show the primacy of personal relationships in

students’ valuing of and working towards their college degrees.

Motivation is commonly defined as the drive to attain goals and the act of

maintaining that drive. Motivation is critical for all cognitive behaviours, including

planning, organising, decision-making, learning, and assessment (Pintrich &

Schunk, 1996). Individuals' performances are frequently assessed by comparing

them to standards or those of others. Scholars' varied viewpoints result in various

conceptions of achievement motivation. Atkinson (1964) defined accomplishment

motivation as comparing one's performance with that of others and against some

benchmark activities. According to Atkinson and Feather (1966), accomplishment

motivation mixed two personality variables: a proclivity to approach success and a

proclivity to avoid failure.

The research presented herein delves into the multifaceted realm of

academic and social motivational influences among students, with a specific focus

on Grade 12 students. This pivotal stage marks a critical juncture in students'

educational journeys, as they navigate the complexities of preparing for post-

secondary transitions while balancing academic demands and social pressures.

Understanding the unique motivational dynamics at play during this phase is

essential for educators, administrators, and policymakers alike in crafting targeted

interventions and supportive environments that nurture student growth and


The purpose of conducting research on academic and social motivational

influences is to advance our understanding of how students are motivated to learn

and engage in educational settings, with the ultimate aim of fostering positive

outcomes for individuals and society as a whole. The research aims to deepen our

understanding of the complex interplay between academic and social factors that

drive student motivation. By unraveling the underlying mechanisms and influences,

researchers seek to gain insights into why students engage in certain behaviors

and how these behaviors impact their academic performance and social


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Academic and Social Motivitional

Influences in Grade 12 students of Manuel T. Sia National High School at Danlog,

Pilar, Sorsogon, S.Y 2022-2023.

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the personal profile of the students in terms of:

a. Sex d. Family Income

b. Age e. Gadgets Available

c. Order in the Family

2. What is the student's academic performance level in terms of their general

weighted average?

3. Is there a significant relationship between academic motivation and the

academic performance of the students?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Academic and Social Motivational Influences in

Grade 12 students of Manuel T. Sia National High School (MTSNHS) for the

academic year 2023-2024. Its main respondents are the Grade 12 Students from

two different strands namely, General Academic Strand (GAS) and Technical

Vocational Livelihood (TVL) with a total population of 87. Since this study focuses

on the Grade 12 students, this does not include students from and Grade 11 to

Grade 7 students of MTSNHS and students from other educational institutions.

The researchers simultaneously engaged in this study with other academic work,

thus, this consequently cut down on the time devoted for the research work. The

results of this study will be the basis of proposing measures efforts within schools,

and how to raise the importance of being computer literate through success not

only schools, but in life.

Significance of the Study

This study signifies for the following reasons:

To the Administrators, the findings of this study can utilize the research

findings to design professional development opportunities for teachers and staff.

By providing training on effective strategies to enhance student motivation,

administrators can support educators in creating engaging and supportive learning

environments that promote academic success among grade 12 students.

To the Teachers, can apply the insights from the research to adapt their

classroom practices to better meet the motivational needs of their students. This

may involve creating a more collaborative and supportive learning environment,

incorporating real-world relevance into lessons, or providing opportunities for

student choice and autonomy.

To the Students, can use the research findings to advocate for changes in

school policies or practices that better support student motivation. Additionally,

they can learn to self-advocate by articulating their motivational needs to teachers,

administrators, and parents, ensuring they receive the necessary support to thrive

academically and socially.

To the Future Researchers, Insights from the study can inform the

development and evaluation of interventions aimed at enhancing student

motivation in grade 12 and beyond. Future researchers can design and implement
targeted interventions based on the identified motivational factors, rigorously

evaluate their effectiveness, and contribute to evidence-based practices in

educational intervention.

Definition of Term

To achieve a common understanding, the following terms are defined


Sex - refers to biological characteristics that define males and females.

These characteristics include chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs.

In humans, sex is typically categorized as male or female, but there are also

intersex individuals who possess variations in sex characteristics that do not fit

typical definitions of male or female.

Age - period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked

by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal

responsibility and capacity

Academic Motivation - refers to the cause of behaviors that are in some

way related to academic functioning and success, such as how much effort

students put forth, how effectively they regulate their work, which endeavors they

choose to pursue, and how persistent they are when faced with obstacles

General Weighted Average (GWA) - is the average of grades in all

subjects taken, whether passed or failed. It is the result of combining the

performance rating based on the screening criteria or subject. It serves as the

indicator of a student's academic performance in a given semester or school year.

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