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Solid Waste Management Awareness and Practices Among Senior High

School Students of Manuel T. Sia National High School

A Quantitative Research Presented to the Faculty of

Manuel T. Sia National High School
Danlog, Pilar, Sorsogon

In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the subject

Lindio, Jan Lloyd

May 2024



Solid waste management is one of the challenges faced by many countries.

Poor solid waste management will lead to various problems in health, environment

and socio-economic aspects. Since, educational institution is an agent of change

and through R.A. No. 9003, solid waste management concepts are being

integrated in science education.

Philippines is an archipelagic country located in the Southeast Asia. It has a

dynamic and rapid economy due to increasing urbanization, growing middle class

and it has a large and young population (World Bank, 2020). Given this condition,

solid waste production in the Philippines also increases (Castillo & Otoma, 2013).

Republic Act No. 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000) defined

solid waste as all discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous

institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agriculture

waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste. It is also evident that in

other places, solid waste production is increasing. According to World Bank

(2019), there will be an increase on waste generation annually all over the globe

by 70% from 2.01 billion tons in 2016 to 3.40 billion tons by 2050. The increase of

solid waste generation causes its management more challenging (Al-Katib et al.,

2010). Thus, solid waste management is a must. Solid waste management

pertains to the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,

processing, and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best
principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and

other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to public attitudes.

However, solid waste management tend to be ignored (Masood, Barlow, & Wilson,

2009). Improper waste disposal, inefficient waste collection and lack of disposal

facilities are some concerns on solid waste management in the Philippines

(Matunog & Awa, 2013; Senate Economic Planning Office, 2017). Due to this,

Philippines was considered as world’s leading plastic polluters (WWF-Philippines,

2018). In addition, poor management of solid waste may cause health hazards to

inhabitants, environmental problems such as water and soil contamination, air

pollution and flooding and other socio-economic problem (Abu Qdais, 2007;

Sharholy et al., 2008; Senate Economic Planning Office, 2017).

Since school is one of the avenues that will provide education and will

disseminate information about solid waste management, several studies were

conducted in determining its impact in the student’s level of awareness and

practices. However, these are conducted in tertiary education. For instance,

Paghasian (2017) revealed that college students in Maigo has a high level of

awareness on solid waste management. Meanwhile, their solid waste

management practices in terms of segregation, reduce and recycle were good;

while their practices in terms on recycle and disposal were fair. The awareness on

solid waste management of the students had no influence on their practices in

disposal however had affected their practices specifically on segregation, reduce,

reuse, and recycle.

Meanwhile, solid waste management studies in basic education is limited

and has given less attention. Thus, in this study, senior high school students were

utilized. Senior high school curriculum is newly integrated in the basic education,

which can be traced back when R.A. No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education

of 2013 was enacted. Since the students spend 12 years in basic education with

the integration of environmental awareness and education in their curricula, the

researcher would like to determine the level of solid waste management

awareness among senior high school students, the sources of their awareness

and their solid waste management practices

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Level of Solid Waste Management

Awareness Among Senior High School Students of Manuel T. Sia National High

School at Danlog, Pilar, Sorsogon, S.Y 2022-2023.

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the personal profile of the students in terms of

a. Sex d. Family Income

b. Age e. Daily Allowance

c. Order in the Family

2. What are the common solid waste management practices adopted by

senior high school students?

3. What specific recommendations can be proposed to enhance solid waste

management awareness and practices among senior high school students?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Level of Solid Waste Management Awareness

Among Senior High School Students of Manuel T. Sia National High School

(MTSNHS) for the academic year 2023-2024. Its main respondents are the Senior

High School Students from two different strands namely, General Academic

Strand (GAS) and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) with a total population of

165. Since this study focuses on the Senior High students, this does not include

students from and Grade 10 to Grade 7 students of MTSNHS and students from

other educational institutions. The researchers simultaneously engaged in this

study with other academic work, thus, this consequently cut down on the time

devoted for the research work. The results of this study will be the basis of

proposing measures efforts within schools, and how to raise the importance of

being computer literate through success not only schools, but in life.

Significance of the Study

This study signifies for the following reasons:

To the Administrators, an provide administrators with valuable information

to inform policy decisions, optimize resource allocation, improve program

effectiveness, enhance community engagement, strengthen compliance

monitoring and enforcement efforts, and ultimately promote public health and

environmental protection.

To the Teachers, can equip teachers with valuable insights and resources

to enhance environmental education, promote sustainable behaviors among

students, and foster active citizenship in addressing environmental challenges. By

empowering teachers with the necessary tools and knowledge, this research can
contribute to building a generation of environmentally conscious and responsible


To the Students, the results of this research on solid waste management

awareness and practices have the potential to enrich students' learning

experiences, foster environmental stewardship, and empower them to become

active agents of positive change in addressing waste-related challenges. By

equipping students with knowledge, skills, and motivation, your research can

contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to


To the Future Researchers, provide a valuable resource for future

researchers, offering insights, methodological guidance, and inspiration to

advance knowledge, inform policy, and drive positive change in the field of waste

management. By contributing to a growing body of evidence and expertise, this

research lays the groundwork for continued progress towards more sustainable

and resilient waste management systems for the future.

Definition of Term

To achieve a common understanding, the following terms are defined


Sex - refers to biological characteristics that define males and females.

These characteristics include chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs.

In humans, sex is typically categorized as male or female, but there are also

intersex individuals who possess variations in sex characteristics that do not fit

typical definitions of male or female.

Age - period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked

by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal

responsibility and capacity.

Recommendations - are suggestions or advice provided based on

analysis, findings, or expertise to guide actions or decisions aimed at addressing

specific issues, improving processes, or achieving desired outcomes.

Solid waste management - refers to the systematic collection,

transportation, disposal, and recycling or treatment of waste materials generated

by human activities in order to minimize environmental and public health risks. It

involves various strategies and practices aimed at efficiently managing different

types of solid waste, such as household garbage, industrial waste, and

construction debris, throughout their lifecycle.

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