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Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Improving Students Achievement

Among Senior High School Students of Manuel T. Sia National High School

A Quantiitative Research Presented to the Faculty of

Manuel T. Sia National High School
Danlog, Pilar, Sorsogon

In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the subject

Marinas, Adrian Kyle L.

March 2024



The past decade has witnessed a huge revolution in the educational

applications of the computer, whose use in education is in its beginning taking

various forms starting from using computers in education to the use of the Internet

in education and finally emerged the concept of blended learning, which depends

on technology to provide the educational content to the learner in a good and

effective method. Many educators recommend the importance of making

adjustments in the curriculum to keep up with the age of computer and information

technology but there is no agreement on the type and amount of the required

modification; most parents, students and teachers believe that the preparation of

young generations and arming them with the basics of computer science and use

is the most appropriate way to rehabilitation so they can stay in the changing

world; the prevailing viewpoint in the developed societies is that the school has no

choice but to adapt to the information age because this adjustment has become

necessary for the continued survival and progress (Bani Hamad, 2011).

Blended learning is one of the most modern methods of learning helping in

solving the knowledge explosion problem, the growing demand for education and

the problem of overcrowded lectures if used in distance learning, expanding the

acceptance opportunities in education, being able to train, educate and rehabilitate

workers without leaving their jobs and teaching housewives, which contributes to

raising the literacy rate and eliminating illiteracy; blended learning increases the
learning effectiveness to a large degree, decreases the time environment required

for training, decreases the training costs, allows the learner to study at his favorite

time and place, allows for live interviews and discussions on the network, provides

updated information suiting learners' need, and provides simulations, animations,

practical events and exercises and practical applications (Al- Shunnaq and Bani

Domi, 2010).

Blended learning is one of the contemporary trends of education and one of

the new trends of the teacher in the twenty first century; it can be described as an

educational method in which more than one means is used for transmitting

knowledge and experience to learners to achieve the best of the learning outputs

(Freihat, 2004); accordingly, this model combines the advantages of e-learning

and the benefits of classroom education; this education is based on the integration

between the traditional learning and e-learning (Al-Rimawi, 2016). There are

several definitions of blended learning; (Ismail, 2009) defined it as the employment

of technological innovations in blending the two methods of education face-to-face

as well as distance education to bring about an interaction between the faculty

member being a teacher or a mentor with learners face-to-face through these

innovations, which are not required to have specific electronic tools or specific

quality with the availability of learning sources linked with content and learning

activities. Hassan (2010) sees that it is a way of learning aiming to help the learner

achieve the targeted learning outcomes through the blending between the forms of

traditional education and e-learning with its patterns inside and outside the

In the Philippine context, the internet usage rose from 9% of the population

in 1998 to 35% in 2014 (Labucay, 2014). Towards the end of the decade, with a

population of about 106 million Filipinos in 2018, findings have revealed that a rise

to 62-63% or about 67 million Filipinos have access to internet and thought of as

internet users (Estella & Löffelholz, 2019; Khalid & Lavilles, 2019). This shows that

ICT in the Philippine education context serves as a milestone which opens wide

range of teaching and learning opportunities (Lorenzo, 2016). Studies have

reported how blended-based approach slowly gain its importance in the field of

education (Ma'arop & Embi, 2016; Matheos & Cleveland-Innes, 2018; Olelewe &

Agomuo, 2016); hence, the adoption of blended learning is on rise, particularly in

tertiary. Meanwhile, the HEIs in the Philippines are considered to be products

of conventional teaching and learning environment (de la Pena-Bandalaria, 2007),

which can infer that blended learning is still young and new to tertiary education

teachers. Ocak (2011) posits that gearing towards blended-based approach

provides dynamics of teaching changes and the role of faculty can be altered.

Stacey and Gerbic (2008) discuss that faculty’s needs and concerns were not

documented properly, specifically the hindrances they experienced using blended

teaching approaches. Scholars believe that faculty’s perceptions, particularly

exploring their teaching and learning satisfaction, towards blended learning are

crucial elements that must be explored (Martin & Nunes, 2016; Previtali &

Scarozza, 2019; Selim, 2007).

The importance of the current research stems from its topic, blended

learning, and it is conducted to consider blended learning an invented technique in

teaching and developing the teaching methods used in teaching in schools by

providing a new method of teaching where the information technology and

communication is used without the need for a radical change in the traditional

methods; the reason is that the blended learning method does not rely on the

traditional methods but it works to improve them by integrating them with the

electronic methods.

The purpose of this study is to increase learners' ability to learn

collaboratively, think creatively, study independently and tailor their own learning

experiences to meet their individual needs.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the Effectiveness of Blended Learning in

Improving Students Academic Achievement among Senior High School students

of Manuel T. Sia National High School at Danlog, Pilar, Sorsogon, S.Y 2022-2023.

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the personal profile of the students in terms of

a. Sex d. Family Income

b. Age e. Gadgets Available

c. Order in the Family

2. How does the integration of traditional classroom instruction with online

learning platforms impact the academic performance of students across

various subjects and grade levels?

3. What are the perceptions and experiences of educators and students

regarding the effectiveness of blended learning in enhancing academic

achievement, and how do these perceptions vary based on demographic

and institutional factors?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the effects of Blended Learning in Improving

Students Achievement Senior High Students of Manuel T. Sia National High

School (MTSNHS) for the academic year 2024-2025. Its main respondents are

Senior High School Students from two different strands namely, General Academic

Strand (GAS) and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) with a total population of

165. Since this study focuses on the Senior High School students, this does not

include students from and Grade 10 to Grade 7 students of MTSNHS and students

from other educational institutions. The researchers simultaneously engaged in

this study with other academic work, thus, this consequently cut down on the time

devoted for the research work. The results of this study will be the basis of

proposing measures efforts within schools, and how to raise the importance of

being computer literate through success not only schools, but in life.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine the effects of Blended Learning in Improving

Students Achievement. The study is significant because it has the potential to

make a positive impact on students, teachers, administrators, and future

researchers in the following ways:

To the Administrators - Administrators in educational institutions can use

the findings to make informed decisions about integrating blended learning

approaches into their curriculum. They can allocate resources, develop policies,

and provide support for implementing blended learning effectively.

To the Teachers, can gain insights into the effectiveness of blended

learning strategies and understand how to incorporate them into their teaching

practices. They can learn about best practices, pedagogical approaches, and

technologies that enhance student learning outcomes.

To the Students, can benefit directly from the research findings by

experiencing improved learning outcomes through blended learning methods.

They can adapt their study habits, engage with online resources, and participate in

interactive learning activities to enhance their academic performance.

To the Future Researchers, can use the study as a foundation for further

investigations into blended learning effectiveness. They can build upon the

findings, explore different aspects of blended learning, and contribute to the

growing body of knowledge in educational technology and pedagogy.

Definition of Term

To achieve a common understanding, the following terms are defined


Sex - refers to biological characteristics that define males and females.

These characteristics include chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs.

In humans, sex is typically categorized as male or female, but there are also

intersex individuals who possess variations in sex characteristics that do not fit

typical definitions of male or female.

Integration – it means combining different parts or elements to work

together effectively as a unified whole.

Perceptions - are how individuals interpret and understand their

environment based on personal beliefs, experiences, and cultural background.

They influence attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making.

Institutional Factors - are the various elements within organizations that

influence their operations and outcomes. These factors include organizational

structures, policies, resources, culture, leadership, and governance mechanisms.

They play a significant role in shaping the environment in which individuals work

and affect performance, behavior, and overall success. Understanding these

factors is essential for analyzing organizational dynamics and implementing

strategies to improve institutional performance.

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