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Question 1

How do people organize and make sense of their sensory experiences so they understand and provide context for their
A. interpretation
B. environmental analysis
C. social verification
D. outlook
E. perception
Question 2
Which three groups of factors impact perception?
A. factors in the setting, factors in the environment, and factors in the motives
B. factors in the perceiver, factors in the target, and factors in the situation
C. factors in the character, factors in knowledge, and factors in experience
D. factors in the personality, factors in the character, and factors in the values
E. factors in the senses, factors in the surroundings, and factors in the lighting
Question 3
What is an alternative name for a self-fulfilling prophecy?
A. Pygmalion effect
B. projection
C. self-selecting bias
D. halo effect
E. prototyping
Question 4
Which step is absent from the rational decision-making model?
A. defining the problem
B. identifying the decision criteria
C. evaluating the alternatives
D. computing the decision perceptions
E. selecting the best alternative
Question 5
What is the term used to describe the tendency for individuals to base their judgments on easily accessible information?
A. representative bias
B. availability bias
C. confirmation bias
D. anchoring bias
E. principality
Question 6
The decision-making bias described as preferring a guaranteed outcome is known as what?
A. hindsight bias
B. bounded rationality
C. escalation of commitment
D. randomness
E. risk aversion.
Question 7
What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?
A. There is general agreement about a perception.
B. Different people respond the same way in the same situation.
C. There is general agreement about how people desire to respond to the same situation.
D. Different people perceive a situation similarly.
E. All people behave precisely the same way in certain situations.
Question 8
What term describes the increased commitment to a prior decision despite encountering negative information?
A. escalation of commitment
B. hindsight
C. satisficing
D. representative
E. rose-colored-glasses.
Question 9
What type of factor influences the perception process, for example, the moment an object or event is seen?
A. perceiver
B. target
C. social
D. reality
E. context
Question 10
Shortcuts in judging others include all of the following except ________.
A. stereotyping
B. halo effect
C. projection
D. self-serving bias
E. the Pygmalion effect
Question 11
What is the term for when we evaluate someone based on our perceptions of the group they belong to?
A. grouping
B. stereotyping
C. categorizing
D. assimilating
E. prototyping
Question 12
Which of the following describes a behavior that is caused by external factors?
A. An employee is late because he was partying late and then overslept.
B. An employee is late because of a flat tire.
C. An employee was fired because he slept on the job.
D. An employee was promoted because he was hard working.
E. An employee died from lung cancer after excessive tobacco use.
Question 13
Your rating in a job interview is high in contrast to the candidate who was interviewed directly before you, who was
rated extremely low. Your own high rating might be partially attributed to which of the following?
A. the halo effect
B. contrast effects
C. projection
D. stereotyping
E. prototyping
Question 14
Ryu Jun-yeol consistently submits reports with misspellings. The QA report writing team includes three other employees
whose reports are consistently written with proper grammar. Ryu Jun-yeol's manager has already pointed out errors in
the report that he is planning to submit. Ryu Jun-yeol gives an example of ___. The reason behind his careless reporting
is ________.
A. low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; internal
B. high distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external
C. low distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal
D. low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external
E. high distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal
Question 15
Whenever Han So-hee achieves success, she fully credits herself for the outcome. However, when faced with failure,
she tends to attribute it to bad luck or blame one of her colleagues. She is guilty of ________.
A. fundamental attribution error
B. attribution bias
C. the halo effect
D. distinctiveness
E. self-serving bias
Question 16
Every day, Lee Hyeri arrives at work roughly ten minutes late. What part of this conduct does attribution theory explain?
A. It shows consensus.
B. It shows similarity.
C. It shows reliability.
D. It shows consistency.
E. It shows distinctiveness.
Question 17
When two people observe something at the same time, their interpretations of it differ. Where are the factors at work that
create their diverse perspectives?
A. the perceivers
B. the target
C. the timing
D. the context
E. the situation
Question 18
What term describes the tendency to underestimate the impact of external factors and overestimate the influence of
internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others?
A. fundamental attribution error
B. self-serving bias
C. selective perception
D. consistency
E. actor bias
Question 19
Which of the following statements about how we perceive a target is incorrect?
A. Objects that are close together will be perceived together rather than separately.
B. Persons that are similar to each other tend to be grouped together.
C. Targets are usually looked at in isolation.
D. Motion, sounds, size, and other attributes of a target shape the way we see it.
E. Objects that are distant from one another will be perceived separately rather than as a group.
Question 20
People try to figure out whether the behavior of another is caused by either internal or external. Of the following, which
one is most directly related to this phenomenon?
A. the Pygmalion effect
B. projection theory
C. attribution theory
D. selective perception theory
E. expectancy theory

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