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1. Introduction

PT. Perintis Pondasi Teknotama is a Civil Engineering Contractor Specialized in Foundation

investigation and implementation. PT. Perintis has so far three systems for deep foundation
installation, they are hydraulic Jacking system, Drop (Diesel & Hydraulic) Hammer system
and RCD (Reverse Circulation Drill) for Bored Pile.

The company was established in November 1992 and has grown since steadily in size and
reputation. So far many piling projects given by reputable companies, such as Gleni
(Glenegles) International Hospital, Travelers Suits, Tiara Tower, Citra Plaza & Senapelan
Plaza Pekanbaru, PT. Karya Prajona Nelayan & PT. Bukit Kapur Reksa Dumai, PT. Raja
Garuda Mas Group (Paper mill, Pulp Storage & Building) Riau, Industrial Building in KIM &
KIM Star, PT. SMART, Tbk (Building, Refinery Storage Tank & Warehouse), PT. Musim Mas
Belawan, PT. Semen Andalas, Mahkamah Syariah, Bapindo, BRI, Pelindo Banda Aceh, has
been completed.

As a foundation specialist contractor, we are ready to participate in Static (Axial & Lateral)
Loading Test, PDA Test and PIT.

2. Legal Aspects of the Company


- Registered Address,
Office : Jl. Kapten Muslim No. 111
Kompleks Ruko Plaza Millenium Blok B/43
Medan – 20123

Workshop : Jl. Pertahanan No. 1 Dusun IV Desa Patumbak Kampung

Kec. Patumbak Kab. Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara

Telephone : (6261) 845 3910 (Hunting)

Facsimile : (6261) 845 3911

Date of Incorporation : 13 November 1992

Bankers : - Maybank
- Mandiri

Registration and License : - Akte Notaris No. 9, 13 November 1992, Malem Ukur
- Akte Perubahan, No. 185, No. 9, 13 October 1996, Martin
- Akte Perubahan, No.03, 12 April 2018, Wanda Lucia,SH.
- IUJK, NIB 9120403751011
- SKITU, No. 503/5062/BI/DU/WAS/X/2010
- NPWP, No. 01.538.113.0-124.000
- SBU, No. 0.1275.
3. The Management

a. Executive Board
- President Director : Dr. Ir. Jonner Napitupulu
- Director : Ir. Tambak Onggo
- Finance : - Jusni Herlina, SE
- Rafeni, SE
- Secretary : Sanny, S.Kom

b. Technical Board
- Technical Manager : Ir. Koresj Sirait, MT
- Ass. Technical Manager : Ir. Iwan Novelson Purba
- Supervisor : - Riantho Manurung
- Fiktor Sirait
- Drafter : Suyanto

4. Equipments

a. Office Equipments
- PC & Printer
- Type Writer
- Drafting Machine
- Telephone
- Facsimile
- Drafting Machine
- Photocopy Machine

b. Soil Investigation
- Boring Machine & SPT - Dutch Cone Penetrometer (DPC) test

- Hand Anger
c. Piling Equipments - Bored Pile Machine
- Hydraulic Jacking System Machine - RCD Bored Pile Machine

- Welding Machine

- Truck Crane
- Drop (Diesel & Hydraulic) Hammer
- Mobile Crane
& rigs

- Excavator

- Genset
d. Loading Test Equipment - Pressure Measurements Accessories

- Hydraulic Jacking Cap. 600 ton

- Steel Profile Beam

- Concrete Block for Kentledge

- PDA Unit - PIT Unit

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