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1. A problem statement is an expression of the dilemma that needs investigation for the purpose for providing
and direction. It should identify the nature of the problem that is being addressed in the study and typically its
context and significance. If the researcher would like to compare the coping mechanism of patients with chronic
illness to those with acute illness, which of the following statement is the BEST?
a. A Study to Compare the Coping Mechanism of Patients with Chronic Illness and those with Acute Illness.
b. A Descriptive Study to Compare the Coping Mechanism of Patients with Chronic Illness and those with Acute
Illness in Terms of Demographic Data.
c. A Study of the Differences in the Coping Mechanism of Patients with Chronic Illness and those with Acute
d. A Comparative Analysis of the Coping Mechanism of Patient with Chronic Illness and those with Acute Illness.
This the correct statement of comparative research study. In most studies, researchers develop comparisons to
provide a context for interpreting results. The most common types of comparison are as follows: 1) Comparison
between two or more groups. 2) Comparison of one group’s status at two or more points in time. 3) Comparison
of one group’s status under different circumstances 4) Comparison based on relative rankings. 5) Comparison
with other studies.
Reference: Beck, C.T. and Polit, D.F (2005) Nursing Research Principles and Methods. 7th Edition. Page 162
SITUATION: The use of massage and meditation to help decrease stress and pain have been strongly
recommended based on documented testimonials.

2. Carmen wants to do a study on this topic, "Effects of massage and meditation on stress and pain." The
type of research that best suits this topic is:
a. Applied research b. Qualitative research c. Basic research d. Quantitative research
Applied research focuses on finding solutions to existing problem and thus tends to be of greater immediate
utility for evidenced-based practice. The study to determine the effectiveness of massage and meditation on
stress and pain is an applied research. This type of research is designed to indicate how principles can be used to
solve problems in nursing practice. The principle of meditation and massage and its effect on one of the problem
nurses’ commonly encounter, which is pain. Applied and basic research fall under Qualitative research but the
question is asking for the best type of research that will suit the situation, therefore it is the applied research
should be the answer.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 19

3. The type of research design that does not manipulate independent variable is:
a. Experimental design b. Quasi-experimental design c. Non-experimental design d. Quantitative design
A non-experimental research design is a type of research design under the quantitative research that does not
manipulate the independent variable. Any quantitative study without manipulation of treatments or random
assignment is a non-experimental study. Non-experimental research is used when variables of interest cannot be
manipulated because they are naturally existing attributes or when random assignment of individuals to a given
treatment condition would be unethical.
Experimental research design involves manipulation of the independent variable or the subjects are given the
treatment and randomly assigned to different conditions and study variable is controlled.
Quasi-experiment is a research design having some but not all of the characteristics of a true experiment. The
element most frequently missing is random assignment of subjects to the control and experimental conditions.
Reference: Potter, P. A. & Perry, A. G. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing. Volume 1. 6th edition. Mosby, Inc. Page

4. Which of the following is TRUE in an experimental study?

a. The control group receives the therapy being studied
b. Conditions affecting the subjects are left uncontrolled to allow generalization of findings
c. Subjects are randomly assigned to both experimental and controlled groups
d. Clients are likely to perform the best are assigned to the experimental group
Experimental research has three distinct characteristic: randomization, manipulation and a control group. Option
A is incorrect because the control group will not receive any treatment at all. Option B is incorrect because
variable that will affect the subject, the independent variable, is being manipulated in an experiment study.
Option D is incorrect because the researcher cannot select which subject to be categorized to any particular
group, and if the researcher commit this, randomization is lost, thus it will no longer be an experimental
research. Experimental research is used to determine the cause and effect, and like any other research type,
should be free from biases.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.250-251

5. As a researcher, you know that the difference of an experimental research to a quasi-experimental research is
that, quasi-experimental research lacks which of the following component of an experimental research?
a. Manipulation b. Randomization c. Either a or b d. Control
Quasi experimental research, like true experiments, involves an intervention. However, quasi experimental
designs lack randomization, the signature of true experiment.

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Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.250-251
SITUATION: Jin prepares for the orientation of the new staff of the research department. He plans to conduct a
review of the basic concepts of research.

6. Which of the following types of research makes use of past events to answer a problem?
a. Ex post facto analysis b. Field experiment c. Case study d. Historical research
The above statement exactly describes historical research. Case study is in-depth investigations of a single entity
or a small number of entities. Field experiment is done in a natural setting over an extended period of time. Ex-
Post Facto (also called Causal Comparative Research) is useful whenever:
• We have two groups which differ on an independent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences
on one or more dependent variables or
• We have two groups which already differ on a dependent variable and we want to test hypotheses about
differences on one or more independent variables.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 232

7. One staff asks about the external validity of the researcher finding. Which of the response of Jin is
appropriate? The researcher findings can be:
a. Generalized to other settings or samples
b. Shown to result only from the effect of the independent variable
c. Reflected as a results of extraneous variables
d. Free of selection biases
External validity concerns inferences about the extent to which relationships observed in the study hold true over
variations in people, conditions, and settings, as well as over variations in treatments and outcomes. External
validity therefore focuses on generalizibility of the studies. Options BCD fall under internal validity.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 295-307

8. The nurse researcher decided to use experimental design on her study about the effect of surgical operation on
postoperative patients’ routine; however there are experimental limitations despite of its benefits. Nurses and
hospital staff, as well as patients, might be aware of their participation and both groups might alter their actions
accordingly. What can you call these changes made by the participants?
a. Hawthorne effect b. Halo effect c. Butterfly effect d. Double blind RCT
Hawthorne effect is a kind of placebo effect that is caused by people’s expectation. Knowledge of being included
in the study appears to have affected people’s behavior, thereby obscuring the effect of the variable of interest.
Halo effect is an effect whereby the perception of positive qualities in one thing or part gives rise to the
perception of similar qualities in related things or in the whole. Butterfly effect is based from a principle of chaotic
effect, whereby a single chaotic action will lead to another problem. Double blind RCT is used because of
Hawthorne effect, in which neither subjects nor those who administer the treatment know who is in the
experimental or control group, are so powerful.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.264-265

9. To avoid the above situation what should the nurse researcher do?
a. Randomize the subject and the person who administer the treatment.
b. Consider the subject, especially in experimental group as powerful component.
c. Tell the participants not to change their behavior, thus avoid biases.
d. Manipulate all the participants according to researchers’ will.
Double blind randomized controlled trial; RCT is a measure that is done in an experimental research so
participants will not be aware that they are being observed, the same way with observers. Observers will not be
informed who belongs to a control group and which is not so that he won’t focus on just the controlled group or
vice versa. This is called double blind because neither the subject nor the persons administer the treatment know
to focus.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.250, 264-265
10. One of the new staff asks when it is considered that a research study is completed. Which of the following is
the appropriate response of you?
a. The research report is published in the research journal
b. The result is utilized by the nurse in the hospital
c. The final report has been written and submitted to the CEO
d. The findings are interpreted by the research group
Research is said to be completed when it is being practice and apply in real situation. This is why research is so
important in rendering nursing interventions. There must be a rationale and proven or tested body of knowledge
in every act nurses give to their clients, as evidenced-based practice.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 3-5
SITUATION: Backache after duty hours has become common among staff nurse assigned in the stroke unit. A
group of nurses decided to make a retrospective study.
11. A retrospective study would involve a nurse who suffered from backache:
a. Anytime before or after start of study c. Previous to the study
b. During the period of the study d. No particular period

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Retrospective design is a study design that begins with the manifestation of the dependent variable in the
present, followed by a search for a presumed caused occurring in the past. Nurses who suffered backache during
the period of the study will be involved since the aim of this research design is to determine the present outcome
and the antecedent factors that caused their backache.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 272-273
12. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between lifting techniques of nurse and backache.
The independent variable is:
a. Staff nurses b. Backache c. Back injury d. Lifting techniques
Independent variable is said to be the cause and is represented in the situation as the lifting techniques. Staff
nurses who have backache could be the sample and backache will be the dependent variable or the effect from
improper application of lifting techniques.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 272-273
13. Fifty nurses consented to the subjects of the study, 25 nurses with backache and 25 nurses without
backache. Lifting techniques were employed by nurses without backache. Which group is the control?
a. Group without backache c. No group
b. Group without lifting activity d. Group with backache
Control group refers to a group of subjects whose performance on a dependent variable is used to evaluate the
performance of the treatment group on the same dependent variable. The dependent variable will be backache,
and those nurses with backache will be the point o comparison for those nurses who will apply the lifting
techniques. A control group will not receive any treatment at all. Option B is incorrect because it is not particular
to a control group and it is not said in the situation that nurses with backache use or didn’t use lifting technique.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 252
14. Due to some study constraints, the group decided to prospective study. The group should keep in mind that
the study will be conducted on which of the following factors?
a. At specified future time c. When both subjects and the lifting activities are ready
b. At a period when subjects are ready d. When there are patients who need lifting
In prospective design, the researcher will introduce intervention and then determine its effect. In the above
situation the subjects as well as the intervention, which is the lifting technique, should be prepared in order to
gather a conclusion or information about the effect of the intervention which the researcher introduced.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 208
15. Edward and his colleagues conducted a study to determine whether gender differences associated with
coronary artery revascularization changed over time. Edward most likely utilized which type of research design?
a. Longitudinal b. Cross-sectional c. Trend studies d. Panel studies
Trend studies are investigations in which samples from population are studied over a period of time with respect
to some phenomenon. Sample population will be the clients who underwent coronary artery revascularization
procedure and its changes over a period of time. Longitudinal design is a study in which data are collected at
more than one point in time over an extended period, and trend design is under this type of research design
together with panel studies, wherein the same people are used to supply data at two or more points in time. The
difference is that trend design is a study over a period of time while panel study is at two or more different point
in time. Cross sectional is collection of data once: the phenomena under study are captured during one period o
data collection.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 207-209
16. “Health services use and growth patterns among older siblings of infants with prenatal drug exposure” is
what type of research?
a. Experimental c. Historical research
b. Quasi-experimental research d. Correlational research
When a researcher studies a potential cause that they cannot manipulate, they use designs that examines
relationships between variables. Like in the above study title, you can determine that this study was to examine
whether the older siblings of infants with prenatal drug exposure experience adverse developmental outcomes.
The study wants to identify if there is a relationship between the infants who was exposed to drug and to their
new infants that could be raised in a high-risk environment.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.281
SITUATION: Sampling is an essential part of the research process.
17. A researcher knows that selection of samples is important factor to consider and must be given crucial
attention because it will serve as a portrait. A researcher should know that a sample is a group drawn from:
a. Population b. Universe c. Study group d. Representative
Sample is a subset of a population, selected to participate in a study. Population refers to the entire set of
individuals or objects having some common characteristics, also known as universe.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 55, 67, 339-340
18. One of the nurses in research team discusses different sampling method they can use in their study. The
nurse should always keep in mind that most important characteristic of a sample is:
a. Population subsets b. Randomization c. Representativeness d. Appropriate number
Sampling is a process of selecting a portion of a population to represent the entire population so that inferences

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about the population can be made; therefore the most important characteristic of a sample is its
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 339-340
19. A nurse researcher is conducting a lecture to nursing students about different sampling method when one of
the students asks what random sampling is. The nurse researcher is correct when she stated that random
sampling assures that each subject has:
a. Been selected based on criteria c. Characteristics that match other samples
b. Been systematically selected d. An equal chance of selection
Random sampling involves a selection process in which each element in the population has an equal, independent
chance o being selected. Option C is purposive sampling or judgmental sampling. Option B is systematic
sampling, and option A is snowball sampling.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 339-347
20. Among the sampling methods, the nurse researcher knows which of the following methods is the weakest
form of sample selection and should be avoided?
a. Quota b. Purposive c. Snowball d. Convenience
Convenience sampling or an accidental sampling entails using the most conveniently available people as study
participants. It is the weakest form of sampling method. Quota sampling Snowball sampling or network or chain
sampling is a variant of convenient sampling where early sample members are asked to refer other people who
meet the eligibility criteria. Purposive sampling is based on the belief that researchers’ knowledge about the
population can be used to hand-pick sample members.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 339-347
21. Which sampling method allows the use of any group of research subject?
a. Quota b. Purposive c. Snowball d. Convenience
Convenience sampling or an accidental sampling entails using the most conveniently available people as study
participants. Quota sampling Snowball sampling or network or chain sampling is a variant of convenient sampling
where early sample members are asked to refer other people who meet the eligibility criteria. Purposive sampling
is based on the belief that researchers’ knowledge about the population can be used to hand-pick sample
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 339-347
22. The nurse researcher utilized the snowball sampling, in which he can easily get a sample through the help of
the seeds. Seeds in snowball sampling refer to:
a. Samples from population strata.
b. Sample selected by the researcher with set of criteria.
c. Early sample members who can refer other people who meet eligibility criteria.
d. Subjects purposely selected and believed to be knowledgeable about the issues under the study.
Accidental samples fall under convenient sample while option B is a quota sampling and option D is purposively
sampling. Seeds are early sample members who were asked to refer other people, who meet eligibility criteria
which is known to be snowball sampling or networking.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 339-347
23. You decided to include all barangays in the municipality and chose a sampling method that would get a
representative sample from each barangay. The appropriate method would be:
a. Cluster sampling b. Stratified sampling c. Systematic sampling d. Random sampling
In cluster sampling, there is a successive random sampling of units. The first unit is large groupings, or cluster.
All the barangay represents the cluster, so to get representatives from different barangay, random sampling of
barangay first is done, and then followed by random sampling again of individuals in those barangay. Clustering
is needed especially in a very big population. Stratified random sampling, a population is first divided into two or
more strata and them random sampling is done. Systematic sampling is selection of every kth case from a list,
like every 10th person on a patient list.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 339-347
24. The nurse researcher chose to use systematic sampling in obtaining 600 needed participants in his studies to
be conducted at Brgy. Masigla. In his population list, he learned that the population of the barangay is 40, 000.
He has chosen the 74th individual in the list. What would be the next number of the participant?
a. 82nd b. 78th c. 158th d. 141st
The researcher should establish the desired sample size at some number (n). The size of the population must be
known or estimated (N). By dividing N by n, the sampling interval width (k) is established. Sampling interval is
the standard distance between elements chosen for the sample. Like in the above situation
N=40 000
k = N/n
k=40 000/600
k=66.66 or 67 since we cannot divide one person into half.
The first number he selected is 74th; therefore the next number of the participant is 141st, 208th, and 275th and
so on until 600 needed participants were obtained.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 347
25. The nurse researcher chose to use systematic sampling in obtaining 500 needed participants in his studies to

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be conducted at Brgy. Masigabo. In his population list, he learned that the population of the baranggay is 10,
000. He has chosen the 9th individual in the list. What would be the next number of the participant?
a. 18th b. 12th c. 15th d. 29th
The researcher should establish the desired sample size at some number (n). The size of the population must be
known or estimated (N). By dividing N by n, the sampling interval width (k) is established. Sampling interval is
the standard distance between elements chosen for the sample. Like in the above situation
N=10 000
k = N/n
k=10 000/500
k=20, then sampling interval will be 20
The first number he selected is 9th; therefore the next number of the participant is 29st, 49th, and 69th and so on
until 500 needed participants were obtained.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 347
26. Nurse Melissa selected units in the sample by some sort of chance. Which of the following samplings did
Nurse Melissa use?
a. Simple random sampling c. Stratified sampling
b. Systematic sampling d. Cluster sampling
Simple random sampling is the most basic probability sampling design to give fair or equal and independent
chances for everyone to be selected as a participant in the study.
Systematic sampling involves the selection of every nth case from a list. Stratified sampling is a selection by first
dividing the population into two or more strata. Cluster sampling is done in many populations by randomly
selecting in every unit.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 344-357
27. As a researcher, you know the different types of sampling method. One study had applied a type of sampling
that uses a technique whereby they subdivided the population into areas or section and then took a random
sample from each section. The researcher chose which type of sampling method?
a. Purposive sampling b. Cluster sampling c. Systematic sampling d. Stratified sampling
Purposive sampling is based on the belief that the researcher’s knowledge about the population can be used to
hand pick sample members. Systematic sampling involves the selection of every nth case from a list. Stratified
sampling is a selection by first dividing the population into two or more strata. Cluster sampling is done in many
populations by randomly selecting in every unit.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 344-357
28. Which of the following refers to the device or technique an investigator employs to collect data:
a. Samples b. Instruments c. Sampling technique d. Statistical test
The above definition refers to instruments. Instrument could be a questionnaire, test, observation schedule, etc.
Statistical test refers to an analytic tool that estimates the probability that obtained results from a sample reflect
true population values.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 367-388
29. The nurse researcher used a questionnaire item that allows the respondent complete freedom. He utilized
which type of questionnaire?
a. Open ended b. Close ended c. Indirect d. Direct
Open-ended questions allow respondents to respond in their own words. Close-ended questions offer respondents
response options, from which they must choose the one that most closely matches the appropriate answer. There
is no direct and indirect type of questionnaire.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 414-415
30. However, the nurse researcher considers using interview as a means of collecting data. He wanted to prepare
interview schedule that will be read to a respondent. What type of interview the researcher prefers to use?
a. Standardized b. Non-standardized c. Semi-standardized d. None of the above
An interview is said to be standardized if the wordings of both the questions and, in most cases, response
alternatives are predetermined. Non-standardized or unstructured interview is when a researcher doesn’t have
preconceived view of the content or flow of information to be gathered. Semi-standardized or semi structured
interview, researchers prepare in advance a written topic guide, which is a list of areas or questions to be
covered with each participant.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 73-74
SITUATION: Statistical data are needed to enable researcher to organize, interpret, and communicate numeric
31. Which of the following communicates the results of the research to the readers that facilitate description of
the data?
a. Tables and graphs b. Research problem c. Hypothesis d. Statistics
Tables and graphs are use to communicate the results to the reader but researcher should avoid dull, repetitious
statements. Research problem is the statement of the topic or a query that needs to be answered through
research. Hypothesis is a statement of the researcher’s expectation about relationship between study variables.
Statistic is an estimate of a parameter, calculated from a sample data.

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Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.696-697
32. In choosing a table to present statistical data of research, a researcher should keep in mind that a table
should have?
a. title that describe the contents c. horizontal column heading
b. vertical column heading d. all of the above
Good tables should have precise headings and titles. A table should be given with column and row with its
heading that is succinct but clear.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.696-697
33. Statistical analysis of the data utilizes several measures to estimate the chances that the findings can be
generalized to the larger population. These may include which of the following?
a. Mean b. Median c. Mode d. Standard deviation
Standard deviation indicates the average amount of deviation of values from the mean. Standard deviation is the
most frequently used measure of variability because it gives the reader an idea of the nature of the data
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.565-566
Fundamental of Nursing by Kozier, 8th edition, p. 35
34. The researcher wanted to know the distance between the high and low score in statistic. She is expected to
use which measure of central tendency?
a. Range b. Mode c. Median d. Standard deviation
Range is a measure of variability, consisting of the difference between the highest and lowest values in a
distribution of scores. Mode is the score or value that occurs most frequently in a distribution of scores. Median
is a measure of central tendency, representing the exact middle score or value in a distribution of scores.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.565-566
Fundamental of Nursing by Kozier, 8th edition, p. 35
35. The selection of statistical approach depends on all of the following factors except:
a. The purpose of the study. c. The hypothesis.
b. The conclusion of the study. d. The size of the sample.
Statistical procedures enable researchers to organize, interpret, and communicate numeric information.
Statistical approach depends on the purpose of the study, hypothesis, and sample size because it aims to
described and synthesize data that will give enlightenment to a research problem. Statistic does not depend on a
conclusion. Statistic will stand as the basis for the conclusion and it from statistic or result of analysis of data, a
conclusion can be drawn.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.556-557
Fundamental of Nursing by Kozier, 8th edition, p. 35
36. Temperature is an example of what level of measurement?
a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio
Interval measurement is a measurement level in which an attribute of a variable is rank ordered on scale that
has equal distances between points on that scale like Fahrenheit degrees or Celsius. Nominal is the lowest level
of measurement involving the assignment of characteristic into categories (males, category 1; females, category
2) Ordinal is measurement level that rank orders phenomena along some dimension. Ratio is measurement level
with equal distances between scores and a true meaningful zero point (weight).
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.557-558
37. Which of the following is an example of ratio scale?
a. Occupation b. Civil status c. Monthly income d. Gender
Ratio is measurement level with equal distances between scores and a true meaningful zero point (weight).
Gender, blood type and marital/civil status and occupation fall under nominal measurement.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.557-558
38. A measure of variability of scores or values about the mean is which of the following?
a. Mean b. Median c. Mode c. Standard deviation
Standard deviation indicates the average amount of deviation of values from the mean. Standard deviation is the
most frequently used measure of variability because it gives the reader an idea of the nature of the data
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.565-566
Fundamental of Nursing by Kozier, 8th edition, p. 35
39. The researcher wanted to find out the variable’s measure in his study of client’s temperature after undergoing
a surgery. If he’s going to compute the coefficient with the client’s temperature, he will use which type of
correlation index?
a. Spearman’s rho b. Pearson’s r c. Mean d. Median
Pearson’s r is a coefficient computed with variables measured on either an interval or ratio scale. The researcher
wanted to study about the temperature changes on client underwent a surgery. The variable above is
temperature that falls under the level of measurement interval.
Spearman’s rho is the correlation index used for ordinal-level measures.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.570-571

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40. A researcher wanted to study the effectiveness of different interventions to help people stop smoking. One
group of smokers, at random receives intensive nurse counseling (group a); second group is treated by a nicotine
patch (group b); and a third control group receives no special treatment (group c). Now she wanted to find out
the differences between the means of the group. Which of the following will she use?
a. ANOVA b. ANCOVA c. t-test d. None of the above
Analysis of variance or ANOVA is the parametric procedure for testing differences between means when there are
three or more groups. ANCOVA or analysis of co-variance is also use to compare the means of two or more
groups if a non-equivalent control group design is used, and here researcher must consider whether obtained
results are influenced by pre-existing group differences. t-test is used when there are two independent groups,
and when the sample is paired or dependent like pretreatment and post-treatment scores for a single group.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.596
41. If the nurse concluded that group differences in cholesterol resulted by chance, when in fact the drug did
reduce cholesterol, will commit which type of error?
a. Type 1 error b. Type 2 error c. Either a or b d. Neither a or b
Type 2 error is a false-negative conclusion. The above statement is a null hypothesis and is not true but the
researcher accepts it. Type 2 error results when a null hypothesis is accepted that is, in fact, false.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.588-589
42. It is said to be a type 1 error when a researcher decided to consider a null hypothesis as what?
a. True and accept it. b. False and accept it. c. True and reject it. d. False and reject it.
Type 1 error is committed when a null hypothesis was rejected that is, in fact, true. Option B is a type 2 error.
Options A and D are unrelated.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.588-589
43. A researcher found out that her conclusion with regards to a null hypothesis is a type 2 error because of what
a. She accepted a true hypothesis. c. She accepted a false hypothesis.
b. She failed to accept a true hypothesis. d. She rejected a false hypothesis.
Type 2 error is a false-negative conclusion. The above statement is a null hypothesis and is not true but the
researcher accepts it. Type 2 error results when a null hypothesis is accepted that is, in fact, false.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.588-589
44. After the analysis of the data, which of the following steps shall be taken by the researcher?
a. Make an interpretation of the data c. Organize the data
b. Write the conclusion d. Disseminate the result of the study
Datum are first collected, then organized, analyzed, interpreted, synthesized to draw a conclusion, and finally
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 506-507
45. Gwen Stefani is aware that she is legally answerable if she uses idea, words, and opinions of others without
giving due credit to the author and considers these as her own, which is:
a. Plagiarism b. Quotation c. Intellectual property d. Copyright
Plagiarism involves the appropriation of someone’s ideas, results, or words without giving due credit. Quotation is
the repetition of one expression as part of another one, particularly when the quoted expression is well-known or
explicitly attributed (as by citation) to its original source, and it is indicated by (punctuated with) quotation
marks. Intellectual property refers to one’s idea or knowledge. Copyright is the set of exclusive rights granted to
the author or creator of an original work, including the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 88
46. To avoid the above legal risk in a publication, to whom should Gwen obtain a permission to use quotations in
the study?
a. Copyright holder b. Editor of the book c. Publishing company d. The author
Philippine copyright law is enshrined in the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, officially known as
Republic Act No. 8293. The law is partly based on United States copyright law and the principles of the Berne
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. The holder of the copyright is the person whom
Gwen should ask the permission. It is not the editor or the publishing company or even the author if the
copyright is not awarded to her or if she is not the one who’s holding the right. In choosing an answer, we should
be specific.
Reference: Philippine National library, Philippine constitution, Approved: June 6, 1997
SITUATION: Research contributes to improvement of nursing practice. It is essential that professional nurses
understand scientific method.
47. An ethical consent in research requires which of the following conditions?
a. Consent of attending physician c. Free and informed
b. Written without coercion d. Must be written
Consent should be given freely, which means no coercion or other means. Informed means it should be
presented to prospective participants while they are being recruited, either orally or in writing. It is the
participant who will sign the consent not the physician. It is not written without coercion, but rather signed
without coercion.

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Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 177
48. When participating in studies using drugs the nurse must be aware of:
a. Details of research protocol c. The principal investigator
b. Names of subjects d. The investigation drugs
Research should be conducted by qualified people, especially if potentially dangerous technical equipment or
medical procedure or drugs are used. In participating in studies using drugs, nurse must be aware o the
surrounding details of research protocol to avoid research misconducts and compromising the physiological and
psychological status of the participant.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 170-171
49. Nurse Vayz is a researcher and he knows that the purpose of her research report is:
a. To prove hypothesis c. To suggest topics for further research
b. To communicate what was done in the study d. To gain recognition as a scholar for the writes
Researchers strive to share their findings with others through a research report. Through a research report,
researchers’ perceptions of a problem situation, their conceptualizations of potential solutions, and their
understanding of of patients’ concern and experiences is shared to others.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 170-171
50. Nurse Vays knows her opinion will be permitted on what part of her research?
a. Recommendation b. Methodology c. Conclusions d. Review of literature
Recommendation is part of a research where the opinion, suggestions and idea of the author can be written or
discussed. She can write measures to improve the study for further investigations. Methodology describes the
methods used to answer the research questions. Conclusion presents the result finding obtained during the
analytic phase of the study.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 71-73
51. Nurse Vays wanted to make a list of material in which he will indicate proposal written consulted in the
research he investigated. He will definitely cite this on which part of a research?
a. Research study b. Theoretical framework c. Bibliography d. Conceptual framework
A bibliography is a list of writings that share a common factor: this may be a topic, a language, a period, or some
other theme. A bibliography may be arranged by author, topic, or some other scheme. Research study is the
research itself. Theoretical framework is an abstract generalization that presents a systematic explanation about
the relationships among phenomena. Conceptual framework is interrelated concepts or abstract assembled
together in a rational scheme by virtue of their relevance to a common theme.
Nursing Research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p. 110
52. After the research is done, the research team will prepare a report and they should have a plan. Part of the
plan involves deciding on authorship. The authorship credit should be based on the following, except:
a. On having made a substantial contribution to the study’s conception and design, to data acquisition, or analysis.
b. On drafting or revising the manuscript.
c. On approving the final version of the manuscript.
d. On agreeing to division of authorship.
Agreement on division of labor and authorship should be done beforehand. Authorship credit should be based on
options ABC except D because it should be done prior to declaring or awarding the authorship of a research
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.692
53. You obtained the written consent of the study subject. You have informed the client that she can withdraw
from the study anytime. Your action refers to which principle?
a. Respect for human dignity c. Right to protection from exploitation
b. Beneficence d. Right to self determination
Principle of self-determination means that prospective participants have the right to decide voluntarily whether to
participate in a study, without any risk. It also means that people have the right to ask questions, refuse to give
information, or to withdraw from the study.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.172
54. A nurse was asked by the client participating in a research study. The client asked if he can refuse to give
information. The nurse will respond correctly if she said:
a. “No, you cannot because you have signed the consent so information from you is expected.”
b. “No, you cannot because you will invalidate the data that is to be collected.”
c. “Yes, you may refuse to because it is your right.”
d. “Yes, you may refuse especially if the compensation is not right.”
Under the principle of self determination, the client may also refuse to give any information. Option A is incorrect
because even if the client signed an informed consent, he may still withdraw or refuse to participate to a
research. Option B is incorrect because it is the right of the client to give any personal information. Option D is
also incorrect because the principle of self determination does not depend on compensation.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.172
55. Informed consent is based from what principles?
a. Right to full disclosure c. Respect for human dignity
b. Right to self determination d. Neither a nor b

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Respect for human dignity encompasses both the right to full disclosure and the right to self-determination that
should be given to the client prior to consent. Options A and B are the two major elements on which an informed
consent is based.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.172
56. One of the participants in the research study told you that she doesn’t want to participate in it but because of
generous money incentive given, she gave her consent. You know that the action of the researcher violated
which principle?
a. Right to full disclosure c. Respect for human dignity
b. Right to self determination d. Neither a nor b
Another form of coercion is a generous monetary incentive or stipend offered to encourage the participation of an
economically disadvantaged group that places undue pressure on prospective participants, which is against a
person’s right to self-determination.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.172
57. A researcher collects information without the participants’ knowledge and thus without their consent. This
data collection done by the researcher is what type of data collection?
a. Overt data collection c. Deception data collection
b. Covert data collection d. Both a and c
Covert data collection or concealment is the collection of data without participants’ knowledge and thus without
their consent. This might happen is a researcher wanted to observe people’s behavior in a real world setting and
was concerned that doing so openly would result in changes in their behavior. Overt data is the opposite of option
A that could possibly led to biases. Deception can involve deliberately withholding information about the study,
or providing participants with false information.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.172
58. A researcher was supposed to test her hypothesis that high school students with a high rate of absenteeism
are more likely to be substance abusers than students with good performance. However, some of the students
refused to participate in the study. The researcher then used videotaping. This action of the researcher violated
which principle?
a. Full disclosure b. Self determination c. Informed consent d. Concealment
The researcher’s topic is a sensitive aspect of people’s behavior, such drug use. He knows those students who are
most likely using drugs will refuse to participate, and those who aren’t using drugs will accept so he chose to use
concealment in the form of videotaping. Concealment or covert data collection is a violation of one’s right for full
disclosure. In order to obtain an informed consent, full disclosure and the right to self determination should be
considered. The researcher violated right for full disclosure.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.172
59. Questionnaires were distributed to a group of nursing home residents and were returned without any
identifying information on them. You understand that this was done to protect which of the participants’ right?
a. Right to privacy b. Right of anonymity c. Right of confidentiality d. None of the above
There is no right of confidentiality but rather confidentiality procedures are done to ensure right to privacy. To
protect the participants’ privacy, researcher find ways through various confidentiality procedures like anonymity
exemplified by the above situation, however the question is what right is being protected by doing the above
procedure, therefore the answer is option A. Confidentiality procedure that is applied is anonymity whereas
questionnaires are sent back to researchers without identifying information.
Reference: Nursing research by Denise F. Polit, 8th edition, p.180
60. To ensure confidentiality in the absence of anonymity, what should a researcher do with regards to collected
a. Put in a locked box. c. Report any dissemination of data.
b. Enter identifying in computer files. d. Burn all the identifying information.
It is safe and ensures that confidentiality will be kept if all the identifying information will be destroy as quickly as
possible. It is not enough to put information in a locked file but it must be maintained inside. Researcher should
not enter any information onto computer. Option C will not ensure confidentiality for it is not a preventive act.
Researcher should not wait that information given to them be exploited before they destroyed it.

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