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Information & Troubleshooting
Copyright © 2013-2021 RIB Technologies Pty Ltd

All rights reserved.

This document may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express written authority
of RIB Technologies Pty Ltd.
Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting

1 General Information 4
1.1 Introduction
...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 What
is the Portable Licence Key 4
1.3 iTWO
costX® Licences 4
1.4 Insurance
for Lost Dongles 4

2 Troubleshooting 5
2.1 Start
Troubleshooting Here! 5
2.2 New
Portable Licence Key 5
2.3 Previously
Activated Portable Licence Key on a New iTWO costX® Computer 7
2.4 Previously
Activated Portable Licence Key on an Existing iTWO costX® Computer 7
2.5 Portable
Licence Key Isn’t Detected 8
2.6 Basic
Physical Dongle Checks 8

3 Using the Validate Token Utility 9

4 USB Portable Licence Key Drivers 11

4.1 Obtaining
the Latest Version of the USB Key Drivers 11
4.2 Manually
Installing the Portable Licence Key Drivers 12

5 Appendix A: Reporting a Problem 13

6 Appendix B: Activation Errors 14

6.1 Form
Incomplete Errors 14
6.2 Activation
Failed Errors 14

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting General Information

1 General Information
1.1 Introduction
This document provides troubleshooting steps for the iTWO costX® portable licence key when errors
occur on start-up particularly those errors related to detecting the dongle and activating iTWO costX®.

1.2 What is the Portable Licence Key

One of the licensing options in iTWO costX® uses a portable licence key as shown. The older design is
shown on the left and the newer design is shown on the right. This device is also known by other names
such as USB token, USB key, Dongle, and HASP key.

Once activated, the portable licence key contains the iTWO costX® licence record and therefore iTWO
costX® can be run on any computer when the portable licence key is plugged in and loaded.
iTWO costX supports the use of portable licences when connecting to iTWO costX server in a network
configuration in addition to support for the standalone configuration.

1.3 iTWO costX® Licences

Generally, iTWO costX® must be activated before it can be used for the first time. Activation involves
entering information including the serial number which is verified by an online server. If you have a
portable licence key (HASP USB token) you may not need to activate the serial number online, as the
portable licence key may be already activated for you.

1.4 Insurance for Lost Dongles

The value of an activated portable licence key far exceeds the physical value of the USB device itself
because the activated portable licence key contains the iTWO costX® software licence which is worth
much more and can be used anywhere without restriction.

If the USB key is physically broken, a new one can be supplied as a replacement. In this case the
software licence is contained on the returned broken USB key, so a new licence can be provided for the
new USB key as a replacement. In contrast, if the USB key is lost, a new software licence cannot be
provided without being purchased. Therefore it is vital that all portable licence keys are fully insured
for loss including the cost of the iTWO costX® software licence.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

2 Troubleshooting
2.1 Start Troubleshooting Here!
The steps to follow depend on if the portable licence key has been activated and used successfully
before or if it is a new blank key that needs to be activated for the first time. From the following,
choose the topic that applies to your situation.
· New Portable Licence Key
· Previously Activated Portable Licence Key on a New iTWO costX® Computer
· Previously Activated Portable Licence Key on an Existing iTWO costX® Computer

2.2 New Portable Licence Key

This topic applies if you have received your new blank portable licence key and need help getting it

1. Ensure iTWO costX® is installed and the portable licence key is plugged in.

2. Wait until the red light on the portable licence key is glowing, then start iTWO costX®

NOTE: If the following login prompt is shown, this means that the iTWO costX network client has
been run instead of iTWO costX standalone.

iTWO costX supports the use of portable licences when connecting to iTWO costX server in a
network configuration, however to activate a new portable licence key, iTWO costX must be run
in standalone. After it is activated iTWO costX can then be run in network mode to connect to
iTWO costX server.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

3. When running iTWO costX standalone, you should be prompted to activate the portable licence
as shown below.

You will notice that the title says ‘Activate Product – Portable’. If it doesn’t, and instead says
‘Activate Product – Standalone’then click Cancel. The portable licence key is not being detected
by iTWO costX®. This needs to be resolved first. Go to the topic Portable Licence Key Isn’t
Detected for further details.

4. Fill out the form and click Activate. If iTWO costX® starts, then the activation was successful,
otherwise an error will be returned. If that is the case, review the section Appendix B:
Activation Errors for more details about the error.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

2.3 Previously Activated Portable Licence Key on a New iTWO costX®

This topic applies if your portable licence key has been activated and used successfully before and you
need help using it on a different computer.

1. Ensure iTWO costX® is installed and the portable licence key is plugged in.

2. Wait until the red light on the portable licence key is glowing, then start iTWO costX®. iTWO
costX® will open with the Select Building window active on screen.

If the ‘Activate Product – Standalone’dialog is displayed, then click Cancel. The portable licence
key is not being detected by iTWO costX®. This needs to be resolved first. Go to the topic
Portable Licence Key Isn’t Detected for further details.

2.4 Previously Activated Portable Licence Key on an Existing iTWO costX®

This topic applies if your portable licence key has been activated and used successfully before and it has
stopped working on the same computer it was previously working on.

There are obviously different scenarios that could occur here to cause the Portable Licence Key to stop
working on an existing computer. The following scenarios are detailed in subsequent topics:
1. The Activate Product prompt is shown when I start iTWO costX®
2. An error message is shown when I start iTWO costX®

The Activate Product prompt is shown when I start iTWO costX®

If the Portable Licence Key has been previously activated and working on this computer and suddenly
you are receiving a message to Activate Product, take note of whether the title of the activation dialog
says ‘Activate Product – Portable’or ‘Activate Product – Standalone’.
· If it says ‘Activate Product – Standalone’, then click Cancel as the portable licence key is not
being detected by iTWO costX®. Go to the topic Portable Licence Key Isn’t Detected for further
· If it says ‘Activate Product – Portable’, then click Cancel as the portable licence key is being
detected by iTWO costX® but the licence on the key is missing or corrupted. You can use the
Validate Token utility to find out what licence information is contained on the USB key. Go to
the topic Using the Validate Token Utility for details on using this Utility.

An error message is shown when I start iTWO costX®

Review the topic Activation Failed Errors in Appendix B for information about the errors and their

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Troubleshooting

2.5 Portable Licence Key Isn’t Detected

There can be several reasons for this to occur. Check the following suggestions.

Initial Basic Checks

1. Is the correct USB key plugged in? iTWO costX® uses a
particular HASP key which is black and looks like one of the
images shown on the right. Other software may use other
keys which look different. The USB key for other software will
not support iTWO costX® licences.
2. Check whether the USB key has been removed or isn’t
plugged in correctly. Check that it is firmly plugged in to a USB
3. Try removing the USB key and plugging it in again.
4. Check the USB port on the computer is not broken by trying
the USB key in another USB port.
5. Check the USB ports on the computer are not broken (and also
check if the USB key is working) by trying to use the USB key in
another computer with iTWO costX® installed.
6. Check that other USB devices are working correctly in the USB
7. Does the red light come on at the back of the portable licence
key when it is plugged in? If it does not come on at all, review
the topic Basic Physical Dongle Checks below.
8. After the dongle is plugged in, sometimes Windows Update needs to update the drivers. Check
in the notifications area of the task bar for indications that the drivers are being updated. If so,
wait until the process is complete before starting iTWO costX®.

Checking Further
1. Try the suggestions in the topic USB Portable Licence Key Drivers.
2. Use the Validate Token utility to report why the dongle isn’t being detected. The topic Using the
Validate Token Utility provides details on using this Utility.
3. Open a browser and connect to the "Sentinel Admin Control Center" using the URL:
http://localhost:1947/. Click Sentinel Keys on the left menu and there should be a key listed
with Location of Local, Vendor number of 67933, and a Key type of HASP HL.

2.6 Basic Physical Dongle Checks

Ensure the USB portable licence key is not damaged in any way. If it is plugged into the front of a
computer it can easily be kicked or knocked and the metal end can be cracked or separated from the
black plastic section. Check that this has not occurred and that the metal part is firmly fixed to the
plastic part.

If the USB key is broken, a replacement can be supplied. Contact RIB iTWO costX support or your
supplier for details.

NOTE: It is recommended that the USB key is plugged into a USB port on the computer monitor or a USB
port which is protected (e.g. at the back of the computer), to avoid breaking it accidentally.

8 www.i twocos Copyri ght © 2013-2021 RIB Technol ogi es Pty Ltd (NOT TO BE REPRODUCED)
Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Using the Validate Token Utility

3 Using the Validate Token Utility

The diagnostic tool “ValidateToken.exe” checks the communication with the USB portable licence key
(making sure the hardware and drivers are ok) and reports either success or failure. The Validate Token
program is installed in the Utilities folder under your installation directory.

1. Plug in the dongle and wait a minute to load any drivers required.

2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Utilities folder:

C:\Program Files\Exactal\CostX\Utilities

3. Double click ValidateToken.exe to run it. Validate Token will check if it can communicate
successfully with the USB portable licence key.

a) If communication fails, it will provide a message with a code. Please advise RIB iTWO costX
support or your iTWO costX® support contact what that message and code is if it fails. An
example is shown below:

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Using the Validate Token Utility

b) If it is successful, then it will display the contents of the USB portable licence key (the
licence record).

· If all fields on the Validate Token screen are empty other than the Status field, the USB portable
licence key is blank (not activated with any licence record). Please notify RIB or your iTWO
costX® support contact if this is unexpected.

· If some fields on the Validate Token screen other than the Status field are empty (for example
the System field is empty but the other fields are filled in), the licence record on the USB
portable licence key has become corrupted.

Take a screen shot (using ALT-PrintScreen) of this information and send it to RIB or your iTWO costX®
support contact along with a detailed description of the problem.

RIB or your iTWO costX® support contact can then see what the serial number is and if the licence record
has been corrupted, or is empty etc. Do not click the clear button unless advised to do so by RIB or your
iTWO costX® support contact.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting USB Portable Licence Key Drivers

4 USB Portable Licence Key Drivers

4.1 Obtaining the Latest Version of the USB Key Drivers
The USB portable licence key is a Sentinel HASP HL key manufactured by Gemalto. The latest drivers
need to be downloaded from their website.

1. Go to the web site .

Note: this link is to a 3rd party website and the address may change without notice. If the link no
longer works, please search the Gemalto website for the installer described below.

2. Click the link with the description “Sentinel HASP/LDK Command Line Run-time Installer” to
download the driver zip file. At the time of writing, this file was named:

3. Click Save if you are prompted to save or open.

4. Once downloaded, open the zip file and unzip the file “haspdinst.exe” to the Utilities folder
under your iTWO costX® install folder. When prompted, overwrite the haspdinst.exe file that
was already there.

Follow the steps in the topic Manually Installing the Portable Licence Key Drivers to complete the
installation of the latest version of the drivers.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting USB Portable Licence Key Drivers

4.2 Manually Installing the Portable Licence Key Drivers

The driver installation needs to be run on the command line as explained below.

1. Open the command prompt and change to the Utilities folder under your iTWO costX® install
folder. To open the Command Prompt, at the Start->Run prompt, type cmd, and press enter.

If the command prompt is displayed with a drive other than C:\> then type the command c:
and press enter. Next, type cd\ and press enter. The prompt should now be displayed as C:\>.

At the C:\> prompt, change directory to the iTWO costX® Utilities folder by typing the following
command and press enter:
cd "Program Files\Exactal\CostX\Utilities"

NOTE: If iTWO costX® was installed to a different location, enter that path instead. Ensure the
path is enclosed with double quotes as shown above. Your prompt should now include the path.

2. Next, type the following command and press Enter: haspdinst -i

3. While the drivers are being installed, a "Please wait..." message box is sometimes displayed.
Installation can take some time, often up to 2 minutes.

4. If the command was successful you will see the pop-up message: "Operation successfully

5. Click OK and type exit at the command prompt to close it.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Appendix A: Reporting a Problem

5 Appendix A: Reporting a Problem

Please follow the procedures for reporting problems outlined in the following section.

General Tips for Reporting Problems

To ensure the quickest possible resolution for your issue, before creating a support incident, ensure
you have taken the following steps:
1. Check the product documentation including the help and this manual for an answer.
2. Check the steps you took and try the action again. In some cases this may solve the issue.
3. If the steps taken cause the issue to occur again, contact RIB iTWO costX support and include as
much detail as possible including:
· Clear and accurate description including the exact wording of any errors.
· Attach any screen shots where possible.
· The exact steps to reproduce the issue.
· Steps taken trying to solve or work around the issue.

By providing as much detail as possible, the support team will be able reproduce and solve your
incident in the shortest possible time.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or require technical support, please contact us via our Support Portal at Please include the information described above.

Subscribe for Software Updates

To be informed of any minor release revisions, please subscribe to the RIB iTWO costX release list.
Simply click on the following link, enter your licence serial number and follow the prompts:

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Appendix B: Activation Errors

6 Appendix B: Activation Errors

Below is the list of errors that can occur during product activation of a portable licence or during
updating registration details.

6.1 Form Incomplete Errors

Form incomplete errors occur when the activation form has not been filled in correctly.

Name is a required field

The error is displayed when the Name field on the activation form has not been filled in. This is a
required field and must be completed in order to successfully activate iTWO costX®.

Invalid serial number

The error is displayed when the Product Serial No field on the activation form has not been filled in or
completed correctly. This is a required field and must be completed in order to successfully activate
iTWO costX®.

Organisation is a required field

The error is displayed when the Organisation field on the activation form has not been filled in. This is a
required field and must be completed in order to successfully activate iTWO costX®.

6.2 Activation Failed Errors

Activation failed errors occur when the server cannot be contacted or fails the activation.

Activation failed: Serial number cannot be used with a Portable Licensing Device.

There are two types of serial numbers, those which can be used to activate the USB key, and those that
are activated in the local database. An attempt to activate iTWO costX® with a standard database serial
number was made while the USB key was plugged in. Either remove the USB key and try the activation
again, or contact RIB iTWO costX support to obtain a serial number which is valid for the USB key.

Activation failed: Serial number can only be used with a Portable Licensing Device.

An attempt to activate iTWO costX® with a portable serial number was made while the USB key was
either not plugged in or not being detected. Either plug in the USB key and try the activation again, or
review the topic Portable Licence Key Isn’t Detected.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Appendix B: Activation Errors

Activation Failed: Serial number not registered.

The activation server has not been able to verify the entered serial number. Try activating the software
again and carefully check that the correct characters have been entered.

It is sometimes difficult to determine whether characters are numbers or similar looking letters (eg. 1 or
lowercase L). To make it easier, serial numbers in iTWO costX® contain only hexadecimal characters (0-
9, A-F).

· 0 is zero (not the letter O)

· 1 is one (not the letter I or L)
· 5 is five (not the letter S)

Activation failed: Unable to contact activation server. Please ensure your computer is connected to the

An internet connection is required in order to verify the serial number and complete the activation. This
message is displayed when the software is not able to contact the activation server to complete the
activation or a problem occurred with the communications to the activation server. Contact your
network or system administrator for assistance in connecting to the internet or to check for problems
with the internet connection.

Activation Failed: Product not valid for licence (Licence Product: Installed Product)

The serial number exists but it is for a different product. The message displays the product name the
serial number is registered to, followed by the installed product.

Activation Failed: Product version mismatch for licence (Licence Version : Installed Version).

The serial number exists but it is for a different version of the product. The message displays the
product version the serial number is registered to, followed by the installed product version. Typically
this message is shown when a licence does not have maintenance and is therefore not entitled to be
used with a newer version of the software. Either install the correct version of the software or contact
RIB iTWO costX support for assistance.

Activation Failed: Licence cannot be re-activated, please contact your distributor.

This message can appear if the serial number has already been activated. If you believe you have
received this message in error, contact RIB iTWO costX support.

Activation Failed: Licence has expired.

With rental licences, when the paid rental period expires, the software checks back to the activation
server to get a new rental expiry date. This message is displayed when the software checks back for a
new rental expiry date and it has not been updated (it has expired) and grace period has also expired.
Contact RIB to purchase a full licence or arrange for your rental period to be extended.

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Portable Licence Information & Troubleshooting Appendix B: Activation Errors

Activation Failed: Serial number no longer active

The serial number has been disabled. This is a very rare error for a Portable Licence Key but can occur if
standalone licences are (or were) used too. If you believe you have received this message in error,
contact RIB iTWO costX support. Common causes of this error include the following scenarios:

a) When a standalone licence activated in the database is upgraded to a portable licence but the
USB is not plugged in or detected. When the standalone licence is disabled, and a portable
licence on the USB key is not detected, this message may appear. In this case, the message is
referring to the standalone licence. You can tell if that is the case by the serial number. To
resolve this, either plug in the USB key and try the activation again, or review the topic Portable
Licence Key Isn’t Detected.

b) Sometimes a standalone database is restored from a database backup. Because the licence is
contained in the database, the backup file may contain an old licence that is no longer in use. If
this is the case, contact RIB iTWO costX support for assistance.

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