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Class: Solutions Pre-Intermediate

Unit: 1
Time : 90 mins
I. General aims:
1. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Gain more knowledge about feeling, especially painless.
+ Practice reading for main ideas & details about the topic pain - painless.
+ Develop concern about an unusual medical condition.
2. Language:
+ Vocabulary: injury (n), blood (n), fall over (Phr v), bruise(n), cure(n)
3. Skills:
+ Main skill: Reading (matching task)
+ Integrated- skills: speaking, listening, writing
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Powerpoint, handouts, and pictures.
IV. Procedure:

Stages Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Notes

I. Warm-up (5’)
_ Connecting words _ T divides the class into 2 teams. _ Ss make 2 lines in
game front of the board.
*Instruction: _ Each team supports
_ T gives Ss the first word “Painless”. each other and tries
_ Each person from each team takes to write as many
turn to write the word on the board, words as they can.
starting with the last letter of the word
_ The team has more correct answers in
3 minutes will be the winner.

II. Brainstorming _ T writes the word “PAIN” on the board _ Ss try to guess its
(5’) and elicits its meaning. meaning.

_ T writes the word “PAINFUL” on the

board and elicits its meaning.

_ T writes the word “PAINLESS” on the

board and elicits its meaning.

⇨ T leads in to the lesson with the

topic “PAINLESS”.

_ PAIN: the feeling of discomfort you

have when you are ill or you have been
_ PAINFUL: causing emotional or
physical pain
_ PAINLESS: without pain, or causing no
III. Pre-reading *Presentation:
(10’) _ T divides class into groups of 5. _Ss open the book on
Vocabulary page 15 and
_ T reads aloud the definition of each underline the word
word and asks Ss to find that word in that T asks for.
the text. _ Ss try to find the
_ T gives Ss the suggestion in which word as fast as
paragraph that contains the word. possible and
_ T asks Ss to identify which sentence volunteer to answer.
they can find the word. _ Ss think of their
_ After Ss give the answer, T shows the team name and shout
word on PPT and reads each new word out team name if
and Sts read it chorally and they want to answer.
individually, checks their _ Ss tell T the line
pronunciation, spelling. that contains the
1. ‘Injury /ˈɪn.dʒər.i/ (n): physical
harm or damage to someone's
body caused by an accident or an
attack (Paragraph A) -> Injure

2. ‘Blood (n): the red liquid that

flows through the body, is
necessary for life. (Paragraph B)

3. Fall over (phrasal verb) : T shows

a gif and asks Ss to find a word
describing the action (Paragraph

4. ‘Bruise (n): a place on a person’s

skin that is darker from bleeding
under the skin, usually from an
injury (Paragraph D)

5. ‘Cure (n) : a medicine or medical

treatment to stop a disease or an
illness.(Paragraph E)

[Activity 6 page
Fast finisher *Practice:
_ T divides the class into groups of 3 or _ Each team guesses
4 and gives each group a mini-board. the missing word and
_ T shows sentences with missing writes it on the
words and asks Ss to raise their board board.
as fast as they can.
_ The first team that has correct answer
will have 1 point.

1. Aslyn simply did not know when

she in_ _ _e herself.
2. She often t_ _ps and injure herself.
3. She b_ _ _ks her bone.
4. They noticed there was some b_ _ _d
in her eye.
5. The teacher has to search for cuts
or b_ _ _ _es.
6. She put her hand on a hot engine
and got a serious b_ _n.
7. The eye in_ _ _y soon got better.

[Activity 7 page
14] _ T divides the class into 2 teams. _ Ss make 2 lines in
_ T sticks the verb in bare form on the front of the wall.
back wall and shows the verb in the _ After seeing the
past simple form on the screen. word on the screen,
_ T asks Ss to take the bare verb that each S from each
matching with the past verb and Ss team will take the
need to identify which word is regular correct word from
or irregular. the wall.
_ The S who gets the right card first will
get 1 point. Which team has more
points will be the winner.

1. bled - bleed (irregular)

2. broke - break (irregular)
3. burned - burn (regular)
4. cut - cut (irregular)
5. fell over - fall over (irregular)
6. hurt - hurt (irregular)
7. injured - injure (regular)
8. sprained - sprain (regular)

Review the

_ T divides the class into 2 teams.. _ Ss make 2 lines in

Messenger game
_ T stands at the back of the lines front of the board.
_ T gives each last S in each team the _ S receiving the
information needs to
definition of the vocabulary. (Def card)
whisper it into the
_ T corrects Ss’ answers (check spelling
and meaning). ear of the second
player of their team.
1. Injury: physical harm or damage The second person
to someone's body caused by an receives the
accident or an attack information and
transmits it to the
2. Blood: the red liquid that flows third person. And so
through the body, is necessary on until the last
for life. person.

3. Fall over: T shows a picture and _ The last person

asks Ss to find a word describing tries to run to the
the action board as fast as they
can and writes down
4. Bruise: a place on a person’s the word exactly.
skin that is darker from bleeding
under the skin, usually from an

5. Cure: a medicine or medical

treatment to stop a disease or an

6. Cut: an injury made when the

skin is cut with something sharp

IV. While-
*Title _ T has Ss to look at the title on page 15 _ Ss answer the *Back-up
and asks them “What does “Life without question individually questions
pain” mean to you? _ Have you ever
_ T elicits the meaning of the title “You got a pain?
live but you don’t have any pain”. _ Is it a physical
pain or mental
_ Tell me some
pain that you
have experienced.

*Reading for gist _ T asks Ss to identify the main idea by _ Ss read the text to
reading the text quickly and using the get the general idea.
meaning of the title. _ Ss volunteer to
-> Main idea: The text is about a girl answer the question
who can’t feel any pain. individually.
_ After listening to all Ss’ ideas, T
confirms the main idea.

*Reading for details

[Activity 3 page 14] - T asks Ss close their textbook. - Ss write down what
- T asks Ss sitting back to back. they hear
Individual - T reads the questions twice and individually.
Pairs asks Ss to write them down.
- T gives Ss 1 min to check with _Discuss with their
the person behind him/her if partner.
they write correctly or not.
- T shows the answer on the
screen to let Ss check their
- T asks Ss to identify the keyword _ Ss identify
in each question. individually.
- T asks Ss to open the book.
- T lets Ss discuss with the person _ Ss discuss with
sitting next to them to find out their partners.
the appropriate paragraph for
each question.
1. When doctors realized Ashlyn
had a medical problem?
2. What causes her condition?
3. What happened when she
burned her hands?
4. What scientists are doing to find
a cure?
5. Why some people die from this
6. What treatment Ashlyn receives
every day for her problem?
7. How school life for Ashlyn was

-Random wheels - T choose the person to give the
answer by using random wheels
that have the name of the
student on it.
- T asks Ss the keywords in the
question first, then asking for
the answers.

→ Skip activity 4 page 15

[Activity 5 page
Matching activity - T explains the rule for Ss. _Ss play games and _If the Ss cannot
(Game: Cross the *Rules: There will be a pen. T will play match the word. find the answer, T
pen) the music. When the music stops, the gives them a clue:
one who holds the pen will answer the Which paragraph
question on the board. contains the
- T shows the questions on PPT answer?
- T plays music
- T corrects the answer.

Q&A activity - T divides the class into 5 teams

_Ss sit in groups, take
turns to read and
(each team has 3 or 2 Ss).
write the answers.
- T gives 1 team 1 paper.
_ Ss sticks the answer
- T explains the rules for students.
on the board.
*Rules: In the group, there will be 1 writer
holding the paper. Other people in the
groups will read the text, find out the
answers and read it for the writer. When I
clap my hand, please give the paper to the
next ones.
- T asks 2 groups to stick their
papers on the board. Other groups
will swap the paper.
- T checks the 2 papers on the board
and shows the answers on the
V. Post- reading

Story telling - T gives Ss a list of suggested _Ss write down their

questions. answer in short form
- T guides the Ss to take notes by individually.
writing key words, phrases…
about the questions.
- T gives Ss a sample story.

- T asks Ss using the clue to tell _Ss tell story to their

the partner the story, which partner.
contains the words that they
have learnt before.

Tell us about a time when you got

hurt or injured.
_ Suggestions:
● When did you get that injury?
● What happened at that time?
● What did you and the others feel?
● What did you do when you were

- Invite a student to tell the story

in front of the class.
- T gives comments on Ss’
performances about grammar,
pronunciation and content.

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