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Final Coaching By: Melted E.

Pancuronium Bromide (Pavulon)
 neuromuscular blocking agent
 “paralytic / plegic drug”
- prevents patient from “bucking” the ventilator
(out of phase with the machine)
/ Kraske

1. Place patient in low Fowler’s position

to avoid further protrusion.
2. Cover the wound with a saline soaked
sterile dressing.
3. Notify the physician.

Do NOT to push the organ back inside.

 “gluten-sensitive enteropathy” / “sprue”
 avoid:
B arley
R ye
O at
W heat
- a condition in which esophagus
muscles do not contract properly
and do not help propel food down
toward the stomach
iliac fossa
side of lower abdomen
side lying
Rule of Nines
* Head 9 %
* R. arm 9 %
* L. arm 9 %
* Anterior trunk 18 %
* Posterior trunk 18 %
* R. leg 18 %
* L. leg 18 %
* Genital 1 %
Palm Method
used for scattered burn injuries
* size of the palm of patient = 1 %
Lund and Browder
 most precise / accurate
 % corresponds to anatomic parts based on client’s age
 ideally used for pediatric clients
Baxter Formula
aka: Parkland Formula
used to estimate the amount of IVF to be administered
in a burn client
4 mL x weight in kg x % TBSA
- computed amount should be administered
within 24 hours
- example:
A 50-kg patient sustained burn injury with 10% TBSA.
How much fluid is to be administered per hour on the
first 8 hours?

4 mL x 50 x 10 = 2000 mL

* 1st 8 hours: 50%

* 2nd 8 hours: 25%
* 3rd 8 hours: 25%
- example:
A 50-kg patient sustained burn injury with 10% TBSA.
How much fluid is to be administered per hour on the
first 8 hours?

4 mL x 50 x 10 = 2000 mL

* 1st 8 hours: 50% = 1000 mL / 8 = 125 mL per hour

* 2nd 8 hours: 25% = 500 mL / 8 = 62.5 mL per hour
* 3rd 8 hours: 25% = 500 mL / 8 = 62.5 mL per hour
Depth of Burn Injury

* Superficial Partial Thickness

* Deep Partial Thickness
* Full Thickness
Depth of Burn Injury

* Superficial Partial Thickness

* Deep Partial Thickness
* Full Thickness
Characteristics 1st Degree (SPT) 2nd Degree (DPT) 3rd / 4th Degree (FT)
Layer - Epidermis - Epidermis - Epidermis, dermis
- Partial Dermis - Entire dermis - Adipose, muscle
Appearance -Red - Blisters - Brown, black or
- Dry - “Weeping” pale
- Minimal to no - Edematous - Leathery, dry
edema - Eschar
Sensation - Painful - Painful - Painless
- Soothed by - Sensitive to cold
Recovery - 1 week - 2-4 weeks - Non-specific
R escue
 evacuate clients / victims
A mbulatory
B ed-ridden
C ritically - ill
A larm
C onfine
 close the windows and doors
E xtiguish
“captain” of the ship
assesses of client’s readiness
#1 psychologic
#2 physiologic
obtains consent
performs the actual surgery
 same with surgeon’s duty

 selects the type of anesthesia
 administers anesthesia
 monitors VS
* “guardian” of patient during surgery
 ensures safe transfer of patient to PACU
“guardian” of sterile field
assists surgeon and asst. surgeon
surgical count
receives patient in OR
#1 verify patient’s identity
coordinates the activities of the team
surgical count
done at least 3x
1. Baseline Count
 pre – incision
2. Closing Count
 before closing a cavity
3. Final Count
 skin closure
In case of missing instrument:
1. Recount
2. Search
3. X-ray
4. IR
1. local
* ex. Lidocaine, Xylocaine, Nupercaine
2. regional
* epidural – epidural space
* spinal – subarachnoid space
* intrathecal – spinal canal
3. General
- state of:
* analgesia – loss of sensation
* amnesia – loss of memory
* narcosis – CNS depression
* loss of consciousness
- route:
* inhalation
- true gas (Nitrous Oxide)
- volatile liquid (Sevoflurane)
* intravenous
(Propofol, Methohexital, Ketamine)
- stages:
1. Beginning
- “induction stage”
- patient is conscious but lies quietly
- exaggerated perception of sound
2. Excitement
- patient’s movement escalates
* struggling, shouting, crying, laughing
- rapid pulse, irregular respiration
- dilated pupils (reactive to light)
3. Surgical
- “operative stage”
- patient is unconscious
- stable VS
- surgery is performed
4. Medullary Depression
- “danger stage”
- d/t over-administration of anesth. agent
- weak pulse, shallow respiration, low BP,
- dilated pupils (non-reactive to light)
- stop anesthesia administration
- prepare to administer narcotic antagonist
* Naloxone (Narcan)
 Barbiturate
- sedative
 Morphine
- analgesic
 Succinylcholine
- muscle relaxant
 Atropine
- anti-cholinergic
* decreases body secretions = aspir’n.
* relaxes smooth muscles
* increases HR
* bronchodilation effect
 “parachute” reflex

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