Electromagnetic Waves

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(a) The non existence of the magnetic
monopole is due to which operation? (g) In an electrical circuit, which
• Gradient nature of impedance causes the
• Divergence current and voltages in phase?
• Curl
x • Reactive
• Laplacian • Resistive

(b) The charge density of a • Capacitive

electrostatic field is given by • Inductive
• Curl of E
• Divergence of E (h)Magnetic field can be produced
• Curl of D by -
• Divergence of D
Y • Conduction current
(c) The Brewster angle is valid for • Displacement current

which type of polarisation? • Both conduction and

• S polarised displacement current
• P polarised
X • None of the above
• Elliptical
• Linear (i) The ratio of radiation intensity in
(d) In conductors, which condition will a given direction from antenna to
be true? the radiation intensity over all
directions is called as
X• Directivity
• Radiation power density
(e) Power density is basically termed • Gain of antenna
as ---- power per unit area. • Array Factor
• Reflected
• Refracted (j) The phenomenon employed in
• Radiated
x the waveguide operation is
• Diffracted • Reflection
(f) Most of the radar antennas use - • Refraction
• Dipole • Total internal reflection

• Collinear array • Adsorption

• Broadside array
• Horn and parabolic reflector
2. (a). Explain all the forms of Maxwell's equation in time varying
conditions with its physical significance.

Physical Significance of Maxwell’s Equations

By means of Gauss and Stoke’s theorem we can put the field equations in integral form of
hence obtain their physical significance
1. Maxwell’s first equation is ∇. D = ρ.
Integrating this over an arbitrary volume V we get
∫v ∇.D dV = ∫v ρ dV.
But from Gauss Theorem, we get
∫s D.dS = ∫v ρ dV = q
Here, q is the net charge contained in volume V. S is the surface bounding volume V.
Therefore, Maxwell’s first equation signifies that:
The total electric displacement through the surface enclosing a volume is equal to the total
charge within the volume.

2. Maxwell’s second equations is ∇.B = 0

Integrating this over an arbitrary volume V, we get
∫v ∇.B = 0.

Using Gauss divergence theorem to change volume integral into surface integral, we get
∫s B.dS = 0.
Maxwell’s second equation signifies that:
The total outward flux of magnetic induction B through any closed surface S is equal to zero.

3. Maxwell’s third equation is ∇ x E = - ∂B/∂t . dS

Converting the surface integral of left hand side into line integral by Stoke’s theorem, we get
Φc E. dI = - ∫s ∂B/∂t. dS.
Maxwell’s third equation signifies that:

The electromotive force (e.m.f. e = ∫C E.dI) around a closed path is equal to negative rate of
change of magnetic flux linked with the path (since magnetic flux Φ = ∫s B.dS).

4. Maxwell’s fourth equation is

∇ x H = J + ∂D/∂t

Taking surface integral over surface S bounded by curve C, we obtain

∫s ∇ x H. dS = ∫s (J + ∂D/∂t) dS

Using Stoke’s theorem to convert surface integral on L.H.S. of above equation into line
integral, we get
Φc H.dI = ∫s (J + ∂D/∂t).dS
Maxwell’s fourth equation signifies that:

The magneto motive force (m.m.f. = Φc H. dI) around a closed path is equal to the conduction
current plus displacement current through any surface bounded by the path.
Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in space
and time. In time-varying conditions, these equations take on different forms to
account for the changes in electromagnetic fields over time. Here's an explanation
of each form of Maxwell's equations in time-varying conditions along with their
physical significance:

1. Gauss's Law for Electric Fields (Amperian Formulation):

- This equation describes how electric fields originate from electric charges
distributed in space.
- Its physical significance lies in understanding how electric charges create
electric fields that diverge outward or inward depending on the charge distribution.

2. **Gauss's Law for Magnetic Fields:**

- This equation states that magnetic field lines do not have sources or sinks,
meaning they do not originate or terminate at any point.
- It signifies that there are no magnetic monopoles, as magnetic field lines
always form closed loops without starting or ending points.

3. **Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction:**

- This equation describes how a changing magnetic field induces an electric field.
- It is the basis for understanding electromagnetic induction, which is the
principle behind generators, transformers, and various electrical devices.

4. **Ampère-Maxwell Law (with Maxwell's Correction):**

- This equation relates the curl of the magnetic field to the current density (\
( \mathbf{J} ) and the rate of change of the electric field.
- It highlights the interplay between electric currents and changing electric fields
in producing magnetic fields, as well as the role of electromagnetic waves in
propagating energy through space.

Understanding these equations is crucial for various applications in

electromagnetism, including electronics, communications, power systems, and
electromagnetic wave propagation. They provide a comprehensive framework for
describing the behavior of electromagnetic fields in dynamic systems and form the
basis for much of modern physics and engineering.
2. (b) Consider the reflection phenomenon of plane wave through a
medium having permittivity ε1, and permeability μ1, is incident
normally to the surface of perfect dielectric medium with permittivity
ε2 and permeability μ2. Derive the expression of reflection and
transmission coefficients for electric and magnetic field.

To derive the expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients

of electric and magnetic fields when a plane wave is incident normally on
the interface between two dielectric media with different permittivity
and permeability, we can use the boundary conditions for electromagnetic
Let’s denote the incident electric field as E inc and magnetic field as H inc in
medium 1 (with permittivity ε1 and permeability μ1), and the reflected
electric field as Εref and magnetic field Η ref as also in medium 1. The
transmitted electric field in medium 2 (with permittivity ε2 and
permeability μ2) is denoted as Ε , and the transmitted magnetic field is

denoted as Η trans

The boundary conditions at the interface are:

1.Continuity of tangential electric field:
Eine Eref Etrans

2.Continuity of tangential magnetic field:

& (Hinc-Href) = M trans

3. Discontinuity of normal electric displacement:

EIEinc-EgEref E2Etrans

4.Discontinuity of normal magnetic field:

Tes(Minc Href)
+ =

From these boundary conditions, we can derive the reflection and

transmission coefficients for electric and magnetic fields. The reflection
coefficient for the electric field (Γe) and magnetic field (Γh) are given by:

Eref Ez = e Href Mz e

= =
= n

Γ = Gamma
Similarly, the transmission coefficients for the electric field (Te) and
magnetic field (Th) are given by:
Mtras 2 M1
Te =
Etran I
EE E Th =

M1 + M2

These expressions represent the ratio of the transmitted and reflected

fields to the incident fields for both electric and magnetic components. They
describe how electromagnetic waves are reflected and transmitted at the
interface between two dielectric media with different properties.

3. (a). A transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 Ω is terminated

in a load impedance ZL. The VSWR of the line is measured as 5 and the
first of the voltage maxima in the line is observed at a distance of λ/4
from the load. What is the value ZL? [GATE-2011-EC]

1+ I
5 =
1 -


· In =
E = T = =
If the maximum is at $4 from load than

minimum will be at load it self.

=> Zz :. T = -

z -
Zo z -
=> I => -

2 + Zo 2 + 50

=> -
2 ( + 50] =
3[2 -

100 =
32 150


=> 32L + 221 = 150 - 100

10 M
52 500 :. Z=
=> =
3. (b). 30 m long lossless transmission line with Zo = 50 Ω operating at 2
MHz is terminated with a load ZL = 60 + j40 Ω. If μ = 0.6c on the line,
find reflection coefficient, standing wave ration and input impedance

Given ,
1= 30 m

Zo = 50 1
2 =
(60 + j40) -
Velocity = 0 .

f = 2 MHz = < X10° Hz

# Reflection Coefficient => I

zL + Zo
(60 + j40) -
50 10 + Koj 1 + j4
=> I = =
160 + j40) + 50 1 20 + 40 ; 11 + j4

2 + 42
.. F = = 0 352

112 + 42

2+ I
Standing Wave Ratio [SWP] =
2 -

I r1

1+ 0 .
352 = 2 086

1 -

0 352

# Input Impedance : -

2 + j To tauBl
Zin = Zo
Zo + j2 tanBl

x 25 2x100

B = Bl = = =
0 6 . x 3x108

· B = 120

(In degree) Radian

(60 +j 40) + j(50) tan 1200
· Zin = 50X
(50) + j (60 + j40) tan 1200

=> zin =
[23 .
97 +
j1 .

35] -
4. (a). Derive the radiation resistance of half-wave dipole antenna.


= e
=> Ho

=> Eo =
600 Unit
Step 1 : - Total Power
Density Wave

Step 11 : -

Find Total Power .

111 Rediation Resistance
Step : -

#StepI :
Warg. =
Warg = En [E0P] where
n =

from equation &

=> W =
2 F2201 (200 (cos/N2cos0)]
(Es[cos2[2 e
: W =

# Step-1 : -
Radiation Power

... Prad =P.s

=Ent [ES &E cos22cosos)] a

Where ,
a = = Sino do .
d &.

Enj [ES &E cos22cOSOS )]

r 2 sinO do do
. .

1558 &d0* cos2[ </2COs0)
sin O
· dO

8 = 0


(P72cos2 (2/2

cos2 [F12COs0)
[02 .
[2a] sin o

· Prad = 36 56 .

# Step-III Radiation Resistance (Rr)

: Prad =
Irms' Rr

: Ro =
rd & Irms =
36 56 .




=> Ry = 36 .
56 X2

· Ru732 >
Rediation Resistance

due to Half-Wave
Dipole .
4. (b). Derive transmission line differential equation. Also derive the
condition of loss-less transmission from it.
Conductor 1
Conductor 2


Where l – length Differentiating eq(1) and (2) with
Is – Sending end current respect to dx will get
Vs – Sending end voltage
# (R + j WL) .

dx – element length

x – a distance of dx from
sending end -

- =
(G jwc)
At a point, ‘p’ take current(I)
and voltage(v) and at a point, ‘Q’ Substituting eq(1) and (2) in
take I+dV and V+dV eq(3) and (4) will get
The change in voltage for the
length PQ is the -

# = (R jWL)(G + jWc) Y n

( dy) (R jwL)dx.
&E (G jwC)(R jWL) I m
· -
+ = +
= + +

=> V-V-dv =
(R + j WL) dx ·
I Let
b2 =
(R+jWL) (G inc)

=> = (R + j WL) [ n
where , p-propogation constant .

· I -

(I + d) (4 + jWC) dx
= . Y Substitute d/dx P =
equ ⑧ and
=> I-I-dI =
(4 + jWC) dx Y .

- = P
=> = (G jw()
+ .
X m

- = P m
General Solution is Substitute boundary conditions
x=0, V=VS and I=IS in eq(16) and
V= AeP" +
m (17) will get

m u
I= Ce + De Is = A+ B s

Where A, B C and D are constants Vs = C+

Differentiating eq(10) and (11)
Is Zo = -
with respect to ‘x’ will get
# = -

d = P(AeP
BePY) m
from will get A & B values

q = P(Ce" -DePY) m
(13) A = Ys -

Is Z

Substitute eq(1) and (2) in B =

Vs + Is Zo.

eq(12) and (13) will get

From eq will get C& D values
) m (14)

(R + jWL) ·
I =
P (AeP +
Is -
C =

(G + jWC) P(CeP DePY)

X = + w
(15) 2

Substitute ‘p’ value in Is +

eq(14) and (15) will get

jWL (AeP
) Substitute A, B, C and D values in

eq(10) and (11)


G + +
jwL (AeP+ Be PY) (6) m

* **
V =
(Ys -

Is 20) e . +
(s IsZo)

DeP (e **** ) ***

jwc (CeP )

Is Tole
x Vs

= + = -

JR +
j + iwc (CeP DiPY) + -
17) V = VsCoshx-IsToSinhx

, Zo = J + + jw) Similarly,

( +]e

where ,
I= (Is-VsZo)e +

Zo is the characteristic
impedance . **

= Is (e*E Koi -

I = Iscoshx - sin

Equation of transmission line in terms of sending end parameters are derived

5. (a). For a given medium, μ = μo, ε = εo and σ = 5.8 x 10^7 mho/m.
A copper wire carries a conduction current of 2 Amp at 50 Hz then
find out the displacement current in the wire?


=> ID =
2 x 1 x 50 x 10-9
= 2 x
5 8 .
x 10% x 36

:. ID = 9 578
x 10-17 A
5. (b). Define Waveguide? What is mode? Explain different types of modes?

A waveguide is a physical structure that guides electromagnetic waves, such as

microwave or radio-frequency signals, along its length. It consists of a hollow
metal tube or dielectric material with specific dimensions that allow it to support
the propagation of electromagnetic waves within it. Waveguides are commonly
used in various applications, including radar systems, satellite communication,
and microwave ovens.

A mode in a waveguide refers to a specific pattern of electromagnetic field

distribution that can propagate along the waveguide with a particular frequency
and polarization. Each mode corresponds to a unique combination of electric and
magnetic field configurations within the waveguide.

Different types of modes in a waveguide include:

1. Transverse Electric (TE) Modes:

TE modes are characterized by having no electric field component parallel to the
direction of propagation (transverse electric). In TE modes, the electric field is
perpendicular to both the direction of propagation and the walls of the waveguide.
The magnetic field can have both transverse and longitudinal components. TE
modes are denoted by two subscripts, such as TEmn, where m and n represent the
mode numbers along the two orthogonal directions of the waveguide cross-
section. Ez 0 ; H2 FO

2. Transverse Magnetic (TM) Modes:

TM modes are characterized by having no magnetic field component parallel to
the direction of propagation (transverse magnetic). In TM modes, the magnetic
field is perpendicular to both the direction of propagation and the walls of the
waveguide. The electric field can have both transverse and longitudinal
components. TM modes are denoted by two subscripts, such as TEmn, where m
and n represent the mode numbers along the two orthogonal directions of the
waveguide cross-section. EzFO ; Hz 0 =

3. Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Mode:

TEM mode is a special case where both electric and magnetic fields are purely
transverse and have no longitudinal components. This mode cannot exist in a
hollow waveguide and typically occurs in transmission lines or coaxial cables.
Ez =
Hz = 0

Each type of mode has its unique properties and applications, and the selection of
a specific mode depends on the requirements of the system and the
characteristics of the waveguide.
6. (a). What is the Poynting vector? An isotropic antenna is radiating in free
space at a distance of 50m from the antenna. The total magnetic field is
measured to be 10mA/m. Find i) power density and (ii) power radiated.

The Poynting vector S represents the directional energy flux (power per unit area)
of an electromagnetic wave. It describes the direction and magnitude of energy
flow in an electromagnetic field.

The expression for the Poynting vector is given by:

E xB

• M is the permeability of the medium (in this case, free space).
• E is the electric field vector.
• P is the magnetic field vector.

For an isotropic antenna radiating in free space, the power density Pd can be
calculated using the magnitude of the total magnetic field B measured at a
distance po from the antenna:

Pa =
The power radiated.Prad by the antenna can be calculated by integrating the power
density over the surface area of a sphere with radius p (the distance from the
Prad =
&5 dA ·

Given that the total magnetic field B is measured to be 10 mA/m at a distance of

50 m from the antenna, we can use these values to calculate the power density
and power radiated.

i) Power Density ( Pd ): 2
(10 x 10-3 alm)
Pa = = 39 789

2 x 45 x 10-7 NT2
ii) Power Radiated ( Prad ): 2

39 789 45 x (50) 1 25 x 10.

Prad Pax 482

= =

Substituting the given values of B and r , we can calculate the power density
and power radiated.
6. (b). Derive the relation between E and H in uniform plane wave
propagation. Derive intrinsic impedance and give its physical significance.
The physical significance of intrinsic impedance is that it represents the
ratio of the magnitude of the electric field to the magnitude of the
magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave traveling through a medium. It
characterizes how easily electric and magnetic fields can propagate
through a medium and is a fundamental property of the medium. It also
determines the reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves at
boundaries between different media.
7. (A). What do you understand the term power gain, directive gain and
efficiency of antenna ? Find the relation among them.

Power gain, directive gain, and efficiency are important parameters used
to characterize the performance of an antenna:

1.Power Gain: Power gain of an antenna is the ratio of the power

radiated in a particular direction to the power radiated in that same
direction by a reference antenna under the same conditions. It indicates
how effectively the antenna radiates electromagnetic energy in a specific
direction compared to a reference antenna.
2.Directive Gain: Directive gain, also known as directivity, is a measure
of the concentration of radiation in a particular direction. It is the ratio
of the radiation intensity in a given direction to the average radiation
intensity over all directions. Directive gain indicates the ability of an
antenna to direct its radiated power in a specific direction, rather than
radiating equally in all directions.
3. Efficiency: Efficiency of an antenna is the ratio of the power
radiated by the antenna to the total input power supplied to the antenna.
It represents how effectively the antenna converts input power into
radiated electromagnetic energy without losses due to heating or other

The relation among these parameters can be expressed as:

Power Gain = Directive Gain x

This relation shows that the power gain of an antenna depends on both
its directive gain (ability to concentrate radiation in a particular direction)
and its efficiency (ability to convert input power into radiated power).
Higher directive gain and efficiency lead to higher power gain for an
9. Write short notes on any two of the following:-
I. Hertz Dipole Antenna:
The Hertz dipole antenna, named after Heinrich Hertz who first
demonstrated its operation in the late 19th century, is one of the simplest
forms of antennas. It consists of two conductors, typically straight rods or
wires, oriented collinearly and separated by a small distance. When a time-
varying voltage is applied across the two conductors, an oscillating electric
current flows through them, generating electromagnetic waves. The
radiation pattern of the Hertz dipole antenna is approximately
omnidirectional in the azimuthal plane and varies with frequency. It is
commonly used for short-range communication and as a reference antenna
in antenna measurements.

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