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Name: xxx xxxxx Date: xxx xxxx xxx

1. Title of the reading: From the Cabby's Seat Author: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter)

2. All readings teach a lesson (theme/moral). What did you learn from this one?

Despite superficial appearances and social differences, we all share a common humanity, and
connections can arise even in brief and unexpected situations. Furthermore, it reminds us that
behind occupations and social roles, each individual has their own concerns, desires, and moments
of vulnerability.

3. Setting (Where the reading takes place?).

The story unfolds primarily within a taxi and around a restaurant. Additionally, the Fifth
Avenue and a park are mentioned.

4. Main Characters (Give a brief description of each character).

• The taxi driver (Jerry O'Donovan): He is the taxi driver who stars in the story. He is described
as a man whose view of life is influenced by his work and the experiences he has in his taxi.

• The passenger (Norah Walsh): She is a young woman who takes Jerry's taxi in the story.
Although not much detailed information is provided about her, she seems to be someone
who is celebrating a special event, possibly her wedding, and is open to new experiences
during her journey in the taxi.

5. Plot (Write a summary about the story).

The story follows Jerry O'Donovan, a taxi driver whose view of life is shaped by his work. One
day, he picks up a young woman named Norah Walsh in his taxi. Although we don't know many
details about her, she seems to be celebrating a special event, possibly her wedding. During the taxi
ride, Jerry and Norah share a brief but meaningful moment of human connection. Despite social
differences and circumstances, they both find a brief respite from the daily routine. In the end, Jerry
shows concern for Norah and reveals that she is his newlywed wife, demonstrating that even in the
chaos of everyday life, humanity can shine through unexpected encounters.

6. Did you like the reading? Why or Why not?

I liked it because, despite following our daily routine, there is something that sets us apart: we are
human beings with dreams, aspirations, and concerns. At the end of the day, we all strive for a
better life, each within our own reality.
7. On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) where would you rate this book? Why

I give it a score of 10 because it's a story that faithfully reflects the everyday reality of people. It
accurately captures the experiences and situations we face in our daily lives

8. Write a list of new vocabulary and expressions that you learnt (at least 15).

• Cabby: Taxi driver.

• View of life: Perspective on life.
• High seat: Elevated seat.
• Fare: Passenger (in a taxi).
• Shakes you: Shakes you (referring to a taxi).
• Payment: Payment.
• Lawful amount: Legal amount.
• Shape: Shape.
• High as a god: Tall as a god.
• Helpless: Helpless.
• Casino Restaurant: Casino restaurant.
• Wild time: Wild time.
• McGary's drink: McGary's drink.
• Caught by: Caught by.
• Deep breath: Deep breath.

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