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Caballero, Seth Elijah L.



I am Seth Elijah L. Caballero. 19 years of age. Currently living here at General Santos
City. Graduated from Holy Trinity College and a former athlete as well. I love playing
video games, watch movies, going out and travel, etc. I love listening in music also,
almost all genres from 90’s up until now I’ve been listening to it. I have 2 siblings. My
kuya and ate, and I am the youngest.

Strength is I am a independent person, very responsible person, always ready to learn

new things. Weaknesses are sometimes I lose my self-control. When I loose it, it feels
that I’m losing my interest to listen and to understand the situation. All- in-one emotion
in short. I believe in many quotes but I’ll give one. “Be careful of who you trust. Salt and
sugar look the same.”

The most happiest memory I have is my memory of myself stepping up each day. We
have our own battles everyday. Waking up early in morning is already a battle. I, myself
is no excuse when in terms of problems and anxieties. Although you see me during
class hours smiling and being funny the whole duration of the class but on the other
side, I fight anxiety. Mental breakdown from my previous years in senior high. But it’s
okay. One step at a time to achieve recovery. My childhood was very nostalgic. Playing
outside from morning until evening. Going home like I’ve been from a garbage site. It
was a good memory. I am happy with my life today because although I don’t have this
things like what kids have today. Brand new gadgets, new clothes and everything we
wish for. I’m still happy. Because if there is one thing that God provides me everyday,
that would be protection and strength.

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