Unit 2 Lesson 3

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Lesson 3

Research Report
According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “Research is a
systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed
phenomenon.” It is conducted in various disciplines, and it has led to new
discoveries and produced numerous innovations. It is not only done by students
and teachers but also by experts and professionals outside the academe.
As a scientific endeavor, a research aims to solve a problem and find
answers to the questions related to the problem. This is done by forming
hypotheses that are backed up by theories and by conducting through investigation
and analysis. The results of researches often lead to the development of existing
bodies of knowledge.
A Guide to the Research Process

Select a topic or problem.

01 This is the stage where you begin considering and
formulating what topic to cover or what problem to research about.
This is one of the most time-consuming and essential stages in the
research process because the topic or problem to be formulated is
where the whole research will be focusing on and will be the main point
that needs to be addressed. The formulated topic or problem should be
stated in question form including the key words of the research, which
will be answered by the end of the entire research process.
A Guide to the Research Process

Research for related literature and review it.

02 This is the stage where you begin to research and review
various related studies and researches. Through this stage, you will be
able to gather facts, discussions, and findings that are relevant and
connected to the topic you are researching about. You can find these
pieces of infornation in different published materials such as books,
encyclopedias, published journals, newspapers, and magazines. In this
stage, your purpose is not to copy paste from one literature to another,
but to review them one by one and interrelate them with each other in
the chapter dedicated for literature review. This will show how different
previous studies and researches can help establish the importance of
the problem being researched currently, set the context of the
problem, and provide thorough background on what will be discussed
throughout the whole research process.
A Guide to the Research Process

Create and develop the theoretical and conceptual framework.

03 This is the stage where you discuss about the theories that
will serve as the guide, “blueprint” or backbone for the whole research,
and from which the research design, approach, tools and procedures
will be founded. It is also where you show the relationship betwee the
main concepts to be discussed in the research as well as the different
variables involved.
A Guide to the Research Process

Formulate a hypothesis.
04 This is the stage where you made an educated guess that
you will try to prove or disprove later in the research process after
discovering more about your chosen topic or problem during the
previous stages.
A Guide to the Research Process

Identify the research design to be used.

05 This is the stage where you decide which research design should
be used to produce more useful results. This stage is very crucial as it will
determine what method will be used to collect data and evidence for
analysis later on. There are two types of research design that you can
choose from: qualitative and quantitative.

A qualitative research design deals with the relationship of the

collected data and the observations made that is based on mathematical
calculations. Some of the common methods used in this type of research
design are group discussions, individual interviews, and participation or
observation. The purpose of this type is to understand the sample’s reasons,
opinions, and motivations in order to provide the answer to the research
problem set. Hence, only a relatively small populationis needed in a
qualitative research design.
A Guide to the Research Process

A quantitative research design, on the other hand, is about

05 quantifying the research problem through surveys or polls and computation
of numerical data which is then transformed into statistical data. Hence, this
type of research design need a larger population for the sample’s opinions,
behaviors, and such to be quantified.
A Guide to the Research Process

Collect the data.

06 This is the stage where the data is collected using the
research design you have chosen. The data may come in the form of
survey forms, poll, or answers to interview questions which will then be
analyzed to assess the results of the research.
A Guide to the Research Process

Analyze the data and discuss the findings.

07 This is the stage where you study and interpret the data you
have collected in the previous stage. This may involve the use of tables
or graphs which will illustrate the different variables considered in the
conceptual framework. After studying and interpreting the data, you
begin to identify the relationship of the findings to one another and
answer whether they prove or disprove the hypothesis you previously
made. This is also the stage where you analyze if the results from the
data you collected testify to the truth of the literature you reviewed
during the earler stage. You may also gather new ideas in this stage
that can serve as the basis of future researches.
A Guide to the Research Process

Draw your conclusions and provide recommendations.

08 This is the stage where you check whether the results you
have gathered answers the research question you have formulated
during the first stage of the research process. Hence, this stage reveals
if your research is successful or not. It also determines the objectives
you have met as well as the strengths and weaknessses of the research
you have conducted. In this stage, you should be able to recommend
some points to be observed for further research of your chosen topic or

As the term suggests, research report refers to

a report about a research conducted. It conveys all the
details of a study or an investigation for an intended
audience. In writing a research report, the main purpose
is to provide a clear and concise representation of the
research on paper.
Components of a
Research Report
This basically states the research topic, research
questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and
conclusions. It may also include the possible implications of
the research and future related studies. This aims to
encourage the reader to read the entire research report.
This serves as the general overview of the
research. It states the research problem, the purpose of the
study, research questions, ad hypothesis.
Review of Related Literature
This provides the readers with the background or
context of the research conducted. It states various relevant
previous researches that set the significance of answering
the questions posed in the current research.
This simply discusses about the methods used to
come up with the data and results of the research. It
includes a description of the research samples (the subjects
who participated in the survey or interview), data collection
method, tools, and procedures used in the entire research
Results and Discussions
This presents the results from the data collected
according to the methods used. It also shows the
interpretation of the results through statistics and provides
an analysis of their connection with the problems being
Conclusion and Recommendations
This states the evaluation of the results in relation
to the related literature reviewed. It also cites the
implications of the findings and provides suggestions for
future researches or studies.
References and Bibliography
The references present the list of the sources that
have been cited in the research report. Bibliography, on the
other hand, presents a list of all the sources that generated
ideas fir the research topic and its development. By citing
references and bibliography, the original sources of the
materials used in writing a research can be properly
acknowledged. This can also help those who will read the
research in finding other related works.

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