Apreciation of Literary Work - Ayun

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Name : Mar’atus Sholihah Qurrota Ayun

NIM : 042749637

Plot is a series of events in a fiction, whether novel or short story. Arranged in the description
of time and based on the law of cause and affect. The plot is the same as the story framework
that forms the structure of the story.
Setting is a description of the time, place, and atmosphere of the occurrence of a story.
Setting is an arrangement or element that is in a story in a literary work.

For example

There was a frog that was very naughty. The frog never obeyed his mother’s orders and
would not listen to his mother’s words. Every day the little frog always played until he lost
track of the time. One day the frog’s mother had forbidden him to play because of thr bad
weather. The sky was cloudy and it started to rain. But the little frog still didn’t want to hear
his mother’s words. He stay out of the house and plays with his friends. The rain was getting
heavier and the river water was starting to overflow. Finally he and his frog friends were
swept away by the overflowing river water and separated by his mother. The nex day his
mother looked for him everywhere but the mother did not find him anywhere. The frog
mother was sad because she had to part with her only child. while the frog boy got lost
somewhere. He regretted not listening to his mother’s word. And now he must be separated
from his mother forever.

Conflict : A frog child who doesn’t want to listen to his mother’s words.

Complication : A frog child who regrets his action.

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