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Manila * Makati * Malolos

Practicum Student’s Pledge (PSP)

April 6, 2024

Charles Ronald K. Genato

I, , enrolled in Practicum, am fully aware
of my duty to obey all the University and Cooperating Agency Rules and Regulations for Practicumers.

I hereby promise to:

1. comply with the required regular attendance for practicum training;
2. pin my CEU ID and wear the prescribed CEU practicum uniform when I come to the University;
3. wear the prescribed practicum uniform in the area of my practicum assignment;
4. be courteous and respectful to all persons of authority;
5. refrain from profane or indecent language and/or behavior unbecoming a lady/gentleman;
6. fill in the logbook/daily time record faithfully and honestly, indicating the exact time of arrival and
7. exercise safety in the performance of my practicum duties;
8. pay for any damage or loss of property, equipment or supplies in connection with my practicum
assignment; and
9. report to and inform the practicum adviser of the problems and other practicum concerns I

I also hereby acknowledge awareness of the following:

1. Violation of the University/Cooperating Agency Rules and Regulations for Practicumers shall be
dealt with according to the guidelines for discipline embodied in Life at CEU.

2. In addition, violation of the following shall be sanctioned as follows:

▪ Dishonesty in filling in the 10 point deduction from class participation in Practicum

Practicum logbook for first violation

10 point deduction from class participation in Practicum

and 2-day suspension for the second violation

▪ Carelessness / negligence Regardless of the number of violations 10 point

resulting in damage / loss of deduction from class participation in Practicum and
property / equipment replacement/repair of damage/lost property/equipment

▪ Absence constituting more Grade of 5.0 for Practicum

than 15% of the required
total number of hours for
Charles Ronald K. Genato
Student’s Printed Name and Signature

Copies to: Student, Practicum Coordinator, Practicum Trainor

AAF 019
03/01/2019 Page 1 of 1

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