Week 3

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Practicum week: 3

Date: 21st – 25th August 2022

Title: Planning interesting classroom activity

1. Focused issue:

As I was given Year 6 class for my major course and Year 4 for my minor course I felt quite
unease with teaching year 6 as it was one of the most crucial and critical period. Thus, I’m
having problem in planning interesting for the Year 6 class.

2. Analysis of the focused issue (Cause and effect of the issue).

The issue occur when I felt awkward and afraid if the activities planned is not meet with their
level and syllabus. Because of that, I only plan activities based on the text book and
workbook to play it safe. In result, I found that the activities done were quite boring for the

3. Past study (Literature review) on the issue (Experience or past study).

4. Suggestions and ideas to solve the issue.

I have looked seriously onto this issue, and I came up with several suggestions and ideas to
solve this issue:

a. Meet up with guidance teacher.

b. Includes games in the lesson plan.

5. Time taken to solve the issue

2 Days

6. Follow up action

I will meet up with guidance teacher to seek their opinion on this and reconfigure the
activities for my Year 6 class.

7. Date of the execution.

26th August 2022

8. The effectiveness of the suggested ideas.

From my meeting with guidance teacher, the feedback that I got really helping and I am
satisfied with it. With the idea that I got from my guidance teacher, I am going to integrate
some game or quiz in the class activities. Thus, she also gave me some tips and wisdom to

9. Conclusion/Reflection

In conclusion, I am satisfied with outcome from the execution of the ideas suggested to
overcome the issues occurred.

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