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Take ADVANTAGE Of The HYBRID Wholesaling Blueprint

that helped Students generate their first $MILLION,

achieve a High-Income, High-energy
High-satisfaction Lifestyle

Multi-Millionaire Goes Rouge and reveals his secret Real estate SYSTEM,
just to prove anyone can make their desired income and never worry
about money ever again

For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

This is the KEY to turning your struggling business into a

Wholesale Empire.

Curious About the Secret Blue Print?

See Why thousands of Entrepreneurs and Wholesalers are turning To

Jamels Gibbs Hybrid Wholesaling Formula to Master the skills needed to
Crush the Real estate market and scale their revenue in less than 60 Days

Jamel Gibbs here….

And I’ve got a crazy question for you…

What If you could Compress Decades Of Real estate success systems into
Days And Scale Your Business To 6 to 7 Figures And Beyond With
Predictability and Certainty

What if you could ‘wholesale’ flip houses... and make an absolute killing...
even in the most expensive cities… By Overpaying For Properties?

And do it in a way that makes you Cash upfront, Cash each month, and
Cash on the back end every single time -
So in ALL 3 PHASES of every single deal!
How is this Possible?

You might be wondering, How is this possible?

7 figures? Quit my Job, Time & Location Freedom?

Crushing the Competition?

Well, pay VERY close attention…

I have no idea if you and I have ever met …..

But, I do believe I know these 3 things about you:

1- You deserve “Wild success” this year

2- You get “stuck” with skill sets that hold you back
3- You’re tired of “trying” to figure things out on your own,
Making “costly mistakes” that set you back years.

If you’re nodding your head with a “HELL YES”......

Then keep reading because I’m about to share with you a counter-intuitive
strategy that is the single most important influence that caused
my success.

I’ve been a full-time real estate investor since 2002…

And started my YouTube channel in 2008, where we share the latest

tips on flipping properties…
With well over 139,000 subscribers at the time of this recording!

My company has also done over 1000 + transactions in wholesaling

deals and counting...
… With investments in 20 different cities across the U.S. and dozens
of different zip codes.

And at the time of this video, we’ve done well over $20,000,000 in
property flips!

I’m also the founder of the REI Education Academy, which I

established back in 2006.

I’ve helped thousands of students break into real estate investing…

without needing any investment money of their own or having to
borrow it from anyone.

To this day, new students of ours Quit their day jobs every single
month… as they become full-time investors, and take total control of
their Time & Freedom.

And they do it using strategies like the ones you’ll discover today!
Right now it can be quite brutal out
In a lot of cities, it’s a ruthless ‘sellers’ market… where houses are being
sold for thousands of dollars OVER the asking price!

So for someone looking to find ‘cheap’ properties, flip them for a profit, and
make their financial dreams come true…
It can be extremely discouraging.

But see, the thing is… it’s SO important you realize that if you DON’T play
along the market, and just ‘resist’ what is…

You’re going to be on the losing end.

Instead, the way my students and I CRUSH it in today’s crazy ‘sellers’

market is by doing ONE Simple thing…

… that creates virtually ZERO friction in having property owners wanting to

talk to us:

Making A ‘Godfather’ Offer!

In other words… an ‘offer they can’t refuse’.

What I mean is…

... we’ve ‘cracked the code’ in giving property sellers exactly what
they want

And Still Making A Profit 3 Different Ways!

(While still never needing to use our own money or credit)

Now there are FOUR specific strategies, that help you do this inside our
‘Hybrid Wholesaling Formula’...
That no one is currently using, and you can benefit from it

And I’m going to show you the training ‘clip’ from a webinar I did not long
ago, where I’ll reveal each one to you.

So here we go!

Watch this training clip and pay VERY close attention:

So look…
Now you Have these four ‘Hybrid Wholesaling’ strategies…

And you can see how anyone can make money on deals that have
ZERO discounts on the house by breaking the “rules” a little bit and
going ‘outside the box’!

So my question to you is…

Would you like to learn this entire system much more thoroughly, and
all the other nuances to it?

Do You want to Compress Decades Of Business Intelligence Into Days

And Scale Your Business To 6 And 7 figures And Beyond With
Predictability & Certainty?

And get a complete a-to-z training so you can confidently go out and
apply it today?

“And also get access to it for a GIGANTIC 90% off?”

If so, then here’s what I have for you:

I’ve created a VERY Comprehensive and Advanced online training

program that walks you through all 4 strategies called…
The Hybrid Wholesaling Blueprint!

It’s probably the best program I’ve created in all my years of

coaching and training people.

Look, to be honest…

Traditional wholesaling is a beginner’s game.

And you can continue to play that game if you want…

However, Hybrid Wholesaling with all the different deal-making

strategies is very advanced.

So the Hybrid Wholesaling Blueprint is like taking you from basic

algebra to Calculus!

And the beautiful part is, it’s NOT rocket science.

ANYONE can do this, even if you’re brand spanking new to real estate
and just got started yesterday.

So there’s NO prerequisite whatsoever.

You can start from scratch and go straight to Hybrid Wholesaling, and
immediately put yourself ahead of the game.

And Crush All your Competitors

So let me peel back the curtains and show you what’s inside the

Inside the Hybrid Wholesaling program…

You’re going to get a thorough and much deeper breakdown of each

of the 4 strategies that make up the ‘Hybrid Wholesaling’ system.

So you’ll be fully armed and ready to apply the Hybrid formula on any

Let me introduce you to the 3 of the Thousands of business owners, and sales
professionals whose lives and businesses have been transformed because of the
Hybrid Wholesaling Blueprint.

Gary W

I love Jamel Gibbs Realestate Investors Educational Academy because of the hands on approach of
his teachings. This was not my first program I attended but this will be my last. I'm learning a lot in
my short time I've been in the course. The other program I tried seemed so impersonal. I started
with Jamel and his team less than 3 weeks ago and he already help me secure a deal and Im closing
on my first home within a month. I look forward to the weekly calls, and that encouragement given
on those meetings is priceless on its own.
Henrietta Morgan
Great mentor and motivator. Knowledgeable, Jamel provides a very easy to follow road
map to understanding real estate investing. Iam confident that his coaching will help me
reach my financial goals for retirement.

Kelly Lay
Jamel Gibbs, REI coach is phenomenal! He made the complicated world of real estate
investing easy to understand which is saying a whole lot. He systematically breaks down
concepts, strategies, and methodologies so that the average person can make an
independently informed decision with confidence. And the cherry on top is his level of
integrity, which is a rare find these days. If you want to level up, by all means, sign up with
Jamel Gibbs.


The reason my Hybrid Wholesaling Blueprint gets such great results for
business owners like you is because …… it’s different from almost every
other training program you’ve ever taken.

That’s because, Unlike most courses, you’ve invested in, for yourself




So let me peel back the curtains and show you what’s inside the

Mastering Hybrid Wholesaling Strategies:

Dive deep into the 4 core strategies of the Hybrid Wholesaling system,
equipping yourself for success in any deal.

Learn the best markets to target and identify ideal property sellers with

Discover effective online and offline methods to generate leads, ensuring

a steady stream of potential deals.

Efficient Seller Communication:

Access proven techniques to engage with sellers effortlessly and build

trust from the start.

Learn how to screen seller leads efficiently, maximizing your time and

Guaranteed Offline ways to virtually find deals, so you have even more
lead-gen strategies in your arsenal.

Gain confidence in reaching out to sellers through expertly crafted

messaging strategies.

My promise is that you’ll have MORE seller leads than you

can possibly handle at any given time - a very envious position to be in
compared to other wholesalers in the market.
Streamlined Offer Presentation:

Present offers as solutions rather than sales pitches, positioning yourself

as a trusted advisor.

Explore real-life examples of successful communication with property

owners, learning how to navigate various scenarios.

Receive word-for-word templates for messaging and phone scripts,

simplifying your outreach efforts.

Strategic Application of Hybrid Strategies:

Understand when and how to apply each Hybrid strategy based on seller
circumstances, maximizing your success rate.

Access a cheat sheet for quick reference, ensuring you always choose
the right strategy for the situation.

Gain confidence in making offers that resonate with sellers, positioning

yourself as a valuable solutions provider.

Buyer Acquisition Mastery:

Learn advanced techniques for identifying and reaching out to buyers

interested in hybrid deals.

Build a network of like-minded buyers who are open to creative real

estate transactions.

Develop the skills to secure funding for your deals and close transactions
with confidence.
If you’ve ever bought a training program that didn’t work for

And you never got the results you were looking for.

That’s because results come from “doing” not “learning”.

And most courses don’t give you the opportunity to practice the new
skills you are developing in a safe environment with the feedback you
need to truly master your new skills.

They tell you WHAT to do.

But they don’t hold your hand while you actually DO it.

And that’s why my Hybrid Wholesaling Blueprint puts a HUGE emphasis

On implementation and doing.

We help you bridge this “learning/doing gap” in

Multiple Ways (as a BONUS)

● Researching the prospect before meeting with them

● ​Exactly how to call the sellers back to set appointments
● Exactly what to do and what to bring when you’re going to the
● ​How to make a quick cash offer if & when it makes sense
● Using specific contracts for properties with Land Trusts
● ​Quick Cash contracts
● Standard Purchase & Sale Agreement
● ​Lease Option Contracts
● ​Contracting Seller Finance deals
● ​And so on!
Plus, I’ll show you how to consult with an attorney so that you’re
completely safe in doing this strategy within your state laws!

It’s like getting a Master’s Degree in Real estate Wholesaling

Not only are you learning the Secrets of Real estate Wholesaling

But also
● You’ll learn to close High ticket sales without being Pushy or sleazy

● You’ll discover counterintuitive ways to overcome objections in the

sales Conversation

● You’ll breakthrough Limiting beliefs about Money and SALES

● You’ll develop a Winner's attitude crucial for success

● You’ll almost immediately start converting more leads into sales

● You’ll gain complete control over the Sales Conversation

● You’ll start seeing your revenue increase through the roof

● You’ll become so confident you’ll start to feel unstoppable

● Plus much more
So to sum it all up, the Hybrid Wholesale Blueprint comes with 4 full modules:

Each of which contains multiple training videos covering each lesson, and every
aspect of doing Hybrid deals a-to-z.

It’s a total of 33 training videos, which means...

This program is NO joke, and it’s for SERIOUS investors who want to play at a
MUCH Higher level than your Average Wholesaler.

My mission with this training is that you NEVER have to buy another wholesaling
course ever again.

That’s why I’m going to let you practically STEAL this program right now today…
And Scale your business to 7+ Figures

For Just $1997

Get Start Today For ONLY $97
This offer is only available right here, right now!

And it comes with a full 30-day money back guarantee.

So you can cancel any time within 30 days of taking it for a test drive,
and get a full refund.

No questions asked!

I’m purposely making this THE MOST ridiculous ‘No-brainer’ offer I’ve
ever made, as I’ve sold this program in the past for close to $1,000

(And I’m not kidding… I can even show you the webinar I sold this on!)

Why am I dropping the price big time?

It’s simple:

My company loves partnering with students on deals they find.

If I can make it easy for you to get this training, go through it, and

You may find deals that are a perfect fit for us, and choose to get
our help in a partnership :)

I’m just being real with you.

So I get NOTHING out of this other than helping you truly

succeed, so that WE can potentially succeed together down the
road (if you decide to come to us for help.)

So go ahead and click the button below right now…

Fill out your order details on the next page...

And you’ll immediately be sent the log-in details to the Hybrid

Wholesaling Blueprint and all the bonuses…

… and you can watch your investing career change forever!

Click below right now and get access today!

Get Start Today For ONLY $97

This offer is expiring soon!
People who used the BLUEPRINT

Prestigious Stays

I couldn't be more pleased with my coaching experience. Jamel has a knack for breaking
down complex concepts into easy-to-understand, actionable steps. His hands-on
approach and real-world experience in the field make the learning process both insightful
and practical. Thanks to his guidance, I secured my first deal within the first week of
coaching. I'm incredibly grateful for Jamel's ongoing support and the valuable knowledge
I continue to gain. Highly recommend!

Anthony Curtis

Having Jamal as a mentor has definitely proven to be one of the best decisions I have
made. Since working with Jamal I have been able to secure a healthy line of business
credit and funding for my first deal. Not to mention, I am only 1.5 months into the
coaching program and am already securing a quadplex as my first deal and have gained a
massive amount of REI knowledge. I appreciate that Jamal takes the time to not only
coach but actually educates in detail on all aspects of the deal from working lenders,
contractors, documents – all of it. I am looking forward to the next few months of
mentorship and would recommend his services to anyone looking for a hands-on coach
that sincerely wants to see you succeed.

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