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CSAT APTITUDE TEST– (4296) – 2024

Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200




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4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
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that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.

5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers

6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
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9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.


1. Consider the following statement and Directions for the following 5 (five) items:
conclusions. Read the following three passages and answer the items
Statement: If p is divided by 9, it leaves a
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
remainder of 1
Conclusions: should be based on the passages only.
I. p could only be even. Passage – 1
II. p could only be odd. In the relationship between religion and political
Which of the above conclusions must be true? development, there is a wide variety of patterns of
(a) I only
interaction ranging from mutual exclusion to total
(b) II only
(c) Both I and II compatibility. Religion has assumed not only positive
(d) Neither I nor II but also neutral and negative roles in shaping a political
system. Religion has also reacted to or counteracted
2. Consider the following table.
political changes either as a full supporter or a partial
None 1 to 4 5 or more Total
partner or at other times as a chief rival or an avowed
Group X 15 28 57 100
foe. Consequently, a systematic assessment of this
Group Y 21 11 68 100
Total 36 39 125 200 positively supplementing role and negatively
The data in the table above were produced by a undermining the role of religion in politics is an
sleep researcher, studying the number of dreams extremely difficult one, if not an impossible one. Since
people can recall. Group X consisted of 100 the effects of religion are deeply embedded in the
people with early bedtimes, while Group Y
patterns of specific societies, the impact of religion on
consisted of 100 people with later bedtimes. If a
person is chosen at random, what is the the development of the political system varies from one
probability that the person belonged to Group Y nation to another. Nevertheless, there are in the nature
who recalled at least 1 dream? and functions of religion and of the political system
(a) 67/100
certain inherent differences and common concerns
(b) 79/100
(c) 163/200 which enable us to make some permissible
(d) 79/200 generalizations.
4. Based on the above passage, the following
3. Ramesh has three different samples of spirit:
assumptions have been made:
Samples Quantity (in litre)
1. Religion and politics can never function
A 261
B 377 independent of each other.
C 435 2. The impact of religion on politics is not
Find the least possible number of bottles of equal consistent across societies.
size in which different spirit samples can be Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
filled without mixing.
(a) 1 only
(a) 35
(b) 38 (b) 2 only
(c) 36 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) 37 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
2 ©Vision IAS
5. According to the author, the most rational Passage – 3
inference is: India is projected to have the largest working population
in the world between 2022 and 2034, with 10 million
(a) The interplay of religion and politics shapes
youth entering the workforce every year. Unleashing the
the moral compass of a nation.
true potential of such a strong workforce demands the
(b) Mixing religion and politics should not be employment capacity of the industry. Therefore,
allowed because politics is a secular activity. rigidities and administrative burdens in the labour
(c) Religion-politics interplay can boost regime were required to be addressed through
substantive reforms. The passage of three labour codes
divisive tendencies in the society and may
in Parliament marked a milestone in this process.
even cause public unrest and anarchy.
Successful emerging economies on a development path
(d) The role of religion in politics is debatable have leveraged their labour supply for accelerating
and full of complexities. growth; however, India’s labour laws applied to around
Passage – 2 80 million workers in the formal sector, leaving the rest
of the 500 million-strong workforce out of these benefits.
Humans started by using fire to cook food and make
7. Which of the following is/are the most rational
pots. Now we have machines that help us think, mine
and logical inference/inferences that can be
metals, and explore other worlds. Despite all the drawn from the passage?
machines and technology, people feel busier than ever. 1. India can learn from developed countries on
What went wrong? At some point, we feel the urge to get how to reform its labour laws.
2. Without labour reforms, harnessing the
busy, and we know we need to act on it. Work may not
potential of our labour may be difficult.
make us free, however, it is an integral part of who we
Select the correct answer from the code given
are. If we are unproductive for an extended period, it’s below:
hard to shake off a feeling of worthlessness. Even when (a) 1 only
we do have free time, or when indeed we retire, we find (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
hobbies to keep us busy.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
6. Which one of the following is the most logical
and rational inference that can be made from 8. Which one of the following is best implied in the
the above passage? passage?
(a) Technologies have made humans lazy by (a) Labour reforms in emerging countries have
not met the expectations of the workers.
eliminating manual work.
(b) Successful labour reforms would help India
(b) It has become essential for many human
provide labour to other emerging
beings to work or engage in some activity economies.
continuously. (c) The increasing size of labour force in India
(c) Continuous work has helped in the evolution complicates the implementation of labour
and wellbeing of human beings.
(d) Labour reforms are essential for the growth
(d) Due to huge workload, human beings are
of the country and benefit of workers in
unable to take time for leisure. India.

3 ©Vision IAS

9. Five friends received different percentages of 12. Which city is connected by means of Car?
marks in an examination. Anika scored more (a) Q
than Alka but less than Anjali, who scored 70% (b) R
marks. Anamika scored fewer marks than only (c) S
Anshika. The one who scored the minimum
(d) T
marks secured 65%, and the one who scored the
highest achieved 87%. Who scored the second-
13. Four cubes each of volume 64 cm3 are joined end
lowest marks?
to end. What is the surface area of the resulting
(a) Alka
(b) Anshika figure?

(c) Anamika (a) 356 cm2

(d) Anika (b) 256 cm2
(c) 384 cm2
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: (d) 288 cm2
Read the information given below carefully and answer
the 3 (three) items that follow.
14. Consider the following statement:
Five friends A, B, C, D and E travelled to five different
cities P, Q, R, S and T using five different modes of
Both x and y are positive integers.
transport – Bus, Train, Aeroplane, Car and Boat from a
Which of the following must be true?
city where they live.
1. The person who travelled to P did not travel by boat. I. (x+1)/(y+1) > x/y

2. A went to Q by car and B went to R by aeroplane. II. (x+1)/(y+1) = x/y

3. C travelled by boat, whereas D travelled by train. III. (x+1)/(y+1) > 1
4. The city from which the friends started is not (a) I only
connected by bus to S and T. (b) II only
10. Who travelled by Bus? (c) III only
(a) P (d) I and III only
(b) Q
(c) R
15. If 2 is the greatest number that can divide both x
(d) S
and y, what is the greatest number that can
divide both 5x and 5y?
11. C travelled to which city?
(a) S (a) 2

(b) T (b) 10
(c) Either S or T (c) 8
(d) Neither S nor T (d) 6
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16. In a certain game, a large bag is filled with blue, 17. Which of the following is/are the correct
green, purple, and red chips worth 1, 5, x, and 11 inference(s) that can be made from the passage?
1. The concept of natural rights was invented
points each, respectively. The purple chips are
due to extreme abuses of individual rights
worth more than the green chips but less than the
during the Second World War.
red chips. A certain number of chips are then 2. Post-World War world order believes that
selected from the bag. If the product of the point citizens are bearers of human rights merely
by virtue of being human.
values of the selected chips is 88000, how many
Select the correct answer using the code given
purple chips were selected?
(a) 1 (a) 1 only
(b) 2 (b) 2 only
(c) 3 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 4
Passage – 2
The post-liberal economy has fuelled aspirations and
Directions for the following 5 (five) items: urbanization. Also, it has witnessed heightened
Read the following five passages and answer the items competition for resources, exacerbating pre-existing
ethnic tensions. The impact is palpable in the rise of
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
communalism, where economic disparities intersect with
should be based on the passages only.
ethnic fault lines, leading to social fragmentation.
Passage—1 Understanding the delicate balance between
After the Second World War and the extreme abuses of acknowledging the positive aspects of economic growth
individual rights under the Third Reich, the idea of and addressing the socio-cultural challenges, fosters the
society's use of the economy for uniform and integrated
natural rights was reinvigorated and transformed into the
notions of human rights. The founding of the UN and the
18. Which of the following statements best reflects
adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the crux of the passage?
by United Nations, point to the central role that human (a) Society and the economy have always been
rights played in the establishment of a post-war world
(b) The post-liberal economy has left an
order. This order was premised on the individual’s
indelible mark on ethnic identity and
primacy over that of the state. The consequence of this communal dynamics.
principle is that state action must be justified in the light (c) Economic reforms are not the solution to the
of human rights, while citizens do not need to justify or social tensions and ethnic fault lines.
(d) Growth in the post-liberal economic reforms
persuade the state that their human rights, which humans
has transformed society into an integrated
have, need to be respected.
5 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 Passage – 4
Microorganisms present a promising avenue for Discipline is an internal force that comes from within. It
is not a thing that can be imposed on you by anyone else.
addressing the current fuel shortage through various
People want to get freedom in a shortcut way, or they
innovative approaches. Microbial biofuels, such as
hack it. It has been observed that in the quest for
biodiesel and bioethanol, leverage the metabolic freedom, people shun discipline. They perceive that
capabilities of microorganisms to convert organic matter discipline is a hurdle in the way of freedom. They opine
into energy-rich compounds. Additionally, microbial it as a negative element in the way of freedom in their

fuel cells harness the electron transfer abilities of lives and others too. Having discipline is a way to handle
the situation positively. It enriches the life of every day
bacteria to generate electricity from organic substrates.
even in the hardest situation.
The production of biohydrogen through microbial
20. Which one of the following is the most logical
processes represents another avenue with the potential to and rational inference that can be made from
alleviate the fuel crisis. Furthermore, microorganisms the above passage?
can play a crucial role in breaking down organic waste (a) Discipline and freedom are incompatible

materials into biofuels, contributing to waste-to-energy with each other.

(b) Only discipline can bring freedom in the life
solutions. These diverse applications underscore the
of an individual.
versatility of microorganisms in providing sustainable
(c) It may be easier to be free than to be
alternatives to conventional fuels, presenting a disciplined, in short term.
promising frontier for addressing energy needs while (d) Both (a) and (b)
mitigating environmental impacts. Passage – 5
The story of economic growth is one of many narratives.
19. Based on the above passage, what are the several
Over the last 70 years, growth has occurred in all regions
ways of meeting the current fuel shortage?
of the world, many low-income countries have
1. Biohydrogen through microbial processes.
developed rapidly, and millions of people have been
2. Conversion of organic matter into energy- lifted out of poverty. Standard growth theory predicts
rich compounds. that poorer countries will tend to grow faster and “catch
3. Increasing species richness and hotspots of up” to rich countries. However, relatively few countries
have reached high-income status, and income growth
across many countries has been variable and volatile. In
Select the correct answer using the code given
recent years, policymakers in slower-growing middle-
below. income countries have become preoccupied with the
(a) 1 and 3 only notion that they are stuck in a “middle-income trap.”
(b) 3 only Much has been debated about this so-called trap—from

(c) 1 and 2 only how it occurs to the types of policies that might help
countries escape it.
(d) 1, 2 and 3
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21. Which of the following statements best reflects 24. For every positive integer n, the function h(n) is
the crux of the passage? defined to be the product of all the even integers

(a) Effective policy making to address the from 2 to n (inclusive). If p is the smallest
(prime) factor of h(100)+1, then p is
reasons behind middle-income trap can only
(a) Between 2 and 10
be done after a country has witnessed such a
(b) Between 11 and 20
(c) Between 21 and 30
(b) Not all countries face the middle-income (d) Greater than 40
trap, but robust policies can help them
escape it and become developed. 25. If the sum of five consecutive positive integers
(c) Before becoming developed, every poor is A, then the sum of the next five consecutive

country faces the ‘middle-income’ trap. integers must be

(a) A + 1
(d) Escaping the middle-income trap is crucial
(b) A + 5
to address issues like poverty in low-income
(c) A + 25
(d) 2A

22. The digits of a 3-digit number are reversed to 26. A rectangular tank is 60 m long and 40 m broad.
form another number. The difference between Water is being flown into it through a square
this number and the original number is always pipe of side 10 cm. What is the speed of water if

divisible by the level of water in the tank rises by 1 metre in

12 hours?
(a) 2
(a) 20 km/h
(b) 11
(b) 10 km/h
(c) 6
(c) 25 km/h
(d) 8 (d) 15 km/h

23. If X = 2891 × 2892 × 2893 × ........... × 2898 × 27. If Dennis is one third the age of his father Keith
2899×2900, then what is the remainder when x now, and was one fourth the age of his father 5

is divided by 17? years ago, then how old will his father Keith be
5 years from now?
(a) 0
(a) 20 years
(b) 4
(b) 45 years
(c) 7
(c) 40 years
(d) 14
(d) 50 years
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28. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below 31. If some license plates are to be produced that all
in the question figures. From the given answer
have the same pattern of three letters followed
figures, indicate how it will appear when opened?
Question Figures: by three numbers, roughly how many such

distinct plates can be made?

(a) 18 thousand

(b) 18 million
(c) 11 million

(d) 180 million

Directions for the following 4 (four) items:

Read the following three passages and answer the items

(c) that follow each passage. Your answers to these items

should be based on the passages only.

Passage – 1

(d) While national income provides useful information on

the structure and performance of the economy, people

mistakenly use it as a proxy for human welfare and

29. In a certain code ‘EASIER’ is written as sustainability. Economic performance and improved
TGKUCG. How would CUTTER be written in well-being depend on more than growth in income and
that code?
GDP. Inclusive wealth includes a holistic assessment of
(b) TGWWVE produced capital (manufacturing output or GDP), human
capital and natural capital within a country. It is a
multipurpose indicator capable of measuring not only
30. If in the English alphabet, every alternate letter traditional stocks of wealth but also those less tangible
from B onwards is written in small letters while
others are written in capitals (i.e. A b C d E f and unseen—such as educational levels, skill sets, health
..…), then how would the 3rd day from Tuesday care, as well as environmental assets and the functioning
be written?
of key ecosystem services that form the backbone of
(a) f r i D A Y
(b) W E d n E S d A Y human well-being and ultimately set the parameters for
(c) T H U R S d A Y
sustainable development.
(d) f r I d A Y

8 ©Vision IAS

32. Which of the following statements best reflects 33. Based on the above passage, consider the
the logical inference from the passage given
following inferences:
1. There is a need to build the required
(a) GDP represents the quantitative aspect of
growth, while the human and natural capital infrastructure for the eradication of open

reflects the qualitative aspect. defecation.

(b) Governments should not consider GDP as a
2. Open defecation is absent in developed
parameter for growth.
(c) Development is meaningless without countries.

improvement in natural capital. Which of the above inferences is/are valid?

(d) Not only the economic, but human and
(a) 1 only
natural capital should also be the parameters
(b) 2 only
of growth and development.
Passage – 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
Open defecation is a serious sanitation issue most
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
developing countries are battling with. Defecation is a
natural urge; subsequently, everyone will respond to it
when needed. There are, however, clear differences in 34. Which of the following statements best reflects

attitudes towards where people defecate. Even when the crux of the passage?
poverty is being reduced and toilet facilities become
(a) Policies for addressing open defecation
available, cultural attitudes, social habits, and economic
factors may impair people from using or avoiding must consider socio-economic realities.

infrastructure considered safe and hygienic by (b) ‘Sanitation for all’ should be a mission to
environmental and health standards. Understanding the
eradicate open defecation.
sociocultural and economic factors underlying open
(c) Policies, even without community
defecation is therefore crucial for any policy aimed at
eradicating the practice. Finally, community-led participation, are sufficient to eradicate open
initiatives that draw on the creativity and capacity of
local people to take control of their change processes
(d) Open defecation is considered to be normal
must be integrated into open defecation intervention
programmes. in developing societies.
9 ©Vision IAS
Passage – 3 36. The average download speed for Max’s
The all-too-familiar triad of historical periodisation — computer’s Internet connection is 30 megabits
ancient, medieval, modern — now universal, has rather per second. Assuming no interruptions in
specific provincial and temporal origins. All societies internet service, what is the best estimate for the
evolved their modes of dividing their history into maximum number of complete video files that
periods: dynastic and regnal was the one prevalent in Max can download to his computer in a six-hour
India, Iran, the Turko-Mongol regions, besides Europe. period if each video file is 4.2 gigabytes in size?
The triad took birth in Europe around the 16th and 17th [1 megabyte = 8 megabits, and 1 gigabyte =
centuries, first in the history of theology and steadily in 1,024 megabytes]
society’s history, finding its largely evolved form in (a) 15
1688 at the hands of Cellarius, a German. This was the (b) 18
era when over the past few centuries, Europe had been (c) 19
creating its new self-image of rationality, science and (d) 21
progress, in short, modernity; to reinforce it, the inverse
image of its immediate past, the medieval, was also 37. After a team of 7 basketball players won a game,
created as one of irrationality, regression, and each of them high-fived the other players once,
superstition which were constituted as the synonym of how many high-fives did take place?
religion/religiosity — in short, the “Dark Age” from (a) 21
which Europe was progressing into Enlightenment. (b) 5040
35. Which of the following is/are the most rational (c) 720
and logical inference/ inferences that can be (d) 540
made from the passage?
1. Every society has a religious history filled 38. Find the number that should come in the white
with irrationality, regression and circle in the figure given below:
2. Europe gave birth to the triad of ancient,
medieval, modern.
Select the correct answer from the code given
(a) 1 only (a) 10
(b) 2 only (b) 12
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 23
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) None of the above

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Directions for the following 3 (three) items: 40. If all the students of Maharashtra who were
Read the following bar and pie graphs carefully and selected for the interstate program were girls,
answer the 3 (three) items that follow. what percentage of girls of Maharashtra were
The following bar graph represents the number of not selected for the interstate program?
students from different states in a college. (a) 25%
(b) 20%
(c) 80%
50 (d) Cannot be determined

30 41. It is known that half of the students who were

Boys selected for the team were girls. It is also known
Girls that the girls who were selected were only from
10 two states. Then the girls of which of the
0 following states were definitely not selected in
the team?
(a) Bihar
(b) Punjab
(c) Haryana
A team of 20 students is selected to represent the college
(d) Tamil Nadu
in the interstate cultural program in a different college.
The given pie chart gives the percentage of students of
42. In the question below some statements followed
various states who constituted the team.
by some conclusions are given. You have to take
the given statements to be true even if they seem
to be at variance with commonly known facts.
Read all the conclusions and then decide which
of the given conclusions logically follow(s)
from the given statements disregarding
commonly known facts.
1. Some cities are villages.
2. Only villages are towns.
3. Some countries are cities.
I. Some cities being towns is a possibility.
II. Some villages are countries.
Select the correct answer using the code given
39. What percentage of students of Bihar were
selected for the interstate program?
(a) Only conclusion I follows.
(a) 2.5%
(b) Only conclusion II follows.
(b) 20%
(c) Both conclusions I and II follow.
(c) 10%
(d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II
(d) 1.5%
11 ©Vision IAS
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: 44. What is the main idea that we can infer from the
Read the following three passages and answer the items passage?
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (a) Tourism is linked to every aspect of our
should be based on the passages only. lives, and helps us rejuvenate.
Passage – 1 (b) The purpose of tourism is not the same for
In a world marked by global instability, ‘Reboot everyone, and varies with life situations.
Retreaters’ in 2024 seek journeys dedicated to self- (c) Understanding ourselves can help us better
improvement. 59% of Indian travellers carve out time for enjoy our holiday, and not vice-a-versa.
matchmaking holidays (to find a spark with a new (d) Considering the growth potential,
partner), 53% opt for heartbreak holidays (providing the governments should encourage the tourism
healing space needed to overcome past relationships), industry through higher investments.
and 79% plan to travel solo for personal rejuvenation. Passage – 2
Agrarian and indigenous lifestyles attract over half of Healthy and successful relationships are not built over a
Indian travellers — reflecting a desire for self- day — they require patience, quality time and constant
sufficiency and harmony with nature. Sleep tourism effort. Another major factor for relationships to flourish
emerges as a trend, catering to 68% of Reboot Retreaters is good communication, without which tensions are
seeking undisturbed sleep. The 2024 travel predictions bound to rise. All these together will help a relationship
reflect the idea that travel is not a means to escape life, stand the test of time. Many times, in relationships, we
but instead a catalyst to live our best lives. From thrilling tend to avoid difficult conversations, thinking that it can
adventures in a new destination to feeling the pulse of a lead to either disagreements or fights. But what we forget
new culture and every experience in between, travel is that these unresolved and undiscussed conversations
allows us to become the best version of ourselves. result in misunderstandings and conflicts. This is where
43. Based on the above passage, the following relationship cold plunges come in. While a lack of proper
assumptions have been made: communication can lead to misinterpreting behaviours,
1. Experience, not destination, is the sole open communication helps bring clarity to a relationship
criterion for planning holidays in the new and improve understanding between the couple. It gives
trend. a sense of security in the relationship that both partners
2. According to the recent travel predictions, are comfortable while expressing their emotions. Unlike
tourists abhor visiting the same place again. the traditional cold plunges that involve immersing
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? oneself in freezing waters to improve our health,
(a) 1 only ‘relationship cold plunges’ are the difficult
(b) 2 only conversations and choices we need to make while
(c) Both 1 and 2 coming out of our comfort zone to ensure the health of
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 our relationships.
12 ©Vision IAS
45. Based on the above passage, the following Passage – 3

assumptions have been made: Despite the immense potential, the integration of gene

1. Open communication and healthy and cell therapy into mainstream healthcare in India

relationships are the bedrock of a modern comes with its own set of challenges. From infrastructure

society. limitations to ethical considerations, the journey is not

2. A person should know how to discuss the without hurdles. However, these challenges present

difficult aspects of his/her relationship. opportunities for collaborative efforts - bringing together

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? scientific communities, industries, policymakers, and

healthcare providers. Investing in research and

(a) 1 only
development, creating regulatory frameworks that
(b) 2 only
balance innovation with ethical considerations, and
(c) Both 1 and 2
fostering a supportive ecosystem for biotechnology are
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
crucial steps. The Biopharmaceutical industry needs a

paradigm shift in its business models and strategy to

46. Which one of the following statements best
develop and market gene and cell therapy.
reflects the most critical inference that can be
47. Which of the following is/are the most rational
made from the passage given above?
and logical inference/ inferences that can be
(a) To deepen bond with one’s partner,
made from the passage?
‘relationship cold plunges’ are the way to
1. Inclusive approach increases the challenge
of regulation of gene and cell therapy.
(b) Relationship is not always based on open
2. Following ethical means might compromise
communication, especially in narrow-
innovations in the field of gene and cell
minded societies.
(c) In these modern times where patience and
Select the correct answer from the code given
quality time are scarce, building healthy and
successful relationships is difficult. (a) 1 only
(d) The comfort zone is not only good for (b) 2 only
oneself, but also the relationship in the long (c) Both 1 and 2
term. (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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48. Which of the following is most definitively 51. A man went on a trip of 120 miles from A to B,
implied by the above passage? traveling at an average of x miles per hour.
(a) Gene and cell therapy are the most Several days later he returned over the same
route (from B to A) at a speed that was 5 miles
promising future course for healthcare.
per hour faster than his previous speed. If the
(b) The future of healthcare is incomplete
time for the return trip was one-third of an hour
without the integration of biotechnology.
less than the time for the outgoing trip, which
(c) Gene and cell therapy have more concerns
equation can be used to find the value of x?
than benefits for the population. (a) 120/(x+5) = 1/3
(d) Without the involvement of different (b) x/120 = [x+(5/120)] – 1/3
stakeholders, gene and cell therapy may not (c) 120/[x + (x+5)] = 1/3
be able to bring improvement in healthcare. (d) 120/x = [120/(x+5)] + 1/3

49. M and T are running for class president. 150 52. A is the brother of B, B is the brother of C, and
D is the father of A. Based on these three
votes have been tallied so far; 88 for M and 62
statements which of the following statements
for T. If 250 students are voting in total, how
cannot be definitely true?
many more votes must M win in order to defeat
(a) B is the brother of A
T and earn exactly 50% more votes than him? (b) B is the son of D
(a) 125 (c) D is the father of C
(b) 62 (d) C is the brother of A
(c) 77
(d) 150 53. M is any point inside a rectangle PQRS, as
shown below:

50. A freight train and a passenger train start

towards each other at the same time from two
towns that are 500 miles apart. After 3 hours, the
trains are still 80 miles apart. If the average
speed of the passenger train is 20 miles per hour
more than the average speed of the freight train,
what is the average speed, in miles per hour, of
If MS = 5 cm, MQ = 6 cm and MR = 7 cm, then
the freight train? MP =?
(a) 40 (a) 3√2 cm
(b) 45 (b) 2√2 cm
(c) 50 (c) 3√3 cm
(d) 60 (d) 2√3 cm

14 ©Vision IAS

54. Consider the matrix given below: 58. If one-eighth of a pencil is black, half of the
5 35 7 remaining is yellow and the remaining 3.5 cm is
6 48 8 blue, what must be the total length of the pencil?
7 63 ?
(a) 6 cm
Which of the following numbers would come in
(b) 7 cm
place of ‘?’
(c) 8 cm
(a) 7
(b) 8 (d) 11 cm

(c) 9
(d) None of the above 59. x = y + y2, wherein y is a negative integer. If y
decreases in value, then x
55. Select the option that has the letters that, when (a) Increases in value
placed from left to right in the blanks below, will
(b) Fluctuates
complete the letter series.
(c) Decreases in value
A B C _ A_C C A B_C_B_C
(d) Remains the same
(a) A B B C C
(b) C A B B A
(c) C B C A C 60. Susie can buy apples from two stores: a
(d) A C C B A supermarket that sells apples only in bundles of
4 and a convenience store that sells single,
56. The greatest common factor of 16 and the
unbundled apples. If Susie wants to ensure that
positive integer 'n' is 4, and the greatest common
the total number of apples she buys is a multiple
factor of 'n' and 45 is 3. Which of the following
of 5, then what is the minimum number of apples
could be the greatest common factor of 'n' and
210? she must buy from the convenience store?

(a) 3 (a) 0
(b) 14 (b) 1
(c) 30 (c) 2
(d) 42 (d) 3

57. A printer numbers the pages of a book starting

61. What would be the next term in the sequence 16,
with 1 and uses 3189 digits in all. How many
8, 4, 2, 1.... ?
pages does the book have?
(a) 1074 (a) 0
(b) 1075 (b) 1
(c) 1000 (c) 1/2
(d) None of these (d) None of the above
15 ©Vision IAS
Directions for the following 4 (four) items: Passage – 2
Read the following three passages and answer the items Organic farming yields more nutritious and safe food.
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items The popularity of organic food is growing dramatically
should be based on the passages only. as consumers seek organic foods that are thought to be
Passage – 1 healthier and safer. Thus, organic food perhaps ensures
Socialization impacts both men and women. It starts very food safety from farm to plate. The organic farming
early with the pink or blue blankets we’re often wrapped process is more eco-friendly than conventional farming.
in at birth, to what our parents, teachers, coaches, and
Organic farming keeps soil healthy and maintains
friends teach us, to what we absorb from the cartoons,
environmental integrity thereby, promoting the health of
books, magazines, and movies we watch. In many
consumers. Moreover, the organic produce market is
cultures, women are expected to be responsible for
now the fastest-growing market worldwide, including
things that men are not. It’s generally expected that older
India. Organic agriculture promotes the health of
siblings should take care of younger siblings. However,
consumers of a nation, the ecological health of a nation,
many Asian, Indian, Hispanic, and Latino cultures
and the economic growth of a nation by income
believe that girls (even if the youngest) should take care
generation holistically. India, at present, is the world’s
of the males in the family. It’s often acceptable for boys
largest organic producer and with this vision, we can
to bend the rules whereas girls are expected to follow the
conclude that encouraging organic farming in India can
rules. This double standard in how we treat boys and
build a nutritionally, ecologically, and economically
girls can restrict girls from speaking their minds, trying
healthy nation in the near future.
new things and fighting for what they want. In addition,
63. Based on the above passage, the following
an inability to disappoint parents can cause girls to
become people-pleasers and followers. assumptions have been made:

62. Which of the following statements best reflects 1. Only organic farming can solve the present

the crux of the passage? issues of agriculture sector.

(a) Culture and women mould each other in 2. Consumer health is the prime factor behind

every society. the promotion of organic farming.

(b) Values of equality and respect towards girls Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

should be promoted among boys. (a) 1 only

(c) Culture has a deep impact on women as well (b) 2 only
as men. (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of the above (d) Neither 1 nor 2
16 ©Vision IAS
64. Which of the following statements best reflects 65. Which of the following statements best reflects
the crux of the passage? the logical inference from the passage given

(a) Focus on organic farming would benefit above?

India domestically as well as internationally. (a) Considering the food and nutritional
demands in future, GMO crops are the way
(b) Considering the advantages of organic
to go.
farming, the government must invest in its
(b) Food choices in India reflect a total absence
of nutritional awareness.
(c) For wider acceptance, farmers should be
(c) Technology must not only address the
made aware of the benefits of organic
changing food demands, but also ensure
food safety.
(d) The only potential of organic farming is the
(d) Consumer awareness about nutrition, food
revenue from exports to international safety and limited agricultural resources can
markets. help deal with the future food crisis.
Passage – 3
The Indian food consumption landscape is changing 66. If we add a two digit number (A) to another two
significantly. Not only will the quantity of food that digit number (N), the digits of N will get

would be required to feed the growing population reversed. Now, if we add the same number A to

increase, but the changing dietary patterns would this result, we get a three digit number that has

mandate the discovery of foods that are healthy, safe, and the same digits as N, and in the same order, but
with a zero between them. What is the value of
able to meet the nutritional requirements of consumers.
While India has successfully managed to be self-
(a) 27
sufficient when it comes to the production of several
(b) 36
agriculture and horticulture crops, changing demand
(c) 45
patterns will need us to explore intensification
(d) 54
techniques to address limited agriculture resources
sustainably. Significant disruptions would be required at 67. Which of the following expressions has the
the supply end to manage evolving food demands, to largest value?
which technology will serve as a key enabler. (a) 1876452/1876455
Additionally, production systems need to be geared (b) 1883446/1883449
towards addressing food safety and ensuring traceability (c) 1883453/1883456

of the product to meet evolved consumer demands. (d) 1883491/1883494

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68. If log10 𝑝 – log10 √𝑝 = 2log 𝑝 10 , then the 72. The three digits of a number add up to 11. The

possible value of ‘p’ is given by number is divisible by 5. The leftmost digit is

(a) 1/10 double the middle digit. What is the product of
(b) 10 the three digits?
(c) 1/100
(a) 40
(d) 25
(b) 72

(c) 78
69. Sum of all the internal angles and all the
corresponding external angles of a regular (d) 88

polygon is 1440°. Find the number of diagonals

of the polygon. 73. One Amoeba splits into ten Amoeba to form the
(a) 20 next generation, but due to the prevailing
(b) 22
ecological conditions, only 50% survive. If the
(c) 16
number of surviving amoebas in the 6th
(d) 18
generation is 3125, what must have been their

70. A group of 1260 children are seated in rows for number in the first generation?

a group photo session. Each row contains four (a) 3

less children than the row in front of it. Which (b) 1

one of the following number of rows is not (c) 2
(d) 5
(a) 6
(b) 5
74. P is 9 m to the south of K. K is 5 m to the east of
(c) 8
H. H is 4 m to the north of B. L is 3 m west of
(d) 7
B. D is 7 m south of L. G is 8 m east of D. If Z

71. P is to the north of Q and S is to the east of P, is 5 m to the west of point P, then what is the
who is to the south of W. T is to the west of P. distance between B and Z?
W is in which direction with respect to T? (a) 8 m
(a) North
(b) 9 m
(b) Northeast
(c) 5 m
(c) Southwest
(d) 2 m
(d) West
18 ©Vision IAS
Directions for the following 6 (six) items: Passage – 2

Read the following five passages and answer the items When people speak about intelligence, they usually

that follow each passage. Your answers to these items mean the “hard” type of skills: problem-solving, verbal

should be based on the passages only. skills, use of logic, or cracking numbers. But when it

Passage – 1 comes to the so-called “soft” skills–such as

To young people living in democracies, authoritarianism understanding social roles, reading emotions,

may seem like a long-forgotten part of their country’s comprehending relationships, or effective listening– we

history. For as long as they can remember, their fellow rarely see them as part of an intelligence questionnaire.

citizens have had the right to voice their opinions and to And while the hard skills are very important, it’s the soft

organize freely, political parties have competed in ones that help us maintain friendships, be satisfied at

meaningful elections, and the legislature and courts have work, or simply find happiness in life. Since these skills,

checked their governments’ actions. But these which we also call social intelligence, are so often

experiences are far from universal. Many countries are neglected in schools, despite a huge body of research

not democracies, and most countries that are democratic revealing their undeniable benefits, it is critical to

are younger than a lifetime. This means that for most understand what social intelligence is and how you can

people, life under authoritarianism is either their current reap its benefits.

experience, or they remember a time when it was. 76. Which of the following statements best reflects

75. Which of the following statements best reflects the crux of the passage?

the crux of the passage? (a) Mastery in discharging social roles, reading

(a) Democracy is far better than emotions and effective listening makes a

authoritarianism, and is the best political charismatic leader socially intelligent.

system of governance. (b) Despite their importance, social skills are

(b) To value democracy, people should not valued less in society as compared to hard

forget the experience of authoritarianism. skills.

(c) Presently, some countries are under (c) Schools should not only focus on hard skills,

authoritarian regimes, and some are but also develop social intelligence among

democracies. students.

(d) Authoritarianism must be overthrown to (d) In a connected world, social intelligence is

establish democracy for voicing citizens' the key that unlocks effective

opinions. communication.

19 ©Vision IAS

Passage – 3 78. Which one of the following is best implied in the
Besides, a boom in the insurance industry and an passage?
(a) Every citizen of the country must have an
ecosystem push towards the use of new-age technology
insurance to face the challenging times in
like AI, big data, etc. is changing the way insurance has
one’s life.
traditionally been provided in India. Beyond technology, (b) Improving digital connectivity will improve
there is a need for insurance companies to work towards insurance penetration in the country.
(c) Higher insurance coverage would reduce the
building greater customer trust in the industry and
health expenditure of the government.
improving access to insurance by rethinking various
(d) Despite huge potential, technology alone
processes and rules, such as the GST rate for insurance cannot solve the issue of poor insurance
products to boost insurance penetration for the next penetration.
billion Indian online users. Insurance customers on Passage – 4
For ages, prophets and theologians have talked about
digital today enjoy better service due to end-to-end
free will and destiny. Some also argue that the two
digital experiences that leverage technological
concepts are incompatible, while others believe they can
applications, which, in turn, is expected to drive growth coexist. Those who argue that free will clashes with
for the industry. The insurance market is expected to destiny typically believe that all events and actions are
predetermined by a higher power or fate, and therefore,
reach nearly $222 billion by fiscal 2026, with new online
human choices are ultimately an illusion. On the other
distribution models such as B2C, B2B, and B2B2C set
hand, those who argue that free will and destiny can
to be key drivers of growth. coexist believe that while some aspects of our lives may
77. Which of the following is/are the most rational be predetermined, such as the circumstances we are born
and logical inference/inferences that can be into, we still can make choices within those
predetermined parameters. They may argue that while
made from the passage?
some events may be inevitable, our response to those
1. Digital India programme has improved
events is still a matter of choice.
insurance penetration in India. 79. Which one of the following is the most logical
2. High GST rates, lack of trust and poor and rational inference that can be made from
the above passage?
awareness of products are the only reasons
(a) Valuing destiny over free will could breed
for poor insurance penetration.
complacency and laziness.
Select the correct answer from the code given (b) The debate of free will versus destiny is an
below: ongoing one.
(a) 1 only (c) It is better to believe in the coexistence of
free will and destiny, rather than in their
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) People should focus on their work and not
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 get into the debates of free will and destiny.

20 ©Vision IAS

Passage – 5
Without action to limit and adapt to climate change, its
environmental impact will continue to amplify
inequalities and could undermine development and
poverty eradication. While inequality refers to
differences in income or wealth across the whole range
distribution, poverty concerns individuals below a given
income threshold or lacking access to basic needs. By
hitting the poorest hardest, climate change risks both
increasing existing economic inequalities and causing
people to fall into poverty.
80. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the crucial message conveyed by the
author of the passage?
(a) Limiting climate change can help solve the
issues of inequalities.
(b) Climate change is only one of the factors
behind rising inequalities and poverty.
(c) Rapid economic development is a must for
poverty eradication, reducing inequalities
and limiting climate change.
(d) Dealing with climate change is crucial for
addressing inequalities as well as poverty
and development.

Copyright © by Vision IAS

All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of Vision IAS.

21 ©Vision IAS



APTITUDE TEST–Test (4296) – 2024

1 (d)
The number is in the form of 9x + 1, where x is the quotient.
If x = 1, p = 10. It’s an even number.
If x = 2, p = 19. It’s an odd number.
Hence, option (d) is correct.

2 (d)
The number of people who remembered at least one dream in Group Y = 11 + 68 = 79
Required probability = 79/200
Hence, option (d) is correct.

3 (d)
Samples Quantity (in litre)
A 261
B 377
C 435
Least number of bottles of equal size will be possible, when the size of the bottles is maximum.
Maximum bottle size can be found by finding HCF of 261, 377 and 435.
261 = 9×29; 377 = 13×29; 435 = 15×29
So, the HCF = 29, i.e. size of each bottle should be 29 litres.
So, the total number of bottles required = 9 + 13 + 15 = 37.
Hence 37 bottles of 29 litres each are required.
Hence, option (d) is correct.

4 (a)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage discusses the relationship between religion and political
development. The line, “Religion has assumed not only positive but also neutral and negative roles in
shaping a political system” clearly mentions that the role of religion can be neutral also. In such
scenarios, it is possible that religion and politics function independent of each other. So, it would be
incorrect to say that religion and politics can never function independent of each other.
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is correct because of the lines “Since the effects of
religion are deeply embedded in the patterns of specific societies, the impact of religion on the
development of the political system varies from one nation to another.” These lines clearly validate the
statement that the impact of religion on politics is not consistent across societies.

5 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The core theme of the passage is how religion impacts the arena of politics.
However, the passage does not mention how they both shape the moral compass of a nation. So, this
option is not the most rational inference.
Option (b) is incorrect: “Politics as a secular activity” is not mentioned in the passage. Also, it is not
clear whether or not this is the reason for not mixing religion with politics. So, this option is not the most
rational inference of the passage.

1 ©Vision IAS

Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is on the impact of religion on politics and how it varies with
societies. However, the passage does not say that religion in politics can cause divisive tendencies in the
society, or that it may even cause public unrest and anarchy.
Option (d) is correct: The statement is supported by the lines “Religion has assumed not only positive
but also neutral and negative roles in shaping a political system. Religion has also reacted to or
counteracted political changes either as a full supporter or a partial partner or at other times as a chief
rival or an avowed foe. Consequently, a systematic assessment of this positively supplementing role and
negatively undermining the role of religion in politics is an extremely difficult one, if not an impossible
one. Since the effects of religion are deeply embedded in the patterns of specific societies, the impact of
religion on the development of the political system varies from one nation to another..” Therefore, to
state that the role of religion in politics is debatable and full of complexities would be correct.

6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The context of humans becoming lazy due to technology is not covered in the
passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: The passage shows that humans have evolved but still, there is an urge to engage
oneself in some work or the other. It can be seen in the lines “At some point, we feel the urge to get busy,
and we know we need to act on it. Work may not make us free, however, it is an integral part of who we
are.” Hence, this is the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage is about how humans engage in some work or the other, making
work essential for humans. However, this option mentions that work helped in human evolution, which is
not correct as per the passage. So, this option is not the correct inference.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of huge workload has not been discussed in the passage. Also, the
passage mentions that even retired people find it hard not to engage in some activity – “Even when we do
have free time, or when indeed we retire, we find hobbies to keep us busy. ” So, the passage is about work,
not workload.

7 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage has not stated or hinted that India can or should learn from
developed countries in this respect. So, this inference is incorrect.
Inference 2 is correct: The given inference is correct as it is based on the lines “Unleashing the true
potential of such a strong workforce demands the employment capacity of the industry. Therefore,
rigidities and administrative burdens in the labour regime were required to be addressed through
substantive reforms.” These lines reflect that labour reforms would help in utilizing the increasing labour
force in the country, without which India may not be able to increase productivity.

8 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage does not mention the expectations of the workers, that too in respect
of the emerging economies in general. The passage focuses on labour reforms for increasing productivity
and growth. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is incorrect: The case of emerging economies is mentioned to show that their labour reforms
have helped them grow. The context of supplying labour to other emerging economies is not mentioned in
the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The impact of the increasing labour force on the complexity of reforms or their
implementation is not discussed in the passage. Rather, increasing force demands labour reforms as seen
in the lines, “India is projected to have the largest working population in the world between 2022 and
2034, with 10 million youth entering the workforce every year. Unleashing the true potential of such a
strong workforce demands the employment capacity of the industry.” Therefore, this answer option is
Option (d) is correct: The passage is about labour reforms and how they would help in employment and
growth. This can be inferred from the lines, “Therefore, rigidities and administrative burdens in the
labour regime were required to be addressed through substantive reforms … Successful emerging
economies on a development path have leveraged their labour supply for accelerating growth; however,
India’s labour laws applied to around 80 million workers in the formal sector, leaving the rest of the 500
million-strong workforce out of these benefits.” Hence, this is the best answer.
2 ©Vision IAS
9 (d)
As per the question, Anjali (70%) > Anika > Alka
Now, Anamika scored fewer marks than only Anshika.
So, Anshika > Anamika > Anjali (70%) > Anika > Alka
The one who scored the minimum marks secured 65%, and the one who scored the highest achieved 87%.
Anshika (87%) > Anamika > Anjali (70%) > Anika > Alka (65%)
Hence, option (d) is correct.
Explanation for Questions 10 to 12:
A went to Q by car and B went to R by aeroplane. C travelled by boat, whereas D travelled by train.
Name Destination Mode of transport
A Q Car
B R Aeroplane
C Boat
D Train
The modes of transport used by A, B, C and D are already known. So, E must be the one who travelled by
bus. It is also given in the question that the city from which the friends started is not connected by bus to S
and T. So, P must be the city that is connected by bus.
Name Destination Mode of transport
A Q Car
B R Aeroplane
C Boat
D Train
E P Bus

10 (a)
As we have determined above, P travelled by bus.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

11 (c)
A, B and E travelled to Q, R and P respectively. C may have travelled to either S or T.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

12 (a)
A went to Q in a car. So, Q is connected by means of car.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

13 (d)
Volume of the cube = a3
Where, a = side of the cube.

So, a3 = 64 = 43
⇒ a = 4 cm.
So, side of the original cube = 4 cm.
When the four cubes are joined end to end, the length of the resulting figure (a cuboid) will be the sum of
the lengths of all the four cubes, however the width and height will be the same as the original cube.

3 ©Vision IAS

So, the total surface area = 2(lb + bh + hl),
Where l = length = 4+4+4+4 = 16 cm; b = breadth = 4 cm and h = height = 4 cm.
Hence, the total surface area = 2(16×4 + 4×4 + 4×16) = 2×144 = 288 cm2.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

14 (c)
I. (x+1)/(y+1) > x/y
or (x+1)y > x(y+1)
or xy+y > xy+x
or y >x
So, it is not true.
II. (x+1)/(y+1) = x/y
or xy+x = xy+y
or x = y
So, it is not true.
III. (x+1)/(y+1) >1:
or x+1 > y+1
or x >y
It is true.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

15 (b)
2 is the greatest common divisor (GCD) of x and y.
Let's find 2 numbers that have a GCD of 2. How about x = 2 and y = 2
If x = 2 and y = 2, then 5x = (5)(2) = 10, and 5y = (5)(2) = 10
The GCD of 10 and 10 is 10.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

16 (b)
We're told:
Blue chips = 1 point each
Green chips = 5 points each
Purple chips = x points each (more than Green, less than Red, so x = 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10)
Red chips = 11 points each
Now, 88,000 = (11)(5)(5)(5)(64)
Now, we know that there's a mystery number that is between 6 and 10 (inclusive) and must account for
We know that, 64 = (8)(8)
This gives us 2 purple chips.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

17 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect: In the beginning, the passage says, after the Second World War, due to the
extreme abuses, the idea of natural rights was reinvigorated. That means, the idea was invented before the
world war. The concept (of natural rights) was simply revitalized or it was brought to the center stage.

4 ©Vision IAS

Statement 2 is correct: The passage reads, post-World War world order believes that individual has
primacy over the state. Further, citizens do not need to justify these rights to the state. Thus, the correct
inference is, citizens are bearers of human rights merely by virtue of being human.

18 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage specifically mentions about post-liberal economy and the social
issues around that period. However, the option states that society and the economy have always been
connected (not mentioned in the passage). But this is not the main theme of the passage, which is rather
how the post-liberal economy has left an indelible mark on ethnic identity and communal dynamics.
Option (b) is correct: The passage is about the post-liberal economy and how it has impacted society as
seen in the lines “Also, it has witnessed heightened competition for resources, exacerbating pre-existing
ethnic tensions. The impact is palpable in the rise of communalism, where economic disparities intersect
with ethnic fault lines, leading to social fragmentation.” These lines show the post-liberal economy has
impacted society gravely in the context of ethnic identity and communal dynamics.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage nowhere states that economic reforms were done as a solution to
social tensions and ethnic fault lines in the society. The main idea in the passage is to show that along
with economic reforms, there were issues in the society related to the reforms' outcomes. So, this is not
the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is contradictory to the passage as seen in the lines “The impact
is palpable in the rise of communalism, where economic disparities intersect with ethnic fault lines,
leading to social fragmentation.” This line shows that there was social fragmentation as an impact of
reforms, and not unity. So, this option is not the best crux.

19 (c)
Statement 1 is correct: The given way is correct as per the lines “The production of biohydrogen
through microbial processes represents another avenue with the potential to alleviate the fuel crisis.”
Statement 2 is correct: The given way is correct as per the lines “Microbial biofuels, such as biodiesel
and bioethanol, leverage the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms to convert organic matter into
energy-rich compounds.”
Statement 3 is incorrect: Though this option seems to be correct, the passage does not mention anything
related to increasing species richness or hotspots to solve fuel shortage.

20 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage highlights that in the quest for freedom, people shun discipline. It
nowhere reflects that discipline and freedom are incompatible with each other. So, this option does not
reflect the most logical and rational inference.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage is about discipline and freedom. The lines “They opine it as a
negative element in the way of freedom in their lives and others too. Having discipline is a way to
handle the situation positively. It enriches the life of every day even in the hardest situation”, show that
discipline is not a barrier to freedom. At the same time, we cannot say that only discipline (and nothing
else) brings freedom. So, this is an incorrect answer.
Option (c) is correct: Refer to the line: “People want to get freedom in a shortcut way, or they hack it.”
It might be easier to be free than to be disciplined, if long-term time frame is not considered. Therefore,
this answer option is the most logical inference among all given alternatives.
Option (d) is incorrect as both options (a) and (b) are incorrect.

21 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option focuses on the creation of effective policies, but the core theme
in the passage is not limited to the creation of policies. The passage does not mention that until there is a
middle-income trap, the policies will not be effective. In fact, effective policies might even be put in place
to prevent the very occurrence of such an event. Further, to state that effective policies can be created only
after a country faces it would be an extreme inference, not based on the passage. So, this is not the best
crux of the passage.
5 ©Vision IAS
Option (b) is correct: The given option is based on the lines “In recent years, policymakers in slower-
growing middle-income countries (not all) have become preoccupied with the notion that they are stuck
in a “middle-income trap.” Much has been debated about this so-called trap—from how it occurs to the
types of policies that might help countries escape it.” The passage is about policymaking in order to
transition from poor/low-income to developed. This whole essence is reflected in the option. So, this is the
correct answer.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option reflects a necessary outcome that every country faces the
middle-income trap while growing from a poor to a developed status. This reflection is not correct as it is
not based on the passage. As per the passage, only some countries face this issue. Consider the lines, “In
recent years, policymakers in slower-growing middle-income countries have become preoccupied with
the notion that they are stuck in a “middle-income trap.” So, this option is not the best crux of the
Option (d) is incorrect: The option has linked escaping the middle-income trap with poverty alleviation
in low-income countries, which is not seen in the passage. Also, the middle-income trap is a phenomena
used to describe the experience of slow-growing middle-income countries rather than low-income
countries. So, the given option is not the best crux of the passage.

22 (b)
If abc is the original number, then cba is the other number.
abc = 100a + 10b + c
cba = 100c + 10b + a
Difference = 99 (a ~ c)
This would always be divisible by 9 & 11
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

23 (d)
2890 is a multiple of 17, and the next 10 numbers will leave remainders of 1, 2, 3 ….. 10.
So, required remainder = 1×2×3×4×5×6×7×8×9×10 = (6×3) × (10×5) × (2×8) × (4×9) × (1×7) = 18 × 50
× 16 × 36 × 7 = 1×(-1)×(-1)×2×7 = 14
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

24 (d)
Two consecutive integers cannot be divisible by the same integer greater than 1.
So, if we can prove that h(100) is divisible by every number smaller than or equal to 50, it would mean
that h(100)+1 is NOT divisible by any number smaller than 50 (besides 1).
h(100) = 2×4×6×...×98×100 = 2× (1×2×3×...×50) = 2× (50!)
Hence, h(100) is divisible by every number smaller than 51. So, the smallest prime factor of h(100)+1 is
at least 53.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

25 (c)
Let the integers be
x, x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4 .... x+9
Thus, A = 5x+10
Sum of last 5 terms = 5x + 35 = 5x + 10 + 25 = A + 25.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

26 (a)
Volume of water collected in the rectangular water tank in 12 hours (it will be like a cuboid), V = lbh
where l = length, b = breadth and h = height.
So, V = 60 m × 40 m × 1 m.
So, Volume of water collected in the tank in 1 hour, V1 = (60 × 40 × 1 )/12 = 200 m3.
Water comes through a pipe of cross section = 10 cm × 10 cm = 0.1 m × 0.1 m = 0.01 m2.
So, The speed of water = Distance travelled by the water in the pipe in one hour = 200/0.01 m = 20000 m
= 20 km.
So, The speed of water = 20 km/h.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

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27 (d)
Let the present ages of Dennis and his father be x and y respectively.
Then, x = y/3
And (x-5) = (y-5)/4
From equations (i) and (ii), we get:
(x-5) = (y-5)/4
Or [(y/3)-5] = (y-5)/4
Or (y-15)/3 = (y-5)/4
Or 4y – 60 = 3y – 15
Or y = 45
y = 45 years, and x = 15 years
So, required age = (y+5) = 50 years
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

28 (a)
The original folded piece of paper is as follows:

On unfolding its layers it will look as shown below:

Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

29 (c)
Letters are written in reverse order and moved +2 alphabetically.
Reverse of CUTTER is RETTUC.
Now, add 2 to each letter. R+2=T, E+2=G, T+2=V, and so on.
So, code of CUTTER is TGVVWE.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

30 (d)
The small letters are b, d, f, h, j, l, n, p, r, t, v, x, z.
The third day from Tuesday would be Friday and it would be written as frIdAY.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

31 (b)
For the letters, there are 26 possibilities for each of the 3 slots, and for the numbers, there are 10
possibilities for each of the 3 slots.
The total possible number of combinations = 26 x 26 x 26 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 17,576,000 ≈ 18 million.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

32 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: Though true, this is not the main inference of the passage. The passage reflects
how economic capital and natural and human capital are important for growth, and so all of them should
be taken in account to measure and achieve sustainable development.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage does not include the context of the role of government per se. It only
mentions that GDP has certain limitations, but that does not mean giving up GDP completely as suggested
in the option. So, this option is not the logical inference from the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: Though true, this statement covers only a part of the argument presented in the

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Option (d) is correct: The following lines in the passage - “It is a multipurpose indicator capable of
measuring not only traditional stocks of wealth but also those less tangible and unseen—such as
educational levels, skill sets, health care, as well as environmental assets and the functioning of key
ecosystem services that form the backbone of human well-being and ultimately set the parameters for
sustainable development”, show that economic capital, human capital and natural capital determine
sustainable growth/development. So, it is correct to infer that economic, human and natural capital should
be the parameters of growth.

33 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage specifies that despite infrastructure, people avoid using it and
practice open defecation as seen in the lines, “… and economic factors may impair people from using or
avoiding infrastructure considered safe and hygienic by environmental and health standards.” Also, the
passage does not exclusively mention that there is a lack of infrastructure. So, the inference that there is a
need to build infrastructure is not correct as per the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The passage mentions the issues of open defecation in developing countries as
seen in the lines, “Open defecation is a serious sanitation issue most developing countries are battling
with.” But to extrapolate it and conclusively state that developed countries do not face this issue would
not be based on the information contained in the passage. So, this inference is not valid.

34 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is about open defecation, how it continues due to the lack of cultural
acceptance in society, and how inclusive policies would be needed to solve this. It is seen in the lines,
“Understanding the sociocultural and economic factors underlying open defecation is therefore crucial
for any policy aimed at eradicating the practice. Finally, community-led initiatives that draw on the
creativity and capacity of local people to take control of their change processes must be integrated into
open defecation intervention programmes.” These lines validate the given option.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is generic and not specific to the core theme of the passage.
The core theme is to understand the reasons for continued open defecation and suggest measures to
eradicate it as captured in option (a). This option merely states that sanitation is needed for eradication.
So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage clearly mentions community participation as a tool for the
eradication of open defecation. It is reflected in the last line of the passage, “Finally, community-led
initiatives that draw on the creativity and capacity of local people to take control of their change
processes must be integrated into open defecation intervention programmes.” Therefore, it would be
incorrect to say that policies alone (without community participation) would be sufficient to eradicate
open defecation.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option does not cover the core theme of the passage which is the
reason for open defecation and the solution suggested. This option only mentions that it is a normal act,
which does not signify anything related to the core theme of the passage. So, this is not the best crux of
the passage.

35 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The given inference seems to be based on the lines “All societies evolved their
modes of dividing their history into periods: dynastic and regnal was the one prevalent in India, Iran, the
Turko-Mongol regions, besides Europe.” These lines show that all societies divide history in different
ways, but it does not mean that every society has a religious history. In the context of this passage, the
religious history is specific to European society. So, this inference is not correct.
Inference 2 is correct: It can be inferred from the lines – “The all-too-familiar triad of historical
periodisation — ancient, medieval, modern — now universal, has rather specific provincial and
temporal origins. … The triad took birth in Europe around the 16th and 17th centuries, first in the
history of theology and steadily in society’s history, finding its largely evolved form in 1688 at the hands
of Cellarius, a German.”
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36 (b)
30 megabits/sec = 30 x 3600 megabits per hour = 108000 megabits/hour
Now, 108000 megabits/hour = 108000 / (8 x 1024) gigabytes/hour = 13.184 gigabytes/hour
In a 6 hour period, the total number of gigabytes that can be downloaded = 13.184 x 6 = 79.10 gigabytes
Since, 79.104/4.2 ~ 18.8, a maximum of 18 video files can be downloaded.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

37 (a)
To start, the first player makes 6 high-fives. The second player needs to make only 5 new high-fives
because he doesn't need to re high-five the first player. The third player needs to only make 4 high-fives
and so on.
This adds up to 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 21
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

38 (a)
The number in the circles are given by the sum of first n natural numbers. So, Sn = n(n+1)/2
S1 = 1; S2 = 3; S3 = 6; S4 = 10; S5 = 15; S6 = 21; S7 = 28; S8 = 36; S9 = 45
Note: You may also solve it considering it to be a question of series, wherein the difference between the
terms is continuously increasing by 1.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer

39 (a)
Total number of students from Bihar = 50+30 = 80
Total number of students who were selected for the interstate program = 20
Total number of students of Bihar who were selected for the program = 10% of 20 = 2
So, Percentage of students of Bihar who were selected for the program = (2/80) × 100 = 2.5%
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

40 (c)
Total number of students from Maharashtra = 30 + 20 = 50
Number of students from Maharashtra who were selected for the program = 20% of 20 = 4
All the four students who were selected were girls.
So, Number of girls of Maharashtra who were not selected = 20 -4 =16
Percentage of girls of Maharashtra who were not selected = (16/20) × 100 = 80%
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

41 (a)
Total number of girls who were selected for the interstate team = 50% of 20 = 10
Total number of selected students who were from Bihar = 10% of 20 = 2
Total number of selected students who were from Punjab = 30% of 20 = 6
Total number of selected students who were from Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra = 20% of 20 = 4
Now, it is given in the question that all the ten girls were only from two states.
This is possible only when the six girls of Punjab are selected and the other 4 girls can befrom any one of
the states – Haryana, Tamil Nadu or Maharashtra
In all these cases, the girls from Bihar are not selected.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
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42 (a)
Venn diagram:

So, only conclusion I follows.

Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

43 (d)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage clearly says that agrarian and indigenous lifestyles attract over
half of Indian travellers. This clearly means that there is a preference for destinations too. The last line of
the passage does talk about experience, however, it would be incorrect to say that it is the sole criterion
for planning holidays. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Assumption 2 is incorrect: Refer to the last line of the passage: “From thrilling adventures in a new
destination to feeling the pulse of a new culture and every experience in between, travel allows us to
become the best version of ourselves.” The author does talk about new destinations and new experiences,
however, it does not mean that tourists hate (abhor) visiting the same place again. It is possible that they
experience something new every time they visit the same place. Hence, this is not the correct assumption
based on the passage.

44 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The given option is very generic and broad, and does not cover the main theme
of the passage. The different purposes of tourists for travel can be seen in the lines “59% of Indian
travellers carve out time for matchmaking holidays (to find a spark with a new partner), 53% opt for
heartbreak holidays (providing the healing space needed to overcome past relationships), …” So, we can
keep this option on hold and consider other options. Also, to say that tourism is linked to “every” aspect
of our lives would be a bit of an exaggeration.
Option (b) is correct: The passage, in various instances, discusses that the purpose for travelling is
different for different people. This is visible in the lines “59% of Indian travellers carve out time for
matchmaking holidays (to find a spark with a new partner), 53% opt for heartbreak holidays (providing
the healing space needed to overcome past relationships), and 79% plan to travel solo for personal
rejuvenation. Agrarian and indigenous lifestyles attract over half of Indian travellers — reflecting a
desire for self-sufficiency and harmony with nature.” So, this answer option better captures the different
dimensions of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: Travel helps us understand ourselves as per the lines “The 2024 travel
predictions reflect the idea that travel is not a means to escape life, but instead, a catalyst to live our best
lives.” However, the option states the contradiction. The passage covers different purposes of travel which
help us in living our best lives. So, this is not the correct inference from the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of government role and what they should do as regards the growth
of the tourism industry is not discussed in the passage. Hence, this option is completely beyond the scope
of the passage.

45 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The link between open communication and healthy relationships with
modern society is not explained in the passage. The main theme of the passage is the importance of
difficult conversations for healthy relationships. Hence, this is not the correct assumption as per the
Assumption 2 is correct: The given assumption is based on the lines “Many times, in relationships, we
tend to avoid difficult conversations, thinking that it can lead to either disagreements or fights. But what
we forget is that these unresolved and undiscussed conversations result in misunderstandings and
conflicts.” These lines show that the non-discussion of unresolved and undiscussed things would lead to
conflicts, hence this assumption that a person should know how to discuss them is correct.
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46 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage is about the importance of having difficult conversations for building
healthy relationships, which is perfectly reflected in the given option. The lines “Unlike the traditional
cold plunges that involve immersing oneself in freezing waters to improve our health, ‘relationship cold
plunges’ are the difficult conversations and choices we need to make while coming out of our comfort
zone to ensure the health of our relationships” show the importance of difficult conversations in
building healthy relationships. Therefore, this is the best inference of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage discusses the importance of difficult conversations for building
healthy relationships. However, the context of narrow-minded societies has not been discussed. Hence,
this option is not the correct inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not mention about the lack of patience and quality time in
modern times. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The passage does not touch upon the nuances of comfort zone. The author
mainly discusses the importance of difficult conversations for building healthy relationships, which is not
a part of this answer option. Moreover, relationship cold plunges can only be achieved once a person
comes out of his/her comfort zone a bit. So, in a way, this statement is contrary to what the passage says.
So, this is not the correct inference as per the passage.

47 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: The passage talks about collaborative efforts as a way forward. So, it would be
incorrect to say that inclusive approach increases the challenge of regulation of gene and cell therapy.
Therefore, this is not the correct inference as per the passage.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The given inference seems to be based on the following lines “Investing in
research and development, creating regulatory frameworks that balance innovation with ethical
considerations, and fostering a supportive ecosystem for biotechnology are crucial steps.” However,
these lines mean that the regulatory framework would help balance the innovation and ethical
consideration for gene and cell therapy. This does not mean that ethical considerations compromise
innovations. Hence, this inference is not correct as per the passage.

48 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is the challenges faced by gene and cell therapy.
The passage only says that it has immense potential. Whether or not it is the most promising future course
for healthcare is not specifically discussed in the passage. So, this option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage nowhere mentions that future healthcare would be incomplete
without biotechnology integration. So, this is not the correct answer as per the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage does not weight the concerns and benefits of gene and cell therapy.
Hence, it would not be correct to conclude that there are more concerns than benefits. So, this is not the
correct option as per the passage.
Option (d) is correct: The central theme of the passage is the concerns related to gene and cell therapy.
The different stakeholders mentioned in the passage need to play a critical role. These are mentioned in
the lines - “Despite the immense potential, the integration of gene and cell therapy into mainstream
healthcare in India comes with its own set of challenges. From infrastructure limitations to ethical
considerations, … collaborative efforts - bringing together scientific communities, industries,
policymakers, and healthcare providers.” For the success of gene and cell therapy, there is a need of
collaborative efforts of different stakeholders.

49 (b)
For M to earn 50% more votes than T, she will need to earn 1.5 times his amount of votes. If we call T's
amount of votes x, and the total number of votes is 250, we can set up the equation:
x + 1.5x = 250
Or 2.5x = 250
Or x = 100
This means that T will get 100 votes. Since there are 250 votes in total, we can figure out that M will end
up with 150 votes.
M already has 88 votes.
So, M needs to earn 150 − 88 = 62 more votes.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

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50 (d)
Let x be the speed of the freight train.
Speed Time Distance
x 3 hrs 3x
x+20 3 hrs 3(x+20)
The total distance the two trains traveled in 3 hours = 500 - 80 = 420 miles.
Hence, 3x + 3(x+20) = 420
Or 3x+3x+60 = 420
Or 6x = 360
Or x = 360/6 = 60 miles per hour
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

51 (d)
Time = Distance/Speed
In the above question, Distance = 120 miles
Let the speed for outgoing trip be x mph
So, Speed for incoming trip = x+5 mph
Time for outgoing trip = 120/x hours
Time for incoming trip = 120/(x+5) hours
Now, as per the question:
(120/x) – (1/3) = 120/(x+5)
Or 120/x = [120/(x+5)] + 1/3
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

52 (d)
A, B and C are siblings. A and B both are males, but we don’t know about the gender of C. So, we cannot
say that C is the brother of A.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

53 (d)

If M is any point inside a rectangle PQRS, then

MP2 + MR2 = MS2 + MQ2 (Formula)
Given, MS = 5 cm, MQ = 6 cm and MR = 7 cm
So, MP2 + 72 = 52 + 62
⇒ MP2 = 25 + 36 – 49
⇒ MP2 = 12
⇒ MP = √12
∴ MP = 2√3 cm.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

54 (c)
The term in the middle row is the product of the numbers in the first and the third column.
So, the required number = 63/7 = 9
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
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55 (c)
Using the given options:
1. A B B C C → A B C A / A B C C / A B B C/ C B C C
2. C A B B A → A B C C / A A C C / A B B C/ B B A C
3. C B C A C → A B C C /A B C C/A B C C/ A B C C
4. A C C B A → A B C A/ A C C C/ A B C C/ B B A C
Using option (c), we can see that ABCC is getting repeated.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

56 (d)
The prime factorization of 16 → 24
If the GCF (16, n) = 4 (where n is a positive integer), then we know that there are at least two 2's in n's
prime factorization.
If the GCF (45, n) = 3, then we know two additional pieces of information:
1) Given that the prime factorization of 45 is 32 x 5, we know that 5 isn't a factor of n.
2) At least one 3 is in n's prime factorization.
So, now we have at least two 2's and at least one 3 in n's prime factorization.
The question is asking for possible values for GCF (n, 210).
210's prime factorization = 7 x 3 x 2 x 5
n's (partial) prime factorization = 2 x 2 x 3
Since 210 and n at least share one 2 and one 3, we can eliminate (a) as a possible choice. Option (c) can
be eliminated because we know that 5 is not in n's prime factorization. Option (b) can also be eliminated
because we already know that 210 and n share one 2 and one 3 and the prime factorization of 14 (2 x 7)
does not contain a 3.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

57 (a)
1- digit numbers: 9 digits (9 numbers)
2- digit numbers: 180 digits (90 numbers)
3-digit numbers: 2700 digits (900 numbers)
4-digit numbers: 3189 – (9 + 180 + 2700) = 300 digits (75 numbers)
Therefore, total number of pages = 9 + 90 + 900 + 75 = 1074
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

58 (c)
1/8 part of a pencil is black, half of the remaining, i.e. (1/2) x 7/8 = 7/16 is yellow.
Now the part left = 7/16, which is equal to 3.5 cm.
Therefore, the total length of the pencil = 3.5/(7/16) = 8 cm.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

59 (a)
We may write the right side as y(y+1).
If y decreases, then both y and y+1 decrease. Since they are both negative, their magnitude (without
negative sign) increases, and this makes the product increase in value. Thus, x increases in value as y
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

60 (a)
Since the supermarket sells apples in bundles of 4, we can represent the number of apples that Susie buys
from the supermarket as 4x, where x can be any integer ≥ 0.
If the number of apples that Susie buys from the convenience store is simply y, the total number of apples
she buys is (4x + y).
We are asked to find the smallest possible value of y such that (4x + y) can be a multiple of 5.
If y = 0, (4x + y) can still be a multiple of 5.
The value of (4×5 + 0) is 20, which is a multiple of 5.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

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61 (c)
The next term of the sequence is half of the previous term.
So, the term after 1 will be ½
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

62 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage states the impact of culture on women, but how women affect the
culture is not discussed in the passage. So, the context that culture and women moulding each other is not
a part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage does talk about the discrimination faced by girls, but the main theme
of the passage is how culture impacts men and women. Inculcating the values of equality and respect for
girls could be a peripheral argument. It is not the best crux of the passage. Therefore, this answer option is
Option (c) is correct: The passage is about the impact of culture on men and women. This is visible in
the lines “However, many Asian, Indian, Hispanic, and Latino cultures believe that girls (even if the
youngest) should take care of the males in the family. It’s often acceptable for boys to bend the rules
whereas girls are expected to follow the rules.” These lines show that it is the culture which shapes the
values of boys and girls, and hence, we can state that culture has a deep impact on men and women in
society. So, this is the best crux of the passage.

63 (b)
Assumption 1 is incorrect: The passage does acknowledge the benefits of organic farming, but it
nowhere states that only organic farming can solve the present issues. Also, the passage does not cover
what the present issues of agriculture sector are. So, to assume that only organic farming can solve the
issues would not be correct as per the passage.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage clearly emphasizes that organic food is thought to be healthier and
safer, indicating that consumer health is a significant concern and a driving factor behind the promotion of
organic farming. It mentions that organic farming promotes the health of consumers, along with
ecological and economic benefits. These arguments make this assumption valid.

64 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage mentions the benefits of organic farming in the context of health
benefits and economic growth through leveraging world markets. This option also captures the essence of
the passage that focuses on how organic farming would benefit India domestically (health) and
internationally (exports). This is visible in the lines “The organic farming process is more eco-friendly
than conventional farming. Organic farming keeps soil healthy and maintains environmental integrity
thereby, promoting the health of consumers. Moreover, the organic produce market is now the fastest-
growing market worldwide, including India.” So, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The context of government investing in promoting organic farming is not
covered in the passage. There is no mention of the role of the government in any context. So, this option is
entirely beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The passage mainly mentions the benefits of organic farming, and does not
discuss the issue of lack of awareness among farmers. So, the context of this option as well is not
mentioned in the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option overlooks the non-financial aspects of organic farming. The
author also emphasizes other benefits like nutritional, health, ecological etc. So, this is not the best crux of
the passage.

65 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage mainly focuses on how technology would aid in meeting future food
requirements. However, GMO crops are not mentioned or indicated in the passage in any context. The use
of technology could mean other interventions like farm mechanisation and food processing. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage, and is therefore incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect: Refer to the line: “…but the changing dietary patterns would mandate the …
able to meet the nutritional requirements of consumers…” There is an indication towards the changing
nutritional needs. However, this option states that there is a total absence of nutritional awareness, which
is incorrect. So, this option does not quite capture the best rational inference from the passage.

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Option (c) is correct: The passage is about the role of technology in addressing the changing food
demands of the consumers, as seen in the lines - “Significant disruptions would be required at the supply
end to manage evolving food demands, to which technology will serve as a key enabler.” The other
context of food safety is also covered in the lines “Additionally, production systems need to be geared
towards addressing food safety and ensuring traceability of the product to meet evolved consumer
demands.” These lines validate that technology would help in addressing the changing food demands as
well as ensure food safety for consumers. So, this is the logical inference from the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The context of food safety and limited agriculture resources is discussed in the
passage, but the context of lack of awareness is not covered in the passage. Consumer awareness is not a
part of the passage and does not reflect the best logical inference of the passage.

66 (c)
Let xy be the number (N)
So, N = xy = 10x + y. ……..(1)
If we add to it a two digit number A, it will become yx = 10y + x = A + N ……..(2)
Again, if we add the same number, we will get x0y = 100x + y = 2A + N ……..(3)
Now, (2) – (1) = (3) – (2) = A
∴ (10y + x) – (10x + y) = (100x + y) – (10y + x)
Or 9y – 9x = 99x – 9y
Or y – x = 11x – y
Or 2y = 12x
Or y = 6x
Since x and y are single digits, only x = 1 and y = 6 will satisfy this.
∴ A = (2) – (1) = 9y – 9x = 45x = 45
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

67 (d)
Notice that the difference between the numerator and the denominator in each fraction is equal to 3. Since
all of the numbers are positive and less than 1, we know that the larger the denominator, the larger the
E.g. 1/4 < 2/5 < 3/6 < 4/7 < 5/8 < 6/9 < 7/10
Using this logic, we can see that the largest fraction is 1883491/1883494
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

68 (c)
log10 p – log10 √p = 2logp 10
⇒ log10 [p/√p] = logp 102 = logp 100
⇒ log10 √p = log10 100/log10 p
⇒ 1/2 log10 p = 2/log10 p
⇒ (log10 p)2 = 4
⇒ log10 p = ±2
⇒ log10 p = 2 or log10 p = -2
⇒ p = 102 or p = 10-2
∴ p = 100 or p = 1/100 .
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

69 (a)
Sum of all the internal angles = [(n – 2)×180]°
(where, n = number of sides).
Sum of all the corresponding external angles = 360°.
So, Sum of all the internal angles and all the external angles = (180n – 360) + 360 = (180n)°.
So, 180n = 1440
⇒ n = 8.
Now, Number of diagonals = nC2 – n = n(n-1)/2 – n = n(n-3)/2
[Joining any two points (vertices) will yield a line, but this will include the sides and diagonals both, i.e.
Number of sides + Number of diagonals = nC2
⇒ n + Number of diagonals = nC2
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⇒ Number of diagonals = nC2 – n
Hence, the required number of diagonals = (8×5)/2 = 20.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

70 (c)
Let there be ‘n’ rows and ‘a’ students in the first row.
So, the number of students in the second row = (a – 4).
The number of students in the third row = (a – 8) and so on.
So, the number of students in each row form an arithmetic progression with common difference, d = -4.
Sum of ‘n’ terms in A.P. (arithmetic progression), Sn = n/2[2a + (n – 1) d],
where, n = number of terms, a = first term and d = common difference.
Now, consider the options.
Option (a): n = 6,
6/2[2a + (6 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
∴ a = 220.
Option (b): n = 5,
5/2[2a + (5 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
∴ a = 260.
Option (c): n = 8,
8/2[2a + (8 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
∴ a = 343/2.
Option (d): n = 7,
7/2[2a + (7 – 1) (-4)] = 1260
So, a = 192.
As ‘a’ is an integer, so ‘n = 8’ is not possible.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

71 (b)

W is in the North-East direction with respect to T.

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

72 (a)
Let xyz be the three-digit number divisible by 5. So, z can only be 0 or 5.
We are also given that x = 2y. This means x+y (i.e. 2y+y) must be a multiple of 3.
x+y+0 = 11
or x+y = 11
This can't be the case, because 11 is not a multiple of 3.
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x+y+5 = 11
or x+y = 6
On solving we get, x=4 & y=2
So, the 3-digit number is 425.
The product of the digits = 4 x 2 x 5 = 40
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

73 (b)
Let there be ‘x’ Amoeba in the first generation, i.e. n1 = x.
So, n2 = 10x, but only 50% survive,
So, n2, survived = 10x/2 = 5x.
n3 = 10(5x), but only 50% survive,
So, n3, survived = 10(5x)/2 = 25x = 52x.
Similarly, n6, survived = 56-1 x = 55x
Now, it’s given that: 55x = 3125
⇒ 3125x = 3125
∴ x = 1.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

74 (c)

HZ = PK = 9 m
∴ BZ = HZ – BH = 9 – 4 = 5 m
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

75 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage nowhere compares democracy with authoritarianism. It only states
the situation of various countries presently and historically. However, the option prefers democracy which
is not based on the information given in the passage. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect: The given option is not correct because it underlines the reason to value
democracy. However, the passage nowhere shows that democracy can only be valued if it’s seen in
context of the experience of authoritarianism. So, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct: The passage merely presents the situation of democracy and authoritarianism in the
lines “Many countries are not democracies, and most countries that are democratic are younger than a
lifetime. This means that for most people, life under authoritarianism is either their current experience,
or they remember a time when it was.” These lines show that presently some countries practice
democracy and others practice authoritarianism. So, this option best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option seems to be correct in general, but it is not what is implied in
the passage. The passage nowhere reflects that authoritarianism should be overthrown to establish
democracy. It only states the situation of different countries concerning democracy and authoritarianism.
So, this option does not reflect the best crux of the passage.

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76 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage does not discuss anything about charismatic leaders and their
qualities. It only mentions social intelligence and its relevance. So, this option is beyond the scope of the
passage and is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The passage is about the importance of social skills/intelligence. However, it also
discusses that social intelligence has been neglected and only the hard skills have been focussed upon.
This is visible in the lines “But when it comes to the so-called “soft” skills … we rarely see them as part
of an intelligence questionnaire. And while the hard skills are very important, it’s the soft ones that help
us maintain friendships, be satisfied at work, or simply find happiness in life.” and “these skills, which we
also call social intelligence, are so often neglected in schools” These lines show that social skills are
important, but they are less valued than hard skills. So, this is the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The main theme of the passage is not the role of schools in shaping social
intelligence. The context of the school is used as a passing reference to show that social intelligence has
been ignored in various fields. So, this is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option states the role of social intelligence in the context of effective
communication which is not the main theme of the passage. The passage is primarily about the
importance of social intelligence. So, this option is not the correct crux of the passage.

77 (d)
Inference 1 is incorrect: There is no mention of Digital India programme anywhere and in any context
in the passage. The passage talks about consumer trust, market penetration, future prospects and impact of
technology in insurance sector. Therefore, this answer option is incorrect.
Inference 2 is incorrect: High GST rates and lack of trust are covered in the passage, but awareness of
products is not mentioned as a reason for poor insurance penetration in the country. Furthermore, we
cannot conclusively say that they are the ‘only’ reasons. So, this option is not the correct inference based
on the passage.

78 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is about the role of digitalization and technologies in improving
insurance penetration. However, this option does not reflect it. The option states the importance of
insurance for every citizen which is not the main theme of the passage. So, this is not the correct option.
Option (b) is incorrect: The passage is not about the issue of digital connectivity as the reason for poor
insurance penetration. The passage is on the role of digitalization and technologies in improving insurance
penetration. So, this option does not reflect the core theme of the passage, and hence does not present the
best-implied meaning of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect: The given option would be correct in general, but this is not the main theme of
the passage. It misses the main context of the role of technology in insurance penetration as covered in
option (d). Also, health expenditure of the government has not been discussed in the passage. The passage
is about insurance in general, and not health insurance specifically.
Option (d) is correct: The passage is on the use of technology in promoting insurance coverage. There
are multiple factors at play in insurance market - the trust in the company, and GST rates - as seen in the
lines “Beyond technology, there is a need for insurance companies to work towards building greater
customer trust in the industry and improving access to insurance by rethinking various processes and
rules, such as the GST rate for insurance products to boost insurance penetration for the next billion
Indian online users.” These lines show that only technology (though important) is not sufficient to
improve insurance penetration. So, this is the best-implied meaning of the passage.

79 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect: The passage is not about the consequences of valuing destiny over free will. It
discusses the debate around free will and destiny without any bias. So, to state that valuing destiny causes
complacency and laziness is not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is correct: The passage discusses the views on free will and destiny. It states the two aspects
of the historical debate, one with coexistence and the other with clashes as seen in the lines “Some also
argue that the two concepts are incompatible, while others believe they can coexist.” However, it does
not support any. This option also does not support any one aspect, and states that it is difficult to choose as
this debate is still ongoing. So, this is the most logical inference of the passage.

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Option (c) is incorrect: The passage discusses the debate on free will and destiny, but that does not mean
that passage prefers coexistence to clashes between both. The passage simply states the views without any
bias. So, this option does not reflect the core theme of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect: The given option is not based on the passage. The passage nowhere states what
people should do considering the debate around free will and destiny. Therefore, this option is beyond the
scope of the passage.

80 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. As per the passage, climate change may amplify inequalities. However, we
cannot deduce from this that limiting climate change will remove inequalities. Hence, this option is not
the best crucial message of the author.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option seems to be correct as climate change is one of the factors
behind rising inequalities and poverty in general, but the passage does not mention any other factors in
this context. Hence, this option is not the best crucial message of the author.
Option (c) is incorrect. The option mentions how economic development helps in the issues of poverty
eradication, reducing inequalities, etc. which is not correct as per the information provided in the passage.
Hence, this option is not the best crucial message conveyed by the author of the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The given option is the best crucial message of the passage because of the
following lines - “Without action to limit and adapt to climate change, its environmental impact will
continue to amplify inequalities and could undermine development and poverty eradication.” These
lines validate the assertion made in the given option.

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