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CSAT APTITUDE TEST– (4288) – 2024

Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200




3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in

the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on
the Test Booklet.

4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel
that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.

5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers

6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
responses marked by you in the answer sheet. For every incorrect response one-third of the allotted Marks will
be deducted.

7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer sheet the response to various items in the Test booklet, you have to
fill in some particulars in the answer sheets as per the instruction sent to you with your Admission Certificate.

8. After you have completed filling in all responses on the answer sheet and the examination has concluded, you
should hand over to Invigilator only the answer sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.

9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.


1. If 9×7 = IX; 12×5 = VI; 5×4 = II, then 9×4 =? Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
(a) IX Read the following two passages and answer the items
(b) XII that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(c) II should be based on the passages only.
(d) VI Passage – 1
Conservation programs in the Himalayan region are
2. Study the following information and answer the mandated by government agencies, but there is little
question that follows. transnational coordination. Cooperation among the
'time is money' is coded as 'tis nim jes' Himalayan nations is vital for designing a robust
'money buy happiness' is coded as 'lop xer nim' conservation strategy and meeting the numerous recent
'save your time' is coded as 'tis hop hix' challenges threatening the Himalayas. The Himalayan
'your happiness is important' is coded as 'xer
region, with its unparalleled ecological significance, is
mop hix jes'
under increasing threat from urbanization, deforestation,
What can be the possible code of ‘save your
tourism, and climate change. Effective implementation
important documents’?
of laws is imperative to curb unchecked development
(a) hix jes kop hop
that could lead to irreversible damage. Preserving the
(b) xer mop hop kop
Himalayas not only safeguards biodiversity but also
(c) hop hix mop kop
ensures the well-being of millions who depend on its
(d) nim hop hix mop
resources. By imposing laws rigorously, we can uphold
the Himalayas' ecological balance, maintain vital water
3. Four persons A, B, C and D consisting of two
sources, and set a global precedent for responsible
married couples are in a group. Both the women
conservation in vulnerable and ecologically significant
are shorter than their respective husbands. A is
the tallest among the four. B is shorter than C, D
5. Based on the above passage, the following
is brother of B. In this context, which one of the
following statements is not correct? assumptions have been made:

(a) All the four people have family ties. 1. Human led development is the sole cause

(b) C is not the shortest among the four. threatening the ecological balance of the

(c) D is shorter than C. Himalayas.

(d) B is the wife of A. 2. Along with exploiting Himalayan resources,
Himalayan nations should focus on their
4. Find the next term in the following series. conservation as well.
W, W, V, U, S, P, ? Which of the above assumptions is/are invalid?
(a) L (a) 1 only
(b) O (b) 2 only
(c) K (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) N (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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6. Which of the following statements can be the 7. Which of the following statements best reflects
most rational inference drawn from the above the crux of the passage?

passage? (a) The values of corporate governance do not

(a) Conservation of the Himalayas requires not subscribe to the capitalist model of business.
(b) The inclusion of societal and environmental
only programs but also effective financing.
considerations makes profit-making for
(b) Strict enforcement of laws and transnational
corporate people difficult.
coordination may protect Himalayas and
(c) To achieve a more shared and durable
other such ecologically vulnerable regions
prosperity, corporations should work for the
society and consumers, and not for profit.
(c) Exploited Himalayas mean loss of (d) The changed outlook of corporate people
biodiversity and a vulnerable future towards the society is to an extent based on
generation. the demands of the people.
(d) The Himalayas need better laws to protect
itself from irreversible damage. 8. Four positions of a dice are given below.

Passage – 2
Capitalism has provided unprecedented wealth and
prosperity around the world, but a growing community
Identify which letter would be at the bottom
is raising concerns about whether the promise of the
when the letter U is at the top?
capitalist system to achieve a more shared and durable
(a) T
prosperity can be achieved without systemic changes in (b) R
the way for-profit corporations are governed and (c) Q
managed. The change in public opinion has become (d) P
evident among workers, consumers, and investors, as
well as through new policies enacted by elected officials, 9. Four positions of a dice are given below.

more than ever before, the public supports businesses

that demonstrate positive social change and sustainable
How many points will appear on the face
development. These new attitudes have begun to take
opposite to the face containing 4 points?
root in corporations themselves, with a growing
(a) 1 point
community of investors, business leaders, and
(b) 2 points
entrepreneurs expressing a fiduciary duty to create value (c) 6 points
not only for shareholders but for society. (d) 5 points

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10. A cube is painted violet on all faces and divided 13. Who is the fastest in the group?
into 729 smaller cubes of equal dimensions. (a) V

How many such cubes have no paint on any of (b) T

(c) S
their faces?
(d) X
(a) 343
(b) 216
14. The faces on a dice are numbered from 1 to 6. If
(c) 125
3 is adjacent to 2, 4 and 6, then which of the
(d) 512
following statements is necessarily true?
(a) 3 must be adjacent to 1.
Direction for the following 3 (three) items: (b) 1 must be opposite to 5.
Study the following information carefully and answer the (c) 2 must be opposite to 6.
questions that follow: (d) 1 must be adjacent to 5.

These are six friends—S, T, U, V, W, X in a group.

Following information is given about their weights and 15. In a certain coding system:
18 & 6 % 5 @ 9 = 48
8 @ 15 & 3 * 7 = 33
(i) U is not the heaviest, while X is not the fastest.
Then the value of 9 @ 6 * 36 % 12 = ?
(ii) The lightest of the group is the fastest of the group.
(a) 50
(iii) V is faster than T, who is faster than W.
(b) 40
(iv) U is slower than T, but is heavier than T. (c) 45
(v) V is lighter than W, but heavier than S. (d) 30
(vi) W is faster than U, while T is heavier than W. Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
11. Who is the heaviest person of the group? Study the following information carefully and answer the

(a) T questions that follow.

(b) X Six lectures on different subjects are to be organised in a

college starting from Monday and ending on Sunday of
(c) U
the same week. Physics lecture is not on Tuesday or
(d) V
Saturday. Chemistry lecture is to be held immediately
12. What is the rank of T in the decreasing order of
after Mathematics lecture. Economics lecture is on
Wednesday and there is one day gap between Economics
(a) Third and Computer Science lectures. Mathematics lecture is
(b) Fourth held before Computer Science lecture. The day before
(c) Second the English lecture is an off day. Monday, Thursday or
(d) First Friday is not that off day.

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16. Which of the following is the last scheduled Passage – 1

lecture? The positive spillovers of inclusion are indisputable and

(a) Chemistry well documented: greater workforce participation,
(b) Computer Science higher creativity, and more capital allocated to children’s
(c) Economics needs. However, poorly conceived measures to boost
(d) English inclusion can have unintended negative consequences

that can include distorted product markets, reduced

17. How many lectures are scheduled between
investment, or faster environmental depletion. For
Economics and Chemistry?
example, in developing economies, free or highly
(a) Three
subsidized nonvolumetric pricing of electricity used to
(b) Two
pump water can lead to groundwater depletion. Efforts
(c) One
to achieve equality can also backfire if they become a
(d) None of these
box-ticking exercise, or a quota-driven program, which

may fail to address the root causes of inequality. As a

18. Which day is Physics scheduled on?
result, the goal of achieving a fairer workplace or society
(a) Wednesday
may not be achieved, and outcomes may even worsen for

(b) Friday
certain groups.

(c) Tuesday
20. Based on the above passage, the following
(d) Thursday

assumptions have been made:

19. Which day is the off day? N

1. The state of agriculture in developing

economies requires free or highly

(a) Saturday

subsidized electricity.
(b) Friday

(c) Tuesday 2. The outcome of inclusion depends on how it


(d) Thursday is envisioned.


Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?


Directions for the following 3 (three) items: (a) 1 only


Read the following two passages and answer the items (b) 2 only

that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (c) Both 1 and 2

should be based on the passages only. (d) Neither 1 nor 2


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Passage – 2 21. Which of the following statements can be
As India assumed the presidency of the G20 group of inferred from the above passage?
countries for 2022 to 2023, Indian External Affairs
1. The G20 or Group of 20 is an
Minister S Jaishankar said on December 1 that the
country would be the “voice of the Global South, that is intergovernmental forum comprising 19
otherwise under-represented in such forums”. The term countries and the European Union (EU).
has since been used multiple times, such as when 2. During the Cold War countries were
Jaishankar said of ongoing global conflicts, “polarisation
categorized based on political alliance.
may occur elsewhere, the people who suffer most are the
Global South”. ‘Global North’ refers loosely to countries Select the correct answer using the code given
like the US, Canada, Europe, Russia, Australia and New below.
Zealand, while ‘Global South’ includes countries in
(a) 1 only
Asia, Africa and South America. For a long time in the
study of international political systems, the method of (b) 2 only
categorising countries into broad categories for easier (c) Both 1 and 2
analysis has existed. The concepts of ‘East’ and ‘West’ (d) Neither 1 nor 2
is one example of this, with the Western countries
generally signifying greater levels of economic
development and prosperity among their people, and 22. Why was a new system of country classification
Eastern countries considered as being in the process of required in the post-Cold War era?
that transition. Another similar categorisation is of First (a) Geopolitics underwent a drastic change.
World, Second World and Third World countries,
(b) World politics became unipolar.
referring to countries associated with the Cold war-era
(c) Poor countries wanted patronage of

alliances of the US, the USSR, and non-aligned
countries, respectively. At the center of these concepts is developed countries.

the World Systems approach introduced by sociologist
(d) To break superpowers hegemony a new
Immanuel Wallerstein in 1974, emphasizing an

classification was required.
interconnected perspective of looking at world politics.
He said there are three major zones of production: core,
peripheral and semi-peripheral. The core zones reap
23. Examine the following statements carefully:
profits, being the owners of cutting-edge technologies –
1. Lady’s finger is costlier than cabbage.
countries like the US or Japan. Peripheral zones, on the

other hand, engage in less sophisticated production that 2. Potato is costlier than lady’s finger.

is more labor-intensive. In the middle are countries like 3. Cabbage is not costlier than peas.
India and Brazil. In the post-Cold War world, the First The conclusion that can be drawn from the

World/Third World classification was no longer feasible,

above statements is that:

because when the Communist USSR disintegrated in

1991, most countries had no choice but to ally at some (a) Peas are as costly as Lady’s finger.

level with the capitalist US – the only remaining global (b) Peas are as costly as potato and lady’s finger

superpower. Other classifiers have also seen criticism. (c) Cabbage is least costly of the four

The East/West binary was seen as often perpetuating

stereotypical thinking about African and Asian

countries. (d) Potato is costlier than cabbage.


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24. A carpenter had a large wooden cube with a side Directions for the following 2 (two) items:
length of 5 inches. He wanted to cut it into 125 Read the following two passages and answer the items
smaller cubes with a side length of 1 inch. What
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
is the least number of cuts required if the
rearrangement of the pieces before/after making should be based on the passages only.
a cut is not allowed? Passage - 1
(a) 12
Gabon on August 15, 2023 announced a $500 million
(b) 9
(c) 15 debt-for-nature swap. In Africa, it is the largest such deal
(d) 10 signed by any country to refinance its debt and conserve
marine resources. Debt-for-nature swaps allow heavily
25. If 15 (4860) 12; 13 (1820) 7; then 17 (?) 12
(a) 4560 indebted developing countries to seek help from
(b) 5480 financial institutions in the developed world with paying
(c) 3768 off their debt if they agree to spend on the conservation
(d) 5916
of natural resources. Usually banks in developed
26. Find the next term in the following series. countries buy the debts of such countries and replace
NM, SRQ, ZYXW, ? them with new loans which mature later. These have
lower interest rates. Gabon’s debt has been restructured
(c) IHGFE under a Blue Bond in the world’s second-largest debt-
(d) EFGHI for-nature swap. In May 2023, the world’s first and

largest debt swap to conserve oceans was signed by
27. Find the next term in the following series.

PVB, IOU, BHN,? Ecuador. The country had exchanged $1.6 billion
(a) LSG denominated bonds for a new $656 million loan. Under

(b) UAG
the debt-for-nature swap, Gabon has agreed to a deal
(c) USG
(d) PMR N
with the Bank of America, the US International
Development Finance Corporation (USDFC) and The
28. A cube is painted red on two opposite faces, blue Nature Conservancy (TNC), to refinance $500 million in

on other pair of opposite faces and black on the


national debt toward marine conservation efforts in the

remaining opposite faces. It is then cut into
smaller cubes of equal sizes such that the size of country. This is the fourth project under TNC’s “Blue

the edge of smaller cubes is one fourth the size Bonds for Ocean Conservation” strategy. Gabon is the
of the edge of original cube. The number of

fourth country to partner with TNC on a Blue Bonds

smaller cubes which have only one face painted

as red is: project after Seychelles, Belize and Barbados. As part of


(a) 4 the deal with Gabon, USDFC is providing political risk


(b) 8
insurance of up to $500 million for the financing, which
(c) 10

(d) 16 lowers the cost of debt for Gabon.


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29. Which of the following statements can be 31. You have been given two similar sequences in
inferred from the above passage? two rows:
1. Only G7 countries can buy debt for nature Sequence-I: 4 13 33 89.5 275.5 971.25
swaps from developing countries. Sequence-II: 8 A B C D E
2. Climate financing holds more importance
What should be the entry in the place of D in
for island countries, as they are more prone
to climate change disasters.
(a) 365.5
Select the correct answer using the codes given
(b) 102.5
(c) 937.5
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (d) 328.5
(c) Both 1 and 2 32. In the series u _ s u _ s s _s _ _ t u _ t; fill in the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 six blanks (_) using one of the following choices
Passage - 2 such that the series follows a specific order.
Regional climate models, finely tuned to specific (a) uusutt
geographic areas, offer insights into the intricate (b) tustts
interactions between climate patterns and agricultural (c) ttutsu
systems. By simulating localized climate scenarios, they (d) uutstt
empower farmers and policymakers to anticipate shifts
in temperature, precipitation, and other environmental 33. If 16  8  13 = 17, 7  15  18 = 18, 12  28
factors. This knowledge enables the identification of
 7 = 12, what is the value of 14  9  16 ?
suitable crop varieties, irrigation strategies, and planting

(a) 19
schedules that align with changing conditions.

(b) 9
Additionally, regional climate models aid in mitigating
risks associated with extreme weather events, allowing (c) 13

for better resource allocation and adaptive planning. (d) 15
30. Which one of the following statements best
reflects the crux of the passage? 34. N
Alphabets A, B, C, D, E and F have been printed

(a) It is crucial to fight against climate change on 6 faces of a dice. The dice is rolled two times

not only for regional considerations, but for as shown in the following figure.
global considerations as well.

(b) Farmers must be equipped to understand the

findings of regional climate models to

ensure their better application in agriculture.


(c) The development of regional climate

Find the alphabet opposite to B.

models helps in choosing climate-smart

(a) E

agricultural practices.
(b) A

(d) The agricultural output is completely

(c) D
dependent on the efficiency of robust

(d) C
regional climate models.

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35. If a, b, c, d and e are real numbers such that a + Passage – 1
b < c + d, b + c < d + e, c + d < e + a and d + e < Droughts across the world are significantly more
common than the data recorded by Gravity Recovery and
a + b, then Climate Experiment (GRACE) from 2002-2017, a new
(a) the largest number is a and the smallest is b. analysis by scientists from the University of Bonn
showed. Major droughts are also spread across wider
(b) the largest number is a and the smallest is c.
geographies, they found, highlighting limitations of
(c) the largest number is e and the smallest is c. satellite data. The GRACE twin satellites, launched
(d) the largest number is c and the smallest is b. jointly by the space research organisations of the United
States and Germany in 2002, have provided data on all
of Earth’s water reservoirs, over land, ice and oceans.
36. A box has to be made using the sheet shown “The spatial resolution of the data on the gravitational
below. field is relatively inexact at about 300 to 350 kilometers
as a result of the measurement principle applied.” This
means, she added, that reliable statements can only be
made for areas around 100,000 square kilometers in size.
“To give some idea of scale, this minimum area is still
larger than Bavaria, Germany’s largest federal state at
‘only’ 70,000 or so square kilometers.” By contrast,
Which symbol will be on the opposite face of $? global hydrological models permit a resolution of 50
kilometers or even less, the article noted. The researchers
(a) & who made the new analysis combined the GRACE
(b) @ measurements with the hydrological model Water GAP
for the first time to show, more precisely than ever
(c) %
before, how the total distribution of water over the
(d) # Earth’s land surfaces has changed in the last two
decades. “The new method allows us to test out model

calculations on the future effects of climate change,

37. Two positions of a dice are shown below.
particularly how rising temperatures and changes in
precipitation patterns will impact the water balance in

different parts of the world,” Jürgen Kusche from the
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation at the
University of Bonn was quoted as saying in the
university blog.
Which digit will appear on the face opposite
38. Which of the following statements can be
to the face having number 6? inferred from the above passage?

(a) 5 1. It is possible that satellites can't deliver


precise data.
(b) 9 2. Climate change will impact the global water

(c) 4 balance.
3. Tropical countries will be the worst affected

(d) 7
by the change in water balance.

Select the correct answer using the codes given


Directions for the following 3 (three) items:

(a) 1 and 2 only
Read the following two passages and answer the items

(b) 2 and 3 only

that follow each passage. Your answers to these items (c) 1 and 3 only

should be based on the passages only. (d) All 1, 2 and 3


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Passage – 2 39. Why is Hurricane Hilary a rarity?
The United States sees its fair share of hurricanes. As per (a) Tropical storms do not occur along the coast
the country’s National Weather Service (NWS), in an of California
average 3-year period, roughly five hurricanes strike the (b) The hurricane will make landfall within
US coastline – but never in the west coast. This is why territorial areas of California and Mexico.
Hurricane Hilary, which is currently racing towards (c) Coastal California usually witnesses
Southern California and Mexico, is so out of the temperate cyclones.
ordinary. Though California, in the past, has felt the (d) California comes under anti-cyclonic zone.
effects of hurricanes, they typically remain well offshore
and subside to become tropical storms by the time they 40. With reference to the above passage, consider
make landfall. And even these tropical storms are rare. the following statements.
Last year’s Hurricane Kay was the first tropical storm to 1. The coast around California does not have
impact California in a quarter of a century, and it lost warm water which is required for tropical
most of its force by the time it hit the coast. Prior to that, cyclone formation.
Hurricane Nora moved over Southern California as a 2. Californians and Mexicans are not
tropical storm in 1997. As per a 2004 report by the accustomed to enduring cyclones.
American Meteorological Society, the only tropical Which of the statements given above is/are
storm with hurricane-force winds believed to have hit correct?
Southern California came in October 1858, with San (a) 1 only
Diego bearing its brunt. “It is rare, indeed nearly (b) 2 only

unprecedented in the modern record, to have a tropical (c) Both 1 and 2
system like this move through Southern California,”

(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Greg Postel, a hurricane and storm specialist at the

Weather Channel, told CBS News. Unlike states like Direction for the following 2 (two) items:

Florida, Louisiana and Texas on the Gulf of Mexico, Study the following information carefully and answer the
which have learnt over the years on how to survive questions that follow.

hurricanes, for Californians and Mexicans in the west, it 216 cubes of the same size are arranged in the form of a

is a novel, terrifying, experience. As per latest estimates, bigger cube on a table. Then a column of six cubes is

the hurricane will make landfall in the Baja peninsula in removed from each of the four vertical edges. Thereafter,
Mexico, roughly 330 km south of the port of Ensenada. all the exposed faces of the rest of the solid are colored

It will move north from there, bringing record rainfall yellow (except the face which is on the table).

and extremely strong winds. Tijuana, a sprawling border 41. How many small cubes are there in the solid
metropolis of 1.9 million people in Mexico, is at risk of after the removal of the four columns?

landslides and flooding, because of its hilly terrain, (a) 196


extremely high density of population and poor quality of (b) 192


housing and infrastructure. Mexico has mobilized over (c) 208


18,000 troops in anticipation of the storm. (d) 204


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42. How many cubes do not have any coloured face? Which color is on the opposite surface of

(a) 60 yellow color?

(a) Blue
(b) 80
(b) Purple
(c) 70 (c) Violet
(d) 85 (d) Pink

45. The following information is known about the

43. Given below are three folded dice and an
ages of Amit, Binod, Chandan and Divyanshu.
unfolded dice. 1. Either Amit and Binod are of same age or
Amit is older than Binod.
2. Either Chandan and Divyanshu are of same
age, or Divyanshu is older than Chandan.
3. Binod is older than Chandan.
Which of the following conclusions can be
drawn from the above statements?
(a) Amit is older than Binod.
(b) Binod and Divyanshu are of same age.
(c) Divyanshu is older than Chandan

Choose the dice that can be formed from the (d) Amit is older than Chandan

given sheet of paper (i.e. from the unfolded
46. The following table shows the information

dice). related to the performance of a class of 700
(a) Only (i) and (ii) N
students in three different tests.
Tests I II III
(b) Only (i) and (iii)
Average marks 60 52 68

(c) Only (ii) and (iii)

Range of marks 30 – 85 45 – 74 0 –100

(d) All (i), (ii) and (iii) Shyam scored 74 in all the tests. In which of the

following tests his performance was best


44. Four positions of a dice are given below.

(a) Test I

(b) Test II

(c) Test III

(d) Test II and Test III

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47. Consider the following information and answer 48. Which one of the following statements best
the question that follows. reflects the crux of the passage?
(i) The length, breadth and height of a cuboid (a) The quality of leisure in any society depends
shaped wooden block is 4 cm, 3 cm and 6 on the automation level it has achieved.
cm respectively. (b) Use of automation is the only way to create
(ii) Two faces measuring 6 cm×4cm are colored
a large leisured population.
(c) For any society retention of jobs should be
(iii) Two faces measuring 4 cm×3cm are colored
more valuable than leisure or enjoyment.
(d) By eliminating monotony technology
(iv) Two faces measuring 6 cm×3cm are colored
improves the quality of life for humans, but
(v) Now the block is divided into small cubes of it should not be at the cost of livelihood.
side 1 cm each. Passage – 2
Food systems have enabled enough food to be grown to
How many small cubes will have at least two
keep pace with the rapidly increasing population while
coloured faces, one with red and other with
reducing devastating famines that caused hundreds of
millions of deaths, but with that great acceleration have
(a) 10
come trade-offs and new challenges, particularly with
(b) 12
climate change, ecosystem resilience and deepening
(c) 8
(d) 15 issues of inequity, which hamper progress to ensure that
all people are well nourished. Food systems objectives

Directions for the following 3 (three) items: have therefore progressed from producing enough

Read the following three passages and answer the items nutritious food to feed the world to doing so in an
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items environmentally sustainable way while facilitating fair

should be based on the passages only. and equitable livelihoods, social justice, and respect for
Passage – 1 cultural values. N
By embracing automation, societies can liberate human 49. Which of the following statements best reflects
beings from repetitive tasks and create space for leisure
the crux of the passage?

pursuits. This shift could lead to a larger leisured

(a) Food systems are incomplete without social

population, with individuals freed to pursue creative,

justice, religious values and fertilizers.
intellectual, and social activities. However, a balanced

(b) The nutritious food for the rising population

approach is crucial, as unchecked automation might also
comes at a cost of the environment, profits

bring about job displacement and societal inequalities.

and religious values.

By carefully managing the integration of machines into

various sectors, we can strive for a harmonious (c) Despite challenges, the objective of food

coexistence where technology uplifts livelihoods, systems is not merely limited to feeding the

allowing more to savour the enriching benefits of leisure rising population.


time. (d) Both (a) and (b)


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Passage – 3 51. The dimensions of a cuboid are 3cm×4cm×5cm.
Roughly 2 billion air conditioning units are now in Its opposite faces are painted red, yellow, and
green. Find the number of cubes having only
operation around the world, making space cooling one of
one face painted.
the leading drivers of rising electricity demand in (a) 22
buildings and generation capacity additions to meet peak (b) 21

power demand. Residential units in operation account (c) 12

(d) 24
for nearly 70% of the total. Over the next three decades,
the use of air conditioners is set to soar, becoming one of 52. We have a solid cube of side 15 cm. Its opposite
the top drivers of global electricity demand. As the planet faces are painted red, yellow, and green. If it is
cut into cubical blocks each of side 3 cm, find
warms, ensuring that cooling needs are met equitably is
the number of cubes which have only two
of primary importance. Efficiency standards are a key
painted faces.
measure to reduce emissions, together with passive, (a) 243
nature-based and alternative solutions to air (b) 36
(c) 25
conditioners, and improved design of buildings and
(d) 12
50. Which of the following statements best reflects 53. Each of the 64, 1-centimeter side cubes have
the crux of the passage? exactly one face painted green. if these 64 cubes
are joined together to form one large cube, what

(a) Alternative solutions to air conditioners and
is the greatest possible fraction of the resultant

reduction of cooling demand in residential surface area that could be green?
units are utopian goals, not at all practical. (a) 21/32

(b) Considering the present reality and the (b) 56/56

rising electricity demand for cooling,

(c) 21/28 N
(d) 29/35
emission reduction would require a huge

investment. Direction for the following 2 (two) items:


(c) The rising use of air conditioners is not only Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

harmful to humans, but also devastating for

Eight persons namely J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are

the planet. working in a startup company on different designations.


(d) To meet the rising demand due to global Only two persons are senior to J, who is junior to K. L is
not the junior-most person, and K is not the senior-most

warming, improved building designs,

person. M is senior to P. P is junior to J. P is not the

efficiency standards and alternative cooling

senior-most person. N is senior to L, but junior to P. Q is
solutions are required.

senior to L, but junior to P.


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54. Which of the following statements is true? 56. Which of the following statements best reflects
(a) N is senior to Q. what the passage implies?
(a) The solution to desertification lies in the
(b) Q is senior to N.
adoption of sustainable production
(c) M is the senior-most person.
(d) O is the senior-most person. (b) Not only humans, but nature too is
responsible for the ill consequences of
55. How many persons are there in the company that accelerating desertification.
are junior to K, but senior to N? (c) For people’s and the environment's well-
being, it is necessary to arrest expanding
(a) 2
(b) 3
(d) Unless humans control their unsustainable
(c) 4 consumption, they will destroy the
(d) Can't be determined environment.
Passage – 2
Beyond the surface excitement, gifts can symbolize
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
thoughtful appreciation or recognition, affirming one's
Read the following three passages and answer the items
value in personal and professional relationships.
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items Additionally, presents often tap into a sense of nostalgia,
should be based on the passages only. rekindling the joy associated with surprises from
Passage – 1 childhood. They may also represent opportunities for
self-indulgence, allowing adults to enjoy something they
Desertification is not a recent phenomenon; it was

might not ordinarily prioritize. Ultimately, the pleasure
triggered by human-led alterations of the environment

derived from presents is woven from a complex web of
that made it possible to produce food and domesticate the emotions, memories, and desires, illustrating the depth

living space. Yet, in its present shape, it might be more of human nature's capacity for delight in the simplest

extreme than in previous times because modern human
57. Which of the following statements best reflects
activities have a stronger effect on already degraded
the logical inference that can be drawn from the
land. Human activities that can favour desertification are passage given above?

unsustainable farm practices, heavy industry and mining, (a) The act of giving and receiving gifts should

deforestation, overexploitation and contamination of be a regular affair in adult life.

(b) There can be more than one reason why

water and other natural resources, urbanisation and

adults feel thrilled by presents.

increase in artificial surfaces, etc. The loss of soil

(c) For adults, presents offer a limited

properties can produce poverty and force people to mechanism for excitement and self-

abandon their impoverished land. Globally, the United

Nations estimates that the livelihoods of more than 1 (d) Gifts and presents are the best way to build

memories, feel emotions and enjoyment in

billion people in some 100 countries are at some level of

human life.
risk linked to the effects of desertification.

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Passage – 3 58. With reference to the above passage, consider
As many as 25 countries or a quarter of the world’s the following statements.
population are currently exposed to extremely high water 1. Water stress could lead to political
stress annually, new data from World Resources Institute instability.
(WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas showed. This means 2. Sub-Saharan Africa is currently among the
they use over 80 per cent of their renewable water supply most water-stressed regions of the world.
for irrigation, livestock, industry and domestic needs. Which of the statements given above is/are true?
Even a short-term drought puts these places in danger of (a) 1 only
running out of water and sometimes prompting (b) 2 only
governments to shut off the taps. Globally, at least 50 (c) Both 1 and 2
per cent of the world’s population — around four billion (d) Neither 1 nor 2
people — live under highly water stressed conditions for
at least one month of the year, the WRI report noted. And 59. If 'TABLE' is written as 8, 'MIND' is written as
by 2050, that number could be closer to 60 per cent. A 10, then how is 'CHOKER' written?
(a) 10
region is said to be under ‘water stress’ when the demand
(b) 11
for water exceeds the available volume or when poor
(c) 9
quality restricts use. The 25 most water-stressed
(d) 12
countries are: Bahrain, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman,
Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Israel,
60. Find the wrong number in the following series:
Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Botswana, Iran, Jordan, Chile,
40, 42, 56, 90, 150, 250, 392
San Marino, Belgium, Greece, Tunisia, Namibia, South
(a) 42
Africa, Iraq, India and Syria. The most water-stressed

(b) 150
regions are West Asia and North Africa, where 83 per

(c) 56
cent of the population is exposed to extremely high water
(d) 250
stress and South Asia, where 74 per cent is exposed.

Global water demand is projected to increase by 20-25
61. Find the next term in the following series.
per cent by 2050, while the number of watersheds facing B25, A26, Z1, Y2, ?
high year-on-year variability, or less predictable water (a) L7
supplies, is expected to increase by 19 per cent. For West (b) A9

Asia and North Africa, this means 100 per cent of the (c) X3

population will live with extremely high water stress by (d) X7

2050. This is an issue of concern not just for consumers

and water-reliant industries, but for political stability, 62. The letters from A to Z are numbered from 1 to

according to the authors of the WRI report. The biggest 26 respectively. If RAM = 5 and TOP = 6, then

change in water demand between now and 2050 will what is WBC equal to ?
occur in sub-Saharan Africa, they added. “While most (a) 1

countries in sub-Saharan Africa are not extremely water- (b) 2


stressed right now, demand is growing faster there than (c) 3

any other region in the world.”

(d) 4

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63. In a certain code, '307' means 'drink fruit juice', 67. Soumya is at 8th position from the front in a
'963' means 'juice is sour' and '905' means 'apple queue for buying tickets for a circus show. She
is fruit'. The digit in the code that indicates spots Abhinav who is 10th from the end. There

`drink' is are four persons between the two (Soumya and

(a) 1 Abhinav). What is the minimum number of

persons in the queue?
(b) 2
(a) 21
(c) 3
(b) 11
(d) 7
(c) 22
(d) 12
64. If KNOOR is coded as #^%#* and CRACK is
coded as ^%&&@, then CONS is coded as
Direction for the following 2 (two) Questions:
(a) &#*$
Read the information given below carefully and answer
(b) *%^& the 2 (two) items that follow.
(c) @^*& Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U, are friends. P and Q are
(d) #*@^ from France while the rest belong to Germany. S and U
are vegetarian while the others are non – vegetarian. P,
65. Find the next term in the following series. R and S are thin while the others are fat.
Q, W, Y, P, G, I, ?, ? 68. Which two persons, who are fat, are non –

(a) O, D vegetarian?

(b) D, O (a) P and U

(c) B, O (b) R and T

(d) O, B (c) Q and T
(d) T and U
66. A, B, C, D and E are five friends standing in a
69. Which vegetarian person from Germany is fat?
line for prayer, in decreasing order of their

(a) Q
(b) R

heights. Among them A is taller than C and they

are adjacent to each other. D is taller than E, (c) T
(d) U

while B is shorter than only D. Who is standing


in the middle? 70. If 'BEYOND' is written as 'DHCMKZ', then how


(a) A is 'VERTEX' written?


(b) C

(c) E (c) XHWRBT


(d) Either A or E (d) XHVRBT


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71. A cube of side 9 cm is painted on all of its faces. Passage – 1
If it is sliced into 1 cubic centimetre cubes, how A recent study has found links between fine particulate
many such 1 cubic centimetre cubes will have matter (PM2.5) air pollution and antibiotic resistance.
exactly one of their faces painted? Africa and Asia could face the largest increase in
(a) 316 antibiotic resistance, the study published in journal

(b) 294 Lancet Planetary Health said. The study presented the

(c) 216 first global estimates of antibiotic resistance and burden

(d) 250 of premature deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance

resulting from PM2.5 pollution. Significant correlations
between PM2.5 and antibiotic resistance were consistent
72. A cube of side 12 cm is painted red, blue and
globally in most antibiotic-resistant bacteria and
yellow on opposite faces and is then cut into
correlations have strengthened over time. Air pollution
cubes of 1 cm side each. How many such cubes
is considered to be the world’s largest environmental
have color on at least one face?
health threat, accounting for seven million deaths around
(a) 1016
the world every year, according to the United Nations.
(b) 728
Globally, a 10 per cent increase in annual PM2.5 could
(c) 816
lead to a 1.1 per cent increase in aggregate antibiotic
(d) 950
resistance and 43,654 premature deaths, the paper found.
Saudi Arabia would have a three per cent increase in
73. There are four boxes Red, Yellow, Blue and

antibiotic resistance if PM 2.5 increases by 10 per cent,
Green which are kept in a stack but not

Niger would see a 2.9 per cent increase, United Arab
necessarily in the same order. There are two
Emirates a 2.6 per cent increase, Pakistan a 2.6 per cent

boxes between Red box and Green box and there
increase, Nigeria a 2.5 per cent increase, India a 2.5 per

is one box between Red and Blue box. Red box cent increase, Cameroon a 2.2 per cent increase, Bahrain
is not above Yellow one. Then the number of
a 2.2 per cent increase and China a 2.1 per cent increase.
box(es) above Yellow box is/are China and India could be the countries where changes in

(a) Two PM2.5 have the largest effect on premature deaths


(b) Three attributable to antibiotic resistance due to their large

(c) One populations. It is important to understand all pathways

(d) None adding up to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), said


Rajeshwari Sinha, programme manager, sustainable


Directions for the following 7 (seven) items: food systems programme, Delhi-based think tank Centre

Read the following five passages and answer the items for Science and Environment. “This study adds to the

that follow each passage. Your answers to these items growing evidence base and throws more light on a new

should be based on the passages only. route of AMR spread through the air.

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74. Which of the following statements best reflects 75. Which of the following statements can be
the crux of the passage?
inferred from the above passage?
(a) The largest environmental health issue in the
world, according to UN estimates, is air 1. MoU between ISRO and space tech start-
ups will allow the start-ups to use ISRO’s
(b) The relationship between PM2.5 and
antibiotic resistance has become clearer launchpad and testing labs.
over time.
(c) The number of deaths caused by variations 2. Space tech start-ups need funding for
in PM 2.5 directly relates to the efficient functioning.
country's population.
(d) Developing countries need extra funding Select the correct answer using the codes given
from the developed world to fight antibiotic below.
Passage – 2 (a) 1 only
Chennai-based space-tech startup Agnikul Cosmos (b) 2 only
announced on Thursday (August 17) that it had taken a
rocket that it has developed to a launchpad in Sriharikota (c) Both 1 and 2
to “commence integration checks” for a proposed (d) Neither 1 nor 2
suborbital space flight. A successful flight will make
Agnikul the second Indian space-tech company to send Passage – 3
a vehicle to space after Hyderabad-based Skyroot
Business as usual in the energy sector has become more
Aerospace. The launch of Skyroot’s 545-kg rocket
challenging in the EU as distributed energy technologies

named Vikram-S in November 2022 marked the launch
of India’s private space industry. After the space sector

and supportive policy included in the EU Energy
was opened to private companies in 2020, Skyroot
signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Package have meant that new types of stakeholders,

Space Research Organisation (ISRO). Several dozens of
including citizens, citizen collectives, and
space-tech startups have since entered the fray. Skyroot
and Agnikul are among the companies that are already
municipalities, can participate in the energy system in

working on launch vehicles, satellites, and their

innovative ways. Their “new” relationships, behaviours,
applications. Agnikul said its Suborbital Tech

Demonstrator (SorTeD) single-stage launch vehicle, and actions in the context of the energy transition, vis à

called Agnibaan, is driven by the company’s patented

vis the existing system, are often referred to as social
Agnilet engine. “Agnibaan SOrTeD will lift off

vertically & follow a predetermined trajectory,” the innovation in energy systems. Socially innovative

company said in a post on the social media platform X,

formerly known as Twitter. According to Agnikul’s activities may deliver products and services like those of

website, Agnibaan can carry payloads up to 100 kg to a incumbent energy business models e.g., sustainable

low Earth orbit (LEO) up to 700 km. The vehicle is 18 m


in height, 1.3 m in diameter, and has a liftoff mass of energy generation, but also create social value that
14,000 kg. The payload envelope measures 2m x 1.5m traditional energy business models may not.

and can carry one or more satellites.


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76. Which one of the following statements best 77. Based on the above passage, the following
reflects the crucial message conveyed by the assumptions have been made:
author of the passage? 1. A society which is intolerant of various
(a) The social innovation in energy systems opinions may become intellectually
stemming from EU Energy Package can stagnant.
make energy generation more sustainable
2. For the development of ideas through
and inclusive.
cooperation, people should express their
(b) India should also learn from the energy
opinions freely in a spontaneous and
policies of the EU by including socially
unfiltered manner.
innovative energy business models.
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
(c) Sustainable energy generation is not
(a) 1 only
possible without social inclusion and
(b) 2 only
participation of civil societies.
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Socially inclusive energy transition across
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
the world is a must to ensure sustainable
energy generation.
Passage – 4 78. Which one of the following statements best

Promoting a mindset where individuals refrain from both reflects the crucial message conveyed by the

author of the passage?

offering and unquestioningly adopting opinions can
foster a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness. (a) Opinions reflect the culture of conservative

Encouraging people to withhold their opinions thinking, and prevent research, leading to
challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research, N
people becoming prone to misinformation.
and empathy before taking a stance. This approach can (b) Substantiation of opinions is a must to avoid
lead to more informed discussions, where ideas are

scepticism and promote well-informed


refined and enriched through collaborative exploration.

Simultaneously, resisting the blind acceptance of
(c) Expression of opinions is a part of the right

opinions encourages a healthy scepticism that safeguards

to freedom of expression, and therefore,

against misinformation and groupthink. However, the

should not be restricted.

goal isn't to discourage dialogue but rather to elevate it.


(d) The informed act of giving opinions or

Striking a balance between personal expression and

accepting them helps build an intellectually

receptivity to diverse viewpoints nurtures a well-
resilient society.

rounded and intellectually resilient society.


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Passage – 5 80. With reference to the passage, which one of the
Considering the growing realization that complete
mitigation of climate change may be unattainable, following statements is correct?
governments must pivot their focus towards crafting
agile policies for swift responses to its impacts. (a) For addressing climate change, mitigation is
Embracing adaptive strategies becomes paramount to
addressing the imminent challenges posed by changing the past and adaptation is the future.
weather patterns, rising sea levels, and extreme events.
By fostering a culture of preparedness, governments can (b) Effective plans and cross-country
proactively allocate resources for disaster response,
infrastructure reinforcement, and community resilience. cooperation are the way forward to fight the
Collaborative efforts between nations are vital to share
knowledge and best practices, as climate change knows ill consequences of climate change reality.
no borders. While mitigation efforts continue to hold
value, pragmatic policies emphasizing rapid (c) Planning and cooperation between world
implementation will prove pivotal in safeguarding
ecosystems, livelihoods, and vulnerable populations financial institutions is critical for preparing
from the mounting consequences of evolving climate
for disaster response, infrastructure
change reality.
79. Which of the following is/are the most rational
reinforcement and building community
and logical inference/inferences that can be
made from the passage?
1. Adaptation to climate change requires
policies that are implementable.
(d) The fight against climate change not only
2. Climate change consequences do not

discriminate among people of different
needs national governments but also their

Select the correct answer from the code given
citizens to participate actively.

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 only

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


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GENERAL STUDIES (P) TEST – 4288 (2024)

1 (a)
9×7 = 63; 6 + 3 = 9→IX(in roman numeral format)
12×5 = 60; 6 +0 = 6→VI (in roman numeral format)
5×4 = 20; 2 + 0 = 2 → II (in roman numeral format)
9×4 = 36; 3+6 = 9 → IX (in roman numeral format)
Hence, option (a) is correct.

2 (c)
Comparing 1st and 2nd statements,
'money' is coded as 'nim'.
Comparing 1st and 3rd statements,
'time' is coded as 'tis'.
Thus, we can say that, ‘is’ coded as ‘jes’.
Comparing 2nd and 4th statements,
'happiness' is coded as 'xer'.
Comparing 3rd and 4th statements,
'your' is coded as 'hix'.
Thus, we can say that, ‘important’ is coded as ‘mop’ and ‘save’ is coded as ‘hop’.
Hence, ‘save your important documents’ can be coded as ‘hop hix mop kop’.
Hence, option (c) is correct.

3 (c)
From the given statements in the question we can deduce the following:
(i) A and D are males (as A is the tallest among the four, he must be a male. D is brother of B, so D must
be a male too);

(ii) B and C are females.

Also, it is given that D is brother of B. Therefore, D is husband of C and A is husband of B.

As per the information given in respect of height it is known that: A > C > B.
As D is husband of C, he has to be taller than C but shorter than the tallest person, i.e. A.

Thus, the order of heights is: A > D > C > B

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

4 (c)

Given series:

Gap between two successive letters is:


0, 1, 1, 2, 3, ?
This series is the Fibonacci sequence.

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Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, .......
Thus, there will be a gap of 5 letters next.
Hence, option (c) is correct.

5 (a)
Note: This question is about invalid assumptions (not the valid ones).
Assumption 1 is invalid. The given assumption is based on the line – “The Himalayan region, with its
unparalleled ecological significance, is under increasing threat from urbanization, deforestation, tourism,
and climate change.” This line includes climate change as well, which is not mentioned in the
assumption. To term human development as the sole cause would not be correct as the passage does not
mention so. Hence, the given assumption is not correct.
Assumption 2 is correct. The lines, “Cooperation among the Himalayan nations is vital for designing a
robust conservation strategy and meeting the numerous recent challenges threatening the Himalayas”
and “Preserving the Himalayas not only safeguards biodiversity but also ensures the well-being of
millions who depend on its resources” validate the assumption that nations which use Himalayan
resources should also focus on its conservation. Hence, the given assumption is correct.

6 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of effective financingis not a part of the passage. Hence, this option
is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the most rational inference.
Option (b) is correct. The given option is correct because of the lines – “Cooperation among the
Himalayan nations is vital for designing a robust conservation strategy and meeting the numerous recent
challenges threatening the Himalayas.”, “Effective implementation of laws is imperative to curb
unchecked development that could lead to irreversible damage” and “By imposing laws rigorously, we
can uphold the Himalayas' ecological balance, maintain vital water sources, and set a global precedent
for responsible conservation in vulnerable and ecologically significant regions.” These lines show that it
is the effective enforcement of laws and transnational coordination which are important for Himalayan
conservation. Hence, this is the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of vulnerable future generations is not a part of the passage. Hence,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the most rational inference of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of the need for better laws is not correct because the passage
mentions strict enforcement of laws and not lack of better laws as the issue with the conservation of the

Himalayas. Hence, the given option is not the most rational inference of the passage.

7 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the relationship between the values of
corporate governance and the capitalist model of business is not explained in the passage. Hence, it would
not be correct to conclude that those values do not subscribe to the capitalist model of business. Therefore,

this option is not the best crux of the passage.


Option (b) is incorrect. The given lines “The change in public opinion has become evident among
workers, consumers, and investors, as well as through new policies enacted by elected officials, more than
ever before, the public supports businesses that demonstrate positive social change and sustainable

development”, only explain that the public supports business which considers society and environment.

However, to state that because of this, profit-making becomes difficult, would not be correct as the
passage does not indicate anything of this nature. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.

Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the corporations will work for profit. This
is evident in the line - “Capitalism has provided unprecedented wealth and prosperity … way for-profit

corporations are governed and managed.” Hence, the given option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is correct. This option best captures the essence of the passage, especially compared to the

other options. For example, consider the lines, “These new attitudes have begun to take root in

corporations themselves, with a growing community of investors, business leaders, and entrepreneurs
expressing a fiduciary duty to create value not only for shareholders but for society (changed outlook)”

and “The change in public opinion … the public supports businesses that demonstrate positive social
change and sustainable development.” These lines from the passage indicate that this option is the best

crux of the passage.


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In the 1st and 2nd dice, there are two common faces, i.e. Q and P. So, the remaining faces will be opposite
to each other. Therefore, R is opposite to S.
In the 2ndand 4thdice, there are two common faces, i.e. Q and S. So, the remaining faces will be opposite
to each other. Therefore, P is opposite to T.
Thus, when letter U is at the top, the letter Q will be at the bottom.
Therefore, option (c) is correct.

9 (b)
In the first two positions of the dice, there is one common face, i.e. the one having 2 points, and it is in the
same position. Hence, 1 point face is opposite to 3 points face, and 5 points face is opposite to 6 points
face. Therefore, the face opposite to 4 points face is the one having 2 points.
Therefore, option (b) is correct.

10 (a)
The dimensions of smaller cubes must be 9×9×9.
So, number of cubes not painted on any side = (9 – 2) ×(9 – 2) ×(9 – 2) = 343
Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Explanation for Questions 11,12 and 13:

T is heavier than W. V is lighter than W, but heavier than S.
So, their order with regards to weight:
V is faster than T, who is faster than W. W is faster than U.
So, their order with regards to speed:
U is slower than T, but is heavier than T.
Their order with regards to weight:
Their order with regards to speed:


U is not the heaviest, while X is not the fastest. The lightest of the group is the fastest of the group.
Their order with regards to weight: L
Their order with regards to speed:


11 (b)

X is the heaviest person of the group.


12 (a)

Rank of T in the decreasing order of weights is third.


13 (c)

S is the fastest in the group.


14 (d)

If 3 is adjacent to 2, 4 and 6, then either 1 or 5 lies opposite to 3. So, the numbers 1 and 5 can't lie
opposite to each other. Clearly 1 must be adjacent to 5.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.


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15 (d)
18 & 6 % 5 @ 9 = 48
18 ÷ 6 + 5 × 9 = 3 + 45= 48
8 @ 15 & 3 * 7 = 33
8 × 15 ÷ 3 – 7 = 8 × 5 – 7= 33
So, 9 @ 6 * 36 % 12 = 9 × 6 – 36 + 12
= 54 – 36 + 12= 30
Therefore, option (d) is correct.
Explanation for Questions 16,17,18 and 19:
Physics lecture is not on Tuesday or Saturday. Economics lecture is on Wednesday. Monday, Thursday or
Friday is not the off day.
The day before the English lecture is an off day.
Day Lecture
Monday Off
Tuesday Physics
Wednesday Economics
Thursday Off
Friday Off
Saturday Off
Sunday English

There is one day gap between Economics and Computer Science lectures. Mathematics lecture is held
before Computer Science lecture. Chemistry lecture is to be held immediately after Mathematics lecture.
Day Lecture
Monday Mathematics
Tuesday Chemistry
Wednesday Economics
Thursday Physics
Friday Computer Science
Saturday Off
Sunday English

16 (d)

17 (d)
No lectures are scheduled between Economics and Chemistry.

18 (d)

Physics is scheduled on Thursday.


19 (a)

Saturday is the off day.


20 (b)

Assumption 1 is incorrect. The assumption that agriculture is the cause of free or highly subsidized
electricity is not correct. There is no mention of agriculture or its “state" in the passage. Hence this

assumption is incorrect.

Assumption 2 is correct. The line “However, poorly conceived (envisioned) measures to boost inclusion
can have unintended negative consequences that can include distorted product markets, reduced

investment, or faster environmental depletion”, validates the given assumption. It means that inclusion
can have positive as well as negative outcomes as it depends upon how it is envisioned. Hence, the given

assumption is correct.

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21 (b)
Option 1 is not correct. It is nowhere mentioned in the passage that G20 is an intergovernmental forum
comprising 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Hence, option 1 is not correct.
Option 2 is correct. First World, Second World and Third World countries were classified on the basis of
associations with alliances of US, USSR and Non-aligned countries. Hence, option 2 is correct.

22 (b)
Option (a) is not correct.There was a drastic change in the geopolitics of the world during the post-Cold
War era. There are multiple aspects of geopolitics like strategic alliances, trade talks, etc. Which aspect
lead to the need for new classification of countries is not mentioned in the statement. Hence, option (a) is
not correct.
Option (b) is correct. The passage mentions, “In the post-Cold War world, the First World/Third World
classification was no longer feasible because when the Communist USSR disintegrated in 1991, most
countries had no choice but to ally at some level with the capitalist US – the only remaining global
superpower.” This implies that after the Cold War, the US became the sole superpower (Unipolar),
making the old classification redundant. This put up a need for a new classification of the countries.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct. It was not that poor countries wanted patronage of developed countries, but
they were left with no choice. Further the passage talks about US in particular, not about developed
countries in general in this regard. The passage says, “…when the Communist USSR disintegrated in
1991, most countries had no choice but to ally at some level with the capitalist US – the only remaining
global superpower. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct. Post-Cold War, there was only one superpower left, and countries were left
with no choice but to ally with it in some form. The passage does not mention anything about “breaking
the hegemony of the superpowers”. Hence, option (d) is not correct.

23 (d)
From the statement 1 and 2 we can say that Potato is costlier than Lady’s finger and Lady finger is costlier
than cabbage.
Thus, Potato > Lady’s finger > Cabbage
From statement 3: Either peas are as costly as cabbage or peas are costlier than cabbage.

Checking each option one by one we get,

Options (a) and (b) may or may not be true.
Option (c) may be true if peas are costlier than cabbage and false if peas cost equal to cabbage.
Option (d) is definitely true. L

24 (a)
We know that making n cuts along one axis divides the cube into (n + 1) parts. To obtain 125 cubes by

making a minimum number of cuts, we should be making the same number of cuts along all the axis.
Assume we make ncuts along each of the three axes.

So, the number of cubes formed = (n + 1) (n + 1) (n + 1) = 125

or (n + 1)3 = 53

or n + 1 = 5
or n = 4

Thus, least number of cuts required if the rearrangement of the pieces before/after making a cut is not
allowed = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12

Hence, option (a) is correct.


25 (d)

15 (4860) 12→ (15 + 12)×(15×12) = 27×180 = 4860


13 (1820) 7→ (13 + 7)×(13×7) = 20×91 = 1820

17 (?) 12→ (17 + 12)×(17×12) = 29×204 = 5916

Hence, option (d) is correct.


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26 (c)
Alphabet Series:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
First two letters are MN. In reverse order they are written as NM. It is a term of 2 alphabets, so next 2
alphabets O and P are skipped.
Next term is QRS. In reverse order it is written as SRQ. It is a term of 3 alphabets, so next 3 alphabets T,
U and V are skipped.
Next term is WXYZ. In reverse order it is written as ZYXW. It is a term of 4 alphabets, so next 4
alphabets A, B, C and D are skipped.
Next term should be a 5 alphabets term. EFGHI in reverse order would be written as IHGFE.
Hence, option (c) is correct.

The pattern being followed here is:

Hence, option (b) is correct.

28 (b)
Let us assume that a cube of each side 4 cm, has been painted red, blue and black on pairs of the opposite
faces. It is then cut into smaller cubes of each side 1 cm.


The smaller cubes which are painted on one face only are the cubes at the centre of each face of the big

There are 6 faces in the big cube and in each of the face of the big cube there will be four such smaller


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So, there will be 8 smaller cubes which have only one face painted with red colour. Four cubes will be on
one face and 4 on the opposite face.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

29 (d)
Option 1 is not correct. According to the passage Gabon had a deal with the Bank of America, the US
International Development Finance Corporation (USDFC) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for a $500
million debt-for-nature swap. A similar deal was done by Ecuador too. The passage does not mention that
only G7 countries could buy debt for nature swaps from developing countries. Hence, option 1 is not
Option 2 is not correct. Nowhere does the passage mention that climate financing holds more importance
for island countries. Hence, option 2 is not correct.

30 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The context of fighting climate change to address global climate and regional
climate challenges is not discussed in the passage. The passage is about regional climate models, and not
about the challenges of regional or global climate change. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the

Option (b) is incorrect. Equipping farmers to understand and apply the findings of regional climate
models is not a part of the passage. The only line about farmers is “By simulating localized climate

scenarios, they empower farmers and policymakers to anticipate shifts in temperature, precipitation, and
other environmental factors.” Hence, the given option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The given option best captures the essence of the passage, which is how regional
climate models can proactively help in decision-making related to agriculture based on changing climate

patterns. Refer to the lines, “This knowledge enables the identification of suitable crop varieties,
irrigation strategies, and planting schedules that align with changing conditions. Additionally, regional

climate models aid in mitigating risks associated with extreme weather events, allowing for better
resource allocation and adaptive planning.” These linesshow that the given option best reflects the crux

of the passage.

Option (d) is incorrect. The given option would have been correct if the word completely was not used.
The agricultural output would depend on regional climate models but to state that it is “completely”
dependent would not be correct as per the passage. Hence, this is not the best crux of the passage.

31 (a)

The inherent pattern in the two sequences has been represented below.

Sequence I:


4×1.5 + 7 = 13
13×2 + 7 = 33

33×2.5 + 7 = 89.5
89.5×3 + 7 = 275.5

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278.5×3.5 + 7 = 971.25
Sequence II:
A = 8×1.5 + 7 = 19
B = 19×2 + 7 = 45
C = 45×2.5 + 7 = 119.5
D = 119.5×3 + 7 = 365.5
E = 365.5×3.5 + 7 = 1286.25
Thus, D = 365.5
Hence, option (a) is correct.

32 (d)
The given series is: u _ s u _ s s _s _ _ t u _ t
There are 15 characters in the sequence. By using the given options, we can complete this series using
hit and try method, and see if a pattern emerges.
The blanks have been highlighted: u u s u u/ s s t s s/ t t u t t
So, the missing letters are: u, u, t, s, t, t
Hence, option (d) is correct.

33 (b)
Here, we are just multiplying up the numbers and then summing up the digits of the resultant number.
16  8  13 = 16 × 8 × 13 = 1664→ 1 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 17
7  15  18 = 7 × 15 × 18 = 1890→ 1 + 8 + 9 + 0 = 18
12  28  7 = 12 × 28 × 7 = 2352→ 2 + 3 + 5 + 2 = 12
So, 14  9  16 = 14 × 9 × 16 = 2016 → 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9
Hence, option (b) is correct.

34 (c)
Alphabets adjacent to B are A, C, E and F.
Hence, alphabet D must be opposite to alphabet B.
Therefore, option (c) is correct.

35 (a)

a + b < c + d ...........(i)
b + c < d + e............(ii) L
c + d < e + a ...........(iii)
d + e < a + b............(iv)

From (i) and (iv):


So, e < c
From (ii) and (iv):

So, c < a

From (i) and (iii):


So, b < e
Hence, b < e < c < a

From (ii), it is clear that d > b. From (iii), it is clear that d < a

Thus, it is clear from above, that the largest number is a and the smallest one is b.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

36 (a)

In the given figure, * is opposite to %, @ is opposite to #. Therefore, & must be opposite to $.


Therefore, option (a) is correct.


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37 (b)
In the given two positions of dice, there is one common face, i.e. 9, and it is in the same position. Hence,
4 is opposite to 8, and 5 is opposite to 7.
Therefore, 9 must be opposite to 6.
Therefore, option (b) is correct.

38 (a)
Option 1 is correct. The passage mentions about the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
(GRACE), which is used in to deliver data on draught regions of the world. It is clearly mentioned in the
passage, “Major droughts are also spread across wider geographies, they found, highlighting
limitations of satellite data“.Further, to improve data precision, GRACE calculation was mixed with
another scientific model. The passage further says, “The researchers who made the new analysis
combined the GRACE measurements with the hydrological model Water GAP for the first time to
show, more precisely than ever before, how the total distribution of water over the Earth’s land
surfaces has changed in the last two decades”. Hence, option 1 is correct.
Option 2 is correct. There has been a change in the distribution of groundwater across the globe. The
frequency of draught has also increased as compared to the past decade. The passage says, “The new
method allows us to test out model calculations on the future effects of climate change, particularly how
rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns will impact the water balance in different
parts of the world…”It can be implied that climate change is also responsible for the change in water
balance in the world. Hence, option 2 is correct.
Option 3 is not correct. Tropical countries are not specifically mentioned as being affected by the change
in the water balance. The passage says, “…changes in precipitation patterns will impact the water
balance in different parts of the world…” Hence, option 3 is not correct.

39 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. The passage clearly says, “Though California, in the past, has felt the effects of
hurricanes, they typically remain well offshore and subside to become tropical storms by the time they
hit they make landfall”.It can be implied that tropical cyclones have occurred in the past on the coastal
parts of California. Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct. The hurricane will make a landfall on the lands of California and Mexico. The
passage mentions, “It is rare, indeed nearly unprecedented in the modern record, to have a tropical
system like this move through Southern California…”The passage further mentions, “…the hurricane

will make landfall in the Baja peninsula in Mexico”.It can be implied that previously, cyclones hitting
the coast of California and Mexico lose their strength and Hillary making a landfall in these regions is a

rarity. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct. The passage nowhere mentions whether or not coastal California experiences
temperate cyclones. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.
Option (d) is not correct. The passage says, “Though California, in the past, has felt the effects of

hurricanes, they typically remain well offshore and subside to become tropical storms by the time they

hit they make landfall”. It can be implied that California in the past has experienced cyclones; therefore
they do not come under anti-cyclonic zone. Hence, option (d) is not correct.

40 (b)

Option 1 is not correct. The passage does not mention anything about the type of water around the coast
of California. Hence, option 1 is not correct.

Option 2 is correct. It is mentioned in the passage, “Unlike states like Florida, Louisiana and Texas on
the Gulf of Mexico, which have learned over the years on how to survive hurricanes, for Californians and

Mexicans in the west, it is a novel, terrifying, experience”.It implies that citizens of California and

Mexico are not familiar with experiencing cyclones. Hence, option 2 is correct.


Since out of 216 cubes, we removed 4 columns of 6 cubes each, so:

Number of cubes in the solid after the removal of the columns = 216 – (4 x 6) = 216 – 24 = 192

Hence, option (b) is correct.


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42 (b)
Number of cubes which do not have any coloured face = Inner cubes + Face cubes on the bottom face =
(6 – 2)3 + (6 - 2)2 = 64 + 16 = 80
Hence, option (b) is correct.

43 (c)
Given unfolded dice:

In the given figure, A is opposite to B, C is opposite to D, and E is opposite to F.

In figure (i), C and D are adjacent to each other. So, it can't be formed from the given unfolded dice.
Therefore, only dice (ii) and (iii) can be formed.
Hence, option (c) is correct.

44 (c)
In 1st and 2nddice, there are two common faces, i.e. brown and blue. So, the remaining faces will be
opposite to each other
Therefore, violet is opposite to yellow.
Therefore, option (c) is correct.

45 (d)
Amit>= Binod ..................... 1
Divyanshu>= Chandan ........2
Binod>Chandan ..................3

From 1 and 3:
Amit>= Binod>Chandan

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

46 (b)

In the second test he scored the highest marks. So, his performance was best comparatively in this test.
Therefore, option (b) is correct.

47 (b)

4 edges common to red and yellow faces have 3 cubes each.


So, number of small cubes that have at least two coloured faces, one with red and other with yellow =
4×3 = 12

Therefore, option (b) is correct.


48 (d)

Option (a) is incorrect. The context of automation level and its impact on the quality of leisure is not a
part of the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not the best crux of the


Option (b) is incorrect. The first line of the passage says that automation can liberate human beings from
repetitive tasks and create space for leisure pursuits. This does not mean that automation is the “only” way

to create a large leisured population. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.

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Option (c) is incorrect. The preference between job and leisure is not discussed in the passage. The
passage only talks about taking a balanced approach. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the
Option (d) is correct. The given option is correct as it is based on the following lines: “By embracing
automation, societies can liberate human beings from repetitive tasks and create space for leisure
pursuits.” and“However, a balanced approach is crucial, as unchecked automation might also bring
about job displacement and societal inequalities. By carefully managing the integration of machines into
various sectors, we can strive for a harmonious coexistence where technology uplifts livelihoods,
allowing more to savour the enriching benefits of leisure time.”. Hence, this option is the best crux of the

49 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because religious values and fertilizersare not a
part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux as per the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the context of religious values and
profitsis not a part of the passage. Hence, this option is not the best crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The given option is correct as it is based on the lines “… but with that great
acceleration have come trade-offs and new challenges, particularly with climate change, ecosystem
resilience and deepening issues of inequity, … Food systems objectives have therefore progressed from
producing enough nutritious food to feed the world to doing so in an environmentally
sustainablewaywhile facilitating fair and equitable livelihoods, social justice, and respect for cultural
values.” The essence of these lines is best captured in the given option. Hence, this option is the best crux
of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect as both options (a) and (b) are incorrect.

50 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The last line of the passage has a positive tone about the plausibility of
alternative solutions to air conditioner. Therefore, it would be incorrect to call them utopian goals.
Option (b) is incorrect. Though probably correct, the context of huge investmentor investment per se is
not a part of the passage and so can be ignored.

Option (c) is incorrect. Though it seems correct, the context of air conditioners being devastating for the
planet is not discussed in the passage. So, this option is beyond the scope of the passage. Moreover, it

cannot be the crux of the passage anyways as the passage is solution oriented.
Option (d) is correct. The crux of the passage is in the lines, “Efficiency competent standards are a key
measure to reduce emissions, together with passive, nature-based and alternative solutions to air

conditioners, and improved design of buildings and districts.” These lines show that innovative solutions
and competent benchmarks are required to deal with emissions. Hence, this option is the best crux of the


51 (a)

The number of cubes having only one face painted =2[(l-2)(b-2)+(b-2)(h-2)+(l-2)(h-2)]



Therefore, option (a) is correct.


52 (b)

n = side of big cube / side of small cube = 15/3 = 5


Number of small cubes which have only two painted faces= (n - 2)×number of edges = (5 - 2)×12 = 36
Therefore, option (b) is correct.

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53 (b)
We can place the small cubes such that all the surface area of the resultant cube is green. So, greatest
possible fraction would be 1, or 56/56.
Therefore, option (b) is correct.
and K is not the senior-most person.
Explanation for Questions 54 and 55:
N is senior to L, but junior to P. Q is senior to L, but junior to P. L is not the junior-most person. M is
senior to P.
M >P>N/Q>L>_
P is junior to J.
Only two persons are senior to J, who is junior to K. K is not the senior most person.
M >K >J>P>N/Q>L > _
Final arrangement:
M >K >J>P>N/Q>L >O

54 (c)
M is the senior-most person.

55 (d)
Either 2 or 3 persons are junior to K, but senior to N.

56 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option mentions sustainable production practices as the solution to
desertification. However, the passage does not focus on the solutions for desertification. It rather focusses
on the issue, cause and effects of desertification. Hence, this option is not what the passage implies.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions various human activities leading to desertification; but
how nature causes desertification leading to its ill consequences is not discussed. Hence, this is not what
the passage implies.

Option (c) is correct. The passage discusses the issue of desertification and the problems/risks associated

with it. It is reflected in the lines, “Human activities that can favour desertification are unsustainable
farm practices, heavy industry and mining, deforestation, overexploitation and contamination of water
and … Globally, the United Nations estimates that the livelihoods of more than 1 billion people in some
100 countries are at some level of risk linkedto the effects of desertification.” This essence is best

captured in the given option. Hence, this is the best answer.


Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is generic as it mentions the environment, rather than
specifying desertification. However, the passage is specific to desertification which is not mentioned in
the option. Hence, this is not what the passage implies.

57 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage does not mention that the

exchange of gifts should be a regular affair in adult life. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the
passage and is not the best logical inference.

Option (b) is correct. The whole passage describes various reasons why adults feel thrilled by presents.

Refer to the lines “Additionally, presents often tap into a sense of nostalgia, rekindling the joy associated

with surprises from childhood. They may also represent opportunities for self-indulgence, allowing
adults to enjoy something they might not ordinarily prioritize.” These lines validate the given option as

the best logical inference from the passage.

Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is not based on the passage because the passage does not

discuss how presents offer limited mechanisms for excitement and self-indulgence. Rather, the essence of

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the passage is to signify the importance of presents and gifts in adult life. Hence, this option is not the
most rational inference from the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because the passage doesn’t signify that gifts and
presents are the best way to build memories and feel enjoyment in life. Hence, this option is not the most
rational inference.

58 (a)
Option 1 is correct. The passage highlights the key findings of the report published by the World
Resources Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas. The passage says, “For West Asia and North
Africa, this means 100 percent of the population will live with extremely high-water stress by 2050. This
is an issue of concern not just for consumers and water-reliant industries, but for political stability,
according to the authors of the WRI report”. This implies that a water deficit regionmight face political
instability. Hence, option 1 is correct.
Option 2 is incorrect. The passage says, “While most countries in sub-Saharan Africa are not
extremely water-stressed right now, demand is growing faster there than any other region in the
world.” It implies that at the moment sub-Saharan Africa is not among the most water-stressed regions of
the world. Although, the increase in demand for water in this region will be the highest in the world, at the
moment it is not the most water-stressed region. Hence, option 3 is not correct.

59 (a)
Here, we are required to decipher or decode the pattern.
TABLE is written as 8.
Logic: Sum of the letter position numbers / Number of letters
Code of TABLE = (20 + 1 + 2 + 12 + 5)/5 = 40/5 = 8
Code of MIND = (13 + 9 + 14 + 4)/4 = 40/4 = 10
Code of CHOKER = (3 + 8 + 15 + 11 + 5 + 18)/6 = 60/6 = 10
Hence, option (a) is correct.

60 (b)
The pattern being followed here is:
40 + (22 – 2) = 42
42 + (42 – 2) = 56
56 + (62 – 2) = 90

90 + (82 – 2) = 152≠ 150

152 + (102 – 2) = 250
250 + (122 – 2) = 392
Thus, the wrong term in the series is 150. It should be replaced by 152.
Hence, option (b) is correct.

61 (c)

Given series: B25, A26, Z1, Y2, ?

First letters of each term are B, A, Z, Y, ?

Here 1st letter of each term is reduced by 1. So, next letter will be X.

In 1st term:
B has position 2.

So, 27 -2 = 25
In 2nd term:

A has position 1.

So, 27 - 1 = 26
In 3rd term:

Z has position 26.


So, 27 - 26 = 1
In 4th term:

Y has position 25.

So, 27 – 25 = 2

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In 5th term:
X has position 24.
So, 27 - 24 = 3
? = X3
Hence, option (c) is correct.

62 (a)
RAM = 18 + 1 + 13 = 32 → 3 + 2 = 5
TOP = 20 + 15 + 16 = 51 → 5 + 1 = 6
WBC = 23 + 2 + 3 = 28 → 2 + 8 = 10 → 1 + 0 = 1
Hence, option (a) is correct.

63 (d)
In the code:
'307' means 'drink fruit juice' …………..(i)
'963' means 'juice is sour' ……………(ii)
'905' means 'apple is fruit’ …………..(iii)
Comparing (i) and (ii), we get:
Code for ‘juice’ must be 3.
Comparing (i) and (iii), we get:
Code for ‘fruit’ must be 0.
Hence, code for ‘drink’ must be 7.
Hence, option (d) is correct.

64 (a)
KNOOR = #^%#*
So, O is coded as #.
CRACK = ^%&&@
So, C is coded as &.
R and K are common in KNOOR and CRACK. So, R and K are % or ^.
Therefore, N is coded as *.

S is a new letter; so it must correspond to a new symbol.

Thus, CONS may be coded as &#*$.
Hence, option (a) is correct.
65 (d)

Given series:Q, W, Y, P, G, I, ?, ?
Observing the pattern carefully, we see that this series consists of 2 of two different series:

(Q, Y, G, ?) and ( W, P, I, ?)
1st series:





Hence, option (d) is correct.


66 (d)

As per the question:

B is shorter than only D. It means D is the tallest and B is second in height.

Now, A is taller than C and they are adjacent to each other. So, two cases are possible:

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From case 1 and case 2 it is clear that the middle position is taken by either A or E.
Hence, option (d) is correct.

67 (d)
Minimum number of persons = (Sum of the positions of the two persons from the end – Number of in-
between persons) – 2
So, minimum possible number of persons in the queue = (8 + 10 − 4) − 2 = 12.
Hence, option (d) is correct.
Explanation for Questions 68 and 69:
We may represent the information in a table as shown below:
France Germany Vegetarian Non -vegetarian Thin Fat

P √ √ √
Q √ √ √
R √ √ √
S √ √ √
T √ √ √
U √ √ √


69 (d)

70 (d)

BEYOND is written as DHCMKZ.
We can see that the underlying pattern is very simple, as shown below:

E+3=H L
O -2 = M


We will follow a similar pattern to code VERTEX.





So, the required code is XHVRBT.

Hence, option (d) is correct.

71 (b)
n = side of big cube / side of small cube = 9/1 = 1

Number of small cubes havingexactly one face painted = 6(n - 2)2 = 6(9 - 2)2 = 294
Hence, option (b) is correct.

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72 (b)
The cube of side 12 cm will make 12×12×12 = 1728 small cubes of side 1 cm each.
If the outer most layer is removed, we will have a cube of side 10 cm.
The number of 1 cm side cubes in a 10 cm side cube = 10×10×10 = 1000
Hence, the number of cubes having color on at least one of their faces =1728 – 1000 = 728
Hence, option (b) is correct.

73 (a)
There are two boxes between Red box and Green box and there is one box between Red and Blue box.
Hence, two cases are possible:

However, Red box is not above Yellow one. So, Case 2 is correct.
So, option (a) is the right answer.

74 (b)
Option (a) is not correct. According to the passage, air pollution is considered to be the world’s largest
environmental health threat. However, it does not reflect the crux of the passage, as the passage revolves
around the central argument of new findings related with PM 2.5. Hence, Option (a) is not correct.

Option (b) is correct. This statement best reflects the crux of the passage. A recent study regarding the
relationship between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution and antibiotic resistancesuggests that

there is a clear correlation between the two. The passage says, “The study presented the first global
estimates of antibiotic resistance and burden of premature deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance
resulting from PM2.5 pollution”. Further, the passage mentions cases of countries and the risk of
antibiotic resistance associated with an increase in air pollution. Hence, option (b) is correct.

Option (c) is not correct. It is mentioned in the passage, “China and India could be the countries where

changes in PM2.5 have the largest effect on premature deaths attributable to antibiotic resistance due
to their large populations”. It can be implied that the more the population, more the number of deaths.

But it is not the central argument of the passage as it correlates death with population, and does not
mention anything about the relation between antibiotic resistance and PM 2.5. Hence, option (c) is not

Option (d) is not correct. The passage does not mention anything related with the funding of developing

countries by the developed world. Hence, option (d) is not correct.


75 (d)

Option 1 is not correct. The passage does mention about the details of the MoU between ISRO and

Skyroot - a private space tech start-up of India. Hence, option 1 is not correct.

Option 2 is not correct. The passage does not mention anything about the funding requirements of the
start-ups. Hence, option 2 is not correct.

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76 (a)
Option (a) is correct. The given option is based on the lines “Socially innovative activities may deliver
products and services like those of incumbent energy business models e.g., sustainable energy
generation, but also create social value that traditional energy business models may not.” These lines
best reflect the crucial message the author wants to convey.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of India learning from the energy policies of the EU is not correct
because it is not mentioned in the passage. Hence, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is
not the crucial message conveyed by the author.
Option (c) is incorrect. The given option is an extreme statement. The passage nowhere signifies the
dependency of sustainable energy generation on social inclusion and innovation.
Option (d) is incorrect. The given option seems to be correct but the context of universalization (across
the world) is not discussed in the passage as it is focused more on the EU energy package. Hence, the
given option is not what the author wants to convey.

77 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct. The given assumption is based on the line “Striking a balance between personal
expression and receptivity to diverse viewpoints nurtures a well-rounded and intellectually resilient
society.” Therefore, it would be correct to say that intolerance of various opinions could make a society
intellectually stagnant. Hence, this assumption is correct.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. The given assumption is not correct. Refer to the lines “Encouraging people
to withhold their opinions challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research, and empathy
before taking a stance. This approach can lead to more informed discussions, where ideas are refined and
enriched through collaborative exploration.” For the development of ideas through cooperation people
should withhold their opinions and not express them freely in a spontaneous and unfiltered manner.
Hence, this assumption is not correct.

78 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because opinions in themselves do not reflect
anything as per the line, “Promoting a mindset where individuals refrain from both offering and
unquestioningly adopting opinions can foster a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness.
Encouraging people to withhold their opinions challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research,
and empathy before taking a stance.” This line means that blind acceptance of opinions and offering
unfiltered opinions limits critical thinking, and not just opinions per se. Hence, this is not the most crucial

message conveyed by the author.
Option (b) is incorrect. The context of substantiation of opinions for decision making is not correct as

the passage does not discuss it. Hence, this option is not the most crucial message conveyed by the author.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of the right to freedom of expression is not discussed in the passage.
Therefore, this option is beyond the scope of the passage, and is not the most crucial message conveyed
by the author.

Option (d) is correct. The lines, “Promoting a mindset where individuals refrain from both offering and

unquestioningly adopting opinions can foster a culture of critical thinking and open-mindedness.
Encouraging people to withhold their opinions challenges them to engage in deeper reflection, research,
and empathy before taking a stance” and “Striking a balance between personal expression and

receptivity to diverse viewpoints nurtures a well-rounded and intellectually resilient society” show how

important it is to think about opinions with patience. It could lead to an intellectually resilient society.
Hence, the given option is the most crucial message from the passage.

79 (c)
Inference 1 is correct. The given inference is based on the following line - “While mitigation efforts

continue to hold value, pragmatic policies emphasizing rapid implementation will prove pivotal in

safeguarding ecosystems, livelihoods, and vulnerable populations from the mounting consequences of
evolving climate change reality.” Therefore, as per the passage, the given inference is correct.

Inference 2 is correct. The line “Collaborative efforts between nations are vital to share knowledge and

best practices, as climate change knows no borders”, validates the given inference because climate
change impacts all people across the world and does not discriminate based on nations. Hence, this

inference is correct as per the passage.


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80 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because it states that mitigation is in the past,
which is not correct as per the line - “While mitigation efforts continue to hold value…” Hence, this
option is not correct as per the passage.
Option (b) is correct. The given statement is based on the following lines “Considering the growing
realization that … crafting agile policies for swift responses to its impacts. Embracing adaptive
strategies becomes paramount to addressing the imminent challenges posed by changing weather
patterns, rising sea levels, and extreme events. … Collaborative efforts between nations are vital to
share knowledge and best practices, as climate change knows no borders.” These lines show that
effective plans and cooperation among nations are important to deal with climate change consequences.
Hence, this statement is correct as per the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The context of cooperation between world financial institutions is not a part of
the passage. Hence, this option is not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. The context of the role of citizens in fighting climate change is not a part of the
passage. Only the role of governments in terms of finances and policies is discussed. Hence, the given
statement is not correct as per the passage.


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