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ETABS 2016 16.2.


ETABS 2016 Concrete Frame Design

ACI 318-14 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details (Envelope)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Length (mm) LLRF Type

Story1 B90 333 FTB 6990 1 Non Sway

Section Properties

b (mm) h (mm) b f (mm) d s (mm) d ct (mm) d cb (mm)

200 300 200 0 60 60

Material Properties

E c (MPa) f' c (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) f y (MPa) f ys (MPa)

21525.56 20.68 1 275.79 275.79

Design Code Parameters

ΦT Φ CTied Φ CSpiral Φ Vns Φ Vs Φ Vjoint

0.9 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.85

Flexural Reinforcement for Major Axis Moment, M u3

End-I End-I Middle Middle End-J End-J

Rebar Area Rebar Rebar Area Rebar Rebar Area Rebar
mm² % mm² % mm² %
Top (+2 Axis) 1195 1.99 102 0.17 1210 2.02
Bot (-2 Axis) 333 0.55 441 0.74 355 0.59

Flexural Design Moment, M u3

End-I End-I Middle Middle End-J End-J

Design M u Station Loc Design M u Station Loc Design M u Station Loc
kN-m mm kN-m mm kN-m mm
Top (+2 Axis) -58.6712 200 -4.5034 4907.2 -59.3319 6790
Combo 1.DL+LL-EQ+X 0.9DL+EQ+X 1.DL+LL+EQ+X
Bot (-2 Axis) 0 200 24.3983 4436.4 0 6790
Combo 1.DL+LL-EQ+X 1.DL+LL-EQ+X 1.DL+LL+EQ+X

Shear Reinforcement for Major Shear, V u2

End-I Middle End-J

Rebar Av /s Rebar Av /s Rebar Av /s
mm²/m mm²/m mm²/m
277.38 0 275.53

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ETABS 2016 16.2.1 License #*1FWZBEFGTCVFWGB

Design Shear Force for Major Shear, V u2

End-I End-I Middle Middle End-J End-J

Design V u Station Loc Design V u Station Loc Design V u Station Loc
kN mm kN mm kN mm
40.9598 200 0.022 2082.9 40.8679 6790

Torsion Reinforcement

Shear Longitudinal
Rebar At /s Rebar A l
mm²/m mm²
0 0

Design Torsion Force

Design T u Station Loc Design T u Station Loc

kN-m mm kN-m mm
2.172E-05 6790 2.172E-05 6790

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