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LESSON 1: ➤ Evolution of Traditional to New Media

✷ Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to ✷ Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s) - People
education and set of skills that anyone can learn. It is discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged
the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
media messages of all kinds. • Cave paintings (35,000 BC) - considered to
➔ In schools have a symbolic or religious function, sometimes
➔ In the community both.
• Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC) -
➔ In public life
Being used by scribes to record events happening
during their time.
✷ Information Literacy is a transformational process
• Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC) - Used for hymns,
in which the learner needs to find, understand, evaluate, religious texts, spiritual admonitions, letters,
and use information in various forms to create for official documents, proclamations, love poems,
personal, social or global purposes. It is a skill needed to medical texts, scientific or technical manuals,
find, retrieve, analyze and use information. The record-keeping, magical treatises, and literature.
beginning of the 21st century has been called the • Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC) publicare et
Information Age because of the explosion of information propagare
output and information sources. • Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD) -
Woodblock printing (or block printing) is a
✷ Technology Literacy is the ability of an individual, technique for printing text, images or patterns
working independently and with others, to responsibly, used widely throughout East Asia and originating
appropriately, and effectively use technology tools to in China.
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and • Dibao in China (2nd Century) - a publication
communicate information. issued for regulation and circulation of
government's official reports and announcements
➤ Basic Concepts to masses.
• Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century) -
1. Media construct our culture.
Maya codices (codex) are folding books written by
2. Media messages affect our thoughts, attitudes, and the pre-Columbian Maya civilization in Maya
actions. hieroglyphic script on Mesoamerican bark paper.
3. Media use “the language of persuasion”.
4. Media messages contain “texts” and subtexts”. ✷ Industrial Age (1700-1930) - People used the
5. No one tells the whole story. power of steam, developed machine tools, established
6. Media construct fantasy worlds. iron production, and the manufacturing of various
7. Media messages reflect the values and viewpoints products (including books through the printing press).
of media makers.
8. Individuals construct their own meaning from • Printing press for mass production (19th
century) - Device for applying pressure to an
inked surface resting upon a print medium (such
9. Media literate youth and adults are active
as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink.
consumers of media. Typically used for texts, the invention and spread
10. Media messages can be decoded. of the printing press.
• Newspaper - The London Gazette (1640) -
✷ Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of One of the official journals of record of the British
Human Rights - Everyone has the right to freedom of government, and the most important among such
opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to official journals in the United Kingdom, in which
hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive certain statutory notices are required to be
and impart information and ideas through any media published.
and regardless of frontiers (United Nations, 1948). • Typewriter (1800) - Mechanical or
electromechanical machine for writing characters
like those produced by printer’s movable type. A
typewriter operates by means of keys that strike a
ribbon to transmit ink or carbon impressions onto
• Telephone (1876) - Device that allowed multiple • Overhead projectors - Sheets or rolls of
messages to be transmitted over a wire at the transparent film are placed on top of the lens for
same time. display. The light from the lamp travels though the
• Motion picture photography/projection transparency and into the mirror where it is
(1890) - One of the oldest modern imaging reflected onto a viewing screen. The mirror allows
technologies that remains current today. Motion an audience to see the image.
picture theory is simple and clear-cut • LCD (liquid display) projectors- LCD projectors
• Commercial motion pictures (1913) - use liquid crystal panels plus the latest computer
1913 was a particularly fruitful year for film as an and optical technology to project both still and
art form and is often cited one of the years in the moving images in vivid color. Many projectors also
decade which contributed to the medium the have built-in audio speakers, making them all-in-
most, along with 1917. one audiovisual presentation units.
• Motion picture with sound (1926) - Motion
picture with synchronized sound, or sound ✷ Information Age (1900s-2000s) - The Internet
technologically coupled to image, as opposed to paved the way for faster communication and the
a silent film. The first known public exhibition of creation of the social network. People advanced the use
projected sound films took place in Paris in 1900, of microelectronics with the invention of personal
but decades passed before sound motion pictures computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology.
were made commercially practical.
• Telegraph - têle “at a distance” and gráphein, “to ➤ Web browsers
write” is the long-distance transmission of textual
• Mosaic (1993) - Used “point-and-click” graphical
or symbolic (as opposed to verbal or audio)
manipulations and was the first browser to display
messages without the physical exchange of an both text and images on a single page.
object bearing the message.
• Internet Explorer (1995) - First introduced on
• Punch cards - Piece of stiff paper that can be
August 16, 1995, by Microsoft as version 1.0 and it
used to contain digital information represented by came with Microsoft Windows 95.
the presence or absence of holes in predefined
positions. The information might be data for data ➤ Blogs
processing applications or, in earlier examples,
• Blogspot (1999) - BlogSpot is a free domain
used to directly control automated machinery.
service provider.
✷ Electronic Age (1930-1980) - The invention of the • LiveJournal (1999) - Created in 1999 by Brad
transistor ushered in the electronic age. In this age, long Fitzpatrick. LiveJournal consists of a journal for
distance communication has become more efficient. each user, which can be created using various
privacy levels.
• Transistor Radio - With the transistor radio, • WordPress (2003) - Content management
music and information suddenly became portable. system (CMS) that allows you to host and build
• Television (1941) - From its lowly start at an websites. WordPress contains plugin architecture
RCA research lab, to becoming the throne of the and a template system, so you can customize any
living room, it has changed dramatically, but it website to fit your business, blog, portfolio, or
remained true to its original utility, delivering online store.
images to a screen.
• Large electronic computers (1945) - It was ➤ Social networks
Turing-complete and able to solve "a large class of • Friendster (2002) - Designed as a place to
numerical problems" through reprogramming. connect with friends, family, colleagues, and new
• Mainframe computers (1960) - Mainframe or friends over the Internet.
big iron, used primarily by large organizations for • Multiply (2003) - A user's network was made up
critical applications like bulk data processing for of their direct contacts, as well as others who are
tasks such as censuses, industry and consumer closely connected to them through their first-
statistics, enterprise resource planning, and large- degree relationships.
scale transaction processing. • Facebook (2004) - Built in order to connect
• Desktop Calculator (1968) (Hewlett Harvard students with one another. Today,
Packard) - A programmable calculator, designed Facebook is one of the most valuable companies in
for scientists and engineers, who require complex the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users.
calculations, which is probably the first device in
the world, called “personal computer”. ➤ Microblogs
• Apple 1 (1976) (Steve Wozniak) - Desktop • Twitter (2006) - Social media site, and its
computer released by the Apple Computer primary purpose is to connect people and allow
Company. people to share their thoughts with a big audience.
• Tumblr (2007) - Blogging and social media LESSON 3:
tool that allows users to publish a "tumblelog", or
short blog posts. ➤ Types of Media
➤ Video • Radio
• Newspaper
• YouTube (2005) - Originally created as a • Large Circulation Magazines
platform for anyone to post any video content they • Television
desired. It was hoped that users could use the site • Billboards
to upload, share, and view content without • Internet
restriction. It has since grown to become one of
the foremost video distribution sites in the world. ✷ Print - media consisting of paper and ink,
reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally
➤ Video chat
• Skype (2003) - Connecting with the people that
matter most in your life and work. Skype ✷ Broadcast - media such as radio and television that
messaging and HD voice and video calling will help reach target audiences using airwaves as the
you share experiences and get things done with transmission medium.
• Google Hangouts (2013) - Makes it easy to ✷ New Media (Internet) - content organized and
connect with people via talk, text, or video, and
distributed on digital platforms.
the app allows you to create groups that can be
connected again and again. It also stores your ➤ Advantages of Mass Media
past chats so you can pick up the text
conversation any time and can refer back to past • Reaches many people quickly.
messages as convenient. • Low cost per person.

➤ Search Engines ➤ Can be used to..

• Yahoo (1995) - Internet portal that incorporates • Tell people about new ideas and services.
a search engine and a directory of World Wide • Agenda-setting and advocacy.
Web sites organized in a hierarchy of topic
➤ Types of Media Opportunities
• Google (1996) - Google's mission is to organize • News and Features
the world's information and make it universally • Documentaries
accessible and useful. That's why Search makes it • Magazine Programmes
easy to discover a broad range of information from • Drama
a wide variety of sources. • Quizzes
• Jingles
❖ Smart phones - Portable device that • Announcements
combines mobile telephone and computing functions • Chat Shows
into one unit. • Advertising
❖ Wearable technology - Also known as ➤ Classification of Media
"wearables," is a category of electronic devices that
1. Print Media - Print media. They include books,
can be worn as accessories, embedded in clothing,
journals, magazines, newspapers, workbook,
implanted in the user's body, or even tattooed on the textbooks.
skin. 2. Non-Print Media
➤ Portable computers • Projected media: they require light source for
• Laptops (1980) - Build small, portable personal • Non-projected media: they do not require light
computers that combine the components, inputs, source. They include 3 dimensional objects, charts,
outputs and capabilities of a desktop computer in models etc.
a small chassis. 3. Electronic Media
• Tablets (1993) - Apple Computer released • Audio media: this form of media carry sounds
the Apple Newton alone.
• Netbooks (2008) - Relatively new category of • Visual media: These are the ones that can be
notebook computer noted for being smaller, less seen.
expensive and generally more energy efficient. • Audio-Visual: this term refers to those
instructional materials which provide students with
audio and visual experiences by appearing to the
hearing and seeing senses at the same time.
4. Hardware and Software Genre Conventions
• Hardware: this the classification of machines or • Generic Structures
equipment used in the instructional process. It is • Character and Story Arcs
upon these gadgets that the software is • Story Principles
• Software: this classification consists of all Form Conventions
materials used with the machine. They are the real • Form and Structure
carrier of knowledge or information. • Elements of Page Layout
• Paper Stock for Print
LESSON 4: • Titles and Credits Sequences
• Hyperlinking, Mounting and Framing of Images
➤ Media and Information Languages
✷ Messages - the information sent from a source to a
✷ Media Text – any media product we wish to receiver.
examine, whether it is banner article in a broadsheet, a • Explicit messages - expressed or shown clearly
television program, a poster, a music video, a and openly, without any attempt to hide anything.
documentary, etc. • Implicit messages - a message that uses visuals
rather than literally saying or explicitly saying what
➤ The features of media texts are elaborated in 3 they mean.
1. Media texts have a physical form. ✷ Producers - People engaged in the process of
2. Media texts have economic value. creating and putting together media content to make a
3. Media texts are a site for creation and production finished media product.
of meaning.
✷ Audience - the group of consumers for whom a
✷ Language - pertains to the technical and symbolic media message was constructed as well as anyone else
ingredients or codes and conventions that media and who is exposed to the message.
information professionals may select and use in an effort
✷ Other stakeholders - Libraries, archives, museums,
to communicate ideas, information and knowledge.
internet and other relevant information providers.
• Media Languages - codes, conventions, formats,
The Languages of TV and Film
symbols and narrative structures that indicate the
meaning of media messages to an audience. • Camera
• Lights
✷ Codes - systems of signs, put together (usually in a • Sound
sequence) to create meaning. • Editing
• Setting
➤ Types of Codes • Costume
• Actor expressions
• Technical Codes - Camera techniques, framing,
depth of field, lighting, exposure and juxtaposition
• Symbolic Codes - Objects, setting, color,
clothing, body language, actions of characters, or
iconic symbols that are easily understood. ➤ Media and Information Services
• Written Codes - Headlines, captions, speech • Magazines - is a collection of articles and images
bubbles, language style about diverse topics of popular interest and
current events.
✷ Conventions - habits or long accepted ways of • Academic Journal - is a collection of articles
doing things through repeated experiences, audiences usually written by scholars in an academic or
become familiar with these. professional field. An editorial board reviews
articles to decide whether they should be
➤ Media Conventions accepted.
• Database - contains citations in magazines,
Story Conventions journals and newspapers. They may also contain
• Cause and Effect citations to podcast, blogs, videos, and other
• Point of View media types.
• The Structuring of time
• Newspapers - is a collection of articles about
current events usually published daily, since there
is at least one in every city, it is a great source for
local information.
• Library Catalog - is an organized and searchable
collection of records of every item in a library and
can be found on the library homepage. The
catalog will point you to the location of a particular
source, or group of sources, that the library owns
on your topic.
• Books - cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction.
For research purposes, you will probably be
looking for books that synthesize all the
information on one topic to support a particular
argument or thesis.
• Encyclopedia - are collections of short, factual
entries often written by different contributors who
are knowledgeable about the topic.
• Website - allows you to access most types of
information on the Internet through a browser.
One of the main features of the web is the ability
to quickly link to other related information.

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