Destruction and Preservation of Giant Light Oilfields

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Disc Contents © IPA, 2006 - Proceedings of an International Conference on Petroleum Systems of

SE Asia and Australasia, 1997

PA97 - OR - 05


Proceedings of the Petroleum Systems of SE Asia and Australasia Conference, May 1997


Duncan S. Macgregor*

ABSTRACT accumulations, are interrogated to establish

relationships between these factors. This large scale
Study of a database of 359 giant oilfields show these work is backed up by more focussed analyses in a
to be dynamic short lived phenomena, with a median number of key petroleum provinces, including many
age of 35 Ma. One third show evidence for post- SE Asian examples. The main objectives of the
entrapment destructive processes, particularly erosion. research presented is to develop an understanding of
fault leakage and gas flushing. Biodegradation is a the factors controlling long term preservation of
destructive process most active during oil entrapment. oilfields and thus contribute to the assessment of
Re-entrapment of oil released from spilling or exploration risk in settings where preservation may be
breached traps is common. These processes are a key factor, e.g. in old intracratonic basins which
illustrated with case examples from SE Asia and generated their petroleum in the far geological past.
throughout the world.
Readers are referred to the full paper for lists of the
The main controls on oilfield preservation are post- references used in this work.
entrapment tectonism and seal type, with temperature
arLdhydrodynamic regimes being secondary factors. DESTRUCTIVE PROCESSES AND ZONES
T'estructive processes are concentrated in shallow and
deep zones and in seepage-prone traps such as Oil is a mixture of organic compounds that are both
compressional anticlines. Such factors strongly physically and chemically unstable in the subsurface.
influence the distribution of preserved light oilfields, It is therefore not surprising that a wide range of
with preservation potential maximised in tectonically destructive processes are identified in the world's
quiescent basins with evaporite or thick mudstone oilfields (Table 1). These can classified genetically by
seals e.g. the Middle East and the Permian Basin, or the nature of the chemical, b i o l o g i d or physical
in basin centres distant from inverted or uplifted zones process that alter or remove 'fresh' light oil (generally
e.g. Central Sumatra. More attention is required in >30°API) in the original pool. Three groupings of
prospect and regional evaluations to models involving processes are identified, namely vertical leakage (on
post-entrapment leakage and re-migration. faults, through erosion or through reservoir
overpressuring), lateral spillage (through trap tilting or
OBJECTIVES flushing, either by water or gas) and compositional
changes (cracking LO gas, biodegradationlwater
This short paper summarises an already published and washing).
more detailed paper (Macgrcgor, 1996), that presents
an integration of a number of studies on themes An alternative manner of classifying these processes
related to the natural destruction of oilfields. These is by the depth ranges in which they operate (Figure
include reviews of the range of destructive processes 1). Destructive processes can be grouped into those
observed in oilfields, of surface oil seepage and of the which affect shallow oilfields (e.g. seepage related to
age of the world's oilfields. Global databases, fault leakage or erosion, biodegradation) and those
including one comprising the 350 largest known oil which operate at considerable depth (e.g. gas flushing
and cracking). Destructive processes can thus be seen
* BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd. - Indonesia to be concentrated in shallow or deep destructive


zones, the depth ranges of which vary substantially has been advanced only in a few extensively drilled
with factors such as tectonic setting, seal type,
geothermal gradient and age of petroleum system. The
base of the Shallow Destructive Zone (SDZ) is
and documented basins. Biodegradation is clearly a
highly significant shallow destructive process,
affecting the majority of the world's largest oil
marked either by .the depth limits of active surface accumulations. Biodegradation and heavy oil
penetrating faults cutting oilfields (that facilitate occurrences are concentrated above 500m, but not all
seepage) or the penetration into the subsurface of shallow oil occurrences are affected (Figure 3),
bacteria-rich flowing groundwaters. Evaporite seals suggesting complex timing, temperature and
can play a significant preservation role in preventing hydrological controls. There remains a high degree of
fault communication to the surface and the influx of uncertainty as to the significance of biodegradation in
groundwaters, and commonly imply very thin SDZs. the post-entrapment phase. Some evidence from API
The top of the Deep Destructive Zone (DDZ) is vs. depth plots suggests that in some fields, post-
defined by the limits of gas flushing or the onset of entrapment biodegradation is concentrated in zones
cracking to . gas, which are temperature-time adjacent to oil-water contacts e.g. Duri field, Central
dependant, moving shallower with increased age of Sumatra. Accumulations in which the oil column is
system. Between these two zones lies an Optimum uniformly degraded, such as the Alberta tar sands and
Preservation Zone (OPZ) of variable thickness, within Central North Sea heavy oils, may have been
which light oil is most likely to be preserved for long degraded during the process of oilfield filling.
periods. Any oil released from tilted traps in the OPZ
tends to be retrapped rather than lost to surface. The mechanisms by which oilfields,become displaced
by or converted to gas at depth remain poorly
The top of the SDZ is the surface, where in understood, though the bulk of the evidence indicates
volumetric terms, losses are probably highest. Losses gas flushing, rather than cracking, to be the Elominant
at the surface occur in the forms of seeps, derived process. Gas flushing trends are observed in the Illizi
from erosion of uplifted oil pools .or from shallow oil Basin (Algeria), the Central North Sea and reef trends
pools with fault communication to surEace. Study of in Alberta. Time seems to be an important variable
seep distributions in Western Indonesia and elsewhere controlling the maximum depth and temperature of
indicate that only a minority of seeps can be directly major oilfields (Figure 3) with most deep ( ~ 2 5 0 0 m )
related to leakage from subsurface oilfields, with the fields having been filled comparitively recently.
remainder seemingly representing the exhumation of Maximum oilfield temperatures range from in excess
the various component parts of a petroleum system, of 160°C for Tertiary petroleum systems (e.g. Central
e.g. microtraps and migration staining. Good Sumatra) to less than 100°C for older Palaeozoic
relationships can be demonstrated at the basinal scale systems (e.g. Permian reservoirs of Permian Basin,
between the intensity of seepage, as measured by West Texas). The zone in which oil may be preserved
numbers of reported seeps, and oil reserves. Such is consequently thought to be thickest for young
relationships are shown by work in Indonesia petroleum systems such as those in SE Asia.
(Macgregor, 1993) to break down at sub-basinal and
prospect scales, where most seeps are observed to Re-migration and re-entrapment of oil released from
concentrate over tectonic features such as active breached, flushed or tilted traps seems to be common
diapirs, active faults, and inverted basin margins. processes in basins that have undergone deep burial or
Seeping oilfields tend to be concentrated in shallow, structural tiltinghe-shaping, though as with other
steeply dipping, faulted anticlinal traps (Figure 2). subsurface destructive processes, these tend to be
Seeps are rare where traps are buried beneath thick identified at present only in extensively drilled data-
unfaulted overburdens, e.g. central parts of Sumatra rich basins (e.g. Central and South Sumatra, Illizi,
basins, North Sea, Sirte Basin of Libya. The prime Alberta, Alaska). Multiple phases of re-migration may
exploration value of visible seeps in most frontier lead to dispersion of the oil originally reservoired and
basins lies at the regional level, in the clues they give may have the confusing effects of leading to the
as to the nature, extent, and quantitative hydrocarbon filling of traps whose formation postdates oil
potential of a basin's source system. generation e.g. Pleistocene traps of CentraliSouth
Sumatra. Such complexities are rarely considered in
The study of destructive processes in the sub-surface current attempts at modelling petroleum systems, but

ay be more common than realised. The geologist based on evidence for long term preservation or for
exploring in regions where traps and/or reservoirs partial or complete destruction of giant light oil fields.
post-date oil generation needs to keep an open mind Definitions &d SE Asian examples are as follows:
to the possibility of late stage traps being filled
through re-migration. High Preservation Oil Systems are identified through
evidence for long term preservation of large light oil
Figure 1 emphasises the often complex nature of fields or by little evidence, either in the geological
oilfield histories and shows multiple paths that may record and at present day, for destructive processes
lead to seepage at the surface, the filling of young having caused significant losses to surface or to the
traps by re-migration or the formation of heavy oils. gas phase. An example is the Central Sumatra Basin
(Figure 5 ) , which shows little seepage, little gas and
The most volumetrically significant destructive a high proportion of light relative to heavy oil
processes are surface erosion, leakage on faults (both volumes. Limited inversion and erosion, a young
of which give a surface expression in the form of petroleum system and a high geothermal gradient that
seepage) and gas flushing. Estimated present day rates constrains the impact of biodegradation are all
of destruction from these processes are consistent with important factors here. International examples include
the limited age of most of the world's oilfields (Figure the long-lived petroleum system of the Permian Basin,
4), pafticularly in the tectonic settings most prone to West Texas and the Middle East. High preservation
seepage, e.g. thrust belts. oil provinces are generally those which contain thick
shale or evaporite seals, and show quiescent structural
IMPACT ON PETROLEUM SYSTEMS AND OIL histories. They tend to lie in simple uninverted or only
RESERVES DISTRIBUTION mildly inverted extensional basins.

Oilfields are typically dynamic and temporary Moderate Preservation Oil Systems show significant
phenomena, containing a chemically unstable and evidence for destructive processes but seem to retain
highly mobile fluid. Oil systems follow a generation, a significant proportion of their original light oil
entrapment and destruction cycle that varies in volume in the subsurface. These provinces may also
duration from a million gears or less (e.g. the very show evidence for a significant amount of re-
rapidly seeping fields of the Santa Barbara Channel, migration and re-entrapment. SE Asian examples
California) to several hundreds of millions of years include, Myanmar and parts of the South Sumatra
(e.g. Permian Basin, West Texas). Large oilfields Basin (Figure 5), where significant uplift has
frequently show evidence for partial and/or ongoing occurred. Shallow pools are either exposed at the
destruction, with at least a third of the 350 giant (>1 surface, leak through faults or are degraded to heavy
BBO in place) oil accumulations reviewed showing oil, while light oil survives deeper in the subsurface.
evidence for destructive activity through one or more Further examples include the Alaskan North Slope,
of the processes identified above. The world's median where significant re-migration and associated
giant oilfield age is consequently limited at around 35 degradation to heavy oil has occurred. A reduction to
Ma., whilst only 10% of giant oilfields have existed moderate or even low states of preservation can also
for over 75 Ma (Figure 4). Oilfields in seepage-prone be caused through deep burial and high temperatures,
compressional traps have shorter average lives while leading to extensive gas flushing and/or cracking (e.g.
those in low relief anticlines and stratigraphic traps Illizi Basin, Algeria, Central North Sea, Val
are, on average, older. VerdeIDelaware Basin of West Texas).

The potential for the long term preservation of a light Low Preservation Oil Systems are systems where a
oilfield is dependent on three primary factors, namely majority of the original entrapped light oil volume has
post-entrapment tectonism, subsidence and seal type. been destroyed at surface or converted to gas or heavy
The age of petroleum system, heat flow history and oil. This high degree of destruction usually results
hydrogeological regime are important secondary from the combined influence of several destructive
factors. A grouping of various petroleum systems, processes. SE Asian examples include areas of
including SE Asian basins (Figure 5), into 'high', exposed tar sands such as Buton, Sulawesi and
'moderate' and 'low' degrees of preservation is applied, onshore Ceram. Further examples (e.g. Alberta,

Junggar Basin of China) demonstrate that low distribution of large light oil fields. Prediction of the
preservation oil provinces usually lack evaporite seals extents of destructive zones in undrilled or lightly
and have typically undergone significant drilled frontier basins should be possible in most cases
compressional uplifts following generation of their through basic seismic interpretation and
petroleum systems, allowing processes such as surface basin/geochemical analysis,' enabling a ranking of
erosion, fault leakage and oxygenated water basins on the preservative criteria listed. In addition,
.influxhiodegradation to degrade a large proportion of integrated studies of seep belts on basin margins aid
their oil reserves. A common characteristic of low the prediction of oil occurrences in more basinward,
preservation provinces, as observed in many inverted higher preservation segments of the basin concerned.
rifts, is very irregular or concentrated field size The highest ranked frontier basins will be those in
distributions. An example is the Wessex Basin which reservoirs and source rocks have remained,
(Dorset, England), where the vast majority of the throughout their history, in the intermediate depth
basin's reserves are concentrated in an uninverted area zones conducive to preservation. These will tend to be
and in a single field, Wytch Farm. either young petroleum systems or older systems with
evaporite seals and/or tectonically quiescent histories.
Preservation potential as measured on the criteria Even in much systems, re-migration may be
outlined above (age of system, seal type, tectonic significant. Explorationists working on plays and
history, temperature/depth profile) is a key factor prospects requiring significant periods of oilfield
controlling the global distribution of light oil volumes, preservation need to consider models involving
particularly for older petroleum systems. When only destructive processes in or er to improve their
economically attractive light oil reserves are abilities to explore for economic quantities of
considered, most of the worlds largest oil provinces undegraded light oil.
lie in high preservation extensional or sag settings
(e.g. Middle East, West Siberia). The impaot of REFERENCES
preservation on oil reserves distribution at a basinal
scale is demonstrated in the Sumatran basins, where Macgregor, D.S., 1993, Relationships between
the largest oilfields are concentrated in non-inverted Seepage, Tectonics and Subsurface Petroleum
basin centres, distant froh the seep belts on basin Reserves, Marine & Petroleum Geology 10, 6, pp.
margins. 606-619.

CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Macgregor, D.S., 1996, Factors Controlling the

Destruction and Preservation of Giant Light Oilfields,
Preservation potential is a major factor controlling the Petroleum Geoscience 2, 3, pp. 197-217.

Re-migration of Oil
g$ Influx of Other Fluids

field examples
AR = Alberta Reefs
K= Kuparuk, Alaska
KK = Kirkuk, Iraq
PB = Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
0 = Orinoco Tar Belt, Venezuela
U = Ugnu, Alaska
ZI = Lower Zagros Reservoirs, Iraq
Zu = Upper Zagros Reservoirs, Iraq

FIGURE 1 - The figure summarises the main destructive processes identified, their relative depth ranges,
their surface effects and their relationships to migration and entrapment histories. Processes
are shown in circles and hydrocarbon accumulation types in boxes. Uplift and subsidence of
oil pools is shown as continuous lines while migration of oil is shown as dashed lines.

CA 28%


OTH 2%

DIA 4%

SCA = Steep
Compressional Anticline
LRA = Low Relief Anticline
EXB = Extensional Block
DIA = Diapir
UPP = Updip Pinchout
STR = Stratigraphic
OTH = Other
n.k. = not known

FIGURE 2 - Analysis of trap type distribution for the 350 largest oil accumulations in the world and for
seeping fields within that dataset. Note the large expansion of the compressional trap segment
for seeping fields.

0 Orinoco
Crl[3m omri oyates VaCuUrn
Athabasca n c a
00 0 P..:.---Bradford
0 E
Ugnu n
WestSak 0 0
a n"0 d t4s 0 - deepest
giant field
filled prior
0 0
r - i R

Marlim ci

large number
w 0 of fields cooked
preserved light
to gas?, e.g.
oilfields below
a Permian basin,
3000m are Albetta
I recently sourced cli
(70% f i i M in Cardenas

FIGURE 3 - API value versus depth for 350 giant oilfields. Note the irregular API distribution at shallow
depths, which reflects the irregularity of biodegradation. Practically all surviving deep fields
were filled in the T'ertiaqT, suggesting a tendency for such deep fields to be gas flushed 01
cracked with time.

in place Mid East, Venezuela,
N.Sea, Calif., Mexico, SE Asia

E. Siberia (exact timing


I 100hna 20dMa 300 h a 400hfa 500hna I

no. of giant



Tar ( 4 0API)
Heavy Oil (10-20AP
50- Light Oil (>20API)

time slice
Tertl Cret.1 Jurl Tr. 1 P e r . w DedsilI Ordl camd.
I00 h a 20d Ma 300 hila 400 h a 500 h a

FIGURE 4 - Volume/Number ot Giant Oilfields plotted against age of interpreted oil emplacement (from
numerous literature references). Note the sharp near exponential decline in oil volumes with
increased age of petroleum system, indicative of a high destruction rate.
85 1

PreservationlDestruction State in S.E.Asian Systems

HP >1 --Mp-Lp-- -t

ASSAM Naga Thrust Belt

Assarn Foreland Basin Central Arch AA A A

* --LP M
- L
Eastern Yenangyaung
BURMA Outcrops sail,, B~~~~ Minbu Anticlines Pegu Yornas

-LP~ *-. -MP-+ -.-Hp-. . ~ t

Tarniang Alur Siwah High

N. SUMATRA Deep (Diapirisrn) Offshore Basin
Barisan Uplift AA A
sw NE

i L P M
-- -Hp- __ _.________~

. .
t -~
Dalu Dalu Uplift Central Deep Minas High Rokan Uplift

Muara Enirr;'hiclinoriurn Muara ~~i~ Pendoqo
S. SUMATRA (Diapirisrn) Deep Anticlinoriurn
Garba Mtns. (Barisan Uplift) A A A

-Hp -+-MP-
BARAM (onshore)
---f .Belait Anticline
-~ L
- F

Seria wu Belait Svncline A A

A Seem 3 = ? DiaDiric Anticline Scale
10 Km
@ Large petroleum Fields
0 Small Detroleum Fields
0 Probable Source kitchenArea
A Mud Volcanoes ReservoirKarrier Bed 2Kml

L : Light oil (>20°API) HP : High Preservation System

H : Heavy oil (<20°API) MP Moderate Preservation System

LP : Low Preservation System

9000334/1.fh5 Modified After Macgregor (1993)

FIGURE 5 - Schematic cross-sections of a number of SE Asian petroleum provinces, showing interpreted

regional variations in preservation state. The largest fields in most of these systems lie in high
preservztion areas basinward of seep belts that represent areas of partial petroleum system


Possible Evidence / Effects
- l_sl_ll II

Flowing surface seeps (fault associated).

High level re-enhapped oil system below more
comnetent seals
Surface seeps and impregnations.
Outcropping ?ar sands.
Reworked bitumen in sediments.

Mud Volcanoes and associated seeps.

OVEWWSSIJRJWG (Capillary or bqdraulic failure Residual shows in traps at fracture pressure.
et the seal) Shows in overburden.
High level re-trapped oil system in younger reservoirs
and/or traps. _I__I_.
Evidence for re-migration e.g. oil in young structures.
Seepage on carrier bed outcrops.
Residual oil columns in destroyed traps. ~ - l . - _ l l . l .
Residual oil columns in’ freshwater saturated
reservoirs within valid traps.
Tilting o f oil-water contacts.
Existence of hydrodynamic traps.
.~ _l_l “I_

Spillfuli field with significant ga.s column.

Trends o f increasing gas content in fields close to
Heavy oil 1 tar sand occurrence.
Heavy oil throughout column suggests degradation
occurred during oilfield f i h g 4PI decrease %awards Sands.
QWC suggests post-entrqment alteration
Geochemical evidence foe loss o f ligbt hydrocllthons
__gl_ l__”l_l__lilllll___le~---
Gas or gas-sondensate accumulation
olugged with pvsobiturnen

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