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TEHRAN -- Secretary-General of the International TEHRAN -- A rare United Arab Emirates-Iran joint

Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi is expected economic commission will convene in Abu Dhabi from
Tuesday to Wednesday, the Iranian Labor News Agency
to visit Iran next week to participate in an internation- reported, as Tehran seeks to bolster economic ties with
al nuclear conference and meet with Iranian officials, Persian Gulf states. This is the first meeting in 10 years
spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran for the bilateral joint economic cooperation commission,
(AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said Tuesday. with Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development
The IAEA chief will take part in the International Con- Mehdi Bazrpash and Emirati Minister of Economy Ab-
dulla Bin Touq Al Marri in attendance. The UAE down-
ference of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies to be held graded its diplomatic ties with Iran after Riyadh severed
in the central city of Esfahan from May 6-8, and will meet its ties with Tehran in 2016 following the storming of the
with Muhammad Eslami, head of the AEOI. (Continued on Page 7)

VOL NO: LV 12242 TEHRAN / Est.1959 Wsdnesday, May 1, 2024, Ordibehsht 12, 1403, Shawwal 22, 1445, Price 400,000 Rials

2 6 8

2Persian Gulf Peace Iran’s

Permanent Perspective

‘Free Palestine’ Banners

Campus Crackdown
Two Israeli-Linked Ships Targeted in Indian Ocean
Buried Under

Unfurled at U.S. Universities

NEW YORK (AP) nic University, Humboldt, where
Yemen Targets Two U.S. Destroyers in Red Sea in a televised address early on
protesters have occupied two Tuesday.
buildings, dozens of police offi- British maritime security firm
- cers in helmets and carrying ba- Ambrey reported earlier that a
trances and unfurling a Palestinian tons marched onto campus early Malta-flagged container ship
flag out of a window in the latest es- Tuesday and cleared both halls. on Monday said it was targeted
calation of demonstrations against The university said 25 people
by three missiles while en route
were arrested and there were no
from Djibouti to the Saudi city
spread to college campuses nation- injuries. The start of the sweep
wide. was broadcast on the Facebook of Jeddah. The Yemenis aid the
Protesters on Columbia’s Man- page of KAEF-TV, a satellite of Cyclades was on that route when
hattan campus locked arms in KRCR-TV, until police detained they attacked the vessel.
front of Hamilton Hall early the reporter. Ambrey assessed that the ship
Tuesday and carried furniture and The university earlier an- was targeted due to its listed op-
metal barricades to the building, nounced a “hard closure,” mean- erator’s ongoing trade with Israel,
one of several that was occupied ing that people were not permit- it said in an advisory note.
during a 1968 civil rights and ted to enter or be on campus The United States and Britain
anti-Vietnam War protest, video without authorization. At 3:24 have carried out strikes against
footage showed. Posts on an In- a.m., the university’s website Yemeni targets in retaliation for
stagram page for protest organiz- posted a shelter-in-place order for their attacks on vessels.
ers shortly after midnight urged the campus. Yemen’s top policy-making
people to protect the encampment Yale authorities on Tuesday
body on Tuesday issued a stern
and join them at Hamilton Hall. morning cleared a protesters’ en-
warning to the United States that
A “Free Palestine” banner hung campment after students heeded
Yemen’s military says two U.S. destroyers were targeted in the Red Sea, along with the vessel Cyclades and any move aimed at destabilizing
from a window. final warnings to leave, universi-
the MSC Orion in the Indian Ocean. the Arab country would lead to
“An autonomous group re- ty officials said. No arrests were
claimed Hind’s Hall, previously reported. Demonstrators said on SANAA (Dispatches) -- Gaza. Strait and Gulf of Aden since No- massive chaos in the region, espe-
known as ‘Hamilton Hall,’ in social media that they were mov- Yemen’s fighters said they target- Portugal-flagged MSC Orion vember. cially in key waterways surround-
honor of Hind Rajab, a martyr ing their gathering to a sidewalk ed two U.S. destroyers in the Red was sailing between the ports In March, Yemen’s Ansarullah ing Yemen.
murdered at the hands of the area. The encampment was set up Sea, along with the vessel Cyclades in Sines, Portugal and Salalah, leader said the group was ex- Yemen’s Supreme Political
genocidal Israeli regime at the Sunday, six days after police ar- and the MSC Orion in the Indian Oman and its registered owner panding its attack area to prevent Council said in a statement that
age of six years old,” CU Apart- rested nearly 50 people, including Ocean, their military spokesman is Zodiac Maritime, according to Israel-linked ships from passing consequences of any military
heid Divest posted on the social 44 students, and took down doz- Yahya Sarea announced in a tele- LSEG data. through the Indian Ocean toward action by the U.S. and allies tar-
media platform X early Tuesday. ens of tents. vised speech early on Tuesday. Zodiac is partly owned by Israe- the Cape of Good Hope. geting Yemen would spread well
Hamilton Hall is an academic Dozens of people were arrested For months, Yemeni forces have li businessman Eyal Ofer. The Yemeni forces also targeted beyond the borders of the Arab
building that opened in 1907 and Monday during protests at uni- country.
conducted attacks on shipping Yemeni forces have launched the Cyclades commercial vessel
is named after Alexander Ham- versities in Texas, Utah, Virginia
lanes, in what they say is in sup- repeated drone and missile strikes as well as two U.S. destroyers in The council warned that launching
ilton, who attended King’s Col- and New Jersey, while Columbia
port of Palestinians in the war in in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab the Red Sea, its spokesman said (Continued on Page 7)
lege, Columbia’s original name. said hours before the takeover of

Paris University Funds Cut

The student radio station, WK- Hamilton Hall that it had started
CR-FM, broadcast a play-by- suspending students. At the Uni-
play of the hall’s takeover, which versity of Texas at Austin, 79 ICJ Rejects German Request
occurred nearly 12 hours after
Monday’s 2 p.m. deadline for the
people involved in the Monday
protest were jailed, according
After Pro-Palestine Demos to Quash Genocide Case
protesters to leave an encamp- to the Travis County sheriff’s PARIS (Dispatches) -- The On Tuesday, the university’s
ment of around 120 tents or face department, most charged with Paris region authority sparked acting administrator, Jean THE HAGUE (Dispatches) -- caragua accused Germany of
suspension. criminal trespass. The International Court of Justice “facilitating the commission of
controversy Tuesday by tem- Basseres, said he regretted the
University representatives Also Tuesday, police cleared an (ICJ) has rejected a German re- genocide”, demanding the court
did not immediately respond encampment at the University of porarily suspending funding decision.
quest to throw out the Nicaraguan impose emergency measures to
to emails requesting comment North Carolina at Chapel Hill and for Sciences Po, one of the “The Ile-de-France region is case accusing it of facilitating Is- halt German arms exports to Is-
Tuesday, but the public safety de- detained about 30 people. At the country’s most prestigious uni- an essential partner of Scienc- rael’s genocide in Gaza, allowing rael and reinstate funding for the
partment said in a statement that University of Connecticut, po- versities, after it was rocked by es Po, and I wish to maintain the case to proceed. UN Palestinian refugee agency
access to the campus has been lice made arrests after protesters tense pro-Palestinian and anti- dialogue on the position ex- Presiding Judge Nawaf Salam, Unrwa.
limited to students living in the refused orders to remove tents who delivered the world court’s The Nicaraguan case argued
Israel demonstrations. pressed by Mrs. Pecresse,” he
residential buildings and essential Tuesday morning. decision on Tuesday, said that the that since the start of the war on
“I have decided to suspend told French daily Le Monde in ICJ remains “deeply concerned October 7, Germany has been ful-
employees, such as dining, pub- The nationwide campus protests
lic safety and maintenance staff. began as a response by some stu- all regional funding for Sci- an interview. about the catastrophic living con- ly aware that the Zionist regime
There was just one access point dents to Israel’s invasion of Gaza. ences Po until calm and secu- In an echo of tense demon- ditions of the Palestinians in the was violating international law
into and out of campus. The plight of the arrested dem- rity have been restored at the strations rocking many top Gaza Strip”. in Gaza, and that, following the
In the X post, protesters said onstrators has become a central However, the court ruled by 15 ICJ’s ruling on January 26 that
school,” Valerie Pecresse, the United States universities,
to one against issuing any emer- found a “plausible risk” of geno-
they planned to remain at the hall part of protests, with students and right-wing head of the greater students at Sciences Po have gency measures against Germany cide in Gaza, these violations
until the university agreed to three a growing number of faculty de-
Paris Ile-de-France region, staged a number of protests, over its arms exports to Israel, were tantamount to genocide.
demands: divestment, financial manding amnesty for protesters.
said on social media. with some students furious arguing that the current circum- From the start of the war, Ger-
transparency and amnesty. At issue is whether the suspen- stances did not require them. many has justified its unwavering
Universities nationwide are sions and legal records will fol- She took aim at “a minority over the Israeli war and ensu-
The ICJ reminded all parties support for Israel, with Federal
grappling with how to clear out low students through their adult of radicalized people calling ing humanitarian crisis in the
that they are obligated to “respect Chancellor Olaf Scholz saying
encampments as commencement lives. for antisemitic hatred” and ac- Gaza Strip. and ensure respect” to Article 1 of in parliament that, “Israel’s secu-
ceremonies approach, with some The Texas protest and others, cused hard-left politicians of France is home to the world’s the Geneva Convention. rity is part of Germany’s raison
continuing negotiations and oth- including in Canada and Europe, seeking to exploit the tensions. largest Jewish population after Nicaragua brought Germany d’état.”
ers turning to force and ultima- grew out of Columbia’s early before the ICJ for violating the Germany is the second largest
Regional support for the Par- the occupying entity of Israel
tums that have resulted in clashes demonstrations. On Monday, stu- Genocide Convention and inter- arms exporter to Israel, approv-
with police. At many campuses, dent activists defied the 2 p.m. is-based university includes 1 and the U.S., as well as Eu-
national law through its contin- ing $354 million worth of weap-
including Columbia, things ap- deadline to leave the encamp- million euros ($1.07 million) rope’s biggest Muslim com- ued military and political support ons exports in 2023, a tenfold in-
peared to be coming to a head. ment. Instead, hundreds of pro- earmarked for 2024, a member munity. of Israel. crease compared to the previous
At California State Polytech- testers remained. of Pecresse’s team told AFP. (Continued on Page 7) During a two-day hearing, Ni- year.
2 May 1 , 2024 DOMESTIC NEWS

Iran Criticizes UN for Double Standards

Kayhan Group of Newspapers
Amid U.S. Campus Crackdown And ye dwelt in the
dwellings of men who
wronged their own
Editorial Dept. Tel.: 33911561, 33110251-9 souls; ye were clearly
Ext.: 2334, 2336, 2337 shown how We dealt
with them; and We put
Advertising Dept.: 33110251-9 Ext. 2336
forth (many) parables in
Subscription Ext.: 2322 your behoof!
Facsimile: 33114228 & 33111120 The Holy Qur’an (14-45)
P.O. Box: 11365/9631 PRAYER TIMINGS
Noon (Zohr) 12:01
Address: Martyr Shah Cheraghi Street, Ferdowsi Avenue,
Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran Evening(Maghreb) 19:11
Dawn(Fajr)“ Tomorrow” 05:12

In the Name of the Most High Sunrise “Tomorrow” 03:39

Navy Escorts
Ships in Gulf of
Persian Gulf Peace Iran’s Texas University policemen arrest a pro-Palestinian demonstrator at the University
of Texas in Austin, Texas, on April 29, 2024.
Aden, Atlantic
Permanent Perspective TEHRAN - Iran’s top human rael’s genocidal military campaign college president Nemat Minouche

By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer

rights official Kazem Gharibabadi
has criticized the United Nations
in Gaza, which has killed nearly
34,500 Palestinians and left over a
Shafik called on police to clear
protesters’ encampments.
human rights office for leveling million displaced and starving. Despite harsh crackdowns, in- TEHRAN – Iranian Navy Com-
A couple of days ago, we celebrated the 402nd anniversary of the Iranian
navy’s resounding triumph over the Portuguese intruders who had occupied
trumped-up rights charges against So far, more than 900 people have cluding mass suspensions, evic- mander Rear Admiral Shahram
Bahrain, seized Hormuz, and for decades were terrorizing the Persian Gulf Iran while turning a blind eye to been arrested on U.S. campuses, tions from university housing, Irani has praised the Persian Gulf
coasts. U.S. violent crackdown on anti-war the Washington Post reported on and arrests, similar protests have
security, stressing that his force
Did the victory of Shah Abbas’ naval forces ensured peace and prosperity in students and academics in university Monday, highlighting that dem- sprung up across the U.S. with
escorts the country’s ships and oil
the Persian Gulf for the next four centuries? campuses. onstrations were “peaceful and footage emerging of students,
Sadly, the answer is negative. The driving out of the Portuguese and return tankers in the Gulf of Aden and
Gharibabadi, secretary of Iran’s nonviolent until law enforcement professors, and journalists being
of Bahrain to motherland Iran did not leave any permanent imprint. The re- the Atlantic Ocean to ensure their
High Council for Human Rights, showed up.” violently detained by the police on
sult is the current pathetic situation that has allowed a new breed of intruders safety.
said the Office of the United Na- On Monday, riot police used pep- campuses.
to set up the CENTCOM terrorist bases on the southern side of the Persian
tions High Commissioner for Hu- per spray and arrested about 50 Iranian Foreign Ministry spokes- “The Persian Gulf is now
Gulf. considered the most secure
The Safavid Dynasty, which with the support of the ulema and the people man Rights (OHCHR) ignores students at the University of Texas man Nasser Kanaani has also
what is unfolding in university pro-Gaza protest encampment. strongly criticized the crackdown maritime point in the world,
had transformed Iran into a powerfully stable empire for over two centuries
campuses across the U.S., but did Monday’s clashes between police by the U.S. police to break up pro- and we mainly escort our
wielding positive influence in the fields of culture, religion, art, architecture,
literature, and trade on a vast area stretching from Jabal al-Amel (present issue statements about so-called and students marked the second Palestinian protests on university ships in areas such as the
day Lebanon) on the Mediterranean shores in the west to the sultanates of the rights violations in Iran over the time in less than a week that state campuses across the United States. Gulf of Aden and the Atlantic
Deccan or Peninsular India washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal in the same period. police were called to campus. In a post on X on Tuesday, Ka- Ocean,” Rear Admiral Irani
east, declined, along with Iranian guardianship of the Persian Gulf. “The Office of the United Nations Since the start of the Israeli war naani shared a viral image of the told reporters on the sidelines
Though Nader Shah Afshar briefly stabilized the Persian Gulf through Ira- of the Cultural and Artistic
High Commissioner for Human on Gaza on October 7, students in arrest of one of the protesting
nian presence on its southern coasts as well, the Zand and the Qajar dynasties Festival of the National Per-
that followed his short-lived rule badly neglected the importance of this vast Rights has taken no notice of what the U.S. have been protesting Is- students in the U.S., and wrote:
southern body of water for Iran’s security and independence. is happening in the U.S. but at the rael’s genocidal actions in the nar- “The Imprisonment of Freedom in sian Gulf Day on Monday.
The vacuum was exploited by colonial Britain, which after preventing any same time issued three statements row Strip, however, a new wave of America – U.S. media: At least 900 He said that the Persian
intrusion from Basra by the Ottoman Turks who had occupied Iraq, soon accusing Iran of human rights demonstrations – marked by pro- protesters have been arrested by Gulf is a symbol of Iranian
turned the Persian Gulf into a virtual second English Channel. violations, which is proof of con- testers setting up encampments on U.S. police during student protests might, emphasizing the com-
London gradually extended its illegal hold on both the Iranian and Arabian tradictions and double standards their campuses – has gripped the in the country in support of Gaza.” mitment of the Naval Force
coasts of the Persian Gulf. It penetrated deep inland to set up petty Sheikh- in the UN body’s mechanisms,” country. Students in some 20 universi- in escorting Iranian ships in
doms on its southern shores, including the placing of Bahrain under a pirate Gharibabadi said. The students are mainly calling ties across the United States have regions where enemies of the
clique. On the north it turned the Qajar weaklings in Tehran into mere vassals
before replacing them with its own slave, an illiterate soldier of obscure origin
From California to New York, Il- for their universities to disclose been protesting the Israeli regime’s Islamic Republic are present,
called Reza Khan, who was ordered to call his illegitimate regime ‘Pahlavi’. linois to Texas, the U.S. police have their investments and break finan- genocidal war against Palestinians ensuring the safety and secu-
In the 1960’s Britain, no longer a world power, handed over the Persian raided university campuses carry- cial ties with firms linked to Israel in the Gaza Strip and the U.S. gov- rity of sailors and merchants
Gulf’s control, along with its tutelage of the unrepresentative regimes of the ing and dragging students away or or businesses that are profiting off ernment’s unconditional support in fulfilling the country’s
region to the US, which through the slavish Pahlavi potentate became the shockingly slamming them. its war against Palestinians. for its ally. economic needs.
paramount power. They have even arrested pro- The protests spread across Amer- Hundreds of people have been ar- Irani said the country’s
The above is a brief background of the strategic water body on Iran’s south- fessors, like Caroline Fohlin, an ica’s most influential universities rested since the protests first erupt-
ern coast which since time immemorial to our present era (beginning from Navy had within less than
Emory University professor, in earlier this month from Columbia ed at Columbia University in New 67 days established maritime
the Babylonians in Mesopotamia and the Egypt-based Greco-Roman cartog-
Georgia, during protests over Is- University in New York, where the (Continued on Page 7) dominance in the Persian
rapher Claudius Ptolemy’s drawing of probably the first map of the known

Tehran, Riyadh Stress Developing

world), has been called “Persian” – irrespective of its classification as a ‘sea’ Gulf during the 1980-1988
or a ‘gulf’. Iran-Iraq war and cut off the
In February 1979 a new era ushered in for the Persian Gulf and the whole “economic arteries” of the
region (if not the world) with the triumph of the Islamic Revolution under the
dynamic leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA), who cleared the country of the Science, Tech Cooperation Iraqi Baathist enemy in the
undesirable presence of the US.
Independent Iran made it clear that the Persian Gulf cannot and should not TEHRAN– Iranian consul Saudi universities, realizing sci- scholarships and other education- He highlighted the key
be a playground of outside forces. This brotherly advice the rulers of the litto- general Hassan Zarnegar and Pres- entific and technological coop- al and research opportunities. ports of Bandar Imam, Bush-
ral states did not heed because of their obvious lack of faith in Islamic values ident of King Abdulaziz University eration, exchanging students and Meanwhile, Yusuf Al-Aama ehr, and Khark Oil Terminal,
and solidarity. They were and are too timid to tell the destabilizing Americans Tareef Yusuf Al-Aama have under- professors, and carrying out joint stressed the importance of scien- which operated under com-
to leave for fears of being replaced through palace coups by brothers, neph- scientific projects. tific and educational cooperation
lined developing cooperation in sci- plete security provided by the
ews, and cousins, ever willing to grab power by pledging subservience to the
ence and technology fields. He also stressed Saudi students’ for developing relations between Navy, leading to significant
Great Satan.
With its earnest appeals for regional solidarity and littoral peace falling on During the meeting which was presence in Iranology and Farsi the two countries and the need to victories bestowed upon the
deaf ears, the Islamic Republic of Iran after overcoming Saddam’s 8-year held on Tuesday, Zarnegar em- language courses, as well as Ira- provide cooperation frameworks people by the armed forces.
US-dictated war and dismayed by the idiotic invitations of the unrepresented phasized establishing commu- nian universities’ readiness to ac- between the scientific institutions Praising Iran’s military ca-
regimes to the US to increase its mischievous presence in the Persian Gulf, nication between Iranian and cept Saudi students in the form of of Iran and Saudi Arabia. pabilities and numerous vic-
embarked solo on its resolve to solidify its sovereignty and security (and that
‘Iran Army Day’ Commemorated in Indonesia
tories of the country’s armed
of the region).
Thanks to the foresight of its leadership and the dedication of its people,
forces, the Navy Commander
today Iran has achieved self-sufficiency in all fields including the defence reiterated the ongoing suc-
TEHRAN – The ceremony of Fitr holidays in the southeast Iran’s defense attaché to Indone- cesses since the Sacred De-
industry and the building of a powerful navy, equipped with state-of-the-art
technology, to ensure national sovereignty as well as the “Persianness” of the
marking the Islamic Republic of Asian country. sia Colonel Movahed emphasized fense era (Iran-Iraq war), the
Persian Gulf. Iran Army Day was held in the In- In the ceremony, Iranian Am- that the Islamic Republic’s mili- latest being Operation True
Tehran very well knows that the neighbourhood will not remain forever un- donesian capital Jakarta with par- bassador to Jakarta Muham- tary doctrine has been defensive
Promise, in which the IRGC
der client rulers who sooner than later have to give way to people’s power ticipation of tens of diplomats and mad Boroujerdi appreciated Iran and decisive in the face of en-
Aerospace Force on April 14
(especially in view of the treason of the current regimes in siding with the military advisors. armed forces’ efforts in defending emies, adding that despite cruel
US-Zionist genocide in Gaza against public wishes and the blatant betrayal launched a wave of cruise and
The embassy of Iran in Jakarta the Islamic country’s sovereignty sanctions by colonial states, the
of the sanctity of al-Aqsa). hosted the ceremony on Monday and their recent retaliatory attack Iranian armed forces are among ballistic missiles and drones
In other words, the days are not far for end of the US presence or more evening, which was widely re- on the Israeli regime in response the top military powers in the re- against military targets in the
properly the CENTCOM terrorist hold on regional states and throughout
flected on Indonesian news web- to the regime’s airstrike on Iran’s gion and the world, and possess Israeli occupied territories in
West Asia, along with the cleansing of the cobweb called Israel, whose spi- retaliation for the Israeli re-
dery tentacles have reached the Persian Gulf coasts due to the treachery of
sites. It is worth mentioning that consulate in Syria, adding that the most advanced armaments.
in Iran, the army day was com- Tehran is committed to continue An exhibition of pictures of gime’s April 1 airstrike that
certain littoral regimes in allowing the Zionists to set up diplomatic and trade
missions in their capitals. memorated on April 18, but the supporting the resistance of the Iran-made weapons was also killed seven Iranian military
To sum up, Iran will never permit the enemies to pollute the Persian Gulf’s ceremony in Jakarta was delayed Palestinian people in the face of held on the sideline of the commanders and advisers in
pristine purity, its rich resources, its navigation safety, and its name. until yesterday due to Eid al- occupiers. ceremony. Syria.
Art & Culture May 1 , 2024 3

A Brief History of Metaphor in

Persian Poetry (Part I)
4500-Year-Old Remains
Unearthed on Pirzal Hill
TEHRAN -- Archaeologists assisted by stu-
dents at Zabul University have discovered ar-
chitectural remains of about 4500 years old in
addition to 4300-year-old objects on Pirzal hill
in Iran’s southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan
Pirzal hill is located 60 km south of Zabul in
the province, which was registered in the list of
national monuments in 2007.
The hill was explored in 2023 by Zabul Uni-
versity as part of practical courses in archeol-
According to Nezami, the poet is like the woman who tends to a ogy for the students of the Faculty of Art and
bride’s physical appearance before her wedding. Architecture.
A significant feature of Persian po- could be—and were—taken as mod- The most important findings were an archi-
etry that distinguishes it from most els by poets from a much later date, tectural structure belonging to the fourth period
verse written in a European language and this in turn has led to a quite ex- of the Bronze Age (about 2500 to 2300 BC),
is that almost all of it—from the ear- traordinary continuity of poetic rhet-
liest poems, written over a thousand oric from the earliest poems until at which included the remains of a house in the
years ago, to the present day—re- least the mid-19th century, and even first layer of the area. of Workshop 3 show construction in the late goods included stone containers, animals such
mains relatively accessible to a con- beyond that period. Hussein Sarhadi, a staff member at Zabul Uni- Bronze Age,” Sarhadi said. as cows, sheep and other necessities such as
temporary speaker of the language. There is perhaps something else versity, attributed the Pirzal site to the Burnt Exploration work at Workshop 3 revealed wheat. The exchange of stone objects such as
The 17th-century English poet Ed- at work in this rhetorical continuity:
mund Waller bemoaned the fact that, all poetry is artificial in its language, City’s fourth period. “The architecture includes pottery belonging to about 4300 years ago, figurines and marble vessels was common in
already, his contemporaries could no but poetry in English has frequent- the remains of a house in the first layer. The clay objects including figurines and counting the area.
longer easily read the works of the ly tended to aim at “language really house consists of a number of rooms on the objects. “According to the surface findings, it seems
14th-century poet Chaucer: used by men,” as Wordsworth put it, southern edge of a central courtyard,” he said. Archaeologists have also discovered objects that Pirzal is one of the biggest hills belonging
and when this is the case it tries, as
But who can hope his lines should far as possible, to disguise its artifice; He said recent excavations indicate the exis- related to the management of goods and the lo- to the last phase of the Bronze Age of Sistan,
long by contrast pre-modern Persian poet- tence of an alley that probably connected the cal trading system, which linked the settlement whose history and quality are still considered
Last in a daily changing tongue… ry tends to display, and delight in, building to other buildings or houses. to other surrounding sites. as one of the issues discussed in the archeology
We write in sand, our language its artifice. To say a poem in English “The remains of the alley on the northern side According to archaeologists, these exchange of southeast Iran,” Sarhadi said.
grows, sounds “artificial” is to condemn it;
And like the tide our work o’er-
Chaucer his sense can only boast,
the same remark about a pre-modern
Persian poem could well elicit the
response “Of course it does; it’s a
Iranian Researchers Smart Glasses for Visually Impaired
The glory of his numbers lost! poem, isn’t it?” And so the fact that TEHRAN -- A group of Irani- tual laboratory simulations and
a particular metaphor or rhetorical an researchers from Islamic Azad attractive educational content
And as if to confirm Waller’s com- trope has been used by many other University’s Tehran branch used for students,” he added.
plaint, it was in Waller’s lifetime that poets, and is thought of as intrinsical- artificial intelligence (AI) to de- Yahyayee described the glass-
passages from Chaucer were first ly “poetic” rather than as colloquial, sign smart glasses which analyze es as an incomparable tool to
“translated” into contemporary En- is not so much a barrier to its contin- and find the path and obstacles help doctors and medical staff
glish, by Dryden. The Persian lan- ued use as a validation of it. for the blind. during operations, consulta-
guage, especially its literary form, The poets Ayyuqi (10th–11th centu- “This product is a demo and tions, and diagnoses, and said,
has remained far more stable over ries) and Nezami (12th century) both a wearable gadget which is con- “It also creates a field for ex-
the past millennium than is true of say that the poet is like the woman sidered as assistant smart glass- perts for easy access to informa-
most European languages. There who tends to a bride’s physical ap- es to help the users to navigate tion, remote collaboration, and
have been some changes of vocab- pearance before her wedding; that is, in complex environments and implementation of processes.”
ulary and grammar, but by Western the poet uses his or her skill and arti- accurately recognize objects In 2022, a creative product
standards they are minor: a mod- fice to make the subject as dazzlingly with real-time audio capabili- was also produced by an Iranian
ern-day Iranian can read the works beautiful as possible. Other common ties,” Alireza Yahyayee, one of company which makes the pro-
of the 10th-century poet Ferdowsi metaphors used by poets themselves the researchers of the project, cess of accessing the pages of
with about the same ease as a mod- to describe poetry are that it is some- special possibilities for the blind recognition, and improves their
told ANA. people, including voice descrip- daily life, it also provides inter- different websites and reading
ern-day English speaker can read thing woven, such as brocade, or a “While this product provides their texts easier for the blind.
those of 17th-century authors such piece of jewelry, such as a pearl neck- tions, navigation and object active educational content, vir-
as Waller and Dryden; there are some lace. All three of these metaphors
difficulties for a non-specialist in the
period, but they do not obscure what
is usually the obvious sense and rhe-
emphasize the aesthetic, artificial,
fabricated, and artisanal nature of the
craft, rather than, say, its sincerity or
‘Father of Coffee’, ‘Azazil’ to Debut on VOD Platforms
torical force of any given passage. its truth-telling qualities as they are TEHRAN -- Iranian VOD Parinaz Izadyar, Maryam Za- producing ‘Heartless’ for Ira- arimi, features a star-studded
A side-effect of the fact that poems foregrounded in much Western poetry platforms are about to intro- rei, Peyman Maadi, Behrang nian VODs. cast, including Reza Kianian,
from centuries ago can seem and (“to hold…the mirror up to nature,” as duce new additions to their line- Alavi, and Babak Hamidian The series, written by Amir Merila Zarei, Bahareh Af-
sound relatively “contemporary” to Shakespeare’s Hamlet says). up, offering viewers a diverse are in the cast. Abbas Payam and produced shari, Bahare Kian Afshar, and
the Persian reader is that such poems Courtesy: Literary Hub range of narratives and perfor- Kamal Tabrizi is currently by Muhammad Sadeq Mirk- Hamed Behdad.
Tunisia to Stage Iranian ‘Father of Coffee’, directed
by Mehran Modiri, is set to
Monodrama ‘Alaa’ debut on Iranian VOD plat-
forms, iFilm reported.
The comedy series, currently
in the final stages of pre-pro-
duction, follows an Irani-
an family’s journey into the
world of coffee importation,
earning them the title of the
father of Iranian coffee.
Modiri, along with Sam De-
rakhshani and Jaleh Sameti,
star in the series.
‘Mortal Wound’ gets ready
to release its third season, with
filming already completed.
Viewers can expect new
stories and characters as the
series delves deeper into the
TEHRAN -- Iranian monodra- the sixth edition of the Tunisian narrative.
ma ‘Alaa,’ written and directed festival. The third season is slated for
by Muhammad Kazem-Tabar, The cast includes Marjan Aqa- exclusive broadcast in the up-
will be staged at the sixth Car- nouri, Ali Borji, and Muham- coming summer.
thage International Monodrama mad-Reza Azadfard, who bring ‘Azazil’, directed by Hassan
Festival in Tunisia. the production to life with their Fathi, is another upcoming
Previously showcased at the outstanding performances. addition to Iranian VOD plat-
14th Daegu International Mu- The theatrical production in- forms.
sical Festival in South Korea, troduces a unique blend of ro- The series, focusing on so-
and the 41st Fajr Internation- mance and aerial yoga move- cial and police themes, is un- May 1 is known internationally as International Workers’ Day or Labor Day to recognize the achievements
al Theater Festival, in Tehran, ments, making it a standout dergoing final modifications of workers.
‘Alaa’ will now be featured at performance in the festival. before the release. Photo by ISNA
May 1 , 2024

Imam Ja’far Sadeq (AS)

“Three characteristics bring about hatred, that is, hypocrisy, RIDDLES
oppression, and self-conceit.”
Dear youngsters, could you
answer the following ques-
Immortal Legacy 1. I am made by nature,
soft as silk; A puffy cloud,
Salaam dear young friends and hope you are fine by white as milk; Snow tops this
tropical crop; the dirtiest part
the Grace of Almighty God. Wish you lots of success in of a mop. What am I?
your endeavours. 2. I can go through glass
As you all know, this Saturday is the 25th of Shawwal, without breaking it. What am
the doleful day on which the Prophet’s 6th Infallible 3. In many hall ways
Heir, Imam Ja’far Sadeq (AS) was martyred. He was you would stand, if not with
me in hand. What am I?
the victim of a fatal dose of poison given to him in Holy
4. If you’re looking for
Medina on the orders of the wicked caliph of the usurp- something sweet I know what
er Abbasid regime in Baghdad, Mansour Dawaniqi. to do. But if you don’t like heat
I’m not for you. What am I?
Mansour was a dirty devil, who because of his deep 5. I’ll bring out your
animosity towards the Prophet’s Immaculate Ahl al- bulls, and slow your roll. I may
Bayt created a new sect amongst the laity, mostly new even come out of your skull.
What am I?
converts or the sons and grandsons of converts, and 6. I am the word that has
named it Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah, which means three syllables and twenty six
letters. What am I?
People of (the Prophet’s) Tradition and Congregation.
This was indeed a misnomer and a divisive move to
split Muslim ranks by hoodwinking the naïve and
JOKES Answers to the questions
asked in the previous issue:
1. Soul
knaves, in view of the fact that the real upholder of the Teacher: Why have you got cotton in your ears, do you have an infection?
2. Turtle
Sunnah (practice) and Seerah (behaviour) of Prophet Student: Well you keep saying that things go in one ear and comes out from the other one, so I am 3. Mirror
Muhammad (SAWA) was the 6th divinely-designated trying to keep them it all in! 4. Valley
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Clock
leader of mankin, Imam Ja’far Sadeq (AS). 6. Neck
Parents asked college watchman: Is this a good college?
Mansour knew that the prime source of the shari’ah
Watchman: Probably the best. I did my engineering here & got campus placement.
(code of laws) of the Prophet was Imam Sadeq (AS) in Send your jokes. Heard any
whose famous academy of Medina, there were 4,000 Mafia Don’s son failed school exams…… jokes lately? Well, try and
scholars at its peak, studying different branches of Father: How was your exam? make us laugh too!
knowledge, including the Father of Chemistry, Jaber Son: Dad, they questioned me for 3 hours, but I told them nothing.
Don’t hesitate! Mail it to us.
Ibn Hayyan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reporter: Have you seen any impact of Goods and Service Tax? Kayhan International address:
In order to undermine the popularity of the Prophet’s
righteous successor among the masses, the self-styled Waiter: Yes, earlier they used to click pictures of food in India. Ferdowsi St., Shahid
caliph resorted to every satanic stratagem including Now they click pictures of the bill. Shahcheraghi Alley, Tehran.
promotion of pseudo jurists, who to compensate their
lack of Islamic knowledge relied on analogy or guess-
work in religious matters. Three-Eyed Snake
The criminal founder of the city of Baghdad even im-
A carpet python with
prisoned Imam Sadeq (AS), and when all his plots failed three eyes was found
he had him removed through a fatal dose of poison. in the town of Humpty
Alas, Imam Sadeq (AS) achieved immortal martyrdom, Doo, Australia in May
but not before bequeathing the dynamic legacy of Islam 2019.
With two eyes in their
to the devotees of the Prophet’s Ahl al-Bayt through his
typical positions, the
son and successor, Imam Musa Kazem (AS).
third eye is nestled in
Today, even though the tomb of the 6th Imam – along the center of the snakes
with that of the 2nd, 4th and 5th Imams – has been head, peering out with a
destroyed by the Wahhabi heretics in Medina, his name lidless gaze.
and fame is spread worldwide as is evident by the hun- Snakes and other reptiles are sometimes born with extra heads or
tales, but an extra eye is exceedingly uncommon.
dreds of millions of Muslims who adhere to school ju-
X-rays revealed the snake did not have an extra head fused with its
risprudence, the Fiqh al-Ja’fariyya. own. The eye sat in a third socket and was seemingly functional.
WORLD NEWS May 1 , 2024 5

UK to Deport 6,000 Migrants Russia: U.S. Hypocritical

Over ICC and Israel
to Rwanda This Year WASHINGTON (AFP) -- Four U.S. law en-
forcement officials were killed and four others
It followed a UK Supreme Court wounded in a shootout Monday as they carried
ruling last year that said sending mi- out a warrant at a home in the southern state of
grants on a one-way ticket there was North Carolina, officials said. The wanted man
illegal. was later found dead on the property after he
The new law also gives decision- shot multiple officers, and officers returned fire,
makers on asylum applications the the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
power to disregard sections of inter- (CMPD) said in a statement, following a standoff
national and domestic human rights that lasted around three hours. The Department
of Justice confirmed that a deputy U.S. marshal
law. and two task force officers were killed in the inci-
UK opposition parties, UN agen- dent. Five other officers were also shot, with one
cies and various rights groups have from the local police force in “critical condition,”
criticized the flagship policy of Prime CMPD said on social media. CMPD later an-
Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservative nounced the death of one of the injured officers,
government. saying in a post on X that he had “passed away
He said last week that deportation tonight from his injuries after being shot in the
flights are expected to begin within line of duty this afternoon while assisting other
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. officers with the apprehension of a suspect.”
A British Border Force vessel carrying people believed to be mi- 10-12 weeks.
grants passes by a cruise ship as it arrives at the Port of Dover Britain’s prisons chief on Monday MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Russia said Ukraine’s crimes, a charge denied by ***
in Dover, Britain, April, 29, 2024. hit out at the “unacceptable” deten- on Tuesday that the United States Kyiv. MOSCOW (Reuters) -- The Russian-backed
tion conditions faced by migrants, was being hypocritical by opposing “Washington fully supported, if not head of Crimea said on Tuesday that long-range
LONDON (AFP) -- The UK about the 5,700 earmarked for depor- especially children, at an airport near the International Criminal Court’s stimulated, the issuance of ICC war- Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) were
expects to deport nearly 6,000 mi- tation. London. (ICC) investigation of Israel but sup- rants against the Russian leadership,” shot down over the peninsula, which was an-
grants to Rwanda this year, a se- “The expectation is that we remove “Luton (airport) was simply unable porting the court’s warrant for the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesper- nexed by Russia in 2014. Sergei Aksyonov posted
nior minister said Tuesday, after that group of people... by the end of to cope with the demands placed on on Telegram a photo showing what he described
arrest of President Vladimir Putin. son Maria Zakharova said in a post
the government published new de- the year,” she told Sky News televi- it and we were particularly concerned as undetonated submunitions of ATACMS missiles.
The ICC - which can charge in- on Telegram. Aksyonov did not specify when and how many mis-
tails on the controversial scheme. sion. “If somebody doesn’t report as to find that children were placed in dividuals with war crimes, crimes But “the American political system siles had been shot down. The United States in re-
The figures come days after the they should do... They will be found.” crowded holding rooms with unrelat- against humanity and genocide - is does not recognize the legitimacy of cent weeks secretly shipped long-range missiles to
plan aimed at deterring migrant arriv- Migrants who arrived in the UK ed adults,” wrote the Chief Inspector investigating Hamas’ Oct. 7 cross- this structure in relation to itself and Ukraine, which has so far used them twice, a U.S.
als on small boats from northern Eu- between January 2022 and June last of Prisons Charlie Taylor in a report. border attack and Israel’s devastating its satellites,” Zakharova said, adding official said last week.
rope became law following months year are liable to have their asylum Most British airports have deten- military assault on Gaza, now in its that such a position was intellectually
of parliamentary wrangling. claims deemed inadmissible and be tion centers where migrants arriving ***
seventh month. “absurd”.
Rwanda has “in principle” agreed removed to Rwanda, the interior min- on airplanes or those transferred from White House spokesperson Karine The Kremlin has called the issuing THE HAGUE (AFP) -- Ecuador’s early April
to accept 5,700 migrants already in istry said. other centers are briefly held. raid on Mexico’s embassy to seize a former top
Jean-Pierre said on Monday the Unit- of the warrant against Putin outra-
the UK, the interior ministry revealed More than 57,000 people arrived on More than 17,400 migrants were Ecuadoran official crossed a line and set a dan-
ed States did not support the ICC’s geous and legally void, as Russia is gerous precedent for global diplomatic relations,
late Monday. small boats after trying to cross the placed in those centers between June investigation of Israel and did not be- not a signatory to the treaty that cre- the UN’s top court heard on Tuesday. Ecuadoran
Of those, 2,143 “can be located for Channel during this 18-month period, and November 2023. lieve that the court had jurisdiction. ated the ICC. security forces stormed the Mexican embassy in
detention” before being flown there, according to official statistics. Close to 3,000 people were sent U.S. President Joe Biden said last Israel is not a member of the ICC, a late night raid on April 5 to arrest former vice
according to the ministry. UK lawmakers last week passed the during that period to the centre at Lu- year that the ICC decision to issue while the Palestinian territories were president Jorge Glas, who is wanted on corrup-
Law enforcement agencies will find Safety of Rwanda Bill, which com- ton airport, north of London, making an arrest warrant for Putin was jus- admitted as a member state in 2015. tion charges and had been granted asylum by
the remainder, Health Secretary Vic- pels British judges to regard Rwanda it the largest such centre in England tified. The United States has shared Prime minister Benjamin Netanya- Mexico. “There are lines in international law
toria Atkins said Tuesday when asked as a safe third country. and Wales. details of alleged Russian war crimes hu said on Friday that any ICC deci- which should not be crossed,” Mexico’s repre-
sentative told judges at the International Court
in Ukraine with the ICC. sions would not affect Israel’s actions
EU Could ‘Die’, Michel Says After Macron
of Justice. “Regrettably, Ecuador has crossed
Russia says the warrant against but would set a dangerous precedent. that line,” Alejandro Celorio Alcantara told the
Putin is a meaningless attempt by Israeli officials are worried that Hague-based court, where Mexico filed a case
the West to soil Russia’s reputation the court could issue arrest warrants against Quito. Quito’s rare incursion on diplo-
Europe is “not armed against the risks we and denies war crimes in Ukraine. against Netanyahu and other top of- matic territory sparked an international outcry,
face” in a world where the “rules of the Ukraine says Russia committed war ficials for violations of international and led Mexico to break ties with Ecuador and
game have changed”. crimes. humanitarian law in Gaza, Israeli me- pull its diplomats out of the country. On Tuesday,
Both Macron and Michel held forth just Russia says the West has ignored dia have reported. Celorio warned the raid by special forces -- of
over a month before the European Union which images were shown in the courtroom -- set
holds elections to choose a new European a “disconcerting” precedent.
The vote will in turn will influence who
Stoltenberg: Ukraine Has Lost ***
MANADO, Indonesia (AFP) -- Indonesia’s re-
gets the bloc’s top jobs -- including the one
currently held by Michel -- and help deter-
mine the union’s policies in coming years.
Trust in NATO After Failures mote Mount Ruang volcano erupted several times
on Tuesday, authorities said, issuing the highest
level of alert and ordering thousands of people to
Asked about the European Union ex- evacuate due to the threat of a tsunami from debris
panding eastwards, to take in countries sliding into the sea. Ruang, located in Indonesia’s
such as Ukraine and ones in the Balkans, North Sulawesi province, erupted at around 01:15
Michel stood by his call that “we must be am local time on Tuesday (1715 GMT Monday)
ready by 2030”. and then twice more that morning, the volcanol-
“What is the alternative? If the idea is ogy agency said in a statement. The volcano sent a
tower of ash more than five kilometers (3.1 miles)
Charles Michel’s comments came after French President Emmanuel Macron to procrastinate for decades to come, it into the sky, it added, as well as a fiery column of
last Thursday declared: “Our Europe, today, is mortal and it can die.” means that we give a message to China, to lava. The national disaster agency BNPB estimated
Russia, that this is a playground for them 11,000 to 12,000 people had to be relocated from
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AFP) -- EU chief the strength, we have the tools” to handle in our direct neighborhood.” near Ruang’s crater, spokesman Abdul Muhari told
Charles Michel backed French Presi- the challenges, he said. Michel gave his interview to mark the a press conference. Images released by the agency
dent Emmanuel Macron’s assessment The comments by Michel, the head of the 20-year anniversary of the EU’s last expan- showed a molten red column bursting into the sky,
that the European bloc is “mortal” and European Council representing the EU’s sion, in 2004, when it took in 10 countries. a large ash cloud spilling from the crater and burn-
could “die” if it doesn’t face up to the 27 member countries, came after Macron The EU in December decided to open ing embers near local houses. Indonesia, a vast ar-
adhesion negotiations with Ukraine and chipelago nation, experiences frequent seismic and
threats descending on it. last Thursday declared: “Our Europe, to- volcanic activity due to its position on the Pacific
“Any democratic project, any democrat- day, is mortal and it can die.” Moldova, and gave candidate status to “Ring of Fire”.
ic model, by nature, is mortal,” Michel told “It can die and this depends only on our Georgia, which earlier Bosnia had ob-
a group of journalists in Brussels. choices,” Macron said in a wide-ranging tained. ***
“But let’s be clear,” he added, “when speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Four countries in the Western Balkans NATO chiefl Jens Stoltenberg and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky MANILA (AFP) -- The Philippines said the
Emmanuel Macron said it or when I give Referring to Europe’s struggle to build -- North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia meet, amid Russia’s attack, in Kyiv, April 29, 2024. China Coast Guard used water cannon on two of
you this answer, this is not a pessimistic defense independence as it supports and Albania -- are officially candidate its vessels on Tuesday, causing damage to one of
RZESZOW, Poland (Reuters) -- But, after a day of talks with Ukrai- them, during a patrol near a reef off the Southeast
impression.” Ukraine, and industrial competition with countries but their path currently remains
blocked. Ukraine’s trust in its NATO allies has nian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Asian country. Manila and Beijing have a long
“I am optimistic,” he said. “We have the United States and China, Macron said
“taken a dent” because of delays and other senior officials, he said Kyiv still history of territorial disputes in the South China
failures in the delivery of arms for believed in its allies and it was now up Sea, with several collisions involving Philippine
Global Plastic Talks End in Ottawa Without Agreement the war with Russia, NATO boss Jens
Stoltenberg said.
to them to deliver.
Stoltenberg, a former prime minister
and Chinese vessels in recent months, as well
as the use of water cannon by the China Coast
Guard. The latest incident happened near the
OTTAWA (AFP) -- A fourth and “I’m really optimistic that we can Greenpeace’s Graham Forbes told Speaking to Reuters as he travelled of Norway, said one way to avoid future China-controlled Scarborough Shoal, which has
penultimate round of UN-led ne- get to an agreement by the end of AFP. long been a potential flashpoint, during a mis-
out of Ukraine by train after a day-long shortfalls in military aid to Ukraine was
gotiations to solve global plastic the year... to end plastic pollution by Annual plastics production has sion to resupply Filipino fishermen. China’s coast
pollution wrapped up in Ottawa 2040,” she said. more than doubled in 20 years to visit, Stoltenberg said such failings to give NATO a greater coordinating
guard said it had “expelled” two Philippine ships
early on Tuesday with a world- Dabrusin and others welcomed a 460 million tonnes and is on track showed it was time to revamp the coor- role and draw up a multi-year plan that from its waters near Huangyan Island, which is
first pact said to be within reach shift in the negotiations from vague to triple within four decades if left dination of military aid to Kyiv. makes clear the contributions expected the Chinese name for the shoal. China claims
by year’s end but without a cap on objectives to treaty language, as unchecked. “We need a more robust, institution- from each ally. almost the entire South China Sea, brushing off
the production of polymers. well as streamlining options pre- “This treaty will succeed or fail alized framework for our support to He has put such a proposal to NA- rival claims from other countries, including the
For the first time in the negotia- sented in Kenya. based on the extent to which it ad- Philippines, and an international ruling that its
ensure predictability, to ensure more TO’s 32 members and said it should be assertion has no legal basis. Tuesday’s incident
tions, delegates from 175 countries However, a proposed cap on plas- dresses and reduces plastic produc- accountability and to ensure burden- backed by a big financial commitment. came as the Philippines and the United States
and observers discussed a draft of tic production did not make it into tion. Nothing else will work if we sharing,” said Stoltenberg, the secretary Diplomats say 100 billion euros ($107 hold a major annual military exercise that has
what is to become a global treaty on the draft text and remains a major don’t get that right,” Forbes said. general of the transatlantic military al- billion) over five years has been floated. infuriated Beijing.
ending the scourge of plastics that sticking point. G7 environment ministers meet-
liance. Western military support for Ukraine ***
are found everywhere from moun- Although there is a broad consen- ing in Italy had been expected on
tain tops to ocean depths, as well as sus on the need for a treaty, envi- Tuesday to commit to reducing plas- As examples of NATO allies falling is currently organized on an ad-hoc NAIROBI (Reuters) -- Rescuers were searching on
within human blood and breast milk. ronmental activists pleading for a tic production, recognizing “that short, he cited the U.S. Congress tak- basis by the U.S.-led Ukraine Defense Tuesday for at least 91 people missing in heavy flooding
The current session picked up cut in plastic production remain at the level of plastic pollution is un- ing six months to pass a $60-billion Contact Group, also known as the across Kenya, the interior ministry said. At least 46 peo-
where talks in Kenya left off five odds with oil-producing nations and sustainable and that its increase is Ukraine aid package and European Ramstein group. ple were killed on Monday morning in a mudslide and
flash floods in Mai Mahiu town in central Kenya, the
months ago. the plastics industry, which favors alarming,” according to the French countries delivering much less artillery NATO members gave the go-ahead ministry said in a situation report, an increase of one on
They also agreed to a series of con- recycling. delegation. ammunition than promised. earlier this month for military planners the previous death toll. Fifty-three more people in Mai
sultations between now and Novem- Ana Rocha, speaking on behalf of Peru and Rwanda proposed in a Those shortcomings had a major im- to work on Stoltenberg’s proposal but Mahiu were reported missing, the interior ministry said,
ber, when the final round of talks is Global South nations, said there had motion in Ottawa cutting plastic pact on the battlefield as Russia gained some governments have expressed res- while the Kenya Red Cross said its tracing desk had re-
to be held in South Korea. been “a growing willingness to ad- production by 40 percent in the next the initiative while ammunition-starved ervations. ports of 76 missing. In all, at least 169 people have died
The Ottawa talks saw “a massive, dress primary plastic polymers un- 15 years, in line with Paris agree- across Kenya from heavy rains and flooding since last
Ukrainian forces have been forced onto Hungary said it would oppose any- month. More than 185,000 have been forced from their
monumental change in the tone and der the treaty.” ment climate goals. Plastic produc-
in the energy” compared with the This is crucial, according to envi- tion is a significant driver of global the defensive. thing that might bring NATO closer homes, according to government data. Dozens more
previous round, Canadian parlia- ronmental groups. “You cannot end warming because most plastic is “Of course, the fact that we have not to war and some diplomats have cast have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced
delivered what we promised has put a doubt on whether a big extra financial by intense downpours in Tanzania and Burundi, with
mentary secretary Julie Dabrusin plastic pollution if you do not reduce made from fossil fuels. The motion scientists saying climate change is causing more intense
said. the amount of plastic we produce,” was defeated. dent ... into the trust,” Stoltenberg said. commitment is feasible. and frequent extreme weather events.
6 May 1 , 2024

Muhammadi Named Best Goalkeeper, Abbasi Iran’s U-23 Chess Team Runner-Up
in Asian Championship
Wins MVP at Futsal Asian Cup Thailand
extending 13th title. award after helping Iran beat
Muhammadi was also instru- Thailand in the final, having been
mental in the final against Thai- in sterling form throughout the
land, limiting the hosts to one tournament.
goal in Iran’s 4-1 win. In the final, Ahmad Abbasi add-
Mohammadi’s teammate Saeid ed his eighth goal with a classy
Ahmad Abbasi was also named finish to cap off a fine perfor-
the competition’s MVP and best mance.
goalscorer with eight goals. Ahmad Abbasi opened his Thai-
Saeid Ahmad Abbasi’s dazzling land 2024 account with a brace in
performances saw him named the Iran’s 3-1 win over Afghanistan
Most Valuable Player and win before scoring twice in victories TEHRAN – Iran’s under-23 sisting of Bardiya Daneshvar,
the Yili Top Scorer Award at the against Bahrain (5-3) and Kuwait chess team has finished second Sina Movahed, Abtin Atakhan,
event. (4-0). at the 2024 Asian Cities Chess Kiyan Poormousavi, and Maoud
The forward, whose eight goals The pivot, who plays his club Championship held in Russia. Mossadeghpour, participated in
and one assist led Iran to its 13th futsal with Spanish outfit Valde- The 2024 Asian Cities Chess the event.
title, edging out compatriot Mah- penas, then finished off a fine Team Championship took place The boys’ team secured sec-
TEHRAN – Bagher Muham- Best Goalkeeper Award. di Karimi (five goals), Iraq’s Sa- counter-attacking move to score in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia ond place with 16 points, while
madi’s rock solid performances for The custodian displayed fine lim Faisal (five goals) and Tareq Iran’s fourth goal in their 6-1 win from April 20-30. the girls’ team ranked sixth with
Iran in the AFC Futsal Asian Cup form throughout the tournament, Zeyad on four goals. over Kyrgyzstan in the quarter- Iran’s boy’s chess team, con- 9 points.
Thailand 2024 saw him claim the which saw Iran claim a record- Ahmad Abbasi picked up the finals.

Battling Nadal Beats Cachin to Reach Madrid Open Fourth Round Spain Hire Del Bosque to
MADRID (Reuters) - Rafael
Nadal survived a second set wob-
Cachin started the second on
a better note, taking a 4-1 lead
Supervise Football Federation
ble to defeat Pedro Cachin 6-1 helped by some fine cross-court
6-7(5) 6-3 in the Madrid Open backhands and, though Nadal
third round on Monday. broke twice to make it 5-5, he
Nadal, who beat 10th seed claimed the set in the tiebreak.
Alex de Minaur in the second Both players broke early in the
round, held his nerve as he was third, which stood at 2-2, but lo-
tested by the 91st-ranked Argen- cal favourite Nadal then broke
tine, who won his maiden ATP twice more to emerge as the
title at the 2023 Swiss Open. winner with the fans giving him
“Some moments good, some a standing ovation.
moments not good, but I found “Day by day... playing in front
a way,” the 37-year-old Nadal of this crowd means everything
said. to me,” said the 22-times Grand
Cachin struggled against his Slam champion.
Spain’s Rafael Nadal looks at the ball against Argentina’s Pedro Cachin
powerful forehand in the first Nadal next faces Czech Jiri Former Spain coach Vicente Del Bosque
during the third round of the 2024 ATP Tour Madrid Open tournament
set as the Spaniard broke twice Lehecka, who beat Brazil-
tennis match at Caja Magica in Madrid on April 29, 2024. MADRID (AFP) – Former Spain “I believe that (Del Bosque) is the
to take a 5-1 lead before the ian qualifier Thiago Monteiro
coach Vicente del Bosque will lead the clearest representation of a good
match was temporarily paused well. times Madrid champion broke 6-4 7-6(7) to reach the fourth
committee overseeing the country’s person of great human quality and,
with a spectator feeling un- When play resumed, the five- again to win the set. round. scandal-hit football federation, the above all, an example of honesty
Spanish government said Tuesday. and respect,” added Alegria.
Lewandowski Hat-Trick Leads Barca to 4-2 Win Over Valencia The retired 73-year-old led La
Roja to the 2010 World Cup and
The RFEF took decisions “beyond
its remit” after Rubiales stepped
on 73 points as they leapfrogged takes. 2012 European Championship ti- down in December according to a
surprise package Girona, who are The visitors wasted a sitter from tles, as well as taking Real Madrid report from the country’s leading
third with 71. close-range through Peter Federico to two Champions League triumphs. sports court, resulting in the CSD
Those two teams will meet in a early and then allowed Fermin Lo- “I’m proud to announce that the creating the committee.
Catalonia derby on Saturday which pez to head home from a Raphinha person presiding over the commit- World and European football
could decide a top-two LaLiga fin- cross to put Barca in front after 22 tee and representing it... is Vicente governing bodies FIFA and UEFA
ish and a place in the Spanish Su- minutes. del Bosque,” said Pilar Alegria, the subsequently issued a statement ex-
minister for Education and Sports. pressing “great concern” at the situ-
per Cup. But Valencia’s Hugo Duro struck
“Del Bosque will be the face and ation around the RFEF.
Barcelona’s win postponed for in the 27th, taking advantage of an
representation of Spanish football.” “FIFA and UEFA will seek ad-
a couple of weeks Real Madrid’s error by keeper Marc-Andre ter Last week Spain’s National Sports ditional information to assess the
almost inevitable LaLiga title cel- Stegen who tried to chip a clear- Council (CSD) created a committee extent to which the CSD’s appoint-
ebrations as Carlo Ancelotti’s side ance from the edge of the box but to “oversee” the federation (RFEF) ment (of the committee) ... may af-
sit atop the standings on 84 points. instead gifted the ball for the strik- and try to pull it out of crisis. fect the RFEF’s obligation to man-
Valencia stay eighth on 47 points, er to equalize into the empty net. Former president Luis Rubiales age its affairs independently and
two points behind Real Betis and Another mistake by Barca’s de- resigned in disgrace after forcibly without undue government interfer-
Barcelona’s Polish forward #09 Robert Lewandowski (center) fights for the four off Real Sociedad in the battle fense 11 minutes later saw Ronald kissing Women’s World Cup star ence,” they said.
ball with Valencia’s Spanish defender #03 Cristhian Mosquera during the for a European qualifying spot. Araujo bundle over Federico and Jenni Hermoso last year, while he Spain is due to host the 2030
Spanish league football match between FC Barcelona and Valencia CF at the In Barca’s first game since boss Pepelu converted the penalty to and new president Pedro Rocha are World Cup along with Portugal and
Estadi Olimpic Lluis Companys in Barcelona on April 29, 2024. Xavi Hernandez said he was re- give the visitors the lead. under investigation in a graft probe. Morocco.
BARCELONA (Reuters) - day over visitors Valencia, who were versing his decision to step down
Barcelona striker Robert Lewan-
dowski scored a hat-trick in the sec-
leading 2-1 when they were reduced
to 10 men just before the break.
at the end of the season, they strug-
gled on a wet surface after heavy
Celtics Top Miami Heat to Take a 3-1 Lead in East
ond half to help his side fight back to With five games remaining, Bar- rain turned the match into a frantic MIAMI (AP) — Derrick White
claim a hard-fought 4-2 win on Mon- ca moved back to second in LaLiga tussle marked by goalkeeping mis- scored a career-high 38 points,
Jayson Tatum added 20 points and

EU Legal Adviser: Some FIFA Player 10 rebounds, and the Boston Celt-
ics beat the Miami Heat 102-88 on

Transfer Rules May Breach EU Law Monday night to take a 3-1 lead
in their Eastern Conference first-
BRUSSELS (AP) — FIFA rules Former France international The former Real Madrid player round series.
on transfers can conflict with Eu- Diarra signed a four-year con- also argued that a potential deal Jaylen Brown scored 17 points
ropean Union legislation relating tract with Lokomotiv Moscow in with Belgian club Charleroi fell and Jrue Holiday had 11 for the
to competition and freedom of 2013. The deal was terminated a through because of the FIFA top-seeded Celtics, who lost Kri-
movement because they limit possi- year later after Diarra was unhap- rules, and sued FIFA and the Bel- staps Porzingis in the first half
bilities for players to change clubs, py with alleged pay cuts. gian federation at a Belgian court
to what the team said was a right
and for clubs to hire, a senior EU Lokomotiv Moscow applied for damages and loss of earnings
legal adviser said on Tuesday. to the FIFA dispute resolution of six million euros ($7 million). calf injury. Boston won at Miami Boston Celtics guard Derrick White (9) dribbles as Miami Heat center
Advocate General Maciej Szpu- chamber for compensation and Szpunar proposed the European for the sixth straight time and Bam Adebayo (13) defends during the second half of Game 4 of an NBA
nar gave his opinion after French the player submitted a counter- Court of Justice should reply to improved to 14-3 in their last 17 basketball first-round playoff series, Monday, April 29, 2024, in Miami.
soccer player Lassana Diarra le- claim seeking compensation for the questions referred by the Bel- games on the Heat’s home floor. (knee) and Terry Rozier (neck). second round on Wednesday
gally challenged FIFA rules. unpaid wages. The Court of Ar- gian tribunal “by finding that the Bam Adebayo finished with 25 The Heat managed only 84 points when they host Game 5. The Bos-
The Diarra case went through bitration for Sport found the Rus- FIFA rules governing contractual points, 17 rebounds and five as- in Game 3 and struggled again on ton-Miami winner will meet the
FIFA judicial bodies before the sian club terminated the contract relations between players and sists for Miami, which had a sell- offense in Game 4. Tyler Herro Cleveland-Orlando winner in the
2016 election of FIFA president with Diarra “with just cause” and clubs may prove to be contrary to
out crowd — including Lionel scored 19 points and Caleb Martin East semifinals; that Cavaliers-
Gianni Infantino, who has made the player was condemned to pay the European rules on competi-
it a priority to modernize transfer 10.5 million euros ($11.2 mil- tion and freedom of movement of Messi — but played again with- had 18 for the eighth-seeded Heat. Magic series won’t end until at
market rules. lion). persons.” out injured starters Jimmy Butler The Celtics can advance to the least Friday.
MIDDLE EAST May 1 , 2024 7
(Continued From Page One)

a large-scale military action against Yemen will not cause any change in
the country’s staunch support for Palestine and its opposition to nearly seven
months of Israeli aggression on Gaza that has martyred 34,500 Palestinians.
Yemen has been a key element of a regional campaign targeting Israeli and
U.S. interests, which seeks an end to the brutal war on Gaza.
The Yemenis have either seized or launched drone and missile attacks on ships
linked to the Zionist regime, the U.S. or Britain that have been sailing in re-
ISTANBUL (Dispatches) – “The continued impact of the gional waters in recent months. Attacks have also been launched from Yemen
McDonald’s Corporation fell short war in the Middle East more than on ports controlled by the Israeli regime since October, when Israel started its
of quarterly profit estimates for offset positive comparable sales war on Gaza.
Ansarullah has reiterated that attacks on shipping will continue until Israel
the first time in two years amid de- in Japan, Latin America and Eu- completely stops its aggression on Gaza.
mands for a global boycott against rope,” it added. The Sunday statement by Yemen came after Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper
the fast food chain because of the The U.S. fast-food chain faces said in a report that the U.S. was preparing a large-scale aerial offensive against
war in the Gaza Strip, the compa- demands for a boycott since Al- Yemen.
ny said Tuesday. onyal Limited, which operates
Despite global comparable McDonald’s in Israel, gave away
sales growing nearly 2% in the thousands of free meals to Israeli Paris...
first quarter, marking 13 consec- forces following attacks by Tel (Continued From Page One)
utive quarters of positive growth, Aviv against Gaza, which have
the burger company faces head- so far killed more than 34,000 University officials called in police to clear a protest last week. On
winds in international markets, people, mostly women and chil-
particularly in regions affected dren. Monday, police broke up a student protest demanding an end to Israel’s
by the conflict in Gaza. McDonald’s CEO Chris Kemp- bombardment of Gaza at Sorbonne, another top French university.
A pro-Palestine protest outside a branch of McDonald’s in
“Global comparable sales in- Palu City, Indonesia. czinski said on a conference call French Higher Education Minister Sylvie Retailleau said on Tuesday
creased 1.9%, reflecting positive earlier this year that the conflict the French government had no plans to suspend funding for Sciences Po.
comparable sales in the U.S. and the International Developmental ued to be impacted by the war in is “weighing on its brand” and Speaking to broadcaster France 2, she estimated the state’s funding for
International Operated Markets Licensed Markets segment were the Middle East,” the company hurting sales in Muslim-majority
segment. Comparable sales in negative as the segment contin- said in a statement. countries. the university at 75 million euros ($80 million). She said there had been
“no antisemitic remarks” and no violence had been committed during the

Thousands Rally in Tel Aviv Demanding demonstrations.

Both Basseres and Retailleau also said there were no plans to suspend

Netanyahu’s Resignation Sciences Po’s collaboration with universities in Israel.

Critics on the left denounced Pecresse’s announcement.
ANKARA (Dispatches) – or the captives at home. Now table to reach a truce in Gaza,” tinians have since been killed “It’s shameful and an absolute scandal,” said Mathilde Panot, the head
Thousands of Israelis, including you decide, prime minister. We Foreign Minister Sameh and more than 77,600 others of hard-left France Unbowed (LFI) deputies in parliament, adding the
families of captives being held want to see you make a deci- Shoukry said during a meeting injured amid mass destruction behavior of the students was a “credit to the world and a credit to our
in Gaza, rallied in Tel Aviv on sion,” she said. of the World Economic Forum and shortages of necessities. country.”
Monday to demand that the re- Zangauker was referring to in Saudi Arabia. The Israeli war has pushed
Panot and Rima Hassan, a Franco-Palestinian activist who is running
gime reach a prisoner swap deal hardline minister Itamar Ben- Indirect talks between Israel 85% of Gaza’s population into
with the Palestinian resistance Gvir and Finance Minister and Hamas are taking place in internal displacement amid on the LFI list for European elections, were on Tuesday questioned in an
movement Hamas. Bezalel Smotrich, who oppose both Cairo and Doha aimed at acute shortages of food, clean investigation into suspected justification of “terrorism” over comments
Police were heavily deployed reaching a prisoner swap deal reaching a deal that includes water and medicine, while on the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel.
in the area, triggering clashes that stops the regime’s war on a prisoner swap, under which 60% of the enclave’s infra- Several hundred people staged a solidarity rally in support of the two
between protesters and law en- Gaza. the Israeli captives would be structure has been damaged
women on Tuesday morning.
forcement officers, the Haaretz The Israeli opposition as well released in exchange for the or destroyed, according to the
daily reported as families of the captives ac- release of Palestinians from Is- UN. “In what democracy are counter-terrorism methods used against politi-
Einav Zangauker, whose son cuse Netanyahu of hindering raeli jails. Israel stands accused of geno- cal activists, community activists and trade unionists?” Panot, 35, told
Matan is being held in Gaza, reaching a prisoner swap deal Tel Aviv believes that over cide at the International Court her supporters, who chanted “Resistance” and waved Palestinian flags.
addressed the rally, according with Hamas for his own politi- 130 Israelis are being held in of Justice (ICJ), which in Janu- “I want to tell the pro-Israeli lobby organizations behind these com-
to the Israeli Ynet news web- cal survival. Gaza, while Israel is holding ary issued an interim ruling
plaints that they will not silence us,” added 32-year-old Hassan.
site. Egypt confirmed Monday around 9,100 Palestinians in that ordered Tel Aviv to stop
“Netanyahu, you choose. It’s that there is a new proposal for its prisons. genocidal acts and take mea-
either Ben Gvir and Smotrich a truce in the blockaded Gaza Israel has waged a deadly sures to guarantee that humani- UAE ...
-- or my son. It’s very simple; Strip. military carnage on Gaza since tarian assistance is provided to (Continued From Page One)
either an extreme right cabinet “There is a proposal on the an Oct. 7. Over 34,500 Pales- civilians in Gaza.
Saudi embassy in the Islamic Republic by protesters over Ri-
Palestinian Groups Fatah, Hamas Meet in China yadh’s execution of a prominent Shia cleric.
After years of animosity on different sides of geopolitical rival-
BEIJING (Dispatches) – specify when the meeting took factions, met in Moscow earlier China has historically been ries, the UAE started re-engaging with Tehran in 2019.
Officials from rival Palestinian place. this year to discuss the potential sympathetic to the Palestinian It resulted in upgraded diplomatic ties last year between Iran and
groups Fatah and Hamas have “The two sides fully expressed formation of a unified Palestin- cause and supportive of a two- the UAE, which has business and trade ties with Tehran stretch-
held a meeting in China for talks their political will to achieve ian government. state solution to the Israel-Pal-
ing back more than a century, with Dubai emirate long being one
on potential reconciliation. reconciliation through dialogue After defeating Fatah in 2007, estine conflict.
of Iran’s main links to the outside world.
The Ministry of Foreign Af- and consultation, discussed Hamas has been the ruler in Beijing has been calling for
The ministers are expected to mainly discuss cooperation in
fairs in Beijing confirmed that many specific issues and made Gaza since 2007, when it de- an immediate ceasefire since
international trade corridors while private sector representatives
the groups’ representatives had positive progress,” he added. feated President Mahmoud Ab- the start of the Zionist regime’s
will discuss trade and investment.
met recently. The groups have “China and Palestine share a bas’ long-dominant party in par- onslaught in October. Zion-
Iran imported $20.8 billion of goods from the UAE in its last fis-
competed for years, but the Is- traditional friendship. We sup- liamentary elections and pushed ist troops have killed at least
raeli war on the Gaza Strip has port Palestinian factions in its rival out of the enclave for its 34,535 people in the Gaza Strip, cal year ending in March 2024, making the latter Iran’s top source
provoked further talks on Pales- achieving reconciliation and refusal to recognize the result of mostly women and children, of imports according to the country’s Customs body. In the same
tinian reconciliation. increasing solidarity through the vote. according to the Ministry of period, the UAE was Iran’s top third export destination, with $6.6
The two groups visited China dialogue and consultation. We Meanwhile, the Fatah-led Pal- Health in the coastal enclave. billion worth of goods exported.
to partake in an in-depth and will continue to work actively estinian Authority has limited Chinese President Xi Jinping
candid dialogue on the pros- towards that end.” autonomy in the areas it admin- has called for an “international Iran...
pect, Foreign Ministry spokes- Representatives from the two isters across the occupied West peace conference” to end the (Continued From Page 2)
man Lin Jian said. He did not groups, as well as other political Bank. war.
York. The anti-Israeli movement has now spread to other U.S. uni-
Zionist Minister Calls for ‘Utter Destruction’ of Gaza Last week, U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law a massive for-
eign funding bill that includes $17 billion in additional military aid to
AL-QUDS (Dispatches) – The Zionist raeli carnage since last October. “There are arrest warrants in The Hague Israel amid the ongoing aggression in Gaza.
regime’s far-right finance minister Beza- “It’s absurd, we are negotiating with the (ICJ), there is American pressure, there is On Tuesday Iranian lawmakers, in a statement, expressed their sup-
lel Smotrich called Tuesday for the “utter ones that should not have existed for a fear of sanctions, there are protests, and port for American and European academic communities that have held
destruction” of the cities of Rafah, Deir al- long time,” Smotrich said. there are all sorts of calculations, and you demonstrations in support of Palestine in defiance of their governments.
Balah, and Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip. The far-right minister also called for must say to your prime minister: May your Over 150 Iranian parliamentarians voiced support for the university
students and professors in the U.S. and Europe who have staged rallies
“We read: I pursue my enemies and over- striking the Hezbollah group in Lebanon. situation not be worse than theirs.”
in support of Gaza in recent weeks.
take them, I do not turn back until they are “Then, with the will of God, to eliminate More than six months into the Israeli
The Iranian lawmakers described the anti-Israeli demonstrations in
wiped out,” Smotrich, the leader of the the evils of Hezbollah in the north, with war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins,
Western countries as a move emanating from the “justice-seeking,
Religious Zionism Party, said in a circu- the will of God, and to deliver a real mes- pushing 85% of the enclave’s population
philanthropic and humanitarian nature”.
lated video on social media, using phrases sage that whoever perpetrates against the into internal displacement amid a crip- The MPs said the pro-Palestine rallies in the Western states reveal that
from the Torah. Jewish people, like these evil ones have pling blockade of food, clean water, and the mainstream media’s attempts to distort and misrepresent the realities
“No half jobs; Rafah, Deir al-Balah, and perpetrated against us, will be destroyed, medicine, according to the UN. by whitewashing the Israeli atrocities in Gaza have been futile.
Khan Younis - utter destruction,” he added. they will be annihilated, and it will echo Israel stands accused of genocide at the The solution to the Gaza crisis is a return to justice, the statement said.
His call comes amid reports of a possi- for decades and decades onwards,” he International Court of Justice. An interim More than 900 protesters have been arrested over the last 11
ble ceasefire deal between Hamas and the said. ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop days across the United States as demonstrations against Israel’s
Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, where He called on prime minister Benjamin genocidal acts and take measures to guar- onslaught on Palestinians and the rallies for a ceasefire in Gaza
more than 34,500 Palestinians have been Netanyahu not to bow to pressure to end antee that humanitarian assistance is pro- and divestment from companies linked to the Israeli regime spread
killed and thousands injured in a brutal Is- the Gaza war. vided to civilians in Gaza. across U.S. campuses.
Zionist Troops Kill Turkish National in Al-Quds
Thought for Today
AL-QUDS (Dispatches) – Israeli troops in Al-Quds dead a
Turkish national on Tuesday after alleged stabbing, Israeli
police said. Nothing will harm you if you practice them.
Police identified the man as a 34-year-old Turkish citizen.
The alleged stabbing reportedly wounded a Zionist police-
man. Amir al-Momeneen Ali (AS)

VOL NO: LV 12242 TEHRAN / Est.1959 Wsdnesday, May 1, 2024, Ordibehsht 12, 1403, Shawwal 22, 1445

Civil Defense: 10,000 Palestinians Netanyahu Vows Rafah Invasion

‘With or Without’ Deal

Buried Under Rubble in Gaza

GAZA (Dispatches) – There are However, they said their efforts
an estimated 10,000 Palestinians are limited due to the lack of heavy
buried under the rubble of buildings digging machinery.
flattened by the Zionist regime’s “Civil defense crews in the north-
strikes in the Gaza Strip, the Pales- ern Gaza governorate embarked
tinian civil defense has said. on these efforts, with the support
It would take two to three years of residents and volunteers using
to recover all the bodies unless dig- available simple hand tools,” they
ging equipment, which has been said.
destroyed by Israel, is urgently “In light of the lack of heavy
replaced and allowed into the war- equipment such as bulldozers and
ravaged strip, it added excavators, these efforts will re-
In a press release published on main insufficient and will not meet Palestinians check the bodies of victims laid out outside a hospital
Tuesday, the civil defense also the minimum requirements neces- morgue in Gaza City a day after an Israeli strike on the Jabalia
warned of the spread of diseases sary to recover the bodies of thou- refugee camp on 1 November 2023.
from the decomposed bodies. sands of martyrs.” AL-QUDS (Dispatches) – The Earlier in the day, the Israeli
It said high temperatures in the Palestinians dig in the rubble of a collapsed building searching for Palestinian officials previously Zionist regime’s prime minis- military’s chief of staff Herzi
summer will likely increase the people following an Israeli air strike in Rafah, in the southern of estimated there were 7,000 people
Gaza Strip, on 16 October 2023. ter Benjamin Netanyahu said Halevi also said the military
threat of epidemics, as heat accel- under rubble who have not been re- on Tuesday he would launch a had approved final plans for
erates decomposition of corpses. by the ongoing Israeli bombing, as 700 bodies found in mass graves in covered and therefore not recorded
ground invasion on Rafah “with the phased invasion of Rafah as
“The General Directorate of Civil well as to extract the bodies of the al-Shifa hospital and Nasser hos- in the health ministry’s death toll,
Defense renews its appeal to all martyrs that are decomposing un- pital, the strip’s two biggest health which currently stands at over or without” a deal with the Pal- well as the refugee camps in the
relevant parties, led by the United der the rubble, and are causing a facilities. 34,500. estinian resistance movement central part of Gaza in the next
Nations and the World Health Or- health disaster for the population.” They have also launched fresh at- The new estimate by the civil de- Hamas. 72 hours.
ganization… to urgently inter- After most Israeli troops pulled tempts to remove rubble in some fense means the death toll could Speaking in a meeting with Rafah, situated in the Gaza
vene,” the statement read. out from Gaza’s populated areas on areas in the northern Gaza Strip. reach at least 44,500 once all bod- families of captives, Netanyahu Strip’s closed southern border
It added that pressure was needed April 7, rescuers have been able to Using basic tools, they recovered ies are recovered. said that Israel has begun the with Egypt, is home to around
to “allow the entry of heavy equip- reach areas previously deemed in- some decomposed corpses from The majority of those killed and
evacuation of Palestinian civil- 1.5 million Palestinians who
ment necessary to enable our crews accessible. under the debris of buildings ear- buried under debris are children
to save the lives of those wounded and women. ians from Rafah, according to have been displaced due to Is-
They have recovered more than lier this week.
his office. rael’s ongoing genocidal cam-
“We will enter Rafah and elim- paign in the besieged territory.
UNRWA: All Countries Except UK, Austria, inate Hamas battalions there,
with or without a deal, to achieve
Israel had designated Rafah a
“safe zone,” but in recent months
Switzerland Resume Funding the total victory,” he said.
The remarks were made as
it has been threatening a full-
scale military aggression, leav-
GENEVA (Dispatches) – said. but there is a sense that if there is UNRWA still has “no access” to Israeli and Hamas negotiators ing the people sheltering there
Excluding the U.S. funding deci- Regarding Italy’s suspension, no deal this week, this can hap- the north, saying: “Whenever we were in Egyptian-brokered talks terrified with nowhere to go.
sion through next March, the UN he noted that the country has pen at any time,” he said. ask for a convoy going from the on a deal for a ceasefire for the The assault has mounted fears
agency for Palestinian refugees not yet contributed to the agency He added that there is an “ex- south to the north, our convoys nearly seven-month-long Gaza over a new carnage against Pal-
(UNRWA) chief said on Tuesday since the new government took traordinarily deep anxiety pre- are systematically denied.” conflict, that will secure the re- estinians and drawn global con-
that all countries except the UK, office. vailing right now in Gaza, be- He added that whenever per- lease of captives. demnations.
Austria, and Switzerland resumed “With the announcement of cause the question everybody mission is given to deliver any- “The idea that we will stop the Hamas has already said the
funding to the agency. new contributions to UNRWA, is asking is whether yes or not, where else in the strip, the pro- war before achieving all its ob- movement is serious about
“The United States has clearly we can sustain operations until there will be a military aggres- cess is “always complicated and
jectives is out of the question,” reaching an agreement on cease-
indicated that they will freeze the June and aim to continue opera- sion.” very cumbersome.”
the head of the Zionist regime fire in Gaza, but will not give in
suspension until March 2025. tions through August,” he added, Regarding the food situation, According to Lazzarini, 182
Because of congress prohibition, clarifying that $257 million is the commissioner-general said UNRWA staff members have said on Tuesday, according to a to any pressure from the United
the UK has not yet taken a deci- still suspended. there is “more food” available been killed, and more than 160 statement from his office. States.
sion,” Philippe Lazzarini told a Lazzarini said no evacuation in the markets, but added that “it premises belonging to the agen-
news conference in Geneva. order from the city of Rafah in doesn’t mean that the food is ac- cy have been damaged or totally Taliban: Gunman Kills 6 Shia
He added that no decisions the southern Gaza Strip has been cessible” as there is no cash cir- destroyed since Oct. 7.
have been made by Austria and
Switzerland as well.
given by the Zionist regime yet
amid a likely Israeli military ca-
culating and the amount of food
is “far from enough” to reverse
Most of these premises were
sheltering displaced people, he
Worshippers in Mosque in Afghanistan
“So these three countries are range. “spreading hunger and looming said, and added that more than ISLAMABAD (AP) – A Karzai said on X. “I consider
still suspending, all the other “People have not yet been famine.” 400 people have been killed in gunman stormed a mosque in this terrorist act against all reli-
countries have resumed,” he asked to evacuate from Rafah Lazzarini also stressed that these premises. western Afghanistan, opening gious and human standards.”
fire and killing six people as they The United Nation Assistance

ICJ Rejects Emergency Measures Over German were praying, a Taliban official
said Tuesday.
Mission in Afghanistan also
condemned the attack, which it

Arms Exports to Israel

Local media reports and a for- said killed and wounded at least
mer president of Afghanistan seven people, including a child.
said the mosque was targeted It called for urgent accountabil-
THE HAGUE (Dispatches) – The The court did not grant the German request White House press secretary Karine Jean- because it was a place of wor- ity for perpetrators and protec-
International Court of Justice has ruled against to throw out the case, so it can move for- Pierre told reporters on Monday that the ship for the country’s Shia Mus- tion measures for Shia commu-
issuing emergency measures over German arms ward. U.S. did not support the ICC investigation, lim minority. nities.
sales to the Zionist regime as requested by Nica- In January, the world court in The Hague questioning the competency of the tribunal. The attack happened on Mon- The Daesh terrorist group’s af-
ragua, which had argued that there was a serious had ruled as part of a separate case brought “We don’t believe that they have the juris- day night in the district of Gu- filiate in Afghanistan is a major
risk of genocide in Gaza amid the regime’s assault by South Africa that there was “a real and diction,” Jean-Pierre said. zara in Herat province, said Ab- Taliban rival and frequently tar-
on the Palestinian territory. imminent risk that irreparable prejudice” Michael McCaul, Chair of the House For- dul Mateen Qani, a spokesman gets schools, hospitals, mosques
“The circumstances are not such as to re- will be caused to the rights of Palestinians eign Affairs Committee, also anticipated for the Taliban Interior Ministry. and Shia areas throughout the
quire the exercise of its power under the ar- in Gaza under the genocide convention. the unveiling of a House bill that mirrors He said in a post on the social country.
ticle 41 of the statute to indicate provisional Meanwhile, American lawmakers are in the Senator Tom Cotton’s proposal to impose media platform X that an inves- The Taliban seized power in
measures,” presiding Judge Nawaf Salam process of drafting a bill aimed at respond- sanctions on ICC officials who are part of tigation was underway. Afghanistan in August 2021,
said on Tuesday. ing to the International Criminal Court (ICC) inquiries targeting the US and its partners, No one immediately claimed during the last weeks of the
In a two-day hearing in April, Nicaragua in case it decides to issue arrest warrants he told Axios. responsibility for the attack, chaotic departure of U.S. and
brought a case against Germany for alleg- against high-ranking Israeli officials accused Representative Brad Sherman also said which also wounded another NATO troops from the country
edly facilitating genocide by being one of of committing war crimes in Gaza. that the US should “think of whether we worshipper while the attacker after 20 years of war.
Israel’s biggest military suppliers. The legislation is being drafted in a retalia- stay a signatory” to the Rome Statute, the fled. Local media reported that Despite initial promises of a
Germany has denied the accusations, with tory move against the ICC to prevent it from treaty that established the ICC. “We have to the mosque’s imam was among more moderate stance, the Tali-
its lawyer arguing that Nicaragua’s case issuing arrest warrants against Israeli offi- think about talking to some of the countries those killed. ban gradually reimposed laws
was rushed, based on flimsy evidence and cials. It could also include sanctions against that have ratified [the treaty] as to whether “I strongly condemn the attack as they did during their previous
should be thrown out for lack of jurisdic- certain officials of the ICC, according to they want to support the organization,” he on the Imam Zaman Mosque,” rule of Afghanistan from 1996
tion. American news outlet Axios. said. former Afghan President Hamid to 2001.

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