Article Critique

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Territorial and maritime discord in the West Philippine Sea involves

foreign policy choices that may have its effects on Domestic Stakeholders.
With this article, I felt the need of the Filipino people especially domestic
stakeholders like fisheries sector, oil and gas sector, and scientific community
for their safety and security. There are a lot of rules and policies stated in the
article but what I am looking is a policy for the people itself. It is promoting
national sovereignty but I hope that it also highlights humanity.

The author, Aileen S.P. Baviera is a Professor at the Asian Center, University
of the Philippines and an editor-in-chief of the journal Asian Politics & Policy.
Research for this publication was backed by the president, Edgardo J. Angara
Fellowship Award. Researcher looked at who the domestic stakeholders are,
the impacts of maritime disputes on them, and their role in foreign policy
choices made by Aquino government. It also talked about how the
government ignore problems that arose as consequences of the disputes or
of foreign policy decisions and focused on supporting their policy. Problems
stated in this article are: Importance of domestic stakeholders in Philippine
foreign policy. Responsiveness of decision makers and foreign policy makers
on their needs and concerns. Sources of vulnerability, pressures, or support
for foreign policy. Possible implications of the research findings for the future
conduct of Philippine foreign policy. Aside from defense of sovereignty and
territorial integrity, this article would also like to give emphasis on the needs of
the people, security of the state, welfare of the community, and peace in the

This research aims to draw implications for future policy and strategy.
The article discusses defense and marine issues, the sectors of law
enforcement, fishing, and energy, local governments, as well as those
involved in tourism, trade, and investment partnership with China. It was done
by conducting an interview with the key respondents of domestic
stakeholders, group discussions, news reports, speeches, reports, field notes,
and other documents provided by an anonymous informants. Stakeholders
were identified because of their involvement in the recent disputes in Panatag
Shoal, Kalayaan Islands, and Reed bank. This article was done for the
stakeholders, to know the impacts of the disputes on them and the policies as
well. It was found that fishing and energy stakeholders could not feel the
support of the government that is why it recommends improving inter agency
coordination of its policy priorities, enhancing the comprehension of central-
local governments regarding their various tasks, as well as implementing
more inclusive and consultative processes for non-state parties to participate
in decision-making, in order to raise the coherence of policies.The result tells
that the objective of foreign policy will remain the security of the state, welfare
of its people and peace in the region.
The title really defines what is in the article as a whole for it tackles
about the disputes in the territory and maritime. Since a lot of disagreement
happened and an arbitration was processed, several foreign policies were
discussed and its impacts on the domestic stakeholders. Foreign policy and
Philippine policy were discussed, where foreign policy emphasizes defense
and security, economic benefits and humanitarian assistance while Philippine
policy holds peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all
nations. The methodology of this article was good since it answered the
questions to be addressed including the objectives. It is transparent for the
reason that it included evidences that will serves as a proof that the
informations are facts. It also conduct several research techniques and
strategies like interviews with the key respondents of domestic stakeholders,
group discussions, news reports, speeches, reports, field notes, and other
documents provided by an anonymous informants. Datum from the article are
in qualitative manner since we are exploring ideas, thoughts, and meanings
but some of it can be quantified since it provides figures, tables, chart, and
graph. I can’t consider it as a bad methodology since all of the informations
are validated.

Arguments in this article are logical because whenever there are

questions, it can be answered in the latter part. It does not only provide
answers because it gives us a solution. Facts are straight and supported with
evidences that is why it is clear to understand. Like for example, a fact was
stated when the Panatag Shoal crisis has had the greatest immediate effects
on the economy felt by Masinloc's fishing villages as well as those in Subic
and Sta. Cruz
in Sual, Bolinao, and Infanta in Pangasinan; and in Zambales. A few
fisherman having allegedly received direct threats from the Coast Guard in
China, which fired water cannons at them or crashed into their boats. Fisher
folk families have lost their customary source of income, and the BFAR,
Masinloc Mayor Edora has to collaborate with the Coast Guard and Navy to
provide assistance in programs for learning new skills and alternate forms of
employment. Furthermore, this research does not replicate a work because it
gives us new knowledge. This new knowledge includes possible advantages
that can be utilized in strengthening stakeholder support for the country’s
efforts to manage maritime disputes and promote maritime development and
security interests. Firstly, increasing public awareness of maritime threats and
opportunities in the region. Secondly, government are showing strong
commitment in developing maritime governance mechanisms institutions like
the NCWC. Thirdly, amid concerns about China’s behavior, Aquino
government’s principled stance on a peaceful, rule-based approached that
gains domestic and international support. Fourthly, technical expertise are
included in potential for greater private sector and civil society involvement in
maritime governance. Lastly, forming pillars of cooperation is by having a
resilient bilateral economic and people-to-people relations with china.

Datum presented in graphs and tables are readable since there are
supporting details to better understand it. Statistics and analyses were done
right because the discussion in the article were not generalized nor objective
in a way that there are separate informations in different topics, There are
also separate supporting details in every facts. There are also basis or origin
of ideas that will makes us believed that it is true. The summary and
conclusions were done right for it briefly discussed what the article really aims
and how it was done and its results. Questions in the very first place were
answered clearly with facts. What makes it more relevant and timely are the
sets of interviews conducted. The respondents in the interviews serves as a
medium of real informations. It does refute opposing point of view because
upon reading it I saw some false accusations and it was solved just and with

In conclusion, the disagreements affect our citizens as well as the

reputation of our country. While some nations may lose interest in working
and investing with us, there are still those that have faith in us. The
government's lack of concern for its citizens is what saddens me. Even if our
territory is very important, they are only paying attention to it. However,
Filipinos are also very important, especially when it comes to national
security. While other government officials have assured fishermen that they
will receive assistance, the Philippine foreign policy really has no concern for
its domestic stakeholders. Rather than addressing issues and feedback, the
real goal was to promote a top-down approach to garner support and
understanding. However, now that the arbitration was concluded the
objectives of foreign policy will remain the security of the state, welfare of its
people, and peace in the region. The whole article was good for it gives me a
lot of knowledge regarding the issue of WPS. It makes us more aware of what
is really happening in the world and how will it affect us in the future.

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