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Read the following article and do the tasks that follow:

How text messages are helping people fight counterfeit medicine in Africa:
The Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Africa

By Marius Schneider and Vanessa Ferguson

1. According to World Health Organization statistics, 42% of detected cases of substandard or falsified
pharmaceuticals between 2013-2017 occurred in Africa— substantially more than on any other continent.
Poor, underdeveloped countries lacking the regulatory frameworks common in the developed world
experience a penetration rate of approximately 30% of counterfeit pharmaceuticals as opposed to under
1% in developed countries. In Ivory Coast, Adjame, the biggest street market of fake medicines in West
Africa, alone accounts for 30% of medicine sales in Ivory Coast. No medication is spared, with
counterfeiters producing a full range of fake pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, pain killers, HIV/AIDS,
cancer, and diabetes treatments. This illicit trade has dramatic consequences, namely increased bacterial
resistance to effective medicines, longer hospitalisation and treatment time, and widespread loss of life.
Counterfeit antimalarial medicines kill around 64 000 to 158 000 people in sub-Saharan Africa every year.
In March 2019, only a few weeks after the launch of a campaign in Niger to inoculate six million children
against meningitis, the health authorities warned the population to remain vigilant over a counterfeit
version of the vaccine.

2. With the African pharmaceutical market projected value rising from $45 billion in 2020 to an estimated
$56-70 billion by 2030, trade in counterfeit pharmaceuticals will become more lucrative and consequently
attract a greater number of criminals. If one adds in high poverty rates, low risk of detection and
prosecution, weak penalties, trusting consumers and the tolerance of a parallel pharmaceutical trade,
the problems caused by counterfeit and falsified pharmaceuticals in Africa are most likely to increase over
the next decade. As collateral damage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa, the delivery of other health
services is disrupted, resulting in a loss or interruption of access to regular medication, including
antiretroviral therapy refills. As access to medications from reliable sources decreases, a significant rise in
counterfeit pharmaceuticals in Africa is anticipated.

3. Various types of counterfeit drug detection devices are available on the market, but these are often
prohibitively priced for widespread use in most African countries. Rising to the challenge, African
entrepreneurs are proposing innovative technological measures that allow for a quick and cheap
verification of the genuineness of a drug. With more than three-quarters of the population in sub-Saharan
Africa having a mobile phone connection (747 million people), of which a third (250 million) have a
smartphone, it is no surprise that many of these innovations are based on mobile technology and text
message identification. Since July 2017, consumers in Mali may verify the authenticity of a product by
sending a verification code on their mobile phone to the phone company. In Nigeria, more than five million
pharmaceutical products have scratch cards attached. Scratch-off codes are now mandatory on malaria
drugs and some antibiotics. Once scratched, a one-time use code is revealed. The customer sends the code
via text message to a toll-free number and immediately receives a response as to whether the drug is real or
fake. If the drug is fake, the patient receives a hotline number to report the counterfeit drug. This
notification system is also available in Kenya and Ghana.

4. Beyond the obvious benefit of text message identification to the consumer, the data collected allows
pharmaceutical companies to track locations where occurrences of counterfeits are common and is used to
trace offenders. Where a genuine authentication code was checked more than 1500 times in a few days, the
service provider quickly identified that a genuine code had been replicated and applied to thousands of
counterfeit emergency contraceptive pills. Using the contact details provided through the verification
system, the service provider was able to contact every person to ascertain where the pills were bought and
alerted authorities and regulators for further action.

5. While there have been no studies on the positive impact of those mobile technologies, in Nigeria the local
food and drug administration authority responsible for the quality of products such as drugs, chemicals,
medical devices and foods reported a decrease in the prevalence of counterfeit drugs from 64% to 3% after
the introduction of a combination of technological means from text message identification, hand-held
analysers that identify goods through sealed packaging in a matter of seconds, to radio-frequency
identification tags which identify individual items and track movement through the supply chain. With
mobile technology already allowing for such impressive results, the growing interest of African
entrepreneurs for blockchain technology to authenticate the supply chain is exciting news for the continent.
Similarly, the technological advancements experienced in the building of COVID-19 tracing apps, to trace,
identify, and notify all those who come in contact with a person infected with the coronavirus, can be

harnessed and used for the identification and tracking of supply chains for counterfeit and falsified
pharmaceuticals in Africa going forward. (817 words)

Adapted from;

medicine-in-africa/ September 4th 2020

I. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases, as used in the article (1.5 points):
1. Falsified pharmaceuticals (P.1)
2. the tolerance of a parallel pharmaceutical trade (P.2)
3. track movement through the supply chain (P.5)

II. Answer the following questions, USING YOUR OWN WORDS; failure to use your own words
will result in a deduction in the overall score (3 points):
1. What is the impact of this widespread trade in illicit pharmaceuticals?
2. How has the emergence of COVID-19 made matters even worse for medical health services in
3. Give examples of the positive impact the use of mobile technology has had on reducing the
spread of ‘fake drugs’?

III. Summarize the main points of the article in about 150 to 180 words (3 points).

IV. English-Vietnamese translation (2.5 points):

Translate the 5th paragraph into Vietnamese, from “While there have been no studies…” to “… in
African going forward.”

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