Course-Plan Job+IBA Offline+Online

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Job & IBA Course Plan

Classes Lecture No Topic Content
1 Lec-1 Grammar Parts of Speech, Sentence Structure
2 Lec-2 Grammar Pronoun
3 Lec-3 Grammar Adverb, Adjective, Causative Verbs
4 Lec-4 Grammar Subject-Verb Agreement, Subjunctive
5 Lec-5 Writing Writing
6 Lec-6 Grammar Gerund, Infinitive, Participle
7 Lec-7 Grammar Tense, Uses of ‘If’, Sentence Completion
8 Lec-8 Grammar Parallelism, Modals, Voice, Tag Question
9 Lec-9 Grammar Affirmative & Negative Agreement, Cause & Effect,
Redundancy, Hope vs. Wish, Article, Narration
10 Lec-10 Grammar SAT Practice
11 Lec-11 Practice-1 Mixed Practice-1
12 Lec-12 Practice-2 Mixed Practice-2
13 Lec-13 Practice-3 EMT 1 + 2

Classes Lecture No Topic Content
1 Lec-1 Algebra Number, LCM, HCF, Factor, Multiple
2 Lec-2 Algebra Fraction, Equation & Exponent
3 Lec-3 Arithmetic Inequality & Average
4 Lec-4 Arithmetic Percentage, Set
5 Lec-5 Arithmetic Profit Loss, Interest
6 Lec-6 Arithmetic Ratio & Mixture, Age, Partnership
7 Lec-7 Arithmetic Probability, Permutation, Combination
8 Lec-8 Arithmetic Speed, Train & Boat
9 Lec-9 Arithmetic Work, Pipe
10 Lec-10 Geometry Angel, Triangle, Trigonometry
11 Lec-11 Geometry Quadrilateral, Circle
12 Lec-12 Geometry Solid Geometry, Mensuration

Analytical Ability
Classes Lec. No Topic Content
1 Lec-1 Analytical Puzzle Introduction to the Analytical Puzzle
2 Lec-2 Analytical Puzzle, Data Exercise on Analytical Puzzle, Introduction to the
Sufficiency Theory Data Sufficiency
3 Lec-3 Data Sufficiency Exercise on Data Sufficiency
4 Lec-4 Critical Reasoning Introduction to Critical Reasoning, Exercise on
Critical Reasoning
Suggested Books:
1. Capstone IBA (DU) MBA Question Bank
2. Barron’s SAT & GRE by Capstone
3. Official GMAT Review (Math, Critical Reasoning, Sentence Correction, Reading Comprehension)
4. Nova’s GMAT Math bible (Math)
5. Cliff’s TOEFL (Basic Grammar, Sentence Correction , Error Detection)
6. GRE Big Book (Sentence Completion, Analytical Puzzle)

Lecture-1 evsjv fvlvi DrcwË I weKvk, evsjv e¨vKiY I Zvi Av‡jvP¨ welq, aŸwb cÖKiY I aŸwb cwieZ©b, mshy³ e¨Äb eY©
I Awfavbµg, k‡ãi †kÖwYwefvM I kã fvÛvi
Lecture-2 mwÜ, evsjv evbvb ixwZ I evbvb ï×xKiY, YZ¡ I lZ¡ weavb
Lecture-3 DcmM©, cyiæl I ¯¿xevPK kã, wØiæ³ kã, AbymM©, msL¨vevPK kã, ePb, c`vwkÖZ wb‡`©kK
Lecture-4 mgvm, avZz I avZzi MY, wµqv wefw³, weivg wPý
Lecture-5 cÖK…wZ I cÖZ¨q, c` cÖKiY, c` cwieZ©b
Lecture-6 evK¨ cÖKviY, evK¨ iƒcvšÍi, ev‡K¨ c` ms¯’vcbvi µg, ev‡K¨i †kÖwYwefvM, evK¨ ï×xKiY, wµqvi Kvj
Lecture-7 evP¨ I evP¨ cwieZ©b, Dw³ I Dw³ cwieZ©b, evsjv AbyÁv, KviK I wefw³, m¤^Ü I m‡¤^vab c`
Lecture-8 cÖvPxb hyM I ga¨hyM + hyMmwÜ, wewfbœ mvwnwZ¨‡Ki Dcvwa I QÙbvg I weL¨vZ cÎcwÎKv, ¸iæZ¡c~Y© mvwnZ¨Kg©/
Awfavb/ e¨vKiY MÖš’, gyw³hy× I fvlv Av‡›`vjbwfwËK mvwnZ¨, evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ cÖ_g, AvaywbK hy‡Mi m~Pbvj‡Mœi
cÖwZôvbmg~n, wewfbœ cÖKvi mvwnZ¨ (bvUK/Dcb¨vm/gnvKve¨), weL¨vZ PwiÎmg~n
Lecture-9 AvaywbK hy‡Mi mvwnwZ¨KMY, ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Dw³mg~n

Lecture-1 †gŠh©, ¸ß, gvrm¨b¨vq, cvj, †mb, wLjwR, myjZvb, weªwUk Avgj|
Lecture-2 cvwK¯Ívb kvmbvgj (1947-1971)|
Lecture-3 gnvb gyw³hy×, miKvi e¨e¯’v, wbe©vPb c×wZ|
Lecture-4 evsjv‡`‡ki †fŠMwjK Ae¯’v, Rjevqy, K…wl, eb, grm, wkí|
Lecture-5 AvšÍR©vwZK-01: wewea w`em, AvšÍR©vwZK ms¯’v/msMVb, wewea m‡¤§jb
Lecture-6 AvšÍR©vwZK-02: `wÿY Gwkqv, gvwK©b hy³ivóª, hy³ivR¨, Pxb, hy×, mxgvbv, mxgvbv, mgy`ªmxgv, †fŠMwjK
bvg, MYgva¨g, †RvU, ivRavbx, gy`ªv, †K›`ªxq e¨vsK|
Lecture-7 mvwcø‡g›Uvwi (mv¤úªwZK Z_¨vewj)|

Lecture-1 RxeweÁvb, cÖvK…wZK `y‡hv©M I e¨e¯’vcbv, B‡jKUªwb·, AvaywbK c`v_©weÁvb
Lecture-2 c`v_©weÁvb, imvqbweÁvb|

Lecture-1 Kw¤úDUv‡ii cÖKvi‡f`, md&UIq¨vi, †cÖvMÖvwgs, †bUIqvwK©s KwgDwb‡Kkb|
Lecture-2 ‡gvevBj KwgDwb‡Kkb, AbjvBb †hvMv‡hvM gva¨g, Kw¤úDUvi cÖRb¥, nvW©Iq¨vi|
English (Written)
Classes Lecture No Content
1 Lec-1 Essay, Paragraph, Focus Writing, Argumentative Essay
Writing, Amplification, Summary Writing, Précis Writing
2 Lec-2 Translation (Bangla to English)
3 Lec-3 Translation (English to Bangla)
4 Test-1 Writing Test-1
5 Lec-5 Letter Writing, Application Writing, Report Writing
6 Lec-6 Reading Comprehension
7 Test-2 Translation Test
8 Test-3 Writing Test-2

Mathematics (Written)
Classes Lecture No Topic Content
1 Lec-1 Factorization, Determining Value, Prove That,
Equation Solving, Exponent & Log
2 Lec-2 Arithmetic Percentage, Profit-Loss, Interest, Partnership
3 Lec-3 Arithmetic Number Series, Ratio & Mixture, Venn Diagram
4 Lec-4 Permutation, Combination, Probability, Age,
5 Lec-5 Arithmetic Time, Distance & Speed, Train, Boat & Stream
6 Lec-6 Arithmetic Work & Rate, Pipe & Cistern
7 Lec-7 Geometry Two + Three Dimensional Geometry
8 Lec-8 Geometry Trigonometry

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