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Focus Group Goal Definition

What it does:
This template helps HR assess the necessity of a focus group initiative as well as gather focus group requirements
(such as the research objective, issues the study will investigate, and target demographics) from stakeholders.

How to Use it:

Clarify the scope and purpose of the focus group initiative to better draft the discussion guide and define structural
components of the focus group initiative (such as number of groups, participants, and questions) in a way that is
targeted and results oriented. The facilitator of the focus group discussion should use this template to outline focus
group objectives and requirements agreed upon by the stakeholders.

- Use this template for guidance on assessing focus group feasibility and conducting focus group requirement
discussions with stakeholders.

- Customize the red text to outline and clarify focus group objectives after conducting discussions with

- Use the completed document to:

o Ensure all stakeholders agree with the objectives of the focus group initiative
o Inform group structure/discussion management decisions

Considerations for Engagement-Specific Focus Groups:

When defining and prioritizing objectives for engagement focus groups:

- Review available data on employee engagement at your organization.

- Determine objectives based on both positive and negative feedback or data and areas where the greatest changes
have occurred.

- Consider trends in engagement that have been observed over a period of time, rather than only considering the
most recent scores.

Study Topic:
Enter the broad topic your initiative covers
(e.g., Employee Benefits Preferences)


What prompted this research?

- What background information can you provide on the need for this research?

Why does this research need to happen now?

- Can you identify compelling business reasons to prioritize this topic over others we might study?

Who are the stakeholders involved?

- Who requested for this research? Who is interested in the results? Who will actually use the results?

What decisions will this research support?

- What do stakeholders ultimately want to do with this information?

Is the focus group the best way to help us get the answer?
- What can a focus group get you that other research methods such as surveys or individual interviews can’t? Does
the time and cost justify the effort? How honest and accurate do you expect participants to be?

Who is the target population?

- What are the demographics of the target population (e.g., age, gender, function, level)? What is the best way to
communicate with them? What characteristics make them suitable for participation?

Research Objectives:

Identify key sub-topics within this initiative that stakeholders are looking to address and enter them in the boxes below.
Add or remove boxes below as necessary to accommodate the number of sub-topics you have chosen. Suggestion: do
not include more than five sub-topics in a single focus group initiative.

Sub Topic 1:[enter topic] Sub Topic 2: [enter topic] Sub Topic 3: [enter topic]Sub Topic 4:
Who do you need to talk to? Who do you need to talk to? Who do you need to
to?you need to talk to?
- What is the population of interest? - What is the population of interest? - What is the population
- What
of interest?
is the population of interest?
-Who has the information you need? -Who has the information you need? -Who has the information
the information you need?
-Is there any specific sub-group within -Is there any specific sub-group within -Is there any specific -Is
there any within
specific sub-group within
the population of interest that needs the population of interest that needs the population of interest
the population
that needsof interest that needs
to be studied? to be studied? to be studied? to be studied?

What do you need to know? What do you need to know? What do you need What
to know?
do you need to know?
-What are 2─3 aspects stakeholders -What are 2─3 aspects stakeholders -What are 2─3 aspects-What
are 2─3 aspects stakeholders
are looking to answer for this issue? are looking to answer for this issue? are looking to answerare
for looking
this issue?
to answer for this issue?

How will the information be used? How will the information be used? How will the information
How will
be the
information be used?
-What do stakeholders want to do with - What do stakeholders want to do - What do stakeholders- What
wantdoto stakeholders
do want to do
this information? with this information? with this information?with this information?

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