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● The systematic process of using ● Preparation And Planning
administrative directives, ● Communication
organizations, and operational skills ● Incident Management
and capacities in order to lessen the ● Safety and Security
adverse impacts of hazards and the ● Assessment
possibility of disaster. Prospective ● Intervention
disaster risk reduction and ● Recovery
management refers to risk reduction ● Law & Ethics
and management activities that Domain 1: Preparation & Planning
address and seek to avoid the ● actions taken apart from any specific
development of new or increased emergency to increase readiness
disaster risks, especially if risk and confidence inactions to be taken
reduction policies are not put in during an event.
place. Domain 2: Communication
DISASTER NURSING ● approaches to conveying essential
● The adaptation of professional information within one's place of
nursing knowledge, skills and work or emergency assignment and
attitude in recognizing and meeting documenting decisions made
the nursing, health and emotional Domain 3: Incident Management
needs of disaster victims. ● the structure of disaster/emergency
● The goal of disaster nursing is to response required by
achieve the best possible level of countries/organizations/institutions
health for the people and the and actions to make them effective
community involved in the disaster. Domain 4: Safety and Security
ROLES OF NURSES IN DISASTER ● assuring that nurses, their
● Triage Officer colleagues and patients do not add
● Care Provider to the burden of response by unsafe
● Coordinator of Care & Services practices
● Providers of information or Domain 5: Assessment
Education ● gathering data about assigned
● Counselor patients/families/communitieson
CORE COMPETENCIES (WHO) which to base subsequent nursing
● Ethical & legal issues, and decision actions
making Domain 6: Intervention
● Care principles ● clinical or other actions taken in
● Nursing principles response to assessment of
● Needs assessment and planning patients/families/communities within
● Safety and security the incident management of the
● Communication & Interpersonal disaster event
relationships Domain 7: Recovery
● Public health ● any steps taken to facilitate
● Health care systems & Policies in resumption of
Emergency situations pre-eventindividual/family/communit
y/organization functioning or moving
it to a higher level
Domain 8: Law & Ethics
● the legal and ethical framework for IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER AS A
disaster/emergency nursing NURSE:
● Preparedness
LEVELS OF COMPETENCIES IN ● Awareness of the Disaster Plan
DISASTER NURSING ● Training and Skills
1. Level I Competency – General
Professional Nurse
● Any nurse who has
completed a program of
basic, generalized nursing
education and is authorized
to practice by the regulatory
agency of his/her country.
• Examples: Staff nurse in a
hospital, clinic, public health
center;all nurse educators
2. Level II Competency – Specialized
● Any nurse who has achieved
the Level I competencies
andis/aspires to be a
designated disaster
responder within an
institution, organization or
• Examples: supervising or
head nurse; a nurse
designated for leadership
within an organization's
emergency plan; a nurse
representing the profession
on a hospital/agency
emergency planning
ponse nurse educators.
3. Level III Competency- Specialist
in Disasters
● Level III: Any nurse who has
achieved Level I and II
competencies and is
prepared to respond to a
wide range of disasters and
emergencies and to serve on
a deployable team.
• Examples: frequent
responders to either national
or international disasters,
military nurses, nurses
conducting comprehensive
disaster nursing research.

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