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Break Free from External Validation

& Embark on a Journey of Self-
Underneath all the layers of labels, titles, and expectations you have built up around
yourself… there is a version of you waiting to be unlocked…

The Art is H E R program will help you discover and embrace that authentic version – the
you-est version of YOU!

Because that person knows precisely what you are longing for to live your best life.
And it is about time you got to know her!

I’m Ready to Start My Journey!

“There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to
discover all of the mysteries that lie within you”
Michelle Sandlin

You've spent a lifetime trying to

be someone…
Striving for external validation while your
inner dialogue was judgmental, critical, and

Going through your life disconnected from

your authentic self…

Looking for something or someone to

complete you, validate you…

But then…

Who are you?

What do you really want?

And what do you need to do to get there?

Do these statements sound

‘My parents will be disappointed if I don’t become a

‘No one will date me unless you have that dream


‘I need to make a certain amount and have a nice

job title to stay relevant at work…’

If yes, then…

You are letting your self-worth be defined by

these external expectations…

This makes you feel unfulfilled, frustrated, stuck,

and dissatisfied…

Feeling caged and trapped in

certain roles, like a perfect Don’t You Low self-confidence and
feeling of not being good
wife, the workaholic person,
the dutiful daughter… Want to Say enough

Goodbye Living behind a mask because

of fear of what others will
Trying to make others happy,
while feeling unhappy and to… think of you

miserable yourself… Thinking you always have to

fulfill certain expectations

Imagine if You Could…

 Be motivated by your soul not by people’s expectations or guilt
 Push through fear & express your needs and desires

 Do what you love instead of what you're "supposed" to

 Make bold choices based on your dreams and what excites you

 Ignore societal views regarding age, gender, or any barriers

 Let go of anger, sadness, and frustration

If all of this resonates with you… then….


The Art is H E R
A 3-month personalized program that guides you back to your true self, through the
exploration of your consciousness.

Because being your authentic self is the only way to get more out of your life -- more peace,
more connectedness, more fulfillment, more happiness, and more love.

Living without inner self-

connection can be a torture
Your identity shifts from your authentic self
to being what everyone else wants you to be.

With The Art is H E R, you will learn to

navigate your internal world.

Let go of labels, rediscover your identity and

see the beauty in being your true self.

You’re more than a title.

Stop letting your self-worth be determined by

certain roles, tags, and societal expectations…
You Are NOT What You Do, Own, Think, or Feel…
You are, as you are!
You probably like the idea of being true to yourself…

But then you “go along to get along” and conform to what everybody else is doing or what’s
expected of you to fit in..

Let me tell you this:

What people see in you is a matter of their self-perception, filtered through their own lenses,
and it has nothing to do with you!

So don’t put yourself in a box just to fit, be liked, feel accepted and loved…

Ask yourself who you

really are…

 You are not what you do…

 You are not what you feel…

 You are not what you own…

 You are not your physical appearance

“You are a human being, not a

human doing.” - Wayne Dyer

Discover Your True Self

Artistic Expression
Detach yourself from external titles and
acknowledge the feelings that lurk in your

"To know thyself is the beginning

of wisdom." - Socrates

At the End of This Self-Discovery Journey, you will…

 Feel more alive by being who you truly are and experience life as richer, larger, and
more exciting.

 Be more grounded in your values and preferences and be less likely to say “yes”
when you want to say “no.”

 Have fewer inner conflicts. You’ll learn to make your outside actions in accordance
with your inside feelings and values.

 Experience happiness by expressing who you are. Being clear about your desires
will make it more likely that you get what you want.

 Make better decisions. Knowing yourself better will allow you to make better
choices about everything.

Ready to Embark on this Journey?

Insert Course Features

Meet Me! Hey there!

I’m Crystal – an art therapist and a creative


And I help women discover and embrace

their authentic selves- the first step toward
accepting yourself as imperfectly perfect.

Through The Art is H E R program, I created

a space where women can feel free to be

And no longer be known or identified by

their talents, career, accomplishments,
family, or friends.

We do this transformation by a process:

"touring the muse": an outward expression
of an inward self-reflection.

If this sounds like you, I invite you to embark

on this journey of self-discovery with me and
uncover a path toward achieving what your
soul truly longs for…

I’m Ready to Begin!

[Insert Frequently Asked Questions]

Start Your Journey Today!

Say goodbye to feeling stuck, frustrated, and dejected. Gain your identity, freedom,
confidence, and self-esteem.

Take the leap of faith!

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