Tiempos Peerfectos Continuos

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ayaa ee i? GETS cr Fr ae §i2-1 food commit | caer) a; oF dance bail iy raed C as ed OVE =e love travel assist PRESENT PEREEGH | have forgotten my password. or ee ea TUL i eet mee Ra he chemistry Daal] >) rea anda xen USES OF PRESENT PERFECT ‘My boss has decided fire me. Mijefe ha de CTs TT Tel Locro: | have finished my homework. eee ts EXPERIENCIA: Cristina has traveled a lot. (etree Mae eee Tar PRESENT PEREEGT OS EO) a dO “today eR ) this month ue tae ty) (esta semana) (este mes) (este afio) Ana has written 2 books this year. TR ee a ke) | have already eaten 4 desserts today. bee oe Le beard Te PERFECT USES OF PRESENT PERFECT ra hablar de acciones que con meta i) ih ve livec here f for 20 years. Maan bere) Cian He has seen Liz since January. ny Tad Tee} NeW ah teh ens y orked here? Cr Tike y ncé ’ ee Se Oar ee ee) a : iT IK =xeCo hy Ce CM eT) Cc) 7) have you ever flown an airplane? fy has aT have you finish rd have you alr finis a PRACTICE Ordena las siguientes oraciones en presente perfecto have | sent the letter. you Have the keys lost | Bea oc = Have you los! the keys eee Aa) ri ae res = | wash Cristi has yet. her clothes AO Mie ae em met Cod fect Reno) BE) Eee PAST PERFECT j MT Ue ee le MU erate CLC | pero que habian ocurrido antes que Cte Ey }) acciones pasadas. I had cleanec my room before | watched a mo | ROEM ee el eee RM acd [ied dae PAST PERFECT / La utilizamos para indicar acciones pasadas pero que habian ocurrido antes que otras acciones pasadas. i bes] 2da "had cleaned my room before T watched a re | TE een ee Ene ey es Liz had already plagiarize’ when the teacher entered (3 ya habia plag:wy Ga a Tchr ie ed PAST PERFECT had cleane« my room before | watched a movie. DP eM emeen nl eee Mem ee ita | Auxiliary, participle © Complem. ' _ or hd “pines \had| x us yy habia Prt ee Terr | oh PR UC) ACG | You had gone when | arrived. eee LTS A PAST PERFECT Negative Sentences SCTE CDCR MCU Bae mee) POR Ue ah Leas} Pears aes a ed ] io had eaten before they left. a>They had mma) y or BE eee aed eee S PAST PERFECT ge el ety CUE Re SUE Ce CUM ee ey od Ley] | | They had eaten before they left.™* Had they eaten before they left ee eee TT) ee ead a Neg le re I Ere Sd See eT “PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS” PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO w fe PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOU PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Ms re] Pht amee tts htt que iniciaron en el pasado y que CONTINUAMOS haciendolas en el presente. Lis CC oe are tes She CCST Ce ia CT ae ie TTT Oe = PaO = Pronouns Auxiliary V. participle Verb + ino Complem io EE | Ca since 2 mi ies cere lately Da ,) : ; | PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOU CE) LEC rs Cs You since 2pm. Vers ec} Pee ed Contractions ee) a | eo) b (1) Ay Maria ; ee bac”) oe ws PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOU Negative Sentences ECE Say SEW Ly Co 7] ee ELS iC Sag TTL Pe aC Ty Ee since 2pm. a Ls ed a desde las 2om, ry by Te La utilizamos para indicar acciones que iniciaron en el pasado y que continuan en el presente. LCE with Liz since last month. rs] ree ue vt here for two years. Lr td ee ne ee ] FC Yo RH PET You Ue et Te CREED As | before they left. Ellos com “> antes de irse. Contractions | CT Pan CC a eC aU

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