Candy Domain - The Homebrewery

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Clerics of this domain are dedicated to the idea of candy

itself, and the joy it can spread to beings of all kinds.

They believe in feeding the hungry and using their divine
magic to sweeten the lives of all who need it; never missing a
chance to have fun in the meanwhile.
Energetic to the core and brimming with compassion, a
Candy cleric makes for an endearing addition to any party.
Candy Domain Spells
Cleric Level
1st Goodberry, Color Spray Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
3rd Nathair’s Mischief, Snilloc’s Snowball Storm magically create sweets that bolster those who consume
5th Create Food and Water, Tiny Servant
them. As an action, you create a magical candy that manifests
in your hand, which can be consumed by a creature as a
7th Galder’s Speedy Courier, Conjure Minor bonus action. When you create this candy, choose one of the
Elementals following types:
9th Animate Objects, Bigby’s Hand
Brighteye Bean: A small, black jelly bean with cobalt blue
speckles. Consuming this candy grants you advantage on
Investigation and Perception checks for the next minute.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain Charming Chocolate: A large, deep-brown disc of
proficiency with Cook’s Utensils. If you are already proficient chocolate that seems to emit a faint golden glow.
with these tools, you gain proficiency with one other type of Consuming this candy grants you advantage on
artisan's tools of your choice. Additionally, Cook’s Utensils Persuasion and Performance checks for the next minute.
can serve as a holy symbol for you.
Your spells that have visible effects take on the appearance Muscle Mint: A small, green and white swirled ball of
of food and baked sweets. Even your spells that don't have mint with a print of a curled bicep on it. Consuming this
visible effects tend to smell like different pastries. This does candy grants you advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics
not make your spells provide nourishment like regular food. checks for the next minute.
Sly Sour: A long, orange-red roll of sugar-coated sour lolly
that makes no sound as you chew it. Consuming this
Starting at 1st level, whenever you expend a spell slot of 1st candy grants you advantage on Stealth and Sleight of
level or higher on your turn, you gain a sudden burst of Hand checks for the next minute.
energy. Knowing Nougat: A large, pale-brown slab of candy with
Your movement speed is doubled until the start of your bright-silver nuts scattered throughout it. Consuming this
next turn, and you gain an additional action this turn, which candy grants you advantage on Insight and History checks
you may use to take any action other than Dash, Attack or for the next minute.
Cast a Spell.
Magic Marshmallow: A deep-blue marshmallow with They can use their action to make a Strength check against
star-like white dots covering it. Consuming this candy your Spell Save DC, pulling the weapon free on a success.
grants you advantage on Arcana and Religion checks for The syrup hardens and breaks apart after 1 minute,
the next minute. automatically freeing any weapons still stuck in it.
Grove Gumball: A verdant green gumball candy with the
design of a leaf printed on it. Consuming this candy grants
you advantage on Nature and Animal Handling checks for At 8th level, your childlike energy is contagious, and others
the next minute. near you share in its intensity. When using the Sugar Rush
feature, you may also grant its benefits to another creature of
Wild Warhead: A compact, green and brown colored your choice within 30 feet of you.
hard-candy with an incredibly sour taste. Consuming this
candy grants you advantage on Survival and Medicine
checks for the next minute. At 17th level, your domain grants you the power to hamper
Faker's Fudge: A pale-white fudge with the golden sigil of those who would harm your allies, through the ultimate
a devil's tongue on the top. Consuming this candy grants display of sugary doom.
you advantage on Deception and Intimidation checks for As an action on your turn, you can conjure a wave of
the next minute. chocolate that splashes onto a 30-foot square you designate
within 90 feet of you. Each creature in the area must make a
At the end of your next long rest, any candies you created Dexterity saving throw. A target is completely covered in hot
which are still uneaten disappear in a colorful poof. chocolate on a failed save, taking 4d6 fire damage and 4d6
acid damage. On a successful one, they take half as much
damage and are only partially covered in the chocolate.
A target completely covered in chocolate can use their
action to wipe it off from their body. If they end their turn
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to while still completely covered, the chocolate hardens into a
magically coat your allies in protective candy. solid coating, leaving them encased within it for up to 5
As an action, you can touch a friendly and willing creature minutes. An encased creature is incapacitated and blinded;
to apply the coating on them. The syrup is soft and sticky, and cannot breathe, move, or speak.
granting the affected creature resistance to nonmagical The chocolate coating has an AC of 14, a hit point
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. maximum of 35, and immunity to poison and psychic
Any Medium or smaller creature that hits the candy-coated damage. Whenever the coating takes slashing or piercing
ally with a melee weapon attack must make a Strength or damage, half of it is dealt to the creature trapped inside.
Dexterity saving throw (their choice). On a failed save, the After the chocolate is reduced to 0 hit points, or 5 minutes
creature's weapon becomes stuck to the syrup. If the pass, it breaks itself apart and the encased creature is freed.
weapon's wielder can't or doesn't let go of the weapon, they Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t do so again until
become grappled while it remains stuck. you finish a long rest.

Artwork: First page - background: Ineta Aluzaite; character:
Julia Balyshkova. Second page: ©League of Legends, Riot
Watercolor: Jared Ondricek, u/flamableconcrete
Design: u/CamunonZ
Original brews: u/Renegade_Chicken, Noblecrumpet

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