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Important Message: Raw or leftover food can be harmful. Wash and cook raw food.

cooked food thoroughly and eat immediately.

When food is fully cooked, the germs in it die. Foods, especially meat and poultry, should be
cooked very well.

Germs grow very fast in normal hot foods. Eating early after cooking means that germs do not
enter the food.

If the meal is to be kept for two or more hours, keep it very hot or in a very cold place.

If the cooked meal is to be kept till the next meal, cover it so that the meal is safe from insects
and the food should be eaten whole by heating the food.

It is best to eat yoghurt and sour oatmeal as their acids do not promote germs.

Raw foods, especially poultry and seafood, contain germs. Cooked meals can carry germs from
raw foods, so raw and cooked foods should not be kept separate, but cooked meals will contain
germs. Special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of knives, vegetable chopping boards
and cooking space and all these items should be washed after use.

Breast milk is safe for infants and young children. Fresh boiled animal milk is safer than
unboiled milk.

Breast milk can be extracted and kept at room temperature in a clean and covered container for
eight hours.

Special care should be taken while cooking for infants and young children. They should be
cooked fresh while preparing their meal and should not be kept for long.

If fruits and vegetables are to be given raw to infants and young children, then first wash them
thoroughly with clean water. Pesticides and other medicines do not appear on fruits and
vegetables but can be fatal.

The important message is to keep food, utensils and cooking space clean. Cooking should be

Germs sitting on a meal can be swallowed and can cause disease. To protect food from germs:

The place of cooking should be kept clean.

Clean knives, utensils, bowls and plates and place one on top of the other.

Wash the dishes and utensils and dry them in the sun. Clean the dishes, utensils and pans and
dry them daily in a rack.

Cooking should be covered to protect it from animals and insects.

Bottles or bundles should not be used for milk as these bottles may contain germs which may
cause diarrhea unless they are properly washed in boiling water. Babies should be given only
breast milk or breast milk.

Important Message: Safe disposal of all household waste protects against diseases.

If waste is not collectively collected, each household will need a landfill where household waste
will be incinerated or disposed of on a daily basis.

Keeping the surrounding area free from sewage, waste, etc., and keeping it clean, prevents
diseases. A pit should be dug to collect the used water so that the water can be sent to the
kitchen garden or farm.

Even very small amounts of chemicals, such as pesticides and herbs, can be harmful if mixed
with food, hands or feet or water. Clothes and containers used in chemical work should not be
washed near household water.

Pesticides and other chemicals should not be used near the house or near the water. Chemicals
should not be stored near water or cooking space. Never store food grains in chemical,
pesticide containers.

Important Message: Raw or leftover food can be harmful. Wash and cook raw food. Heat
cooked food thoroughly and eat immediately.

When food is fully cooked, the germs in it die. Foods, especially meat and poultry, should be
cooked very well.

Germs grow very fast in normal hot foods. Eating early after cooking means that germs do not
enter the food.

If the meal is to be kept for two or more hours, keep it very hot or in a very cold place.

If the cooked meal is to be kept till the next meal, cover it so that the meal is safe from insects
and the food should be eaten whole by heating the food.

It is best to eat yoghurt and sour oatmeal as their acids do not promote germs.

Raw foods, especially poultry and seafood, contain germs. Cooked meals can carry germs from
raw foods, so raw and cooked foods should not be kept separate, but cooked meals will contain
germs. Special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of knives, vegetable chopping boards
and cooking space and all these items should be washed after use.

Breast milk is safe for infants and young children. Fresh boiled animal milk is safer than
unboiled milk.

Breast milk can be extracted and kept at room temperature in a clean and covered container for
eight hours.
Special care should be taken while cooking for infants and young children. The longer they
cook, the more time they have to cook

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