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Name: Anna Jake R.

Yr/Section: BEED 3C

Strengths Weaknesses
The positive character traits that I My weak areas are lack of confidence
have are courage, kindness and and competitive.
bravery My limited resources are financial,
The skills I possess is self- time and energy.
management skills and responsible Usually, people not ask for help from
decision-making skills. me if it is about giving them an advice
The help that people usually ask from when they are down because I always
me is to help them in their academic laugh if they open up to me their
projects. problems.
The things made me happy and The things made me stressed are
fulfilled is when my parents are proud unexpected money problems, exams
of me. Their smile is my happiness and coursework deadlines.
and also that makes me feel the most The personal limitation do I feel are
fulfilled. having little financial savings.
The unique experience that I have is
when I play volleyball in three
tournaments in different barangay in
one day only.

Opportunities Threats
The unique opportunities I have at this The aspects of my life that holding me
stage of my life are living back is failure and not facing my
independently, meeting new people problems.
and managing finances. The things are outside of my control is
The opportunities that are open to me action of others and how other people
in the future are teaching career. treat me.
Teacher who can teach across the The vulnerabilities in the surroundings
different learning areas in Elementary am I facing are admitting to mistakes I
School. have made in the past and telling
The support system that I have is the someone when they upset me
presence and support of my family, respectfully but honesty.
friends and love ones. The constrains do I have are financial
What am I uniquely qualified to do is problems, coping up with social life
to become a coach of a volleyball and I have constrained of my studies.
team in the near future while I am a

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