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Pitting and uniform corrosion of X65 carbon steel in sour corrosion

environments: The influence of CO2, H2S and temperature

Article in CORROSION · May 2017

DOI: 10.5006/2454


32 925

3 authors:

Frederick Pessu Richard Barker

University of Leeds University of Leeds


Anne Neville
University of Leeds


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Pitting and Uniform Corrosion of X65 Carbon

Steel in Sour Corrosion Environments: The
Influence of CO2, H2S, and Temperature

Frederick Pessu,‡,* Richard Barker,* and Anne Neville*

ABSTRACT and 80°C in H2S systems than in CO2 systems after 7 h.

However, at 80°C extensive uniform corrosion is dominant,
Localized corrosion of carbon steel pipelines in oilfield leading to the competing effect of iron sulfide (FeS) formation,
environments is a serious concern. In environments containing continuous evolution of pitting corrosion, and continuous ferrite
both CO2 and H2S gases, pitting corrosion of carbon steel dissolution in the presence of CO2. Results from 168 h tests
is considered to be a common occurrence which is particularly showed a buildup of FeS on the corroding steel surface with time
complex and still not fully understood. This paper presents a with the increase in temperature and presence of CO2 in the
parametric study investigating the pitting corrosion behavior of gas phase. The buildup of FeS in H2S-CO2-containing environ-
carbon steel in CO2-H2S-containing environments. The work ments is enhanced by ferrite dissolution. The FeS formed after
presented is divided into two parts. Part one focuses on 168 h is composed mainly of mackinawite at 30°C, and
understanding the impact of changes in three key process mackinawite and pyrrhotite at 80°C after 168 h. The com-
parameters (namely: temperature, absence/presence of 10% bination of mackinawite (with a different morphology) and
H2S, and absence/presence of CO2 in the gas phase) on FeS pyrrhotite is shown to promote more pitting and localized
film formation process and overall the corrosion behavior corrosion at 80°C than for mackinawite alone at 30°C.
of carbon steel with emphasis on general corrosion of carbon
steel in a 3.5 wt% NaCl brine at 30°C and 80°C. Part two focuses KEY WORDS: carbon dioxide corrosion, hydrogen sulfide
on understanding the early and later stages of the pitting corrosion, iron sulfide, localized corrosion, pitting corrosion,
corrosion process, with consideration afforded to general cor- uniform corrosion
rosion and iron sulfide (FeS) film formation mechanisms,
kinetics, and characteristics. The experiments were conducted
based on short-term (7 h) and long-term tests (168 h) to INTRODUCTION
investigate the early and later stages of evolution of pitting
corrosion. Corrosion film properties and morphology are In the oil and gas industry, corrosion related failures
studied through a combination of electrochemical and surface have been reported to constitute over 25% of total safety
analysis techniques which include scanning electron mi-
incidents.1-2 The problem of corrosion in oilfield
croscopy and x-ray diffraction. The extent of corrosion damage of
environments is mainly associated with the presence of
the carbon steel is evaluated through the implementation of
surface interferometry to study pit depth and geometry. The
dissolved acidic gases in reservoir brines such as CO2
results show that early stages of pitting corrosion are more and/or H2S.2
likely to occur with the formation of mackinawite at both 30°C Pitting corrosion remains one of the main modes
of corrosion related failures encountered during oilfield
Submitted for publication: March 15, 2017. Revised and accepted:
production, constituting 12% of all oilfield corrosion
May 18, 2017. Preprint available online: July 26, 2017, http:// incidents1 and causing a significant impact on the economics of production.1-2 This localized mode
Corresponding author. E-mail:
Institute of Functional Surfaces (iFS), School of Mechanical Engi- of corrosion is of particular concern because of its
neering, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom. LS2 9JT. unpredictable nature and the difficulty associated
ISSN 0010-9312 (print), 1938-159X (online)
1168 17/000191/$5.00+$0.50/0 © 2017, NACE International CORROSION—SEPTEMBER 2017

with inhibiting pit growth once it has initiated. Incidents It appears that to achieve a full understanding of
of pitting corrosion failures can be encountered in oil pitting corrosion in H2S systems, general corrosion,
and gas pipelines exposed to CO2-H2S-containing localized corrosion, the environment, and film
brines.3-4 Although pit initiation in carbon steel mate- chemistry/structure must be collectively considered.
rials has been linked to the presence of inclusions5-6 Consequently, this work seeks to adopt a holistic
and initial preferential ferrite dissolution,7 it is also approach toward understanding the early and later
highly likely that the tendency for pits to initiate and stages of evolution of pitting corrosion in H2S envir-
grow in a CO2-H2S corrosion environment will be onments through combined consideration of the
influenced by a combination of environmental and evolution of uniform corrosion, corrosion product
physical factors, as well as the presence of corro- formation, and pitting and/or localized corrosion of
sion films.8 carbon steels in H2S corrosion environments. This is
With respect to pitting/localized corrosion of coupled with a parametric approach in which temper-
carbon steel in H2S environments, a clear under- ature is varied in CO2, H2S-N2, and H2S-CO2 systems
standing of the level of influence and/or interaction of to assist in isolating the individual effects of the dis-
the environment on pitting corrosion has remained solved gases on the aforementioned processes.
elusive. Previous studies on the mechanism of cor- Two key sets of experiments were performed in
rosion in H2S-containing environments have been more this paper to investigate early stages (based on 7 h tests)
orientated toward understanding uniform corrosion, of pitting corrosion and later stages (based on 168 h
with little or no attention associated toward localized/ tests). The latter test duration has been explored
pitting corrosion. However, even contrasting obser- with emphasis on film formation and chemistry,
vations appear evident in the literature on the role of together with the evolution of localized/pitting
H2S in terms of general corrosion. For example, corrosion.
Videm and Kvarekvål9 reported the uniform corrosion
rate was initially constant with increase in H2S con- EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
centration in mixed H2S-CO2 corrosion system from
0.02 mmol/dm3 (∼682 ppm) to 0.14 mmol/dm3 The purpose of this work is to assess the corro-
sion behavior of X65 steel exposed to a 3.5 wt% NaCl
(∼4,771 ppm) at 70°C and pH of 4.2. However, corrosion
solution at two different temperatures (30°C and
rate further increased from ∼1.3 mm/y in pure CO2 to
80°C) under three different gas atmospheres: a pure
∼3 mm/y with ∼6,417 ppm of H2S gas at 80°C and pH of
CO2 gas system, a 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 gas
4.1. While on the other hand, Zheng, et al.,10 and Ma,
system, and a 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas system.
et al.,11 reported a decrease in general corrosion rate of
The emphasis of this study is on corrosion product
carbon steel in mixed CO2-H2S- and H2S-containing
formation kinetics, quantification of uniform corrosion
environments in the concentration range of 100 ppm to
rates, and understanding the evolution of pitting
0.65% H2S gas and ≤ 0.04 mmol/dm3 (∼908 ppm),
corrosion. This study is based on short duration (7 h)
respectively. Furthermore, both Zheng, et al.,10,12 and
tests and longer duration (168 h) tests. Temperatures
Tang, et al.,13 have reported an increase in general
and partial pressures of the gases in the gas phase of the
corrosion rate of carbon steel with an increase in H2S
corrosion environment are provided in the matrix in
concentration in both mixed CO2-H2S- and pure H2S-
Table 1.
containing environments at 30°C and pH 4 under shear
at 1,000 rpm rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) speed
and at 90°C in 0.25 M Na2SO4, respectively. These Materials
observations indicate the complexity of corrosion X65 carbon steel samples were used as the
behavior of carbon steel in H2S-containing environ- working electrodes within a three-electrode cell in
ments, and together with only a handful of studies every experiment. The steel was in a normalized form
considering localized/pitting corrosion in H2S systems, and consequently possessed a ferritic/pearlitic
indicate there are still questions to be answered on
the role of H2S and CO2 on general and pitting corrosion
mechanisms. TABLE 1
Various authors2,4 have proposed that the cor- Temperature of Experiments and Associated Partial
rosion environment to which carbon steel is exposed has Pressures of H2S and CO2 Gas in Different Gas
the most influence on the extent of general and pitting Combinations at 1.013 bar in the Tested Brine Solution
corrosion, especially in a relation to the corrosion Partial Pressure, p (bar)
product formation kinetics, chemistry, and mor-
10 mol% H2S- 10 mol% H2S-
phology. A combination of the fast kinetics of formation 90 mol% CO2 90 mol% N2
of FeS (mackinawite)11,14-15 and the inherent elec-
Temp (°C) H2S CO2 H2S N2
tronic properties of the different form of FeS films16-17
has been linked to the initiation and propagation of 30 0.097 0.874 0.097 0.874
pitting and/or localized attack. 80 0.055 0.498 0.055 0.498

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1169


TABLE 2 pH stabilized. All tests were conducted at atmospheric

X65 Carbon Steel Composition (wt%) pressure.
C Si P S Mo Mn Ni Nb V Fe
In Situ Electrochemical Measurements
0.15 0.22 0.025 0.002 0.17 1.422 0.09 0.054 0.057 97.81
Electrochemical measurements were conducted
on two samples per test cell and two separate cells were
used simultaneously to ensure repeatability. Each
microstructure. The nominal composition of the X65
sample formed the working electrodes in a three-
steel is provided in Table 2.
electrode cell which also comprised an Ag/AgCl ref-
The carbon steel was sectioned into 10 mm ×
erence electrode and a platinum counter electrode.
10 mm × 5 mm samples. Wires were soldered to the back
Corrosion rate measurements were conducted using
of each sample and embedded in a non-conducting
DC measurements with an ACM Gill 8† potentiostat
resin. Prior to the start of each experiment, samples
(ACM Instruments). Linear polarization resistance
were wet-ground up to 1,200 silicon carbide grit
(LPR) measurements were performed by polarizing the
paper, degreased with acetone, rinsed with distilled
working electrode from 15 mV below the open-circuit
water, and dried with compressed air before imme-
potential (OCP) to 15 mV more positive than OCP at a
diate immersion into the test brine. A surface area of
scan rate of 0.25 mV/s to obtain a polarization re-
1 cm2 was exposed to the electrolyte per sample and
sistance measurement (Rp). A scan rate of 0.25 mV/s is
five samples were used per bubble cell in the H2S
considered appropriate as it is significantly lower
corrosion test setup.
than the maximum acceptable scan rate required for
accurate LPR measurements.18-19 Tafel polarization
Experimental Setup measurements were performed with a potentiostat at
Sweet (CO2) and sour (H2S-CO2 and H2S-N2) each experimental condition at the end of a 7 h LPR
corrosion experiments were conducted using different test to determine anodic and cathodic Tafel constants
bubble cell systems, but with the same sample sur- and ultimately the Stern-Geary coefficient, which was
face area to brine volume ratio of 5 cm2 per 1 L of test subsequently used in conjunction with measured
solution maintained at the start of all tests. CO2 values of Rp to estimate general corrosion rates. Tafel
corrosion experiments were conducted in two vessels plots were obtained by performing anodic and cathodic
which were each filled with 2 L of brine and stirred at sweeps as two separate sweeps on two different
200 rpm. The vessels were sealed with 10 samples samples in the same test cell. Scans always started
immersed per vessel and CO2 was bubbled into the at the OCP and extended ±250 mV at a scan rate of
test solution continuously to ensure saturation of the 0.25 mV/s. Anodic and cathodic sweeps were performed
solution. H2S corrosion experiments were also con- on separate samples to ensure reliable measure-
ducted in two vessels which were each filled with 1 L of ments and the cathodic sweep was always per-
brine, but only five samples were present in this case formed first.
to maintain same surface area to volume ratio as in the Tafel polarization measurements were performed
CO2 test. Pre-mixed 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 gas in separate experiments from the LPR and pitting in-
and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas were bubbled into the vestigation tests and the samples were not used for
test solution continuously to ensure saturation of the pitting analysis.
Characterization of Pitting Corrosion Damage
Brine Preparation and Solution Chemistry Pit depth measurements were conducted in
Characterization alignment with ASTM Standard G46-94.20 A NPFLEX
A 3.5 wt% NaCl brine solution was used for all 3D† (Bruker) interferometer was used in this study for
experiments and stirred at 200 rpm. The test solution defining the discrete geometry of pits on almost the
for pure CO2 corrosion experiments was saturated entire surface area of steel sample. Pits were identified
with CO2 for a minimum of 12 h prior to starting each based on carefully chosen thresholds with distinct pit
experiment to reduce oxygen concentration down to depths, diameters, and areas being quantified. ASTM
20 ppb, simulating typical oilfield environments. N2 was G46-94 stipulates that an average of the 10 deepest pits
used initially to purge the test solution for tests in and the maximum pit depth (based on relative pit
H2S-containing environments (H2S-CO2 and H2S-N2). depth measurement after removal of corrosion pro-
Prior to commencement of electrochemical mea- ducts) should be used for pit damage characterization
surements for H2S corrosion tests, the test samples for the sample area. A sample surface area of 9 mm2 ×
were placed in the N2 saturated brine solution, after 9 mm2 was analyzed for pits from the 10 mm2 ×
which H2S-containing gas mixtures were bubbled into 10 mm2 sample. Consequently, 3D images of regions
the solution for about 20 min to 30 min until in situ where the deepest pits exist are identified on the
sample surface with a high degree of accuracy and

Trade name. resolution. Visual evidence of pits/cavities has been



provided in terms of the deepest pits identified by the TABLE 3

techniques implemented in this work. Such examples Tafel Constants at Different Temperatures and Gas
are provided later within this paper. Mixtures(A)
Mol% of Combining Gases
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 10 mol% H2S- 10 mol% H2S-
100 mol% CO2 90 mol% CO2 90 mol% N2
Tafel Plots and Electrochemical Observations (°C) βa βc B βa βc B βa βc B
Figure 1 shows the Tafel plots obtained at the end
of the test after 7 h of immersion. The graphs correspond 30 32 200 12 55 11 16 55 170 18
to solutions at temperatures of 30°C and 80°C. Tafel 80 58 135 18 58 16 18 47 135 15
polarization measurements were made at the end of LPR (A)
βa and βc are the anodic and cathodic Tafel constants,
measurements for 7 h and showed good repeatability. respectively.
Table 3 indicates the measured Tafel constants and the
resulting Stern-Geary coefficient values for all test
conditions. The Tafel plots shown in Figure 1 suggest TABLE 4
that the presence of 10 mol% H2S gas with CO2 gas Average In Situ pH of Test Solutions for Different Gas
mainly influences the cathodic reactions at both tem- Systems for the First 7 h
peratures. This is the result of the addition of a direct In Situ pH of Test Solutions
or heterogeneous cathodic reduction reaction of 100 mol% 10 mol% H2S- 10 mol% H2S-
HS−.12,21 The change in the cathodic reaction process CO2 90 mol% CO2 90 mol% N2
resulting from the presence of H2S gas becomes less (°C) Start End Start End Start End
apparent with increasing temperature. The shape
of the cathodic curves in H2S-containing systems at 30 4.00 4.20 4.02 4.03 4.70 4.68
80°C suggests that there is still a significant contri- 80 3.90 4.78 4.31 4.54 4.74 4.78
bution from the reduction reaction of H+ and/or the

buffering effect from H2CO3 to the total cathodic

current with a shift from CO2 corrosion system to
(a) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2-containing corrosion
100% CO2 10% H2S-90% CO2 10% H2S-90% N2
Potential vs Ag/AgCl Reference (mV)

–400 system. This is despite the fact that the initial starting
pH of the test solution (shown in Table 4) is slightly
higher for the H2S/CO2 mixture as for the pure CO2
–600 mixture.
The deductions from the Tafel polarization curves
shown in Figure 1 have thus far shown strong agree-
–800 ment with the results by several other authors.10
Zheng, et al.,10 reported that the main contribution to
the cathodic current at 10% H2S concentration is
–1,000 from the direct reduction of aqueous H2S species at
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
30°C and pH of 4. It can also be argued from results
Current Density (mA/cm2)
shown in Figure 1 that the corrosion reaction of steel
(b) with H2S in H2S-containing environments dominates
Potential vs Ag/AgCl Reference (mV)

100% CO2 10% H2S-90% CO2 10% H2S-90% N2

–400 the reaction mechanism at lower temperature (30°C)
and becomes less dominant as the temperature
increases (to 80°C) during the early stages of corrosion.
–600 Referring to Table 4, the pH of unbuffered test solu-
tions also vary slightly for the three gas systems under
Corrosion Rate and Corrosion Products at 30°C
This section discusses the results based on 168 h
–1,000 experiments at 30°C and 80°C with considerations to
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
the early and later stages of the corrosion process.
Current Density (mA/cm2)
Figures 2(a) and (b) show the corrosion potential and
FIGURE 1. Tafel polarization plots for X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% corrosion rate measurements at 30°C for tests in
NaCl solution saturated with 100 mol% CO2, 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% 100 mol% CO2 gas, 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2, and
CO2, and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 at (a) 30°C and (b) 80°C after 7 h
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 corrosion environment over
a 168 h. Referring to Figure 2(a), the corrosion potential

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1171


(a) 100% CO2 10% H2S-90% CO2 10% H2S-90% N2 suppression of the H+ reduction reaction(s). In the work
–660 of Zheng, et al.,10 a decline in corrosion rate after 2 h
from ∼1.8 mm/y in 100 mol% CO2 system to ∼1.2 mm/y
Average OCP (mV)

–670 in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 was observed (at 30°C,

pH of 5, and 1,000 rpm rotating speed). The observation
–680 from this study has either been attributed to the
7 h Mark
establishment of a chemisorbed layer of FeS (Fe-Sad)
–690 onto steel surface that displaces aggressive species
at the corrosion interface10 or to the formation of FeS
corrosion products (most likely mackinawite) by other
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 authors.11,14 For the experiments performed in
Time (h) Figure 2, mackinawite is observed for tests containing
(b) H2S, as shown in the scanning electron microscope
100% CO2 10% H2S-90% CO2 10% H2S-90% N2
(SEM) images after 7 h in Figure 3. The existence of
Average LPR Corrosion Rate (mm/y)

FeS is confirmed by the x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns
2 as shown in Figure 3(d). In addition, Figure 3(a)
indicates the initial revealing of the Fe3C network for
1.5 the pure CO2 environment as a result of preferential
ferrite dissolution.7 Figures 3(b) and (c) show the
presence of a very thin FeS corrosion product layer,
7 h Mark
0.5 and a “smudge-like textured” FeS layer with a non-
uniform coverage for test samples exposed to 10 mol%
0 H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 respectively. Polishing marks could still be visible on
Time (h)
the corroded steel surface to corroborate the low cor-
FIGURE 2. Graphs of (a) corrosion potential and (b) corrosion rate of rosion rate in these systems. The physical features
X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solutions under three different gas of FeS at 30°C and after 7 h show a combination of the
atmospheres at 30°C, over 168 h. formation of an adsorbed FeSad and FeS (mackina-
wite) layer. The presence of polishing marks in the FeS
film formed after 7 h is related to the “solid state”
increased with time for all conditions; however, the reaction mechanism for the formation of FeS described
increase was more significant for tests in 100 mol% CO2 by Shoesmith, et al.,14 and the similarities in the
and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 than for the test in crystal cell dimensions of iron and mackinawite.24
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2. The gradual increase Rickard and Luther III,24 had explained that the
of corrosion potential over time to a stable value has Fe-Fe inter-atomic distance in a mackinawite crystal is
been linked to the gradual evolution of networks 2.5967 Å (0.2596 nm), which is similar to (body-
of cementite in pure CO2 corrosion system,2,7,22 and centered cubic [bcc]) ferrite crystal at 2.86 Å (0.28 nm).
the establishment of a thin FeS corrosion product layer This makes ferrite-rich surface an almost perfect
which suppresses the anodic dissolution reaction in template for the nucleation of mackinawite, as shown in
the case of the H2S environment.8 Figures 3(b) and (c). Thus, when a layer of adsorbed
Observations After 7 h — Referring to the corrosion FeS from reaction of H2S or HS− at the steel surface is
rate measurements presented in Figure 2(b), the formed as reported in the literature,10,25 it retains the
corrosion rate within the first 7 h is steady for the three polishing marks of an uncorroded surface, especially at
gas systems. However, the corrosion rate in 100 mol% initial stages of the corrosion.
CO2 system (∼1.2 mm/y) is three times higher than in Observation After 168 h — Referring to Figure 2(b),
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 gas system (∼0.4 mm/y) the corrosion rate for the X65 exposed to 100 mol%
and approximately four times higher than in 10 mol% CO2 initially increases from ∼1.2 mm/y to ∼1.8 mm/y
H2S-90 mol% N2 test system (∼0.3 mm/y). This ob- before stabilizing at this latter corrosion rate until the
servation is consistent with the findings of Choi, et al.23 end of the test. The initial increase is associated with the
According to Choi, et al.,23 it was reported that the evolution of an empty Fe3C network prior to the
corrosion rate was reduced from ∼1.75 mm/y to establishment of non-protective and nano-crystalline
∼0.25 mm/y with the introduction of 100 ppm of H2S FeCO3 over time.2,7-8 The corrosion rate became
gas into a CO2 corrosion system at 25°C and pH 4 by the constant at ∼1.8 mm/y once an amorphous and/or
formation of a FeS layer. The corrosion results here nanoscale polycrystalline FeCO3 corrosion product
also agree well with the Tafel polarization plots shown in was established on the surface as shown in Figure 4(a)
Figure 1(a), which indicate that reduction reactions after 168 h. Identification of FeCO3 is confirmed by
associated with the presence of H2S dominate the the XRD pattern in Figure 4(b). The corrosion rate in
cathodic current at 30°C and that there is significant H2S-containing corrosion environments (10 mol%



(a) (b)

FeS rich area FeS covered area

(Via EDX point analysis) with evidence of
polishing marks

White line-like markings are pure Fe3C

Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm

(c) (d) 20,000
FeS film covered area
10 mol%H2S + 90 mol% CO2
(Via EDX point analysis and XRD) 10 mol%H2S + 90 mol% N2

Intensity (arbitrary scale)

FeS Fe

Fe3C Fe3C

FeS FeS Fe3C FeS FeS

FeS film covered area 0
with evidence of polishing marks

20 30 40 50 60
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Pos., 2 (degree)
FIGURE 3. SEM images of corrosion product layer on X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution saturated with (a) 100 mol%
CO2, (b) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2, and (c) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 at 30°C. (d) XRD pattern for corrosion product layer
on X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution saturated 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 at 30°C.
Images are for test duration of 7 h. The intensity scale is arbitrary.

H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2) is systems are different in terms of their physical features,
almost the same and constant throughout the du- these layers are thin and have been identified in
ration of the tests at one-third of the corrosion rate in this work as mackinawite with no evidence of other
100 mol% CO2 corrosion environment. As previously forms of FeS at this temperature. SEM image shown
mentioned in this paper, the formation of an adsorbed Figure 4(c) shows significant (but non-uniform)
mono-layer of Fe-Sads at the early stages of the cor- coverage of the steel surface by FeS.
rosion process and the deposition of FeS corrosion
product could be responsible for the lower corrosion Corrosion Rate and Corrosion Products at 80°C
rate in H2S-CO2- and H2S-N2-containing corrosion The results in this section focus on the corrosion
environment over 168 h. Although the kinetics of FeS behavior of carbon steel samples over 7 h and 168 h
formation at this temperature (30°C) is also expected to periods. The corrosion potential and corrosion rate
be slow26 in comparison to higher temperatures (to be over 168 h experiments at 80°C for the three gas
shown later for 80°C), the nature of FeS formed is able to systems are presented in Figures 5(a) and (b), re-
keep the corrosion rate in the H2S corrosion systems spectively. Referring to Figure 5(a), an initial corrosion
constant at low values compared to the pure CO2 potential of −684 mV, −710 mV, and −730 mV are
corrosion environment. From the SEM images of recorded for 100 mol% CO2, 10 mol% H2S-90 mol%
Figures 4(c) and (e), it is evident that over the course of CO2, and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2, respectively.
the 168 h experiments, the lower corrosion rate ob- These values are consistent with potential expected for
served in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-containing systems in Choi, et al.,23 and Morris,
H2S-90 mol% N2 gas corrosion systems is a result of et al.27 After the initial period, the corrosion potential for
the formation of a FeS corrosion product layer. Although all three test systems showed very different behavior
the morphology of the FeS corrosion products in these over the remaining duration of the test. In 100 mol%

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1173


(a) (b) 10,000

Sample-30°C-168 h-01

Intensity (arbitrary scale)

o, FeCO3
x Fe
x x, Fe3C
x x o
o o x

20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)
(c) (d) 10,000
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2
Intensity (arbitrary scale) Fe

x, Fe3C
Fe3C rich area 5,000 FeS, Mackinawite
x x
x x

FeS rich area

20 30 40 50 60 70
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)

(e) (f) 10,000

Fe Fe
Intensity (arbitrary scale)

10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2

x, Fe3C
5,000 FeS, Mackinawite
FeS covered area
Pure Fe3C network x
FeS x
x FeS FeS
x FeS

20 30 40 50 60 70
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)
FIGURE 4. SEM images and XRD patterns of corrosion product layer on X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution under
gas atmospheres composed of (a) 100 mol% CO2, (b) XRD pattern for 100 mol% CO2, (c) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2,
(d) XRD pattern for 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2, (e) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2, and (f) XRD pattern for 10 mol% H2S-90 mol%
N2 at 30°C and after 168 h.

CO2 gas systems, the corrosion potential became 100 mV, respectively. In 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2
stable at −667 mV until the end of this test. This is gas system, the potential is increasing rather gradually
attributed to the formation of an amorphous/nano- from 66 h to the 168 h when compared to 10 mol%
scale polycrystalline and crystalline FeCO3. With the H2S-90 mol% N2 gas system, where it took up to 100 h
test in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% before observing a sharp increase in potential.
H2S-90 mol% N2 systems, there is an observed and Observations After 7 h — Within the first 7 h, the
significant shift in the corrosion potential in the di- magnitude of general corrosion rate increases with
rection of positive potential by approximately 70 mV and time for 100 mol% CO2 gas systems, while the corrosion



(a) 100% CO2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 beyond 7 h. The latter involves the loss of Fe2+ into the
–615 bulk solution preceding surface deposition and is
shown from the results from this study to be favored by
Average OCP (mV)

the presence of CO2 gas in the gas mixture.

7 h Mark
–655 Observations After 168 h — Referring to the corro-
sion rate data presented in Figure 5(b), the corrosion
–675 rate is reduced with the formation of FeCO3 corrosion
–695 product layer from ∼5.6 mm/y to 3.2 mm/y after 18 h
in the 100 mol% CO2 corrosion system. The corrosion
–715 rate also reduces from a peak at ∼2.4 mm/y to
∼0.57 mm/y for the test in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 and from a peak at ∼1.0 mm/y to ∼0.2 mm/y for the
Time (h) test in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2. The increase in
(b) 100% CO2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 corrosion potential toward positive values and re-
6 duction in corrosion rate in both 10 mol% H2S-90 mol%
Average LPR Corrosion Rate

CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas systems is the

5 result of the formation of FeS (mackinawite and
4 pyrrhotite) layers. However, the rate of increase in
potential and reduction in corrosion rate is observed

7 h Mark
3 to be faster in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 than in
2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2. This is because of the
presence of CO2 in the gas phase and high temper-
1 ature. It has previously been shown in this paper that
the CO2 corrosion process helps to increase the
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 availability of ferrous ions. This promotes precipitation
Time (h) of FeS and enhances the buildup of FeS at 80°C. This
FIGURE 5. Graphs of (a) corrosion potential and (b) corrosion rate of is evident in the SEM images in Figures 7(a) through (c).
X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solutions under three different gas The XRD patterns in Figures 7(d) and (f) also confirm
atmospheres at 80˚C, over 168 h. the presence of mackinawite and pyhrrotite forms
of FeS. The mackinawite film formed after 168 h is
also observed to have a different morphology to that
rate is lower and relatively constant in H2S-contain- formed after 7 h. Although peaks may have been
ing systems. The latter effect is a result of the formation expected for FeCO3 in the 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2
of FeS layer as previously shown in this paper. Evi- gas system, this was, however, not the case because
dence of formation of FeS can be seen on the SEM of the dominant nature of the FeS formation process.
images of Figures 6(b) and (c) and the corresponding This is because all possible Fe2+ that would have
XRD pattern (Figure 6[d]). At 80°C, the contribution of contributed toward solution supersaturation for the
the H+ reduction reaction to total cathodic current in formation of FeCO3 is likely to be used up for the
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 systems has earlier been formation of FeS because theoretically, the solubility of
shown to be more significant than at lower tem- FeS scale is relatively lower than FeCO3 and as a
peratures. This influence manifests itself as a higher result, FeS is favorably formed. As an example, the
corrosion rate than at lower temperature in H2S- solubility product (Ksp) of FeS is 6.0 × 10−18 at 25°C,28
containing systems and is also an indication for the while that of FeCO3 is 2.5.0 × 10−10 at 25°C and in
potential increased contribution from uniform cor- 0.7 M NaCl.29 This is also supported by the greater
rosion to total material loss. The FeS corrosion product thickness in FeS layer formed in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol%
layer formed in H2S-containing environments is ob- CO2 than in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 as shown
served to be non-uniform with localized regions showing in Figures 8(a) and (b). The average thickness of
cementite resulting from preferential ferrite dissolu- FeS layer is ∼8.2 μm and ∼5.8 μm for 10 mol%
tion for the test in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2. With H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2,
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2, the corrosion product respectively.
morphology is different from that in 10 mol% H2S-
90 mol% CO2 and shows evidence of less corrosion of Pitting Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel in
surrounding regions without the FeS films. The results H2S-Containing Corrosion Systems
thus far have shown that within the first 7 h of Investigation of pitting corrosion in this study
corrosion in H2S-CO2-containing systems, there is is focused on two aspects: early stages and later of
a competition between ferrite dissolution and FeS pitting corrosion process based on 7 h and 168 h
precipitation at 80°C. The effect of higher temperature is tests, respectively. All pitting corrosion data in H2S-
also likely to influence the kinetics of FeS formation containing corrosion systems are presented with

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1175


(a) (b)
Pure Fe3C network

FeCO3 covered area

FeCO3 crystals
Fe3C rich area

FeS film covered area White areas are pure Fe3C

Dark areas are ferrite rich area

Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm

(c) (d)

Intensity (arbitrary scale) 35,000 10 mol% H2S + 90 mol% CO2
10 mol% H2S + 90 mol% N2
30,000 FeS
FeS covered area
Pure Fe3C network Fe
15,000 FeS FeS
Fe3C Fe C FeS
10,000 3
FeS Fe
5,000 FeS FeS
Fe3C Fe3C

20 30 40 50 60 70
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)

FIGURE 6. SEM images of corrosion product layer on X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution saturated with (a) 100 mol%
CO2, (b) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2, and (c) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 at 80°C. (d) XRD pattern for corrosion product layer
on X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution saturated 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 at 80°C for
test after 7 h. The intensity scale is arbitrary.

reference to pitting corrosion data in the 100 mol% CO2 method of pitting corrosion analysis is that the transient
systems. process of pit initiation and propagation cannot be
Early Stages of Pitting Corrosion Process H2S- established. While some authors4 had defined pitting
Containing Corrosion Systems — This section assesses rate based on ex situ analysis as used in this work,
the early stages of pitting corrosion of carbon steel in others30 have shown from field data that the transient
H2S corrosion environments with reference to the early pitting corrosion profile (based on pit depth) is usually
stages of pit evolution in 100 mol% CO2 corrosion complex to such extent that one is not able to establish
systems based on 7 h tests. Short-term tests were for certain the point at which the initially formed pit
explored to investigate the early stages of pitting starts to grow. Hence, for the results presented in this
corrosion by correlating the fast kinetics of FeS section, the concept of pitting process is adopted
formation and the formation of a non-protective instead of pit initiation and propagation. Figure 9 pre-
corrosion product and/or breakdown of protective sents the size of deepest pits and its relationship with
corrosion product layers4 to the pitting process. It is estimated thickness loss resulting from uniform cor-
also important to understand the processes that rosion. Figure 10(a) presents the average pit depth
precede the evolution of pitting corrosion. The early based on measurements from over 80% of the steel
stages of pit evolution is accessed in this study after 7 h surface after 7 h, while Figure 10(b) presents the
and evaluated against a minimum pit depth threshold number of measureable pits with depth  5 μm after 7 h.
of 5 μm. The number of measureable pits after 7 h based The average pit depth is the average of the 10 deepest
on this threshold is also taken into account. All pit pits on an entire exposed surface. Pit depth in this
size analysis and characterization were performed after instance is relative to the corroded surface after re-
removal of corrosion products. A limitation to this moval of corrosion products.



(a) (b) 10,000


Intensity (arbitrary scale)

Sample-80°C-168 h x
o, FeCO3
x x, Fe3C
x x x
x x Fe
o ox o
o o x
o x

20 30 40 50 60 70
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)
(c) (d)
Areas covered with 50,000 FeS

Intensity (arbitrary scale)

less FeS deposits
x, Fe3C
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2
30,000 FeSp, Pyrrhotite
FeS, Mackinawite
20,000 FeS

10,000 FeSp
FeSp x FeS
FeSp x x FeS Fe
Large chunks of FeS deposits 0

Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm 20 30 40 50 60 70

Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)
(e) (f)
10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2
Intensity (arbitrary scale)

40,000 FeS
FeS rich surface Areas covered with 30,000 x, Fe3C
less FeS FeSp, Pyrrhotite
20,000 FeS, Mackinawite
10,000 FeSp
FeSp FeS FeS Fe
x xx x

20 30 40 50 60 70
Mag = 3.00 KX 20.00 kV SE1 10 μm
Pos., 2 (degree) (Cu)
FIGURE 7. SEM images and XRD patterns of corrosion product layer on X65 carbon steel in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution under
gas atmospheres composed of (a) 100 mol% CO2, (b) XRD pattern for 100 mol% CO2, (c) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2,
(d) XRD pattern for 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2, (e) 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2, and (f) XRD pattern for 10 mol% H2S-90 mol%
N2 at 80°C and after 168 h.

Referring to Figures 9 and 10, there were no pits non-protective corrosion products7-8 is likely the reason
on the test sample at 30°C in a 100 mol% CO2 system. why more pits are initiated at 80°C than at 30°C in the
The size of the deepest pit on the surface is ∼7.4 μm at CO2 environment. However, it has also been shown
80°C. Similar trends in depth of pit with temperature previously8 that the extent of initiated pit at 80°C
change in CO2 systems after 7 h have previously been can be masked by the extensive uniform corrosion of
published8 in separate tests. It is believed that increase surrounding surfaces such that a complex mix of
in temperature increases the kinetics of corrosion, the material degradation mechanism always exists
rate of revealing of empty cementite, and the kinetics of for carbon steel.
corrosion product formation. A combination of these For tests in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 and
and the localized galvanic cell (although not established 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas systems, the results in
in this study) that arises because of the formation of Figures 9 and 10(a) also show that depth of initiated

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1177


(a) pits increased from 100 mol% CO2 to 10 mol%

H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas
systems (based on the deepest pit), while at the same
time the general corrosion rate decreased in the same
order of gas systems. This was observed to be similar for

8.94 μm (cs)
9.16 μm (cs)
both 30°C and 80°C. For instance, at 80°C, the depth

6.35 μm (cs)
of the deepest pit increases from ∼7.4 μm to ∼10 μm and
then ∼15.4 μm for tests in 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2
and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas systems, respec-
tively. Referring to Figure 10(b), the number of
initiated pits greater than 5 μm is observed to be con-
sistently higher in H2S-CO2 system than in H2S-N2
system at each temperature. At 80°C, the number of
initiated pits is higher in H2S-CO2 system than in CO2
and 2.5 times higher than H2S-N2 system. This confirms
Mag = 12.00 KX 5.00 kV SE1 5 μm the synergy between CO2 and temperature on the
(b) early stages of the corrosion process. It manifests in the
form of competition between FeS formation and ferrite
dissolution to influence the evolution of pitting corro-
4.30 μm (cs)

sion process in the presence of H2S gas. While these

results could not prove the direct relationship between
6.36 μm (cs)

6.86 μm (cs)

size of initiated pits and the presence of CO2, it does

suggests the influence of initial ferrite dissolution
(linked to the presence of CO2) on the number of
initiated pits prior to the formation of FeS. In H2S-N2
system, it has already been shown in this report
that minimum ferrite dissolution precedes FeS forma-
tion. This is related to the absence of CO2 gas in the
system (which usually promotes uniform corrosion) and
the observation of lower rate of evolution of ferrite,
and hence a lower number of initiated pits. It is im-
Mag = 12.00 KX 5.00 kV SE1 5 μm portant to note that the deepest pit is usually the most
FIGURE 8. Cross-sectional view after micro-machining using the FIB important in terms of understanding the role of these
for (a) SEM image shown in Figure 7(c) for 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% parameters. The observed changes in size of the
CO2 and (b) SEM image shown in Figure 7(e) for 10 mol% H2S- deepest pit with changing temperature were also the
90 mol% N2 at 80°C. same for all gas combinations. While the minimum

Estimated thickness loss from LPR (μm) Maximum pit depth (μm)
5 30
Extent of pitting in the early stages is influenced
Estimated Thickness Loss From LPR (μm)

mainly by the competition between kinetics of

ferrite dissolution and FeS formation.
Size of Deepest Pit (dmax) (μm)

4 Both processes are influenced by increasing CO2, 80°C

temperature, presence of H2S, and presence
and/or absence of CO2
10% H2S-90% N2, 80°C

10% H2S-90% N2, 30°C 15

10% H2S-90% CO2, 80°C 10
CO2, 30°C 10% H2S-90% CO2, 30°C

0 0
FIGURE 9. Summary of relationship between estimated thickness loss resulting from uniform corrosion and size of deepest
initiated pit (relative to corroded surface) as a function of environmental parameters in H2S-containing corrosion systems
after 7 h.



(a) 100% CO2 10% H2S-90% CO2 10% H2S-90% N2 shown in Figures 6(a) and (b) for the test at 80°C.2,7 In
16 H2S-N2 corrosion system, synergistic effect explained
Average Size of Pit (μm)

for the H2S-CO2 system is almost non-existent, leading

12 to less of the uneven distribution of FeS as shown in
Figure 6(c). The FeS layer has more coverage on
8 the surface with fewer exposed anodic sites as a result
of less initial ferrite dissolution. This translated into a
higher size of the deepest pit shown in Figure 9 be-
cause of a likely enhanced local galvanic effect and
absence of masking effect from uniform corrosion
0 favored by the less aggressiveness of the corrosion
30 80
Temperature (°C) system resulting from the absence of CO2.
The uneven distribution of FeS could be inducing
(b) 100% CO2 10% H2S-90% CO2 10% H2S-90% N2 microgalvanic cells (although not proven in this study)
as the driving force for this stage of the pitting cor-
Pit Counts Per cm2 ≥ 5 μm

16 rosion across the surface of the steel, especially once

FeS is formed. It has already been established4 and
12 confirmed in this study that the early stages of pitting
corrosion is related to the formation of semiprotective
8 corrosion products. It can therefore be argued that the
evidence of measurable pits after 7 h is justifiable
4 because FeS has been shown to form quickly in this
study. The electronically conductive nature of FeS17
30 80 is also believed to be capable of supporting the elec-
Temperature (°C) trochemical processes that precedes the emergence of
pits and/or micro-pits.16 This makes it possible for the
FIGURE 10. (a) Average pit depth (relative to corroded surface) and
(b) number of pits  5 μm per 1 cm2 area of carbon steel surface
FeS layer to support the cathodic reactions while
exposed to corrosion system under 100 mol% CO2, 10 mol% H2S- undermining local ferrite-rich pores underneath some
90 mol% CO2, and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas atmosphere as a of the FeS film. From the results of corrosion product
function of temperature after 7 h. Error bars are based on the identification and pitting data recorded in this study, it
standard deviation from the average of size of 10 deepest pit. is evident that the formation of FeS (mackinawite) is
important to the evolution of pitting corrosion, while the
presence of CO2 in H2S corrosion environments
threshold for defining a pit is understandably consid- promotes uniform corrosion and acts in synergy to
ered vague, examples of the deepest pit on an exposed promote FeS formation.
surface are shown in Figures 11(a) and (b), for tests in Increasing the temperature from 30°C to 80°C
H2S-CO2-containing corrosion system at 30°C and correlates with increase in the depth of initiated pits
80°C, respectively, as visual evidence of measur- (relative to corroded surface). This is because of
able pits. the effect of increasing temperature on the kinetics and
It is important to recognize that the propensity for nature of FeS formation. However, at 80°C the depth
the start of pitting corrosion process to occur in 10 mol% of initiated pit can be also masked because of the
H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas competition between continuous ferrite dissolution
systems correlates with the formation of FeS in H2S- and FeS formation. The former leads to higher contri-
containing corrosion environments. Deeper pits were bution from uniform corrosion to material penetra-
also initiated in H2S-N2 gas-containing system than in tion at 80°C, as already established in a previous
H2S-CO2 and CO2-only gas systems. However, at publication8 and masks the depth of initiated pits.
80°C, more pits were initiated in CO2 than in H2S-N2 The presence of CO2 also tends to increase total material
and the most in H2S-CO2 corrosion system. In CO2 loss via ferrite dissolution, manifesting mainly in the
gas system, high levels of ferrite dissolution enhance the form of uniform corrosion. This is clearly depicted by the
creation of localized anodes. In H2S-CO2 gas system relationship between uniform corrosion and initiated
the synergy of the corrosiveness of CO2, the presence of pits as shown in Figure 9. The results presented in
H2S, and formation of FeS appears to indirectly in- Figure 9 and based on 7 h test shows evidence of a
fluence the early stages of the pitting process. This is in synergy between the presence of CO2 gas in H2S-
terms of higher number of created localized anodes containing corrosion systems and temperature.
(linked to the evolution of Fe3C)7 and local galvanic effect Later Stages of Pitting Corrosion Process H2S-
from FeS. Ferrite dissolution, which is driven mostly Containing Corrosion Systems — This section presents
by the CO2 corrosion component, is also critical in the and discusses the progression of pitting corrosion
non-uniform distribution of initially formed FeS, as with time based on longer duration tests (after 168 h) at

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1179


1.12762 μm

0.20 0.39 0.59 0.78 mm
–9.77109 μm
2.3 7
2.2 0


2.0 0

–5 –8

1.5 –10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9
0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 mm

(b) 1.94538 μm

0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 mm

–10.0889 μm
2 R M

2.75 0 0



2.50 –8

2.45 –8

2.38 –10 –12
1.86 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.34
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.48
mm mm

FIGURE 11. 2D and 3D images of deepest pits (relative to corroded surface) on carbon steel surface exposed to corrosion
system under 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 for 7 h at (a) 30°C and (b) 80°C.

30°C and 80°C. The size of the deepest pit on an entire of pits are presented in Figure 13. Referring to
exposed surface area and its relationship with estimated Figures 12 and 13, the size of the deepest pit and
thickness loss resulting from uniform corrosion for average pit depth in 100 mol% CO2, 10 mol% H2S-
the different corrosion environments investigated in this 90 mol% CO2, and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas
study are presented in Figure 12. The average depths systems increases with increase in temperature after



Estimated thickness loss from LPR (μm) Maximum pit depth (μm)
Progression of pitting corrosion Progression of pitting corrosion controlled by

Estimated Thickness Loss From LPR (μm)

100 controlled by the very slow kinetics of the buildup of FeS as influenced by process 200
the process of FeS formation parameters

Maximum Pit Depth (μm)

80 CO2, 80°C 10% H2S-90% CO2, 80°C 160


60 120


40 CO2, 30°C 80
10% H2S-90% N2, 80°C
10% H2S-90% CO2, 30°C

20 40
10% H2S-90% N2, 30°C

0 0
FIGURE 12. Summary of relationship between estimated thickness loss resulting from uniform corrosion and size of deepest
propagated pit (relative to corroded surface) as a function of environmental parameters in H2S-containing corrosion systems
after 168 h.

168 h. This trend highlights the role of temperature recorded at 80°C in both 10 mol% H2S-90 mol%
and the underlying electrochemical processes on the CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas systems,
progression of pitting process. As already mentioned respectively, than at 30°C (where FeS is mainly
in previous sections, the electrically conductive nature mackinawite).
of FeS17 is capable of supporting the preferential The electrochemical responses presented in
cathodic reaction that could drive localized anodic dis- Figures 5(a) and (b) are representative of the overall
solution. As shown in Figures 7(c), 7(e), 8(a), and 8(b), exposed surface, including possible localized galvanic
there is evidence to confirm that higher temperature cells that manifest as localized corrosion. The corrosion
promotes faster formation and buildup of FeS than at rate is higher in the H2S-CO2 gas system than in the
30°C for both 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 and 10 mol% H2S-N2 gas system at 80°C after 168 h as shown in
H2S-90 mol% N2 gas systems. This also results in the Figure 5. This has also been shown in Figures 7(c),
ennoblement of the corrosion potential and reduction in 7(e), 8(a), and 8(b) to translate into the formation
corrosion rate as shown in Figures 5(a) and (b). A of thicker and more uneven deposition of FeS in
thicker layer of FeS (composing mainly mackinawite H2S-CO2 gas system than in H2S-N2 gas system at 80°C.
and pyrrhotite) at 80°C is capable of driving the This helps to establish the relationship between the
progression of pit depths up to ∼146 μm and ∼83 μm as gas systems and the buildup of FeS. In a similar trend,
the synergistic effect from the presence of CO2 gas in
100 mol% CO2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 the H2S-CO2-containing system and temperature is also
160 shown in Figures 12 and 13 to directly promote
pitting and/or localized corrosion at 30°C and 80°C
Average Pit Depth (μm)

120 (especially at 80°C). In H2S-CO2 corrosion systems,

most of the ferrous ions produced during ferrite disso-
lution are driven by the CO2 corrosion mechanisms
and temperature and consequently consumed for the
formation of different forms of FeS such that there is
40 no evidence of FeCO3 in the XRD pattern in Figure 7(d)
but mostly FeS (mackinawite and pyrrhotite) as
0 shown in Figure 7(c). In H2S-N2 corrosion system, there
30 80 is less occurrence of ferrite dissolution process linked
Temperature (°C) to uniform corrosion especially in the absence of CO2
FIGURE 13. Average pit depth (relative to corroded surface) on gas. Hence, there is less buildup of FeS in comparison
carbon steel surface exposed to corrosion system under 100 mol% to H2S-CO2 corrosion system as shown in Figure 8. This
CO2, 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2, and 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% N2 gas also could also translate to lesser local galvanic effect
atmosphere for 168 h as a function of temperature. Error bars and hence smaller size of the deepest pit than in
are based on the standard deviation from the average of size of the
H2S-CO2 systems after 168 h as shown in Figure 12.
10 deepest pits.
Figure 12 shows that the amount of FeS (non-uniform

CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1181


13.7701 μm
3.0 16

03 mm
1.0 1.52
–80 1.02
0.5 –100 0.51 2.11 mm
0.0 –120 –95.7795 μm
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

R X Profile: ΔX = 2.9991 mm; ΔZ = – μm M→ R Y Profile: ΔX = 2.9991 mm; ΔZ = – μm M→

20 20
0 0
–20 –20
–40 –40


–60 –60
–80 –80
–100 –100
–120 –120
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
mm mm
FIGURE 14. 2D and 3D images of deepest pit (relative to corroded surface) on carbon steel surface exposed to corrosion
system under 10 mol% H2S-90 mol% CO2 after 168 h at 80°C, after 168 h.

coverage) is a significant driver of pit progression. This longer exposure and higher temperature, there is an
is linked to the potential galvanic effect arising from the increase in the cumulative contribution of uniform
conductive properties of FeS. corrosion over time in H2S-CO2-containing corrosion
It is therefore evident that the synergy of the systems. This is a result of the role of CO2 presence in
presence CO2 and higher temperature helps to promote promoting ferrite dissolution and indirectly enhancing
both pitting/localized and uniform corrosion. This pitting corrosion in H2S environments. It is also evi-
synergy is clearly presented as a relationship between dent that measurable pits (at the early and later stages
pitting/localized corrosion and uniform corrosion in of pitting process) are not significantly masked by the
Figure 12 and is related to the kinetics of Fe dissolution general corrosion of the surrounding surfaces in H2S-
(more uniform corrosion) and hence more FeS for- N2-containing systems. The presence of H2S gas in a
mation. This is different from the scenario in the early corrosion environment and formation of FeS reduces
stages of pitting corrosion process where the syner- the general corrosion rate in H2S-N2- and H2S-CO2-
gistic effect of CO2 and temperature on carbon steel in containing systems, but not necessarily reducing the
H2S-CO2 system shows no direct relationship with risk of pitting of carbon steel pipelines.
the size of initiated pits. In the H2S-N2 gas system,
minimum uniform corrosion is observed and hence CONCLUSIONS
minimum ferrite dissolution. This also resulted in less
buildup of FeS via surface precipitation as shown in The corrosion behavior of carbon steel material in
Figure 8 and hence lower depth of measurable pits as CO2- and H2S-containing brine has been investigated at
shown in Figures 12 and 13. Examples of pits after 30°C and 80°C with emphasis on uniform corrosion
168 h at 80°C are shown in Figure 14. From the SEM behavior, film formation characteristics, and pitting
image shown in Figures 7(c) and (e), the FeS deposits corrosion behavior for up to 168 h. The following
in H2S-N2 corrosion systems are less irregular than in conclusions were deduced from the results from
H2S-CO2 gas system. This is an indication that while this study.
both H2S-CO2 and H2S-N2 corrosion systems show v The early stages of pitting corrosion in H2S-
ennoblement of potential and reduction in corrosion containing environments were found to be influenced by
rate, the localized distribution of FeS is also funda- both the formation of FeS (mackinawite) corrosion
mental to the progression of pitting and/or localized products and temperature. Although a temperature
corrosion in these systems over time. This also influ- increase was shown to promote pitting corrosion in
ences the morphology of pitting attack as shown in pure CO2 environments in the absence of FeS films, the
Figure 14. presence of H2S is able to increase the extent of
From the results presented and discussed in this pitting, most likely through the formation of FeS cor-
study, it is evident that CO2 corrosion process manifests rosion product layers which can form rapidly on the
predominantly in the form of uniform corrosion. With steel surface.



v The initiation rate of pits was highest in the 5. G. Wranglen, Corros. Sci. 14, 5 (1974): p. 331-349.
6. G. Wranglén, Corros. Sci. 9, 8 (1969): p. 585-602.
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CORROSION—Vol. 73, No. 9 1183

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