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Question 1

Which of the following is data?

Select one:

a. 32
b. I am 32

c. It is 32 degrees.

d. It is 32 outside.

The Explanation:

In this question, "data" refers to raw, unprocessed facts or figures. "32" is a numerical value and represents data. The
other options include phrases or sentences that convey information but are not raw data.


Question 2

What is one of the disadvantages of file processing systems?

Select one:

a. Low data quality

b. Limited data sharing

c. Short development time

d. Program-data independence

The Explanation:

File processing systems typically store data in separate files, often with their own formats and structures. This can make
it challenging to share data between different parts of a system or between different systems altogether.

As a result, data sharing is often limited in file processing systems, which can be a disadvantage compared to more
modern database systems where data sharing is typically easier.


Question 3

Which of the following code segments best describes information?

Select one:


Cost = 10


Int X;

X = 10

int Dollars = 10;

Print Dollars

Int Dollars;
Dollars = 10;
Cost = Dollars
The Explanation:

Information is essentially data that has been processed and given context.


Question 4

Which of the following sets of terms describes the data in a database?

Select one:

a. integrated and shared

b. redundant and accurate

c. functional and redundant

d. transactional and unconstrained

The Explanation:

Integrated means that the data in a database is combined from various sources to form a coherent whole, which is a
fundamental aspect of databases.

Shared indicates that the data can be accessed by multiple users and applications, which is another key characteristic of

In a database, data is typically integrated, meaning it is organized and connected in a coherent manner across multiple
tables or files. Additionally, data in a database is often shared among different users or applications, allowing for efficient
access and utilization. Therefore, "integrated and shared" best describes the nature of data in a database.


Question 5

Which of the following best describes a database?

Select one:

a. A system for managing data

b. A set of data for a particular application

c. A major subsystem of an operating system

d. A reusable, organized collection of related data

The Explanation:

A database is a logically organized collection of related data designed and built for a specific purpose.


Question 6

A DBMS primarily supports a database for which of the following activities of the database's life-cycle?

Select one:

a. Design

b. Testing

c. Usage
d. Requirements elicitation

The Explanation:

A database is a logically organized collection of related data designed and built for a specific purpose.


Question 7

What is used in DBMSes to make sure that data are accurate and consistent?

Select one:

a. Primary keying

b. Check constraints

c. Referential integrity
d. Field-level validations

The Explanation:

Referential integrity refers to the collection of rules and procedures used to maintain data consistency between two


Question 8

Which kind of database corresponds to 'graph'?

Select one:

a. Network
b. Relational

c. Hierarchical

d. Object-oriented
The Explanation:

In database terminology, a "graph database" corresponds to the network model. Graph databases are designed to
represent and store data using graph structures consisting of nodes, edges, and properties.

This model is well-suited for representing complex relationships between entities, making it ideal for applications such as
social networks, recommendation systems, and network routing.


Question 9

What kind of database corresponds to 'table'?

Select one:

a. Network

b. Relational
c. Hierarchical

d. Object-oriented

The Explanation:

In a relational database, data is organized into tables consisting of rows and columns. Each table represents an entity, and
the relationships between entities are established through keys (such as primary keys and foreign keys).

This relational model is one of the most widely used database models and is based on the principles proposed by Edgar F.


Question 10

Logical data independence allows modifications of what without rewriting application programs?

Select one:

a. User view

b. Table contents

c. Logical schema
d. Physical schema

The Explanation:

Logical data independence refers to the ability to modify the logical schema of a database without needing to rewrite
application programs.

The logical schema defines the structure and organization of the data in the database, including tables, views,
relationships, and constraints. By maintaining logical data independence, changes to how the data is structured or
organized do not require changes to the application programs that interact with the database, thus minimizing the
impact of modifications on existing systems.

Question 11

Which view in the three-level database architecture offers a formal description of the data with no concern for how it

will be stored?

Select one:

a. Conceptual
b. Data

c. External

d. Internal

The Explanation:

In the three-level database architecture (also known as ANSI/SPARC architecture), the conceptual level provides a formal
description of the data without concern for how it will be stored physically or accessed by users or applications.

This level serves as an intermediary between the external (user) views and the internal (physical) storage of data. It
represents the overall structure and organization of the entire database, independent of specific user needs or
implementation details.


Question 12

What is commonly used to represent a relation?

Select one:

a. an index

b. a schema

c. a table
d. a view

The Explanation:

In the context of relational databases, a relation is commonly represented by a table. Each table consists of rows and
columns, where each row represents a record or tuple, and each column represents an attribute or field.

Relations in a relational database adhere to the principles of the relational model, as proposed by Edgar F. Codd.
Therefore, the most common representation of a relation is a table.


Question 13

What is a database view?

Select one:

a. a meta table

b. a virtual table
c. a copy of a table

d. a pointer to a table

The Explanation:

A database view is a virtual table that does not store data on its own but instead derives its data from one or more
underlying tables through a predefined query.

Views can be thought of as saved queries that encapsulate complex joins, calculations, or selections. They provide a way
to present data in a customized or simplified manner without altering the underlying tables. Therefore, "a virtual table"
accurately describes what a database view is.


Question 14

What is a value that a DBMS maps to a single element of a relation?

Select one:

a. a key
b. a field value

c. a field name

d. a query value

The Explanation:

The term "key" in a relational database context refers to a column or set of columns whose values uniquely identify each
row within a table, ensuring data integrity and facilitating efficient data retrieval.


Question 15

What did the predecessor to modern databases stored data in?

Select one:

a. Flat files
b. Rough files

c. Magnetic tape

d. Punched cards

The Explanation:

"flat files" historically served as a prevalent method for data storage before the widespread adoption of modern
database systems. These flat files, consisting of simple text documents with unstructured data, were commonly used in
early computing environments, providing a straightforward means of storing information without the complexities
inherent in relational databases.

Question 16

Object-oriented databases were not initially commercially successful for which of the following reasons?

Select one:

a. They had high transition costs

b. They had overly lengthy queries

c. They were difficult to understand

d. They were incompatible with many applications

The Explanation:

Object-oriented databases faced challenges in initial commercial success due to their high transition costs. Migrating
from existing relational database systems to object-oriented databases often required significant investments in terms of
time, resources, and retraining of personnel, making adoption less attractive for many organizations.


Question 17

Which of the following statements best describes object-relational databases?

Select one:

a. They have little vendor support

b. They integrate multiple paradigms

c. They cannot be easily implemented

d. They integrate incompatible paradigms

The Explanation:

Object-relational databases integrate elements of both object-oriented and relational database models, allowing for the
representation of complex data types and relationships while still supporting SQL-based querying. This integration of
multiple paradigms enables greater flexibility in data modeling and querying compared to purely relational or object-
oriented approaches.


Question 18

If you were a database consultant tasked with recommending a data model for a company that gathers data from the
internet to identify information on trends in consumer behavior, which type of database would you recommend?

Select one:

a. Hierarchical

b. NoSQL

c. Object

d. Relational
The Explanation:

NoSQL databases are often preferred for handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, which is
common when gathering data from the internet. They offer flexible schema designs, scalability, and high performance,
making them well-suited for analyzing trends in consumer behavior data. Additionally, NoSQL databases can handle
diverse data formats and accommodate rapid changes in data sources and structures, which is essential when dealing
with internet-derived data.


Question 19

Which of the following is an example of a use of an E-R diagram?

Select one:

a. A model of a database

b. A design of a database

c. A diagram of a database

d. A specification of database requirements

The Explanation:

An Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagram serves as a model of a database, providing a visual representation of entities,
attributes, and their relationships. This modeling tool aids database designers in conceptualizing the database structure
before implementation, facilitating effective communication, and planning among stakeholders.


Question 20

What kind of relationship is this figure an example of?

Select one:

a. Binary

b. Ternary

c. Tributary

d. Unary
The Explanation:

A unary relationship, also called recursive, is one in which a relationship exists between occurrences of the same entity


Question 21

In this figure, what is Address an example of?

Select one:

a. Candidate key

b. Primary attribute

c. Composite attribute
d. Multivalued attribute

The Explanation:

Composite attribute: An attribute that is a combination of other attributes is known as composite attribute.


Question 22

In this figure, what is TextBook an example of?

Select one:

a. Primary key

b. Composite key

c. Multivalued attribute
d. Single-valued attribute

The Explanation:

A multivalued attribute is an attribute that can have multiple values for a single entity.


Question 23

Which of the following can we use to indicate whether an entity instance is mandatory?

Select one:

a. Cardinality

b. Optionality

c. Disjointedness

d. Referential integrity

The Explanation:

In Entity-Relationship (E-R) modeling, optionality refers to whether participation in a relationship is mandatory or

optional for an entity instance. Therefore, optionality is used to indicate whether an entity instance is mandatory.


Question 24

You have an application domain that consists of Cities, Towns, and Neighborhoods. A City has a name, zip code, state,
and a country. A Town has a name, zip code, state, and country. A Neighborhood has a name, coordinate, and
population. Using a relational model, what are Students, Courses, and Sections called?

Select one:

a. Attributes

b. Constraints
c. Entities
d. Relations

The Explanation:

In a database management system (DBMS), an entity is a piece of data that is stored in the database. An entity can be a
person, place, thing, or even an event.


Question 25

This figure shows an ER diagram that contains a many to many relationship and four possible ways to map the diagram
to a set of relations. Which mapping is correct?

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