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Writing a Lesson Plan (100 points)

Choice Activity (From curriculum map): Plant a bean in a cup and write down
observations daily.
Age: Kindergarten
Domain: Science
Theme: Farm and Food

1. Objectives and Goals (What is the standard/standards you will cover with this lesson 10
Standard: Record observations and patterns to predict events.

2. Anticipatory Set (What is your introduction to this lesson: Give Detail) 15 pts.
Ask students to share with the class what they already know about plants. Write a list on the
board of everything students mentioned. While doing this activity offer suggestions, raise
questions, and praise correct responses. Tell students it is important to know about plants
because food, resources, and vitamins come from plants. Also, gardening teaches us how to
preserve the environment.

3. Required Materials for Activity 10 pts

- 3 Different types of beans: soybeans, pinto, black
- Cotton wool
- Water
- Plastic cups
- Plant journals
- Pencil

4. Direct Instruction (Define lesson step by step) 15 pts

1. Write student names on plastic cups and hand out.
2. Instruct students to choose a bean type.
3. Students will prepare plastic cups with cotton wool halfway full.
4. Place beans in cotton wool.
5. Pour water until cotton is fully soaked
6. Place outside.
7. For five days straight, I will take plants inside and have students water their plants and
write down daily observations.

5. Guided Practice (Scaffolding/Questions: How will YOU participate in this lesson) 15 pts
Observations will be guided by asking students what do they see? What is new about their
plant? What do they think is helping them grow? Why is it important to water your plant daily?
Why is it important that plants stay outside? Why are plants important to us? As students
become more curious, I will be helping them explain and write their observations. Explaining
the necessity for sunlight and water for plants may help students understand the science of
gardening and plant life cycle.

6. What will you assess during this lesson? 10 pts

I will assess the basic understanding of gardening and plants. By looking and reading student’s
observation plant journals I will measure their understanding of plant growth, necessities, and
plant life cycle.

7. Closing: (Answer the following questions) 25 points

List DAP principles that relate to this lesson.
Have you looked at inclusion? Culture? Is it planned well?

DAP principles:
- All areas of development and learning are important.
- Learning and development follow sequences.
- Early experiences have profound effects on development and learning.
In terms of inclusion and culture, this lesson can be done with all children. Choosing to plant
beans is an inclusive choice because it is one of the most accessible and familiar foods
everyone has in their home.

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