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Homework: Have you ever …?

Objective: The student is able to communicate about relevant past events that in the present time
are still making statement.
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Your friend Sally is making a survey for her English class. She wants you to
complete this information she will need to present in her class about others people experiences
from other countries.
The answers are displayed below
Speaking Activity
Activity: The activity is located in the last page of this document. Please check it out
Activity: Record an audio of 1 minute and answer this question?
Have you ever done something you regret now? Explain.
- Talk about the experience.
- When was it?
- Who you did with?
- Where was it?
- Give specific details.
The student needs to record his/her voice on

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s email.

Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher to verify
and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.
Speaking Activity
Activity: Record an audio of 1 minute and answer this question?
Have you ever done something you regret now? Explain.
- Talk about the experience. When I used to live in my home town, I went out
with some friends and then we had a very amazing party that night. The thing is I
drank too much Alcohol until I fainted and the last thing I remember is being in a
hospital with a doctor by my side and he said; I got an alcohol intoxication.
- When was it? It was in 2011 or 2012, I can´t remember the exact date.
- Who you did with? I did it with some friends that I was with.
- Where was it? I was in my home town, when I used to live there, back then.
- Give specific details. I woke up naked in my room next day after being in the
hospital because I threw up all my clothes and my sister was taking care of me.

Audio link:

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