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In the next section I will present the other advantages of cannabis in terms of economy and food

A. About the economy

Cannabis' economic advantages are obvious in nations that have legalized it because it has
boosted the economy. This is reflected (riflekt) in tax revenues (revenju) and employment.

1. I’ll start with some information about tax revenue:

- In some countries/states, the collection of taxes and fees on cannabis for legal medical and
recreational (rekri’eisionnl) purposes has led to considerable revenue increases.
- On the slide I have 2 numbers, corresponding to 2 states in the United States: Colorado and
+ The first number is the one reported from the state of Colorado that the cannabis industry
contributed more than $80.0 million to the local economy in 2017, mainly through taxes and
other fees.
+ And more than $393.7 million in total sales from Massachusetts cannabis retailers in 2019
- the first year of sales.
  From these numbers, it can be seen that the revenue of the states from cannabis is very
large and from these profits the economy also grows significantly.
2. Another aspect related to economic benefits is about employment
- Setting up cannabis nurseries and dispensaries would be the first step for states that have
legalized marijuana (mariwana). These will not only create jobs but also contribute to
economic activity in some areas.
+ According to a report from California: legalizing recreational marijuana in the state could
support more than 41,000 jobs and generate more than $1.7 billion in labor income.

- Workers will be required for processing farms as well as distributors. They will also have
opportunities // in businesses that are connected to legal cannabis // but are not directly
involved in manufacturing and distribution, such as development services, real estate, and so
 Therefore, when employees have a range of work opportunities, their per capita income
rises and they contribute greatly to the state's economy.

B. Next, I'll discuss an unexpected benefit of the cannabis plant that is used in the food
business. Maybe many people have heard of hemp, but few are known that it
belongs to the same plant family as the cannabis.
- Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a plant in the same family as Cannabis sativa that is grown
specifically for industrial use. However, it is different in that it contains less than 0.3% THC
- a addictive substance, while marijuana has 10% or more of these substances. So the use of
hemps is legal and safe.
- This is a multipurpose (mauti...) crop, meaning that virtually every portion of the plant may
be used in a certain industrial. However, today, I will concentrate on the seeds of the hemp
plant. A seed can be used in the food sectoxr. ( sektor)

- So, what is it about this seed that makes it so popular in the food industry?

- I have shown on the slide some of the nutritional value of this nut

+ Hemp seeds contain around 25% to 30% oil, the majority of which is unsaturated ( un seat tru
a tid) fatty acids. These fatty acids have been widely researched for their anti-cardiovascular
( crrdio vas kiu lar) , anti-obesity, and anti-diabetes ( dia o bi tiz) properties.

+ 25% to 30% protein (chiếu slide, k cần đọc). Hemp protein provides all 9 essential amino acids
required by humans. Hemp seed protein has an amino acid composition similar to that of egg
whites and soybeans. They even corrected for higher protein digestibility than proteins from
whole wheat, pinto beans, or lentils.

+ 30% to 40% fiber (slide).: Hemp Seeds also are full of soluble ( solyebel) and insoluble fibre,
which aids healthy digestion ( dai ches tion) and helps you feeling fuller for longer.

 Because of this Hempseed's high nutritional value, it has been effectively integrated into
various breads, energy bars, dairy and meat products.
 At the same time, the presence of ingredients in hemp seeds enhances the protein content
of food items. This is one of the major concerns in the food industry because protein-
energy malnutrition is still prevalent in some populations. According to some research,
replacing up to 20% of wheat flour in bread recipes (resipi) with hemp seed will boosts
protein content by around 38%.

 To sum up, cannabis offers several advantages in the medicinal, economic,

and food industries. However, these benefits are considered based on which
countries or states have legalized it and have throughly tested the
That’s all I have to say about advantages of cannabis
Now we’ll move on to cannabis policies

Ethan X. & Logan A. & Liam M. & Leonard J. (2020). Impact of Marijuana (Cannabis) on
Health, Safety and Economy. IDOSR Journal of Experimental Sciences. 5(1): 43-52.

Leonard W. & Fang Z. & Zhang P. & Ying D. (2019). Hempseed in food industry: Nutritional
value, health benefits, and industrial applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and
Food Safety. 19(1): 282-308


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