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Quarter 3 - WEEK 4 Daily Lesson PLAN IN English - Copy

BSEd-English (Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur
Bunawan National High School
Bunawan, Agusan del Sur

GRADE Bunawan National High Pinetree &

School: Sections:
7 School Lawaan

DAILY Teacher Francess Fides V. Espina

Learning Area: English 7
N Teachin
March 4-8, 2024 Quarter 3,
Date Quarter/Module:
1:00-2:00PM -2:00-3:00PM Week 4
A. Content Standards The learner ….
B. Performance
The learner ……
C. Learning COMPETENCY: EN7LT-IV-i-16 Express one’s beliefs convictions based on
Competencies with material viewed.
D. Speci昀椀c Within the given timeframe, students are able to:
Objectives 1. di昀昀erentiate beliefs and convictions.
2. observe correct use of signal phrases expressing beliefs and convictions.
3. analyze a particular scenario if it is a conviction or belief.
(SUBJECT Viewing-Beliefs and Convictions
III. LEARNING RESOURCES (mix with concrete and manipulative materials, paper-based and hands
on learning)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Quarter 3, Week 4 module
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional PPT, visual aids, activity sheets, Handouts, Laptop
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Activities Teacher’s Activity Student’s
Prayer Before anything else, I am requesting everyone to please
stand and put the presence of our Almighty Father through a

Thank you, you may now take your seats.

Greetings/Setting Good afternoon Class!

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of Standards

Today we will explore another lesson. Before that, please pick

up pieces of paper under your chairs and arrange your chairs

Please be reminded of our class rules.

• Raise a hand if you want to speak.
• Listen attentively and follow the teacher’s instructions.
• Respect your classmates and your teacher
• Keep our classroom clean and tidy.

I hope you will follow these class rules faithfully. Am I

understood, class?
Checking of Say present if your name is called.
A. Reviewing I know you are very excited to learn another lesson this
Previous Lesson or afternoon. Aren’t you?
Presenting New
Lesson Who can recall our last topic?

Well-said, thank you! I want you to remember those various

in昀氀uences class okay?

B. Establishing a As we go along with the new lesson that I will be discussing,

Purpose of the these are the objectives.
Who would like to read our objectives for today’s lesson?

Okay_______. Kindly read the objectives, please.

C. Presenting
Instances, This time before we proceed to our lesson, we will have an
Examples of the activity
New Lesson Activity: Unlock me

Directions: Using the key provided. Write down the letter

that corresponds to each number to unlock the word.

Are you ready?

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____

14 16 21 4 16 1

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____
8 10 0 22 4 8 19 4 10 0

1. Belief
2. Conviction

12 14 8 5 16 1 9 17 4 7

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28 21 11 0 10 15 2 18 13 19
20 22 6 23 3 24

D. Discussing New Unlocking di昀케culties

Concepts and
Who wants to volunteer to read?
Practicing new
skills #1 Convince - to make (someone) agree, understand, or realize
the truth or validity of something;

Legend - a story from the past that is believed by many

people but cannot be proved to be true.

Misfortune - an event or conjunction of events that causes

an unfortunate or distressing result: bad luck.

Steward - humans are responsible for the world, humanity,

and the gifts and resources that have been entrusted to us.

Hunters – a person or an animal that hunts animals for food

Denuded - to remove something of a particular thing means

to take it away from them.

Revenge - is committing a harmful action against a person or

Day 1 group in response to a grievance.

Okay, thank you!

Class have you ever heard about supernatural creatures?

Can you distinguish what is in the picture?

Very good! This is a guardian spirit or what we called Diwata.

I have a short story here that talks about a guardian spirit that
fell in love with a mortal being. This story is entitled Maria
Mikiling and was retold by our very own national hero Dr.
Jose Rizal. This story is considered as the most known legend
in Philippines literature.

Which picture
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shows the spirit of

communal unity
and cooperation
of the Filipino
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
2. Which picture
shows that the life
of Filipino people
is simple and
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
3. Which picture
shows that the
Philippines has a
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great history
the death of a
hero who brought
change and
reformation in the
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
Which picture
shows the spirit of
communal unity
and cooperation
of the Filipino
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
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2. Which picture
shows that the life
of Filipino people
is simple and
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
3. Which picture
shows that the
Philippines has a
great history
the death of a
hero who brought
change and
reformation in the
A. Picture 1
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B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
Which picture
shows the spirit of
communal unity
and cooperation
of the Filipino
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
2. Which picture
shows that the life
of Filipino people
is simple and
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3
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3. Which picture
shows that the
Philippines has a
great history
the death of a
hero who brought
change and
reformation in the
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Pictur
E. Discussing New As we all know that, we Filipinos have di昀昀erent beliefs and
Concepts and convictions that e昀昀ects on our daily living. Be with me class,
Practicing new to learn and understand further the Beliefs and Convictions
skills #2
Philippines is approximately 7,101 islands with unique cultures
and traditions. Each island has a colorful story to tell that
represents Filipino’s beliefs and convictions.

Did you agree with that class?

Moving on, let’s get to know more what is beliefs and

convictions is all about.

Beliefs vs. Convictions

A belief is something that is considered correct and true. It

expresses viewpoints, but it is not based on facts or other

For example, a person can believe in various things such as

cultural or personal faith, morality, or values.

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I have here a short video to present about Filipino beliefs.

As we read the story about Maria Mikiling believed that she is

their god of creation.

A belief is also an opinion, which is why it cannot serve as the

Day 2 basis for a formal argument. There’s nothing right or wrong
answer when it comes beliefs.

A conviction is something that an individual is convinced of.

To be convinced, you need to obtain all the related
information. Religion and science play a big part in conviction.


I am convinced that we are called to steward the environment

and care for creation.

You cannot change facts about science right. The fact that the
sun is the center of the universe is already proven by science.
It is not just an opinion because it is backed up of with years
of research.

The di昀昀erence between belief and conviction is,

A belief changes with time and new experiences, yet a

conviction remains the same.

However, conviction is more complex than belief as it

becomes a point of view of the world.

For example, you may have an opinion that you like ice cream
than cake but it may change over time depending on your
mood, budget and cravings. But if we say we need oxygen to
breath that fact cannot be changed because no matter what
our mood or interest is you can never survive if you want to
breath our lungs supply oxygen.

Belief – changeable

Conviction – unchangeable

When we express our beliefs and convictions, we use signal


Basic Signal Phrases in Expressing Beliefs or


I believe…

I feel….

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In my opinion….

In my personal view…

I think…

From my point of view…

Here is some example:

I believe we should depend less on technology.

I think we need to study more to pass the test.

I feel like we are not doing enough to help her.

In my personal view, chicken tastes better than pork meat.

J F. Developing We will have an activity!

I will group you into 2 groups.

Activity: Dissect the Infographic

Directions: Identify the sentences as to where they should

Day 3 belong. Fill in the columns.

Observe the infographic about Filipino Dining Etiquette.

1. I believe that we can be early when invited to eat.

2. In my opinion, Filipinos have the fork and spoon as typical


3. I think the gender of the guest will be revealed by the

dropping of the utensils.

4. I feel that I cannot refuse any packed meal.

5. In my personal view, burping is acceptable.

Sentences based on Sentences based on speci昀椀c

personal beliefs information.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

G. Finding Practical Now that we are done with our activity, I will ask you a
Applications of the question
Concepts and skills
in daily living. Do you believe that good acts like helping, giving and showing
empathy to others are important in our daily lives? Explain it
with conviction.

This activity is Believe it or Not.

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I have here the following statement that shows the Filipino

beliefs and convictions. If your answer is belief say hooray,
then if your answer is conviction say hep hep.

Okay class, Are you ready?

1. Pagmamano as an act of respect, usually done to someone

either older or a person of the religious order

2. Singing while cooking makes you single for the rest of your

3. In my opinion, “Refraction” can change the direction of an


4. Beliefs in supernatural beings are widespread in the


5. Sweeping the 昀氀oor at night will drive away incoming


6. When you bite your tongue, someone is thinking of you.

7. From my point of view, Re昀氀ection is when light bounces o昀昀

an object.

8. In my personal view, chicken tastes better than pork meat.

9. I think we need to study more to pass the test.

10. I'm convicted that we are called to steward the

environment and care for creation.
H. Making Now class to check if you really understand our lesson. Who
Generalization and can de昀椀ne beliefs and convictions?
Abstraction About
the Lesson Very good! Thank you

I. Evaluating Now, class for me to check your understanding on our topic,

Learning answer this activity.

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write

the LETTER only.

1. It is something that is considered correct and true.

A. Belief
B. Conviction
C. opinion
D. doubt

2. It is something that an individual is convinced of.

A. belief
B. conviction
C. distrust
D. doubt

3. Which of the following is NOT a signal phrase in expressing

belief and conviction?
Day 4
A. in my opinion
B. I think
C. most often
D. from my point of view

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4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group of

introductory words and phrases signals?

A. I believe
B. I am con昀椀dent that
C. I am convinced that
D. According to

5. A ________ is something that an individual is convinced of.

A. belief
B. dishonest
C. conviction
D. destiny

6. I think it will rain today. This an example of

A. belief
B. conviction
C. fact
D. opinion

7. The sun rises and sets every single day. It is an example of

A. belief
B. conviction
C. fact
D. opinion

8. Which statement correctly di昀昀erentiates the di昀昀erence

between a belief and convictions?

A. A belief is something that is considered correct and true

while conviction is something that an individual is convinced
B. A belief is 昀椀rm and stable while conviction can stretch and
adapt to new situations.
C. A belief is long-term while a conviction is short-term.
D. None of the above.

9. A _____ is something that is considered correct and true. It

expresses viewpoints, but it is not based on facts or other

A. belief
B. fact
C. opinion
D. conviction

10. It is an idea that is not supported by proof or evidence.

A. fact
B. conviction
C. opinion
D. belief

Test II – Identi昀椀cation

Identify each statement BELIEF or Conviction

1. In my personal view, nothing is wrong when we practice

what our elders taught us.

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Is something that

is considered true
and correct.
2. Is something
that an individual
is convinced of.
3. Is more
complex as it
becomes a point
of view of
the world.
4. Is based on
one’s cultural or
personal faith,
morality, or
5. Expresses
viewpoints, but is
not based on facts
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other evidences
Is something that
is considered true
and correct.
2. Is something
that an individual
is convinced of.
3. Is more
complex as it
becomes a point
of view of
the world.
4. Is based on
one’s cultural or
personal faith,
morality, or
5. Expresses
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viewpoints, but is
not based on facts
other evidences
Is something that
is considered true
and correct.
2. Is something
that an individual
is convinced of.
3. Is more
complex as it
becomes a point
of view of
the world.
4. Is based on
one’s cultural or
personal faith,
morality, or
Downloaded by leonila agustin (

5. Expresses
viewpoints, but is
not based on facts
other evidences
s something that
is considered true
and correct.
2. Is something
that an individual
is convinced of.
3. Is more
complex as it
becomes a point
of view of
the world.
4. Is based on
one’s cultural or
Downloaded by leonila agustin (

personal faith,
morality, or
5. Expresses
viewpoints, but is
not based on facts
other evidences.
s something that
is considered true
and correct.
2. Is something
that an individual
is convinced of.
3. Is more
complex as it
becomes a point
of view of
the world.
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4. Is based on
one’s cultural or
personal faith,
morality, or
5. Expresses
viewpoints, but is
not based on facts
other evidences.
2. Is something that is considered correct and true.

3. It expresses viewpoints, but it is not based on facts or other


4. Is something that an individual is convinced of.

5. Is more complex than belief as it becomes a point of view of

the world.

6. I think everyone in our class will be outstanding

7. I believe that we can be early when invited to eat.

8. I feel that tomorrow our teacher in Science will give us a

surprise quiz.

9. "I'm convicted that we are called to steward the

environment and care for creation.

10. Is also an opinion, which is why we cannot it cannot serve

as the basis formal argument.

Task III

Directions: Di昀昀erentiate the word belief and conviction using

the Venn diagram.

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What I Have Learned

Directions: A. Fill in the blanks to complete the short

sentences below. These
sentences summarize our topic in this module. Write your
answers in your English

What are the communication tools? How e昀昀ective are

they in the di昀昀erent
communication situations?

There are three communication tools that are used for

communication. These are
____________, ______________ and _____________. They _______the
meaning of
the ____________ conveyed by the ________________ in the
di昀昀erent communication

B. Write YES if you agree with the statement; Write NO if you


1. Applying the communication tools will make the

speaker’s message more
2. If you are crossing your arms, it makes you look prepared.
3. If you put your hands at the back, it seems that you are
hiding something.
4. If your hands are in your pocket, you are con昀椀dent.
5. It is alright to sway your body when you are talking in front
of others.
J. Additional Assignment
Activities for
Directions: Go to your parents, guardians and grandparents,
application or
ask them some of the Filipino belief and traditions handed
down to them by their elders. Write your answer on your


Performance task:
I will group you into 4 groups. Each group will do a certain

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Go to your groups and work it silently.

Group 1: Using the sequence chart write each event in the


Group 2: Identify the Filipino beliefs in the story.

Group 3: Write a letter to Maria Makiling.

Group 4: Draw a scenario is being showed in the story of

Mariang Makiling.

Alright, let’s see the work of everyone.

Well-done students!

a. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the lesson
b. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
sc. Did the
remediation work?
No. of learners do
not need
d. No. of learners
who require to
e. Which of my
strategies work
f. What di昀케culties
did I encounter
which my
g. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which
I wish to share with



Checked and Inspected by: EDNA B. VALDESCO


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